Lullabies for Styles (Third b...

Par byebyemsamericanpie

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"Daddy? I'm scared." "Why, love?" She crawled into my lap and cuddled into me. "The storm. It's scary." "Yo... Plus

Christmas Special
character ask


1.5K 106 37
Par byebyemsamericanpie


Niall and I had been training for a couple weeks now. He'd come home from work and we'd go straight to the gym. I was thankful that my mum said it was okay if she watched the kids while we trained as long as we were home before the kids' bedtime. Seemed like a good enough compromise to me.

We were training at a different gym than the first one. There was no way in hell I was going to train under the same roof as Chris ever again. No. I never wanted to see that sick bastard's face again.

This gym was just as big as the previous one. To me, it was almost nicer. Niall told me that I probably thought that only because Chris wasn't there. Either way, we were happier here at this gym.

"Harry, you need to focus."

I blinked a few times to see Niall standing in front of me; looking very impatient.

"I-I'm sorry. I'm just--"

"Distracted?" He smirked. "I've heard that before."

I blushed pretty bad and Niall just smiled at me.

"I know I've asked this already, but you've never answered. Are you gonna go easy on me this time around?"

Niall chuckled then shook his head no.

"Oh please? Cmon."

"Nope. Now keep your hands up!"

So I obeyed. Every punch he threw at me, I blocked. I even got a few good hits on him. But then I started to notice the sweat dripping down Nialls face and his bare chest. The next thing I knew, I'm was lying on the mat face up and Niall was standing over me.

"Well this looks familiar," he chuckled before helping me up.

"I...I uh..."

"You didn't have a good enough stance..." Niall softly bit down on his lip. "Plus you were distracted by me," He laughed. "My bad."

"Maybe you should put a shirt on. I'll be less distracted..."

Niall just laughed again.

"Just keep your eyes on me..." He smirked. "That should be pretty easy, yeah?"

I nodded and he began to throw his punches at me. I blocked all of them but I couldn't knock him down. It frustrated me that I couldn't knock him down. So I tried harder, but somehow I still ended up on the floor.

"You look so cute down there, Harry," Niall giggled.

"I'm not cute. I'm manly."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say," He held out his hand to pull me up, but instead, I pulled him on top of me. "Hey..."

I softly pecked his lips.

"Hi," I said softly.


I quickly flipped us so that he was on his back and I was on top of him. His eyes went wide as I pinned his arms above his head.

"Oh how the tables have turned. It seems to be that you're the one on the ground..."

"Only because you—"

But I shushed him with my lips. It took every part of me to not grind against him. I really wanted to. In fact, I really wanted to fuck him in the locker room, but Niall strictly said we could not do that. No matter how much I begged, we couldn't do it. He was killing my mojo.

I pulled away when Niall had bit my lip.

"Owie," I pouted.

"Let me up, Styles."

"Make me, Styles."

I smirked and Niall blushed. Even after all these years, I don't think he's used to being called Mr. Styles. To be honest, I think it's really cute when he blushes like that. His face gets all red and he gets all smiley. Fuck, I love him so much.

While I was fonding over how fucking cute Niall was when he blushed, he got me onto my back again. He had my arms pinned at my sides tightly. I tried to get out of his grip, but he wouldn't budge. I let out a little whine and Niall just shook his head.

"You look so vulnerable, baby," he whispered before he pressed a soft and wet kiss to my lips.

When we heard someone clear their throat, we both looked up to see a man standing there. Niall and I quickly got to our feet to see that the owner of the gym was right in front of us.

"Hello, Mr. and Mr. Styles..." he said.

We both said our hellos and gave him a smile.

"Is something wrong, Mr. Granderson?" Niall asked.

"Oh, no. I don't have a problem with you lads at all. It's just, I thought you were training for boxing...not wrestling..." He chuckled a bit. "I mean, you can train however you want to train, but you do know that there is a fight coming up soon and I want you to be prepared, Harry."

"I will be, sir," I said proudly, "You can count on me."

"I know I can. I've seen you box before. I've been to a few of your fights. You're an incredible boxer, Mr. Styles."

"It's all thanks to my trainer," I patted Niall on the back, "and husband. That's just a plus."

The three of us laughed a bit then Mr. Granderson began to speak again.

"Well, I just came to check on you two and it seems like you're doing well. Just train for a little bit more and then you can go home."

He gave us a smile and then he went to check on the others in the gym. Niall and I faced each other and we smiled.

"Have I said how glad I am that Mr. Granderson is nothing like that dick?" I said as I brought my gloves up, ready to block any punches Niall was about to throw.

"You only say it every time we train, baby."

Needless to say, I was really, really happy.



After the weeks and weeks of training we did, it was finally Harry's first fight at being a boxer again. It was finally here. I think I was more nervous than him. I kept biting my nails and breathing in short pants. It's not that I didn't think Harry would win; I was pretty damn sure he would win. It's just, I was nervous that this would be him—or really us—coming back into the limelight of the media. There were already paps trying to get inside and trying to talk to both Harry and I about his come back with boxing.

And to make matters worse? The twins were here with us. I didn't want them to get scared by all the flashing lights of the cameras. It wasn't like us just taking family pictures. This was much more scary for them, especially if the paps were trying too hard to get a picture. I would literally go fucking cutthroat if anything happened to my kids because of the damn paps.

Thankfully, Anne was here to keep an eye on the twins while I would be up by the ring to watch Harry; he was currently in the locker room, probably pepping himself up.

"Where's daddy?" Bambi asked as she pulled on my shirt.

I looked down at her and then I crouched down to her level. She—and Oliver too—were wearing a homemade tshirt that had Harry's face on the front, plus the words "My Daddy's the best boxer in the world" on the back. Anne made them and the kids adored the shirts.

"Daddy is probably in the locker room right now."

"I wanna wish him luck!"

"Me too!" Oliver chimed in.

I looked back and forth between the twins before I had looked up at Anne.

"Niall, I know you're worried about the kids being photographed..." she began.

"It not just that. I just...I don't want the media making up bull—" I had to quickly change my wording before the kids caught on, "—crazy rumors about the kids. Or even telling the magazines and newspapers things about the kids that only the family should know. I don't want what happened to me, to happen to them. I don't want them to be labeled as the "gay boxer's kids". I wouldn't be able to live with myself if that happened..."

"If it does, we can sue them..."

I sighed then looked at the kids again. I didn't want their happiness to be drained from them if any of this paps bullshit actually happened. It would hurt me and I knew it would hurt Harry. He'd probably quit boxing again.

"Can we go see dad now?" Oliver asked.

I nodded slowly, then picked up both of them; placing them on my hips.

"Just pay no mind to the paps, Niall. Okay?" I heard Anne say.

I just nodded then began to walk towards the locker room that Harry was in. And just like I knew would happen, the paps began to take their pictures. I heard Bambi whimper and she eventually just hid her face in my neck. Oliver on the other hand, was waving at them. But I wouldn't look at them. I just wanted to get my kids to Harry then bring them back to Anne.

I finally reached the locker room and pushed the door open with my foot. The second that Harry saw us, he got the biggest smile on his face.

"My beautiful family," he said, still smiling.

I set the kids down and they ran to him. He hugged them tightly then spun around in a circle with them. Their giggles echoed off the walls of the locker room. He set them down and they just stared at him.

"Daddy, why aren't you wearing a shirt?" Bambi giggled.

"It's easier to box without a shirt, baby girl," he said as he kissed her forehead.

"But then everyone can see all your drawings..."

She was referring to his tattoos. Harry and I both chuckled then.

"Maybe your butterfly will distract them, dad," Oliver said.

I had to hold back another laugh as I saw Harry scrunch up his face.

"It's a moth, Oliver," he said, with his face still scrunched up.

"Uh-uh daddy! It's a pretty butterfly!" Bambi squeaked.

Harry sighed but then he smiled. He crouched down to their level and began whispering to them. Every once in awhile, he would look up at me and smile but then he'd return his gaze to the kids.

"Can we go out for pizza if you win, dad?" Oliver asked.

"If?! If I win?!" Harry picked up Oliver and began to tickle him. Oliver's laughter filled up the locker room; even Bambi was giggling. "What do you mean if I win? Of course I'm gonna win and of course we're gonna get pizza."

The kids cheered and I smiled. Harry set Oliver down and then he made his way to me. He lifted his hand to my face and traced my lips with his fingers. I sighed softly at the feeling.

"Do you remember that thing you told me six years ago?" he asked in a whisper.

"That I only married you for the sex?"

Harry gasped then slapped my arm hard.

"No! I meant what you said to me about boxing..."

I nodded. Of course I remembered.

"Win for you..."

"I'm gonna change it up a little. I'm gonna win for us. I'm gonna win for our little family."

Harry kissed my lips then quickly pulled away when someone had opened the door to the locker room and peeked in; telling Harry that he had to be out there in five minutes.

"Alright, kids. Give daddy another hug before he has to go out there," I said.

The kids came running to him and hugged him tightly.

"Do good, daddy!" Bambi said.

"I will, Princess," he kissed the top of her head and then kissed the top of Oliver's head. "Now, you two better behave for grandma, okay?"

The kids nodded and Harry gave me another kiss; this one lasting longer.

"I love you," he whispered.

"I love you more."


I flinched every time Harry had gotten hit, but never did he get knocked down. I think the only reason why I flinched each time Harry got hit was because I could hear Bambi scream "Daddy" at the top of her lungs from a few seats behind me. I felt terrible and I'm sure Harry did too.

I wish I could have tuned out her cries like Harry could in this moment. All I could hope for was that Harry would start blocking better and that Anne wouldn't bring the kids up here. That would be the worst thing to do. To be up this close and have your child screaming cause she thinks you're getting hurt? Oh god, I didn't even want to think what the headlines in the newspaper would be.

Thankfully, after a few minutes, Bambi's cries died down and Harry was just on a roll. Every punch he threw, landed on his opponent and eventually, Harry knocked the man to the ground. The entire crowd filled with cheers of Harry's name and I smiled so big. There were cameras flashing everywhere and not to mention the reporters that tried to get into the ring. I knew I had to get in there, get Harry and get him away from that all as soon as possible.

So I ducked my way through the crowd of paps and reporters and finally made my way to Harry. He engulfed me into his arms and spun me around.

"You did it, baby!" I said, loud enough so he could hear me over the crowd still cheering his name.

"It feels so good to be back, Niall."

I could tell he was happy. I took his hand and pulled him out of the ring and towards the locker room. There were reporters asking us questions that we obviously didn't answer. I know it might have been rude, but I slammed the door on them.

"Did you hear Bambi crying for you?" I asked; still feeling terrible that about it.

"Yeah," Harry frowned, "it hurt my heart."

There was a knock on the door and I wasn't too sure if it was the paps or not, so I slowly opened the door only to see two small humans run inside.

"Daddy! Daddy!" Bambi exclaimed as she and Oliver ran to Harry.

Despite the fact that Harry was really sweaty—and probably really smelly—he hugged the twins tightly. Anne then walked in the door and stared at the cute moment between her son and grandchildren unfold before her.

"Poor little Bambi..." Anne said only so I could hear, "You should have seen the tears in her eyes. She was crying and she kept wanting to go up to you. Most of all, she wanted to kiss all of Harry's owies whenever the other guy hit him." Anne softly laughed. "She adores him."

"Well what about Oliver?" I asked as I looked at her.

"Oliver was really good. He was cheering along with everyone. He did almost fall off his chair cause he was jumping on it. I mean overall, the twins were good. I just think next time, I'll stay home with Bambi. I'm sure you could probably bring Oliver up there with you, couldn't you?"

I shrugged. I wasn't really sure. I mean, it's not like it was going to hurt anyone that I brought my son up there.

My attention was then caught by Bambi, who sounded like she was still crying.

"I-I thought...I thought that guy hurted you, Daddy," she sniffled.

"I could hear you calling for me, princess. But daddy is okay. See? Daddy has no owies," Harry told her.

"Dad is tough, Bambi," Oliver said proudly.

"He sure is, Oliver. He definitely is," I said.

I walked over to my children and husband then. I could hear Anne sigh happily from behind us.

"You four just look so good together. You're the perfect little family," she said with a smile. "I'm probably going to cry the day you guys move out and into your own place again."

"Mum, you don't have to worry about that. I think you're gonna be stuck with us for a long time," Harry chuckled.

"By how you box, Harry, I have every right to worry. I mean, you see what's on your kids' shirts don't you?" He nodded and even smiled a little. "You're the best boxer in the city. And in my opinion, you're the best boxer in the world...which is why I put it on the shirts."

"Oh stop it."

"I mean it. I really do. Don't purposely lose just because you're afraid of hurting my feelings by moving out and away."

"You heard your mother," I lightly pushed his shoulder, "no purposely losing."

"Okay. Okay." Harry laughed. "So who's hungry for some pizza?"


Hi hi hi hi!

Well would you look at that! Another update! Woo! We are on a roll! Look at us go! Woooooooooo!

But Harry is boxing again! Yaaaaaay! *imatates crowd cheering*

And I didn't even want to mention Chris in the chapter cause uGh that mAn was just a pain.

And no. Don't worry. Just because he's mentioned, iT DOES NOT MEAN HE'S COMING BACK. CHRIS IS NOT COMING BACK (thank the lordy) AND NEVER WILL BE.

We good? Okay yay!

So what did you think of the chapter?

Have any predictions? Feel free to leave them. We'd love to see what you think might happen.

Have any questions? Feel free to leave those as well and we will gladly answer any questions that you have.

Please vote and comment. Your feedback means the world to us! You are the most amazing readers we could ever ask for!

We love you so much!!!


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