Lamia Blood 2 BWWM ( Complete...

By LBKeen

24.8K 2.2K 125

"Mhmm, he loves me. Especially when I'm covered in the blood of the innocent lives I've taken."--- Serin Yori... More

Author Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 prt 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 2 prt 2

1.1K 95 2
By LBKeen

Serin observed the people who were chained by their throats to each other. They each shared a glaring similarity, and that was the tribal tattoos gracing their arms. She watched as the people took up their stance on the right side of the lower chamber.

While the rouges, and other recently joined creatures lined up on the side where her husband the Cardinal sat.

He hadn't come in yet, but that didn't matter. She knew what would happen, it was the only thing that ever happened here in the lower chambers.

Looking down from the dais, that served as her throne—that'd been carved from ivory like stones. She saw her family, the Yorin house seated in the front. As usual they were only focused on her, with worried looks fixed on their faces.

She could feel the barely leashed hatred they had for the Cardinal, but they kept it at bay for her sake.

She watched as Felix placed his hand over Anea's. She could feel Anaea's anger at her weight, but she hadn't been able to eat dinner as Ryan missed so many of them.

Folding her hands in her lap, she straightened when she felt him coming. Cardinal never arrived late at this time, he entered as he always did from the front despite having to pass the prisoners.

He hadn't changed in the three years they'd been tied together, aside from the edge that shown in his blue-black eyes. He strode in, his body powerful, and fit in a black suit. Following him was Julia from the Roman house hold.

The Roman's had seemed to almost jump at the chance, to assist Cardinal in taking over South Carolinas underground.

Charlie flanked him, his smile was stretched wide, and fangs were out.

She inwardly sighed, she could feel his eagerness to push his mettle against the warriors kneeling in front of them.

Unlike Adam who stood to her right, behind her throne. Charles and Julia stopped at the bottom of the Dais, while Cardinal finished the climb alone. Seeing her he leaned forward and pressed his lips to her cold cheek. "Serin."

She nodded, maintaining her smile, "Ryan."

He nodded, pulling back he smiled brush a piece of hair form her face. "Your so-o beautiful, and it's almost a pity I have you all to myself."

Knowing there was no need for her to speak, she just shyly dipped her head, causing him to smirk. Dropping his hand, he turned away from her and motioned to the rouges below. "Bring them."

The Five man were jerked up by their chains, and despite their struggle were dragged closer to the bottom of the dais. Cardinal smiled, his eyes growing black. "It is so nice, that you great. Powerful. Elders deigned to visit little me."

He walked slowly down, stopping on the second to last step. "It warms my heart that you've all stepped forward to pay for you crimes."

One of the elders, a man whose head held more grey-hairs, than sense shouted. "What right does a vampire scum have to judge us!" He cried out in pain, when a vampire stepped up behind him and knocked him in the back of the head with baton.

"Vampire Scum?" Cardinal repeated thoughtfully, before he started laughing. "Ha-ha, they are not judging you!" He motioned towards the audience, "They are here to watch you die!"

"Die?" the five man expressions all became blank. They sent glances all around the room, the horror in their eyes turning into terror.

"You can't do this!" One of them shouted, he lifted his bound hands, "You have to go through—!"

Before the older man could finish his sentence. Ryan held him up by his throat, his eyes black. "I—don't have to do anything." He said through gritted teeth, letting go. He ignored the man's groan of pain.

He cracked his neck, and placed a hand on the back of Serin's chair. His eyes coldly looking down on the Elders of his mother's tribe. "The Elders, have graced us today with their presence." He turned his attention to the audience at large. "They will sacrifice their lives, in payment for the life of my own mother."

Serin tensed when Ryan's hand went from the back of the chair to her shoulder. She could already see the inevitable coming.

"My love, has offered to take on the sins of their death tonight."

Shouts of approval rang throughout the room. The burning hatred that sizzled in her families eyes doubled.

Serin slowly stood, as Ryan continued talking, "As she is the Leader of the Lamia, as well as my Queen, it is only right that I gift her," He motioned to huddled old man below, "The most renowned, and powerful to feed on."

Removing his hand from her shoulder, he leaned forward and pressed his soft lips against her cheek, "Feed, Serin love. Feed."

With the shouting of Rouge Vampires, and other families. Serin felt her blood begin to sing, and the voices in her head double. Making her way down the steps, she knew her skin had become white, the blue veins almost swollen underneath near her red eyes.

Leaning forward, she smiled, "Would you like to pray before you die?"

As far as she was concerned, it was the most polite question. Instead, the man she asked roared to life and lurched forward.

"No, I guess." Serin said, her hand was still by her side, when his head flew from his body, and slammed into the wall.

Straightening, she licked the blood from her hand, her eyes taking in the others. "So I'm guessing the rest of you want to go just as quickly." Smiling she giggled, "Hee-hee, it's been a few hours since I last ate. Please excuse my rushing."

As the audience howled, and Ryan looked on with glee. Serin tore the once Respected Elders of the Beast tribes apart. Her white gown, becoming drenched in their blood, and her elegant shoes covered with their remains.

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