Hermione and Ginny: Travellin...

By Sanaxox1

193K 5.7K 515

When Hermione and Ginny mysteriously travel through time through two glamorous necklaces, they are transporte... More

September the first
Daily prophet
Friends again
Trelawney's prediction
Back in time
Hospital wing
Meeting Another Redhead
Dumbledores Office
Dark Dreams
The Secret Exposed
A Puzzled Lily
The Marauders New Mood
Day 8
It Was James!
Snape's Secret Talent
The Slug Club
Ginny's Daydream
The Hogwarts Library
The Restricted Section
The Last Day - Part 1
The Last Day - Part 2
Still Not Home
Authors Note: Sequel?
Ginny's Goal
Godric's Hollow
Authors Note: The Ending
The Sequel

The Marauders

4.7K 162 7
By Sanaxox1

Hermione and Ginny tiptoed into the great hall for breakfast and before them was the enchanting treasures inside, the ceiling was filled with candles and as always there was four long tables for all the houses. The main color of the great hall was gold but a few spots were different then before.

She looked up at the teachers table to see it looking exactly the same, however there were different and unfamiliar faces there, the only person they recognized was Dumbledore. He was looking cheerful as always but then he caught the girls in his glimpse which turned him to a bewildered and worried look on his face but after a few seconds he tried to hide that fear with a smile.

All the tables were filled with all breakfast foods however there were healthier options here and certain foods were not present as they were weren't made back then, all the same the students were merrily enjoying the taste of the foods and chatting to their friends.

Moments later Hermione spotted the marauders, they were all sat together with Lily by their side looking rather awkward appearing to try and engage in their conversation however it the marauders were foolishly but possibly accidentally acting as she wasn't there and didn't make any effort to even look at her.

Lily looked up and spotted Ginny which surprised her, she made a hand gesture inviting Hermione and Ginny to sit with her however Hermione was still admiring the great hall. Ginny tapped her on her shoulder as she turned to look at her.

"Erm so last night I met Lilly potter, oh I mean Lily Evans and she's inviting us to her table."

Hermione stared at her thinking for a while then spoke. "Absolutly not!"

But before Ginny could argue Hermione was off again, "we can't talk to other people especially important people like Harry's mother! Anything we could do and that's it, we've destroyed the future."

Ginny gasped as she said that last line as it bought a huge wave of flashbacks from her dream, she was right she didn't want it coming true, but all the same what harm could it do.

'You have to face your fears, remember? I cant let my nightmares get in the way of reality, and plus all we'll do is chat to her pretend to be a new student then when we go back she'll just think and probably get told by Dumbledore that we were transferred somewhere else.

And we wouldn't hassle her oor persuade her not go places, as yes that could change the future as she might be going somewhere important, so all we will do is chat and there's no harm in that, right?' Ginny thought before Hermione caught her out of her thinking with a click of her fingers.

After a short argument Hermione sighed and agreed, they strolled to Lilly making her cheerful to see them and sat down, as they did the marauders took a glance at them and gasped with memory of them.

"You're those girls" Lupin whispered. They all looked frightened and Ginny knew why, they were trying to say something so Ginny answered it anyway as she predicted what the question was.

"No I haven't told Dumbledore and I won't!" As soon as she muttered those words they all sighed with relief and went back to their food completely ignoring them and Lily again. Lily scoffed and turned to Hermione and Ginny.

"Boys! Especially James potter he's the worst of them all. I don't know why I'm friends with him!"

Ginny muttered quietly to herself 'you'll be a lot more than that' Hermione giggled as she heard her say it but Lily just stared. "What was that sorry?"

"Nothing!" Hermione and Ginny said in unison as they started to eat the mouth watering food, chatting to Lilly alongside them.

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