Love at First Fight: An Arran...

By summergirl21

45.7K 556 58

Karli Tucker's life goes upside down when she comes home to find out her foster parents had basically sold he... More

Love at First Fight [An Arranged Marriage] 1
Love at First Fight [An Arranged Marriage] 2
Love at First Fight [An Arranged Marriage] 4
Love at First Fight [An Arranged Marriage] 5
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Love at First Fight [An Arranged Marriage] 19
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Love at First Fight [An Arranged Marriage] 3

2.9K 32 1
By summergirl21

Karli's POV

I woke up around 11 the next morning and took a shower. The small rainfall felt good on my back. About half and hour later, I got out and dried myself off. Iblowdried my hair, brushed my teeth, and got dressed. I wore a simple black band tee and jeans. I appliedsome eye liner and went downstairs to eat.

When I walked into the kitchen. The cookwas making bacon and eggs. He put it on a plate and set it on the table. "Here you go miss," he said with a grin. I returned the smile and said thank you. It smelt really good. I took a bite of the eggs and gave a deep sighofcontent. It was delicious!

As soon as I thought this, Jason came through the door. When he saw me he stopped and stared at me, as if he was sizing me up. I stared back, but lookes away seconds later. His eyes are the most beautiful things I've ever seen. They were peircing through me. After 2 more full minutes of awkward silence he came and sat in front of me. I looked up at him and gave a weak smile. He just looked at me. I was beginning to get irritated. Why was he staring at me?



" Uh, could you please stop staring at me?It's making me uncomfortable..." I said slowly while shifting in my seat. He blinked a few times and turned a light shade of pink.

"Oh..yea, sorry."

I finished eating my breakfast and took the dishes to the sink to rinse them off. " You don't need to do that." I looked behind me to see Jason with a slightly suprised look on his face. I turned back around and continued rinsing my plate. " I don't mind doing it, they're my dishes afterall," I told him matter-of-factily. When I was done, I went back to my seat across fromJason. He looked at me for aminute then spoke. " Come on. I'll give you a tour of the house." I nodded and followed him out the kitchen.

The house was much bigger than Ithought. Instead of just an ordinary livingroom, diningroom, kitchen and bedrooms, they had that, and a computer room, game room, music room, library, gym, TV room..... shall I go on? They even had a small indoor pool! I was shocked. Who could possibly afford such a place?Well, obviously they can but still!

Jason took my hand and lead me to a slide-screen door. " And finally, the garden." He opened the door to reveal themost beautiful thing I've ever seen.The garden was huge! All around me were bushes of roses, lilies, daisies, of all colors and more. To the far right was a fountain. On my left was a small pond with fish in it. It was truelly amazing.

"I've never seen anything so beautiful! This is very lovely. Who designed it?," I asked Jason. "Well my mom loves this kind of stuff so she had people put it together."he said putting his hand in front of him, indicating a bench. " Want to sit?" I nodded and walked to the bench and sat down, Jason sitting on my right. " So..." I started, trying to figure out what to say. " Tell me about yourself."

" Well, I'm 17, born and raised in Cali, my height is 5'10, uh, don't really know my weight. I enjoy reading and writing peoms and stories in my spare time. I listen to mostly heavy metal music, my favorite color is black,least favorite is yellow. Umm.." he stopped, thinking of what else to say.

"Do you like sports?" I asked him.

"Uh.. yea, some. But I'm not a big fan of it. Just something to do ya know?" I nodded. " What about you? Tell me something."

"Ok. I'm 16, lived in Illinois. It was a small town where I lived so Ipretty much knew everyone there. We were all close I guess, I miss them alot. Anyways, um.. I think I'm 5'6 and I'm in the 130's for weight. I like to draw. A lot. I have notebooks full of my drawings. I like all kinds of music but I prefer pop/rock. My favorite color is blue, worst color is pink. eww. I hate that color! haha.. sorry", I looked at him. He had an amused look plastered on his face. " A girl who doesn't like the color pink... that's new." I laughed at this.

"That's not new! All because I'm a girl, doesn't mean exactly that I like a "girl" color," I said putting air quotes around girl. " Whatever you say," Jason said after having a small laughing fit. He has a cute laugh...

"If you are done, Iwill continue," I waited for his answer.He nodded.

"Also, me on the other hand, I play plenty of sports. I have played soccer, tennis, softball. And I was on the swimming team at my school. I know a little bit of basketball too."

Jason looked impressed. " Wow, your active." I laughed at his comment. " Yeah, well, my school pretty much revovled around sports. Since it was a small town,extra curricular activities gave us something to do.Whatelse do you want to know?"

"Ok.. umm.. well, you know I have a sister, Kimber, so... you have any sibs?" he asked.

Just the thought of Josie made me want to break down and cry. I can't forget the tears in her eyes when she found out I was to come here.I felt tears brim my eyes bbut I wasn't going to let them fall. I tried to blink them back before Jason noticed, but it didn't work.

"Hey, are you okay?" Jason asked. His voice actually had worry and concern in it. I nodded my head quickly. " Yea, no I'm fine. Don't worry about it." He nodded but still looked unconvinced.

"Yes, I have a sister, Josie. She's 13," I said slowly. Jason nodded and asked," What does she look like?" I closed my eyes, a picture of her forming in my mind. " She'svery pretty. Hereyes are the same color as mine, but a bit darker, and she has dark brown hair... like my mom, and she has a natural pink in hercheeks," I finished and opened my eyes. Jason wasn't looking at me He.. he was looking at my chest? Great! I'm marrying a pervert! OMFG! Ughh..

"Why are you wearing that necklacewith her name on it?" he said pulling it up to where I could see what he was talking about. I mentally hit myself. Man, amIstupid... he was just looking at Josie's necklace. Oh, wait! What should I tell him? I hesitated, not wanting him to know the truth... not yet.

"Umm, ahe gave it to me... t-to remember her," I lied. Looks like he bought it though. "oh" was all he said. We walked around the garden for a while. As the sun was setting we left the garden and went inside.

"My parents aren't here today, some business thing, so it's just the 3 of us for dinner. So... do you want to like, watch a movie or something while we eat?" Jason asked awkwardly.

"I guess. I don't mind," I told him. He took my hand in his and lead me to the TV room. His hand was warm against my cold one. For some reason, I always have cold hands. I never know why.

I was brought back to reality when Jasonopened a door. We entered the TV room. It was dimly lit with a huge tv screen on the wall and severalsofas. We sat down beside each other on a love seat and talked lightly before came into the room. "Hey Karli! What's up?"

"Not much, got a tour of the house though," I said and smiled at her. She smiled back.

"Cool, so what arewe going to do tonight?"

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