Bread (Sasuke x OC)

By CherryAngel991

23K 562 318

Her father wanted to be a ninja. Her mother wanted to run a flower shop. Neither dream came true. All she wan... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
An Author's Note of Sorts
The Last Author's Note

Chapter Eight

1.6K 54 34
By CherryAngel991

Helloooo Uchiha lovers! Thanks a lot for all the votes! But how about a comment sometimes yeah?


Sasuke sighed as he sat beside Emi. They were sitting close to each other. Very close in fact. Once again, the girl was completely oblivious to the lack of distance between them. But this time, he didn't really mind that much. He was pretty much used to her invading his personal space.

Used to, like he was almost numb to it. It didn't mean he was okay with it. And even if he was, he wouldn't say anything about it...

"Hey, Sasuke, you don't have anything important coming up do you?" Emi asked suddenly, breaking the silence between them.

"Not really," he said. She sighed.

"Good," she said quietly.

"Why?" he asked.

"I just... I don't want to be alone again... Especially not now because..." She trailed off, looking up at Sasuke. He was looking elsewhere, a bored expression on his face. She smiled bitterly.

"You don't even care do you..." she mumbled under her breath.

She laced her fingers together in her lap. She'd been feeling like her feelings for him were one sided for a while now. But of course they were. Why wouldn't they be? Sasuke was strong and cool and mature and deserved to be liked. Emi didn't deserve what Sasuke deserved. She wasn't supposed to have a team of friends or a bunch of admirers or the respect of others. She didn't deserve anything.

"Ah, well, I suppose I should just give you this and get going shouldn't I?" She pushed the whole basket towards him, and he blinked in surprise.

"What?" he asked, looking curiously at her as she stood up.

"I'm giving up. I'm not going to bake anymore," she said.

"What?" he asked again, and she sighed.

"It doesn't matter anymore anyway," she mumbled.

"But wasn't that your goal?" he asked, standing up as well. He picked up the basket and frowned at it.

"Goals in my family aren't meant to be met. Dreams aren't meant to come true." Her hands clenched into fists.

"I'm not taking this," Sasuke said, holding the basket out to her after taking out some bread.

"It doesn't matter!" she snapped.

"Then what are you going to do with your life?" he said, grabbing her shoulder.

"Die," she said, shaking him off.


"Besides, it's not like you ever really cared anyway," she glared at him, then walked away.

Sasuke sighed. She was being annoying. More than annoying. It made him angry. And more than that, it made him worry about her. And he hated that feeling more than anything else. All she's done is get in his way, yet he couldn't stop himself from coming back to this distraction. This nuisance. This stupid girl!

He scowled, his grip tightening on the basket.

"You really think after all that messing with me I'm letting you give up?"

He looked at the basket then where Emi had stormed off.

"No way. Not after all that."


Emi was sulking in her bedroom when she heard it. Loud knocking on her door. She curled up into a tighter ball under her blankets.

Go away. Go away. Go away. Go away.

She felt awful. She got mad at Sasuke, and she'd lost all hope, and now she was all alone. What was the point of baking anymore? What was the point of reaching her goal? Her reason for pursuing it was gone. Sasuke had been right all that time ago. It was just a simple dream.

Her dream was stupid. She was stupid.

Finally, the knocking stopped at her door stopped, and she was about to sigh in relief when someone called out her name.

"Emi, let me in." She froze under her blankets. Sasuke actually came to her house?! A part of her was really, really happy, and the other part of her just wanted to stay there and never get up. But the part of her that was happy and girlishly squealing internally won over.

She sighed, throwing the blankets off of her and walking to the front door. She had never expected anyone to come to her house after... What had happened. Especially not Sasuke. Perhaps he would stay away if she told him to. Or perhaps he would stay with her more if she did.

"What?" she asked, opening the door. He glared at her, shoving her basket into her arms.

"I'm not keeping it," he said. She sighed.

"Stop being stubborn," Emi said.

"Me? You're the one who's being stubborn. You're the one who's throwing your chances of a happy life away!"

"You're doing the same thing!" she snapped. He frowned.

"What?" he asked.

"Your dream is to kill someone! What about that brings any happiness? Death brings nothing but pain!" she exclaimed.

"You know nothing about that! You know nothing about pain either!" he snapped.

Sasuke glared at her. How could she be so ignorant? How could she be so completely stupid? Why was she even arguing with him over this? She knew. She knew his reasons and she had never questioned it before. She had never brought out this side of him before. The part of him that just wanted to keep yelling. To continue to argue until his voice died out. She was making him so angry!

"My entire clan is dead! I have to do this for revenge! For some sense of closure about my family's death! How could you ever relate?" he exclaimed.

"Because it's worse for me! My parents are dead too! My father just died! I'm all alone!" She yelled.

"How is that worse?! I lost so many more than you did, and they were all murdered!"

"Because you have a new family! You're not alone! You have so many people that care about you!"

Emi sank to her knees. It hurt to think about it. It hurt to think about all that she lost. It hurt to yell at someone she liked so much. Everything hurt. She didn't want to be hurt anymore.

"All I've ever had was my parents... You've had people around you this whole time. People who care... People who acknowledge you... All I have is..." She looked up at him, teary eyed.

"All I have is some stupid boy who doesn't even care about me..."

Sasuke was silent as he watched her bury her face into her hands and begin to cry.

"Never... You were never... Alone like me..." She whispered.

She knew now. The Uchiha clan was famous. They were all strong. Even when Sasuke lost everything, the village supported him. Emi has no one. Her family was small and forgotten. Nobody supported her. Nobody cared. The only who really knew anything about her was Sasuke, and he was always so annoyed, so angry.

"There's never been a day when people didn't recognize you. Never a day when you sat there thinking that you were invisible and no one cared."

She stood up, and she glared at him.

"And not one day have you ever appreciated that. You... Sasuke Uchiha! You are the stupidest person I've ever met! You have so much! And you're going to give it all up for something so... So..."

Her feelings were bubbling up inside her. Everything she'd bottled up since the day they'd met, no even before them. She liked him, so, so much, but he was always so completely infuriating. She was conflicted and didn't know how to feel.

She liked him. She didn't like him. She wanted to support him. She wanted him to change his mind. She wanted him by her side. She wanted him to leave. She liked him, but she didn't. She wanted to hold him close, and to push him away.

What did she really feel?

"I hate you..." she whispered, then she threw her arms around him and sobbed.

In the back of her mind, she remembered something her mother used to tell her. Hate and love were emotions that were very strong. There was only a thin line between them. It was up to her to decide which direction over the line she leaned.


Thanks a lot for reading guys! Don't forget to comment and vote! I hope you liked this chapter!


God, no matter how many times I look at it, the little "I hate you" part is suuuuper cringy. I kinda wanted to keep it though, for just for the memories, so I left it there haha. This whole chapter was kinda cringy to be honest. I slapped some more explanation of Emi's feelings to make her seem less awful and immature and moody, so hopefully that worked.

I'm off to edit the next chapter everyone!

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