Vietnam War.

By destinymeyers3

2.4K 97 11

Harry's P.O.V. When Harry get's drafted into the war he is scared. He's scared until he see's the face of per... More

Who is he?
It Was Just A Phase I Promise
The Bunks.
What Have I Done Now
The General's tent.
Private Payne
The Cafeteria.
Sometimes Having Power is a Drag
I'll Do Anything For You Harry
Don't die on me, Louis.
So Much For Protecting You
I'm Terrified.
Your in a Coma, but i still love you.
What Are We Even Running From
Now We're Free.
The Proposal.
Why Can't Love be Simple?
This Is A Mess.
Love Prevails All

What Happened

78 3 0
By destinymeyers3

Louis POV

I look over at Harry one last time. He's speaking with some other private that I haven't cared to know the name of yet. "Alright lets call it a day" I yell over the talking and training. I stand in my spot for a few minutes waiting to see if Harry will come up to me. He never does, he just walks by with the other private at his heels. I turn my head towards the direction of a river. Only a few people know it's here. My feet seem to move by themselves and head towards it. It's a pretty long walk through muddy areas and fallen trees but in the end it's always worth it.

When I finally arrive after my long walk I look down at my own reflection in the water. "Who am I" I say to myself. I stomp on my reflection hating what I look like. My hair is messy, dirty and far too long; my eyes are dull, lifeless and bloodshot; my skin is pale, ugly and dead. I thought protecting Harry would be what he wanted but I was horribly wrong. When he awoke he looked at me like I was a monster. Honestly, maybe I am one. I walk up and down the river kicking rocks and humming and old song my mum used to sing me. I can't recall the words or the name but the tune will forever be inbreed in my brain. After hours of walking, sitting and skipping a few rocks I make my way back to my tent. The walk back is quite difficult in the dark. I keep tripping over tree branches and getting my boots stuck in the mud.

As I finally make it back to my tent I notice my boots and clothes are a muddy mess. I stop at the door and tie it open. I take a seat putting my butt in the tent and leaving my feet out as I slip off my boots. I then carefully unbutton my pants shimmying them down my legs and laying them on the ground beside my boots. I collapse my upper body onto the floor and let out an exhausted sigh. I start to close my eyes not ready to turn around and discover Harry isn't here. I lay there letting myself believe that Harry still loves me and is sleeping quietly in my cot. I hear someone clear their throat. I sit up quickly shoot my head around in excitement to see Harry. "Expecting someone?" I hear from the one person I absolutely did not want to see right now.

Grimshaw. "Why the hell are you back in my tent" I growl giving him an intimidating look. Grimshaw takes a step towards me "now lets not get feisty, Tomlinson. I have a deal to purpose". My face turns red from anger "what deal would I possibly make with you". Grimshaw laughs an evil laugh "if you do as I tell you I will leave Harry alone forever. No more stalking. I won't turn him in for being gay. He'll be 100% free from me". I stand up finally "what do you want?" Grimshaw smirks "here take this you'll need it for my task". "What would I want with your gun? It's small and weak, could hardly hurt a fly" I ask rolling my eyes. "Maybe you should sit down Tomlinson" he says walking over to the side of the tent where he can't be seen from the door. I do as he says and take a seat on my cot directly across from the tent door. "Okay I'm sitting with your gun big whoop. Now what?" I ask slightly irritated and confused. Grimshaw's eyes fill with pure evil "kill yourself". My heart stops "what did you just say to me?" "I think you heard me" Grimshaw rolls his eyes "kill yourself". My palms begin to sweat "why would I do such a thing?" "Because I'll leave your precious Harry alone if you do" my eyes start to burn. 'Harry doesn't love you anymore anyways so what's the point of sticking around. He saw what a true killer you are. You're nothing to him Louis just do what Grimshaw says, hold the gun to your head and fire. It's really not that hard.' My eyes begin to leak tears and I look down at the floor of the tent. "Well Tomlinson, I don't have all night, get on with it already" Grimshaw shoots at me. 'This is it' I think to myself. 'This is where it all really ends. No true goodbyes to my family who kicked me out. No true goodbye to the love of my life. Some love though considering he doesn't even want to act like I exist. However, I'll never stop loving Harry, and that's why I will do this for him. I love a boy. A boy named Harry Styles. He's very beautiful. The curliest hair that's always soft and has a light smell of apples. His skin is smooth. Almost as smooth as a newborn baby's skin. I could sit and run my fingers up and down it for hours. His eyes are green. As green as a freshly watered grassy plain. I would have loved to just sit with him in a clearing one day. Sitting and staring up at the sky, clouds drifting by slowly, sharing sweet nothings and making an unforgettable memory.' "Tomlinson!" I'm shaken out of my thoughts by an impatient Grimshaw. "Okay" I say sighing in defeat "you win".

My hand shakes as I slowly bring Grimshaw's gun to my head. I look over at him seeing him give me a pure evil smile. Tears fall harder from my eyes as I lay my finger on the trigger. Suddenly Grimshaw's face changes and he looks like he's seen a ghost. I feel something hit me in the shoulder. "Louis Tomlinson you drop that gun right now before I take it and shoot you myself" my grip tightens around the gun. "Harry I have to it's the only way you'll be safe from him I have to" I say sobbing. "It's not like you love me anyways you think I'm a monster. I saw the way you looked at me this morning when I held Grimshaw at gun point and then you avoided me all day. I know what this is Harry and I'd rather save you and not have to go through the pain than stay alive and have you in danger while suffering from not having you". All of the sudden the room goes black. I shot myself. I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't take the pain. I couldn't take Grimshaw staring at me. I couldn't take seeing him anymore if he didn't love me.


"You've been here for days Harry you need to go get some real food and get some exercise"


 "You can't make me leave Gemma I love him! Get off my back already and worry about someone else! I know it's almost been a week because you yell at me once a day to leave him. I'm not leaving him and you need to just understand that." 'Is that Harry? Why am I hearing Harry? Why can't I see?' Everything is completely black "Harry?" I wait for a response and get nothing. "Harry why can't you hear me?" Still nothing "hello? Can anyone hear me?" No one answers but I can hear Harry's sobs. I feel his curls tickle my arm. "Harry that tickles please move" I try to say but again he doesn't hear me. I try to move my arm away but I can't seem to pick it up. 'What's going on?' I think to myself. "Harry please help me".

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