Confidence [The Mortal Instru...

By kurenohikari

461 28 8

The war against Sebastian is finally over. Peace has fallen among Shadowhunters and Downworlders... except th... More

I Magnus' P.O.V
I Simon's P.O.V
I Raphael's P.O.V
II Magnus' P.O.V
II Alec's P.O.V
I Jace's P.O.V
I Lucy's P.O.V
I Izzy's P.O.V
II Jace's P.O.V
III Alec's P.O.V

I Alec's P.O.V

123 3 1
By kurenohikari

Unbelievable! I find myself utterly astounded as I witness my own community deciding to exile Elena simply because she is of mixed faerie heritage. Why is it that they consistently succumb to fear-driven decisions without taking a moment for rational thought? Magnus was right; the alliance with Sebastian was fueled by resentment among the faeries, yet The Clave seems oblivious to this reality. Perhaps they are aware but choose to turn a blind eye, trapped in the clutches of guilt that renders them incapable of admitting their own mistakes.

A sense of sorrow engulfs me as I scan the faces around me, observing many individuals attempting to voice their dissent and alter the predetermined decision. Yet, despite their efforts, none succeeded. My gaze shifts toward Aline's mother, and my heart throbs with empathy as I sense the anguish she experiences for her daughter. However, what truly prompts me to question my own silence is the contemplative look in my father's eyes. To an unfamiliar observer, there might be no apparent change, but I, being intimately acquainted with him, detect the doubt lingering in his gaze.

Do I desire to become like him? Inflicting pain upon others, much like he inflicted upon me, all because of the fear of societal judgment? The irony is not lost on me; I am already labeled a 'freak' due to my sexuality. Perhaps it's time to fan the flames a bit more.

"Enough!" I declared, rising from my seat, and commanding the attention of the assembly in the Clave's Accord Hall.

A mixture of surprise, intrigue, and disgust painted the expressions of those around me. It was heartening to note that a significant portion of the Shadow World population had moved past their prejudice against my sexual orientation, even if the main reason was my role in vanquishing Meliorn, the formidable right hand of the deceased Faerie Queen.

"Can we cease this pretense of anger directed at them?" I demanded, gesturing towards the new Faerie Queen. Her indifferent facade momentarily cracked, revealing a flicker of shock before she swiftly regained her composure. "If anyone genuinely believes they should all be punished, I must express my shame in them and the desire to never see their faces again—ever," I asserted, my voice resonating with an unexpected resolve within the hallowed halls of the Clave.

Ensuring no interruptions, I continued my impassioned plea. "Not all faeries were complicit in this war. There are innocent children and half-breeds who were oblivious to the conflict. Moreover, history has shown us that punishing entire nations, religions, or species is rarely the optimal solution. Take, for instance, one of the Mundane world's significant crises—the aftermath of Germany in the First World War."

A ripple of reactions spread through the crowd, even Magnus flinching, likely having witnessed that war firsthand. The thought occurred to me—how old is Magnus, and why does he keep certain things from me? Shaking off the distraction, I resumed my address. "Punishing Germany out of jealousy, anger, and fear led to disastrous consequences. They rose again with double the strength, fueled by resentment. Must we forget the lessons of history? Countless lives were lost, atrocities committed. Now, you might be thinking, 'What does that have to do with us? We're beyond mundanes, more powerful,'" I mocked, drawing chuckles from the crowd, particularly the bravest ones in our midst. "If we could cast aside our prejudices and truly see mundanes for who they are, we might glean valuable lessons. Moreover, I speak directly to Shadowhunters – have we forgotten our true purpose? It isn't merely about killing demons."

Amid the impending protests, including some from my own siblings, I raised my hand and asserted, "Our job is to eliminate them, but our purpose is to protect those who cannot protect themselves." Meeting my father's proud and surprised gaze, I drew strength to forge ahead. "Returning to the issue at hand, punishing all faeries would not only spark a Second Black War but also render us hypocrites. Werewolves, do we need to revisit the massacres before the Praetor Lupus? Vampires let's not forget the dark chapters where you treated mundanes like animals. Warlocks and witches..." My gaze rested on Magnus, accompanied by a small, apologetic smile.

"You, with your self-control and wisdom, can still unleash devastation when your ego or honor is wounded. Faeries, we've just witnessed one of their retaliations. Lastly, Shadowhunters, we boast about our angelic blood, but that doesn't make us inherently better. Our actions define us." I turned the spotlight on Shadowhunters, challenging their superiority complex fueled by angelic blood. "It's not about being a werewolf, vampire, warlock, faerie, or Shadowhunter – it's about what we do with our abilities. Let's not succumb to stereotypes and preconceptions. Look at the atrocities committed by Shadowhunters like Valentine and Sebastian. Did we punish the entire Shadowhunter community for their deeds? No. So why start now, especially with two Shadowhunters who fought alongside us in this war and face exile because of their faerie heritage?"

The room fell silent, but I stood unflinchingly, liberated by the truth I had spoken.

"Are we truly allowing an individual with such a mindset to address us in such a derogatory manner?" Horace Dearborn erupted in a fit of rage, leaping from his seat. As one of the most influential figures of this generation, he held sway over a considerable number of Shadowhunters who were now starting to align with his views. However, his ascent to power wasn't through honorable means; he achieved dominance by exploiting his position, engaging in blackmail, and manipulating his fellow Nephilims.

Before Jace, my parabatai, could unleash his fury upon Dearborn, I raised my hand, signaling for calm. The room was charged with tension, and the anger radiating not only from Jace but also from Izzy, my mom, dad, Aline, Helen, Aline's mother, Jordan, Maia, and even Magnus, who struggled to control his magic, was palpable. It warmed me to know that, despite the challenges I put him through, Magnus still cared.

"Mister Dearborn, I may be what you derogatorily refer to as a 'faggot,' but at least I stand by my principles and speak the truth. More than I can say for you," I asserted with an unwavering poker face. Secretly reveling in the satisfaction of seeing his eyes nearly pop out and his jaw hit the floor, I continued, "Or should I remind you of your not-so-clean secrets? The blackmail, the abuse of power to impose your desires over the rights of fellow Nephilim– all actions unbecoming of someone in your position."

His glare intensified with hatred, enough to suggest he wished me to be buried six feet underground. Yet, when faced with stern looks from my father and Jia Penhallow, he begrudgingly silenced himself, retreating to his seat with an air of obedience. The new Faerie Queen, surprisingly, shot him a dark glare, expressing her disapproval of his outburst. It was a momentary victory, a reminder that sometimes truth and honesty can wield more power than the manipulation and deceit employed by those like Dearborn.

"So, Alexander, what do you propose?" Jia inquired with a firm tone, yet a trace of fondness underlining her words. Despite my disdain for being addressed by my full name, I sensed genuine concern in her question.

Taking a moment to ponder, my gaze swept across the Accords Hall until it settled on the Blackthorns, a family that had lost everything but their unity. Inspiration struck. "Firstly, we should initiate dialogue with the Wild Hunt and request the safe return of Mark Antony Blackthorn to the Shadowhunters. Moreover, they must pledge to refrain from any further harassment towards him or his family," I suggested, feeling a pang in my heart as the grateful and hopeful looks from the Blackthorn family met my eyes.

"A fair proposal," acknowledged Jia before turning her attention to the new Faerie Queen. "Do you believe you can facilitate this?"

"The Wild Hunt doesn't typically heed my commands, and it could pose challenges. Nonetheless, I will do what I can to assist," she replied, a small smile possibly hinting at gratitude for the support I offered.

Encouraged by the positive response, I continued, "If the faeries should not compensate for all the damages incurred in this war, doing so would plunge them into poverty, we should reach a compromise. They could contribute half of the reparations through their labor. This way, they can actively rebuild the structures or whatever was destroyed with their own hands." I clarified as I noticed the confusion in the gazes of those present.

"Furthermore," I added, gathering my thoughts, "I have learned through a reliable source that the Morgenstern still possess a significant amount of money. Given that both Valentine and Sebastian share responsibility for the chaos, it seems only fair to allocate those funds towards aiding in the reparations." Taking a deep breath, I aimed to calm my nerves and buy time until a more comprehensive solution surfaced.

"We must refrain from punishing anyone with faerie blood, especially considering that Helen and Mark fought valiantly for us during this war. It's absurd to exile them for something beyond their control," I asserted with unwavering determination, challenging anyone to dispute my stance. "Moreover, confiscating all their weapons serves no purpose. Who among us would want our only means of defense stripped away?"

A voice from the crowd, an unfamiliar Nephilim, interjected with skepticism, "So, we just let them rebuild their army to potentially attack us again?"

"Absolutely not. Their military strength and weaponry should be diminished, not eradicated," I responded firmly, locking eyes with the inquisitive Nephilim. Refusing to be intimidated, I vowed to speak my mind freely from now on.

I maintained my composure as Aline's mother finally spoke up, expressing gratitude, "Thank you for voicing your opinions, Alexander Gideon Lightwood. We will deliberate on your ideas privately, and once a final decision is reached, we will reconvene." With that, every ambassador and high-ranking member of each species, excluding the fairies, stood up and exited the Accord Hall.

"Mister Lightwood, thank you for your assistance," the voice of the new Faerie Queen brought me back from my contemplation. I looked up to see her smiling at me. "Even if your ideas are not accepted, you should know that we, the faeries, do not forget. We will remember the way you defended us and tried to help us."

"Don't mention it, Queen Whitewillow. I've had enough of this attitude," I replied, eliciting a genuine laugh from her. The exchange marked a moment of connection amid the tension, a fleeting bridge between our worlds.

"I want to assure you that if things don't unfold as we hope, I'll exert my best efforts to bring Mark Antony Blackthorn back from the Wild Hunt," she said, surprising me with her commitment. It dawned on me that I must have left a profound impression.

With her declaration delivered, she added, "I've said all I needed to. I'll leave you to your family." As she walked away, the Blackthorns seized the opportunity, and I found myself tackled by their overwhelming gratitude.

"Thank you, Alec!" They exclaimed in unison, enveloping me in heartfelt embraces.

"Well done, Alec! You put them in their places," Jace praised me once I managed to escape the tight grip of the Blackthorn family. I gladly accepted his offered hand, pulling myself up.

"Who knew you had it in you, brother," Izzy teased me, although her eyes revealed a genuine sense of pride.

"Let's hope they'll listen to reason and make the right choices," added Clary.

As the atmosphere shifted to a more somber tone, I took solace in the knowledge that I had done everything within my power. Satisfaction filled me, and all that remained was to await the outcome of my efforts.

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