Klaus & Katherine: The Child...

Da FELLOFFthehill

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(THE VAMPIRE DIARIES FANFICTION) Lets say it was...1492 and Katherine, at the time Katerina, had fled from Bu... Altro

Chapter 1 - NIGHT
Chapter 2 - Beautiful Queen
Chapter 3 - Niklaus Mikaelson
Chapter 4 - Run
Chapter 5 - Unstoppable
Chapter 6 - BULGARIA
Chapter 7 - Katherine Pierce
Chapter 8 - Falling
Chapter 9 - I Come Apart
Chapter 10 - Lose Me
Chapter 11 - Small Eyes
Chapter 13 - Remedy For Memory
Chapter 14 - Time Out
Chapter 15 - Touch Me
Chapter 16 - Please Don't Find Me
Chapter 17 - Loveless
Chapter 18 - TEARS IN MY EYES
Chapter 19 - New And Reborn
Chapter 21 - Animal
Chapter 22 - Lose My Mind
Chapter 23 - The Truth Within
Chapter 24 - FIRE
Chapter 25 - I Am Vampire
Chapter 26 - Something Had Gone Wrong
Chapter 27 - Unravel Time
Chapter 28 - Brave

Chapter 20 - King Of Everything

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Da FELLOFFthehill


Oh lord. 

I un-bounded my leather diary.

I know, last time i had said that i would continue my log. That was exactly three months ago. You see, i've been rather busy. One day i'm drinking  Giuseppe Salvatore's special whiskey with Damon and the next i'm having these glorious picnics with the sweet sweet Stefan. And then there are our ball games as well in the gardens. I apologize diary or to who ever has discovered my diary (p.s. take a look at one more log and i'll slit you're throat in your sleep....and no  one will know your fate, my sweet) that i have taken so long to continue my diary.

You see, this Summer has been one that i can not forget. I will not. I could not. 

I will never forget. For this was the Summer that i fell in love...for the first time since...Elijah. And my baby baby, Nikole. I must not speak of them or this page will be wet with tears of deep emotion. I do not want soggy paper.

The Moon is smiling at me  right now through my bed room window.

I can only bless Giuseppe Salvatore for giving me such a splendid room in his home, but i do fear he does not enjoy me distracting his sons from...their.....duties. But to Hell with him.

I love Stefan Salvatore!

I'm smiling right now as i write this. I want to write it a million and one times...but my stomach is rumbling. And not just with love butterflies....

Till next time...i promise i won't be gone for too long, diary.

I gradually hid my diary away under my cotton bed. Then i stared at the Moon from my large and window and leaped from the ledge. I landed lightly on the garden ground. I make no sound, i do not want to wake up the many workers that live in the Salvatore Boarding House or the brothers themselves. They would not understand why such a young girl like me would be doing up so late.

I should be in bed...dreaming or some poncy shit like that.

But i had not payed attention to my blood hunger for too long now. My instinct was to go to Stefan and kiss him and drink his blood like it was my favorite type of wine. But he just looked so tired and exhausted these days. It was my fault. I had to let him sleep and rest. 

So he could take me on the lake and we could enjoy the sunshine tomorrow. I could not wait!

Oh and...the Founders Ball is going to be...exquisite. I can just taste it. He he.

My wholesome and innocent thoughts were tarnished when i heard heavy...expensive boots. Oh crap, who ever that was...would see me. I had to get out of here. The woods stared at me...tempting me to join them. Hey, i didn't feel like  sleeping that night at all.


I could hear his boots coming for me. I was in the Mystic Falls woods.

"Katerina!" and my mind changed completely.

Oh my god! 


That was his voice. I could never forget it.

I even thought at about it sometimes...in my dreams..when i missed him. His noble brown eyes. I realized now that i had finally stopped running away. I had stopped fighting to get away.

I had stopped.

I felt his firm hands on my shoulders, he savagely twisted me to face him. He had not changed. He  looked wonderful. As always.

I politely smiled at him.

But he had other ideas...he grabbed my face violently and i had no clue what he would do next.

His kiss purged his love into me. Oh lord. 

I had not kissed him for over 300 years!

300 years!

Tears immediately sprung from eyes. It had been 300 years since...since...since...

Elijah released me and asked, "What happened to Nikole?" and my tears did not stop. The past was an unholy devil!

Stop is what i wanted to say. But 300 years...it had been so long. So long. I had missed Elijah so much. So much. 

But it was not something i would just admit. His love was danger. Pure...dan-

No Katerina...all Elijah ever did was love you truly. You just ran from him...The voice inside of me spoke the truth. Elijah loved me truly. I felt it in his kiss.

But things were different now.

Stefan...came to my mind. But Elijah still remained.

Could i love two, not just one man?

"I don't know what to say..." i bluntly said to Elijah, who's eyes had gone all solid and still. He truly wanted the truth from me. Was that all, i wondered. So i asked him, "Is that all you came to me for?" and wiped some of my tears a long with the question. Sill, Katherine, why did you not just turn you're emotions off again? Its too much pain for a switch that gets turned back on...so easily.

Elijah stared at me for a while. His eyes were like a painting. I felt like everything had stopped.

He kissed my lips one more time.

I laughed with pure joy.

"I've missed you...so" i hoped he could feel the desperation of the "so" and that i had not left him because it i did not love him. I ran because i loved him more than i could imagine.

Maybe even more than...Stefan.

"Then why did you leave me?" it was like he had read the question directly from my brain. I knew he would ask it. I felt so horrible then. I had kept him waiting...i had been running from him and his brother for 300 years. And still...i felt the love from his beautiful kisses!

"Uhh...uh...uh.." i had no words to say to him. 

A rustling came from the path back to the mansion. Too loud to be an animal. Too stealthy to be the wind. This was a human.

"Who's out there?!?" a strong, bravado voice announced.

Damon. Damn Damon.

My eyes looked so confused and sorry at that moment.

I stared at Elijah and whispered to him quickly, "Meet me tomorrow at midnight...at...umm...(i was still getting used to this large town!)..the Mystic Falls bridge", Elijah looked unsure, "Please" i finished everything i had to say and left my old lover. The rustling from the trees grew.

I swifted through the dark bushes and came upon the famous blue eyes and curly handsome hair. The flirtatious, sexy Salvatore looked rather...weak in this light. Damon took a deep breath when he saw me. But he still had that same flirty smile plastered on his lips.

"What are you doing here-" i stopped his words with my finger on his soft lips. My eyes were staring at him directly now. Ready to compel him and his worries away.

"Return to my bedroom with me, let me taste your delights and do not remember our encounter in the woods, lovely!" and with that, Damon Salvatore: Mystic Fall's resident playboy was like a charm on one of charm bracelets. To think that my eyes were still red and full of tears from my reunion with Elijah would be ludicrous. But it was completely true. But i was still...hungry.


"Where is Elijah?" i asked one of my silly minions. He had been gone too long. We had only just arrived in Virginia, a tip had come from one of my lovely vampire recruits that a woman of Katerina's description was seen in the area.

So why did my brother seem to have the need to leave me in no company at the start of our search?

God. I was exhausted of the woman....Katerina Petrova. She had recked everything for me 300 years ago.

First, she escaped me from Bulgaria...with our child in her womb!

Then, she hanged herself...ending my immediate chances of breaking my curse.

Finally, the child we both share had not returned from the green portal.

The child that could continue the Petrova blood line, therefore, i would be able to break this curse of mine.

That blasted woman had too much information. Too much information that i needed! My blood still boiled for her head on a stick. She had even cavorted with my idiotic brother and charmed him away from me. But 300 years has changed things.

Elijah is forever in my alliance.

Family is the only thing that is important to the both of u- 

To Elijah.


My curse is the only that matters to me from now and until the end of my existence. Good thing there is no end for me. My immortality shall stay intact. My power shall never decrease.

So why was i so worried about Elijah's whereabouts?

"You! Come here now!" i called one of my puppets.

He stood in front of me with not emotion in his eyes. I had taught my puppets well.

"Find my brother...i give you a week or i'll slit you're throat...and all of those you love before you can say mercy!" the puppet swirled around and zoomed out of the door.

I hoped my puppet's strings were being pulled tight, as i needed to find that she-devil now! And my brother weirdly did know that she-devil better than i did. After that...i needed to get back to New Orleans. 

My city was new. I still remember the Winter of 1818, when i founded my glorious city. And of course turned Marcel, my friend and strongest ally in New Orleans. I had to get back soon. A lot of things were changing there and for the better. My power and my rule was law. It was my Heaven. I think Katerina would love New Orleans....

Maybe even my daughter too...?

I smiled at that thought.

I still had not seen my child. Was she vampire? It had been...300 years. She'd have to be. I felt...almost bad..that i had missed my child's childhood.

But i would make up it with my power and my legacy. New Orleans could be my daughter's playground if she wished. I'd give her anything she pleased.

But in return she'd have to continue the Petrova bloodline. She'd have to!

My thoughts began to run away from me as i poured myself more whiskey. The night was beautiful. Virginia was a lovely place. 

I heard the stomps of woman's shoes. Hm.

Who could that be?

"Hello brother" Rebekah greeted me as she returned from the Historian's Ball. I smiled and waved lightly at her. My actions had finally returned to motion and i glided to my blank canvas. A new painting. A new...painting...Horses?

You must be thinking, why the hell would my sister care about a Historian's Ball?

Well she has been alive since the 10th century. She knew all there needed to be known about History, so she loved deluding Historians by knowing 100 percent more than they could ever could possibly imagine.

Plus, she loved being the prettiest woman in the room. By the look of her, she must've been the only woman in that ballroom.

She grudged her way to the soft seat next to me. She pushed back into her sofa and held onto her stomach.

"I'm full! Well more than full...a whole lot more than full, brother! So many men-" I cut her off as i added my first stroke of grey paint onto the canvas.

"It does not matter" she probably had a sour face on right now, but i didn't care, "I've received key information on Katerina Petrova's whereabouts" and i continued to paint the grey colored horse on my canvas. For some reason, i had a strong feeling this painting would be left incomplete. It had that feel to it. It would be completed...but not in this time.

Rebekah sighed deeply.

She took off her shoes and whacked them against the wall. A loud thud occurred as they dropped to the ground. I feared they had made a dent on my home's floor. Lord, i only hoped these fashion trends got less extravagant. My intuition said fashion would only get worse. Great.

"That Bulgarian whore is the only reason that you and Elijah have...not been on the best terms...for a very long time!" the vocalisation from her after showed she truly was angry at Katerina. I was pleased. Rebekah was not the only one that felt that away about Katerina.

"Why would you want to even see that bit-" before her provincial and rather irritating potty mouth continued, i interrupted her again.

"She has the key to everything!" i sang out loud.

I turned to Rebekah and she watched me with impatience.

But my eyes were full of awe and wonder. Mhmm.

"She is how i become king, Rebekah....King of everything.." i smiled at the end of my sentence.

Hi guys! Another long crazy message from your favorite wacko author! OK. First of all, how did you like my chapter? Klaus is finally back! The lovely lunatic!

This is just the beginning of everything guys. I truly have one purpose when writing this story: TO BLOW YOU GUYS AWAY WITH IMMENSE LOVE AND DRAMA THAT WILL PROVE THE POWER OF ONE GIRL: KATERINA PETROVA, KATHERINE PIERCE! From girl to woman...she will rule hearts and break souls....but things are flipped with a child involved. Her daughter....Nikole. That part of this story has only just begun!




I would love if you'd check out my soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/messed-up-stuff and told me what you thought of my covers please, thanks guys. As much as i adore writing and telling stories, i love love love MUSIC

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