Untangle Me - L.S (boyxboy)

By ohsolittlelou

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Louis finds himself out of place in LA, unable to get at an itch that’s been bothering him for years. He supp... More

0. Prologue
Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 31. (Final Chapter)

Chapter 30.

772 19 20
By ohsolittlelou

"You signed a contract."

It's those four words that let Louis know that nothing about this is going to be easy. Just those four words are all it takes for Louis' brain to scream at him to run for the door and never look back. The thing is, a few months ago he probably would have done. A few months ago, if someone had given him a slap on the wrist for standing too close to Harry on stage he would have licked his wound before apologising and promising not to do it again.

But this isn't a few months ago, this is now. And what Louis does now is what's important, not what he would have done or used to do. That's something he's beginning to realise. What Louis does instead is look the label exec right in the eyes and clear his throat. "And that contract ends in March."

It's like Louis can feel the atmosphere shift around him. It's like he can feel everybody in the room getting out their imaginary armour, like they're just waiting for the battle to begin. "You do realise you're making an incredibly rash and unprofessional proposition, Mr. Tomlinson?"

He hears Niall scoff next to him and he's thankful for that, for someone there to scoff at the embarrassing tone of voice, irritatingly authoritarian and completely condescending. Louis blinks back at the room of professionals in suits, he's met by what feels like a million pairs of eyes and even more glowing apples from the back of laptop screens. He can hear the sound of someone typing up every word that gets said and it throws him off a little, the thought of every last word being documented.

"It's just a proposition at the moment." Harry begins, his voice like a flotation device in a stormy sea, something safe for Louis to latch onto. "We might be willing to negotiate."

"Negotiate?" An older man Louis doesn't even recognise asks, "Negotiate what exactly?"

"You need us." Louis interjects because he's feeling brave and it might slip away from him if he doesn't put it on the table. "We're your biggest selling artists."

Louis hears someone swallow and another clear their throat a little awkwardly. This is the moment, Louis thinks, this is the moment where shit hits the fan.

"Would I be correct in assuming that your proposition is either improved working conditions or a refusal to resign?" The same old man asks.

Niall lets out a sarcastic laugh and Louis' eyes shoot to him. "Improved working conditions?" He mocks, "Are you having a laugh? Improved working conditions is upgrading the coffee machine or getting new desk chairs. We're talking about not having tolie about who you are. About Harry and Louis being able to fuckin' look at each other without it being the end of the world."

Louis loves Niall, like, he really does love Niall. Niall is great.

Harry breathes out a shaky breath, his foot nudging Louis' under the table. "We won't be resigning." He folds his arms over his chest. "That's our proposition. I've decided."

Holy shit, does Louis want to fling himself into Harry's lap and kiss the life out of him. He's so fucking brilliant. He's fucking amazing and Louis is so fucking in love with him.

A woman speaks up now, maybe her name is Kathy, or Katy. Louis doesn't really give a fuck. "And the rest of your band, Mr. Styles. You're a four piece are you not?"

Louis can't keep his mouth shut any longer. "We've come to a mutual decision. It's mutual. We're not resigning."

Niall nods next to him. "It's decided."

The woman speaks again. "You must realise this is a lengthy process? It's not just something to be decided on a whim. Payne isn't even present so nothing can be formally decided upon as it is."

"That's fine." Harry shrugs. "We've got until March to all get together and sort this out, haven't we?"

"I'd advise you to really consider your options, boys." A man chips in, his name is Dean. Louis' always quite liked Dean, out of all them, he's alright. "What you're proposing is a big deal. You'd essentially become unsigned artists, it'll affect future revenue, album release dates, tour scheduling. It's a big risk to drop everything. Even if you were to sign elsewhere, there's a transition period that needs to be planned and accounted for months before hand."

"Well, like she said-" Louis gestures to Katy, or Kathy, "-We've not got to decide anything right now."

Dean nods, sitting back in his seat like he's said his part and remembered all the right lines.

"Well, there's no point in continuing this meeting any further if this is the only topic you wish to discuss. Without Mr. Payne present it's impossible to make much progress." The older man Louis doesn't really know but definitely hates speaks over the table.

The loud sound of Harry's chair scraping back against the hardwood floor as he stands up almost makes Louis' jump out of his own seat. He scrambles up out of his own chair, watching Niall do the same.

"Great meeting." Louis can't help but quip as the three of them leave the room, letting the door slam shut behind them.

"Fuckin' hell." Niall sighs, blowing out a deep breath. "Need a cigarette after that."

Louis laughs half heartedly, nodding in agreement as he links his hand with Harry's. It's hot and damp with sweat and Louis can feel Harry's pulse pumping when he thumbs over his wrist.

They make their way back over to the car park and Niall gives them both a quick hug before jumping into his Range Rover and pulling out too fast onto the highway.

Harry fumbles for his keys in his pocket, unlocking the car doors. Louis opens his door for him, just because it feels like the right thing to do.

Harry's all tense, Louis can feel it even from the passenger seat as Harry slides the car into gear. He keeps both hands on the steering wheel as he drives and Louis sucks in a sharp breath when he notices Harry's knuckles are white from how tight he's holding on. He hasn't plugged the AUX cord in either and there's a stilted silence that fills the car, just their shallow breaths breaking it.

"Haz," Louis says, his voice soft. "Are you alright?"

Harry breathes in heavily. "I'm really pissed off, Lou." His voice is heavy in his throat, sounds about five octaves lower than it usually does. It sounds hot.

"Yeah?" Louis asks him, sliding his hand to rest on Harry's thigh. He can feel the heat of his skin through his jeans and it's slightly intoxicating. "You're all tense."

"I know." Harry replies, keeping his eyes on the road. "Fucking dickheads."

Louis licks his lips, tracing his fingers along Harry's thigh. "Does this help?"

Harry nods, "Loads."

He keeps going, just trailing the tips of his fingers over Harry's legs. He traces imaginary patterns, swirls and circles and a big heart because he's fucking cheesy. He's in the middle of going over the heart again when he looks up for a moment, and okay, right. Either he's having a mirage in the hot LA sun or Harry's hard in his jeans. He's not entirely sure what to do in this situation. Road head is definitely a thing. Most definitely a thing. There's also a good chance he'll put his hand on Harry's cock and cause a car crash and that's the last thing he needs. One Direction stars involved in road accident, thought to be caused by performing sex act inside moving vehicle. That'd be a real page turner.

The decision is almost made for him when Harry takes a sharp left and Louis' hand bumps up against Harry's erection. Harry takes a deep inhale, "Fuck."

"You want me to?" Louis asks, moving his palm to press against Harry's crotch again. "You can drive whilst I get you off?"

Harry's eyelashes flutter and he sinks his teeth into his bottom lip. "I can do it."

Jesus. This is so ridiculous. They've got tinted windows but anyone can see in through the windscreen. He fiddles with Harry's button, unzipping his fly and he almost chokes when he gets it down and Harry's completely nude underneath.

"Oh my god. You're seriously not wearing underwear?"

Harry smirks, pulling back into the lefthand lane. "Nope."

"Fuck." Louis breathes out, "You're fucking filthy."

"Can you get me off now please?"

Who is Harry Styles? Is he actually a real person, because Louis isn't so sure that he is. Who goes to a meeting with one of the biggest record labels in the world wearing no underwear and then asks ever so politely to be wanked off in the car journey home?

Louis responds to Harry's request by taking Harry's cock out of his jeans and wrapping his fist around the base. Harry lets out a whine and Louis can literally feel the tension start to seep out of him.

"Please don't crash the car." Louis says, beginning to work up an easy rhythm. "Not that dying with your cock in my hand wouldn't be a lovely way to go or anything. It's just I'm rather enjoying being alive currently."

Louis doesn't know why he lets himself think about that last sentence so much. Why he finds himself having to bite back a face splitting smile at the sheer happiness he's feeling right now. He's wanking Harry off in the middle of the highway, he shouldn't be getting sappy. But, god, is he enjoying being alive currently.

Harry's not too good at keeping still. He ruts his hips up in little fractions, as much as he can whilst still keeping his foot on the gas. His fingers clench and unclench around the wheel like he needs something to hold onto, something to ground him as Louis works his fist up and down Harry's length. There's no lube and it should feel dry and like there's too much friction but Harry gets so fucking wet. He leaks pre come almost as soon as Louis starts to touch him, Louis spreads it all over Harry's cock and it creates a delicious slide when paired with Louis' spit.

Louis looks up, out of the window. They aren't far away now, less than a few minutes. He sort of wants to keep Harry hanging on the edge, not let him come until they're home. Harry'll probably thank him later for the prevention of come stains all over the interior of his very expensive car.

"Think you can last?" Louis asks him, dropping his voice. "Don't want you to come until we're at yours."

Harry lets out a high moan, goes to throw his head back before he remembers he's meant to be keeping his eyes on the road. "Yeah," He breathes out, "Yeah I can last."

"Good." Louis says in a voice he hopes sounds remotely sexy. "Good."

It's quiet for the remaining minutes of the journey, Harry's breathing is heavy and he keeps letting out these strained whimpers on exhales and his fingers wont stop twitching against the wheel. Louis' stroking him so slowly, he's got a loose grip on him too, fingers practically ghosting over the skin.

"Almost there, Haz." Louis whispers, resisting the urge to swipe his thumb over the sensitive head, spread the pre come that's pooling there.

"Fucking traffic." Harry grunts, driving much too close to the car in front. Louis keeps his face straight, looking ahead out of the windshield and praying that his hand and Harry's fucking cock are hidden out of sight.

The car in front makes a turn and finally it's just them on the road and Harry can drive as fast as he wants too, which is very fast. Louis is only slightly fearing for his life.

He latches his mouth onto Harry's neck, sucking a kiss there as Harry's driveway finally appears in his vision. He keeps jerking Harry off, licking over his neck and Harry punches the passcode into the gate with shaking fingers.

The car's barely come to a stop by the time Harry is ripping his seatbelt off, launching himself at Louis and connecting their mouths. He kisses him fast but not hard, it's all wet and there's probably too much tongue but it'sso hot. Louis' hand is still on Harry's cock and Harry has to break the kiss to suck in a sharp breath.

Louis mumbles against Harry's mouth, "Inside." He unfastens his own seatbelt, opening his door as Harry does the same. When they finally get out of the car Harry's stood there, not even bothered to tuck his dick back in his jeans. Louis stares at him, eyes bulging out of his head. "You're fuckingstrange, y'know that?"

Harry just nods, fumbling with his keys and unlocking the front door.

"That's public indecency. What if your neighbour was just out for a leisurely stroll and popped their head round the gate to say hello and got an eye full of cock?"

"Fancy using your mouth to suck me off instead of talking shit?" Harry quips as he gets the door open, stumbling inside.

Louis raises his eyebrows, corners of his mouth twitching into a smirk. This is definitely a side of Harry he wants to explore more often.

They don't get very far, Harry shuts the door and pins Louis' against it. It makes Louis weak in the knees when he remembers this isn't the first time he's found himself pinned to a door by Harry Styles. Harry kisses him again, cupping his face with both hands as he slides their lips together, hot and heavy.

Harry's rocking his hips up against Louis', hard cock rubbing against Louis' stomach. Louis takes it into his hand instead, letting himself slide down the wall onto his knees beneath Harry.

"God, yeah." Harry mewls, hands going straight to Louis' hair. Louis takes Harry into his mouth, he's so hard and so close already that Louis doesn't bother with tactic or finesse, just goes for it. Harry's thick and wet inside Louis' mouth and his hands are pulling at his hair as he sucks him, taste on his tongue.

It doesn't take long for Harry to come and when he does it's with a cry, his muscles twitching and his fingers tugging at the back of Louis' hair. Louis swallows most of it, getting some on his cheek and his chin because he's still new to this and come isn't the easiest thing to get down your throat in one go.

Before he can get his thoughts together, Harry's pulling him up off the floor, connecting their mouths again. Louis' still got Harry's come all over his face, fuck-it's filthy but it's almost painfully hot.

Louis doesn't even realise he's rock hard until Harry palms him through his jeans, uttering a quiet "Let me?" into Louis' mouth.

Louis nods, letting Harry take his hand and lead him into the bedroom. Harry lays him down on the bed, wipes the come off his face before unbuttoning Louis' jeans and sucking Louis' cock into his mouth. Louis could die and go to heaven in the middle of Harry sucking his dick and it wouldn't feel any different. He's just so, so good at it.

Harry gets him to an orgasm in what feels like record time, swallowing every last drop of it before crawling back up Louis' body and kissing him slow. Louis feels like he can't move, like someone's sellotaped him to the bed. All he can do is let Harry cover his body with his own, his hands in Louis' hair and on his face and all over him.

They stay like that for so long that Louis' lips actually start to hurt from kissing, they feel all swollen and tingly against Harry's. After a little while longer, Harry sits up and rolls off him, settling from draping an arm across Louis' middle.

"Did that really just happen?" Harry asks with a smirk, Louis' breath catching in his throat when Harry wraps his around his soft dick, tucking in back in Louis' jeans and doing up the zip.

"Unless I'm in some hyper realistic wet dream, then yes, it did." Louis replies, smoothing over Harry's back with his palm.

"You wanked me off whilst I was driving. And we told Sony we're dropping them. And you wanked me off whilst I was driving."

Louis lets out a laugh, nodding his head. "Hm, yep. Sounds about right."

"Jesus." Harry utters, letting out a heavy breath. "Bit risky that, wasn't it?"

"Are we talking about the wanking or the dropping of the label?"

Harry snorts, playing with Louis' fingers. "Well, both. But I was thinking specifically about the wanking."

"When are you not thinking about the wanking?"

Harry pinches his side, "I believe you were the one that initiated the hand job in the car?"

Louis pouts at that, "Only because I thought you needed it."

He sees Harry go a bit still at that, blinking his eyelashes fast. "Yeah." He breathes out, "I did to be honest. Thank you."

"You don't have to thank me." Louis chuckles, placing a kiss to the top of Harry's head. "It was nice, I liked it. Helping you get rid of all that tension, sorta?"

Harry nods. "Mm. I just fucking hate those meetings."

Louis strokes his hair, pulling it between his fingers. "Wanna talk about it?"

"Nah." Harry sighs, "Not right now anyway."

"Okay." Louis tells him. And it is okay, they've got all the time in the world to talk about things. All the time in the world to get to know each other again, to fall back into sync like they never fell out of it to begin with.

"I've gotta go see Jeff later." Harry says, a hint of uncertainty in his voice.

Louis twirls one of Harry's curls around his finger, "When's later?"

"About seven, we're going for dinner."

"Anywhere nice?" Louis asks, hooking an ankle over Harry's.

Harry hums, "This place called Govinda's. S'like...vegan. Really good quinoa."

"I can't believe my boyfriend is so indie he eats quinoa." Louis teases, flicking Harry's nipple.

Harry just smiles at him, tracing his fingers over Louis' hip. "I can't believe my boyfriend is you."

"You absolute sap." Louis whines, squeezing Harry. Harry chuckles softly, wrapping his arms around Louis tight.

"S'true through."

Louis hooks his finger under Harry's chin and reaches up to place his mouth against Harry's kiss swollen lips. "Love you." He mutters against Harry's mouth.

"Love you too." Harry grins as they break apart, Louis resting his head against Harry's chest. "I've gotta get ready."

"Shall I call a car?" Louis asks him.

"What for?"

"Take me back to mine, innit."

"Oh." Harry pauses, "Uh, I thought, y'know. You could stay here if you wanted? Like, while I'm out with Jeff."

Louis bites his lip, pressing his thumb into Harry's hip. "Would you mind?"

"Course not." Harry says, shaking his head. "Unless you've gotta do stuff at yours? When've you got the house until?"

Louis gets a mental image of his iPhone calendar inside his brain. "Pretty sure it's paid for for another few days. I can go pick up my stuff tomorrow or something. I didn't bring much anyway, just a couple of suitcases."

Harry nods, "Okay. Well, you're welcome to any of my stuff in the mean time. Clothes, food, toiletries, the lot."

"So kind of you." Louis teases, patting Harry's stomach. "Can I take a shower whilst you get ready?"

Harry kisses his cheek. "Of course."


Louis lounges on Harry's couch, wrapped up in the duvet he stole from Harry's master bedroom. It's clean white, soft and it smells like Harry as Louis burrows the side of his face into it. It's all warm, the room and the atmosphere and the feeling inside Louis' chest. He's pulled the curtains closed over the bay windows, shutting the dark outside. The ceiling lights are dimmed and they cast a subtle glow over the room, unobtrusive and welcoming. His eyes flicker between the TV screen and his phone, a documentary about the ocean playing on low volume.

His phone vibrates in his palm and he feels himself smile as he reads the notification, a text from Harry. He unlocks the screen and opens the message, grin creeping right across his face as he reads the text.

'Jeff says hi. Trying to convince me to come on a double date with you and Glenne.'

There's a picture attached and Louis purses his lips, stomach fluttering when he opens it. It's Harry and Jeff, smirking into the camera, shooting cheesy thumbs up. He finds himself staring at it for a little too long, taking in the details of Harry's features, how cute he looks when he pokes his tongue out of the side of his mouth.

Louis holds his phone up, opening the front camera and snapping a shot of himself with his thumb pointing down and lips pouted. He types in a message underneath it,

'nah , straight couples are boring.'

He adds a little snoozing emoji, for dramatic effect. He smiles at his phone, locking it and resting it on the arm of the sofa. It feels surreal to be sat in Harry's living room, bundled up in his sheets and messing about with him and Jeff. He feels at home, he feels safe and warm and accepted. Like he's found himself a sanctuary here in LA, surrounded by people who love and support him. And for the first time in a long time, he feels like he supports himself. Like he isn't fighting an internal battle with his very being every morning, like he's not pushing away a massive part of him and pretending it doesn't exist. This is him. It's who he's always been and who he's always going to be.

His phone starts to buzz again, although it's prolonged this time, a call. He finds himself subconsciously fixing his hair and holding back a smile when he reads the contact name on the screen, 'Harry'.

"Hey." He answers softly, warmth filling his stomach when Harry's low voice replies, all tinny through the speaker.


"You alright?" Louis asks, muting the TV.

"M'great. Just letting you know I'm leaving now, so, uh, I should be home soon." Louis feels a smile spread across his face, endeared by the words Harry's spilling through the phone.

"You could've just texted me that." Louis teases, pulling the duvet further up over his body.

"Yeah, I know. Feels a bit more personal this though, doesn't it?"

Louis chuckles softly, "How'd you mean?"

"Like, just ringing to tell my boyfriend I'm nearly home. I said that to Jeff, I was like 'oh I'm just gonna give my boyfriend a call,'. Completely obnoxious, could easily have said Louis but it's more fun to say boyfriend."

Louis has to physically concentrate on keeping his smile under control so he can use his mouth to speak instead. "You're so weird."

"You love it."

"I do love it. I love you."

He hears Harry pause, wonders what his face looks like right now. "I love you too. Gonna spoon you so hard when I get in."

"I believe I've already reserved the position of the big spoon." Louis quips, tracing his fingertips along the edge of the sofa cushion.

"Well, I am quite fond of my role as little spoon." Harry replies, his voice slow and lazy. "I've gotta go, Jeff's making puking faces at me."

Louis giggles back down the phone. "Alright, I'll see you soon yeah?"

"Yeah, like twenty minutes tops."

"Okay, bye."

"Bye." Harry draws the word out like a song.

"Bye bye." Louis repeats, stifling a laugh.

"Bye, Lou." Harry giggles, waiting for his response.

"We are not doing this." Louis deadpans before chuckling softly.

"Doing what?" Harry replies, false innocence in his voice.

"We're not being that 'you hang up, no you hang up' couple."

Harry laughs as he replies, "Alright, hang up then."

Louis pauses, pressing his lips together in a smile. "...No, you."

Harry chortles back, his obnoxious laugh like music to Louis' ears. "On three?" "On three."

They count together, Louis struggling to contain his giggles at the ridiculousness of the situation. When they get to three, there's a pause. It's accidental but both of them end the call with an 'I love you,' rushed from their lips at the same time.

Louis hangs up and locks his phone. His cheeks hurt from smiling.

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