Untangle Me - L.S (boyxboy)

By ohsolittlelou

33.5K 815 495

Louis finds himself out of place in LA, unable to get at an itch that’s been bothering him for years. He supp... More

0. Prologue
Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31. (Final Chapter)

Chapter 23.

990 17 19
By ohsolittlelou

"Camping?" Louis asks, exasperated tone. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah!" Harry whines, "I've got all everything we need."

"We've got all that stuff to do tomorrow though, we've got that bloody meeting with Sony." Louis sighs, propping himself up against the back of the bed.

Harry's on his knees in the centre, long tousles of hair falling over his bare chest. "We can get back in plenty of time for that." Harry flutters his eyelashes at Louis, pout on his lips. "C'mon, Lou, it'll be fun."

At times, it's easy to forget Harry's still so young, that he's the baby of the band. When he's got his game face on, charming and charismatic, commanding a room. When he's carrying a chorus on stage in front of thousands or walking a red carpet with his head held high. When he's like this though, carefree and slightly naive about the restraints they have holding them down, it's clear to see, almost refreshing.

"Alright." Louis gives in, Harry dropping his mouth open into a wide smile. "We can go camping."

Harry lurches forward, cupping Louis' face and placing a hard kiss upon his lips. "I'll even put the tent up all by myself."

Louis laughs, rolling his eyes and pinching Harry's nipple. "Fuck off, team work is important in a relationship."

He feels himself wince a bit after he says it, the words leaving his mouth without him thinking about them first. It's the first time either of them has used the term "relationship" and Louis doesn't know if it's too soon.

Harry just nods back though, corners of his lips tucked up into a smirk. "Dream team."

"Dream team." Louis repeats, a flush of affection rushing over him. They'd always called themselves that, back in the day. When they'd pair up on FIFA or pitch together to pull pranks on the others, bouncing off each others energy and winding everybody up apart from themselves.

Louis has missed Harry, that much is a given. He's missed every part of what they used to share together, the friendship that was so unique and unlike any other. It feels incredible to know that not only does he have that back, but he now has a whole new dynamic on top of it to explore. Being in love with your best friend, Louis thinks, that's something special.

"Where were you thinking of camping then?" Louis asks, sitting up against the headboard, eye level with Harry.

"I know a place, it's not too far away." Harry says, unlocking his phone and typing something in frantically. "It's a bit, um... unofficial."

"Expand..." Louis presses, already enthralled.

"I mean it's not technically a camping site. S'basically just a bit of woods. But it's nice, like really nice." He flips his phone over to Louis, showing him the screen. "It's right by here." He says, pointing his index finger at a unidentified segment of wooded land on Google Maps. "There's a lake and everything."

Louis squints, holding Harry's wrist and bringing the phone in closer to get a good look. "You sure it's like...safe?"

Harry nods. "Mhm, definitely. Do you know Xander?"

Louis shakes his head, "You might have mentioned him, I don't know..." He trails off.

"Right, well," Harry continues, locking his phone, "He lives near, I know him through Jeff and he told me about the place. He goes camping there all the time with his boyfriend when they want to get away."

Louis raises his eyebrows, "Didn't realise you're mates with the cast of Brokeback Mountain."

"Funny." Harry says, folding his arms. "I'm serious, they go all the time and he says it's really romantic and fun. You want romance don't you?"

"Harold." Louis sighs, reaching out and unfolding Harry's arms from across his chest, gripping his wrists. "Of course I want romance. I thrive off romance. Do you realise we had our first kiss lying on the grass stargazing, like, how fucking sappy?"

The corners of Harry's lips twitch, pout breaking into a smile he's trying to keep under control. "I'd give it a solid seven out of ten on the sappy scale. I think you can do better."

Louis tightens his hold on Harry's wrist, squeezing just so and looking up at Harry through his eyelashes. "That a challenge?"

"If you choose to accept it."

Louis pulls him forward, kissing the pointed tip of his chin. "I'm gonna woo you so hard."

Harry snorts back a laugh, winking at Louis. "I love when you talk dirty to me."


The drive takes a little while, Harry spends almost the whole journey with one hand on the steering wheel and the other resting on Louis' thigh. Louis plays with his fingers, interlocking them with his own whilst Harry drives. It's every cliche but they do it because they've never gotten the chance to before.

The boot is loaded with camping equipment Harry had conveniently found lurking in his garage, a tent and sleeping bags, a inflatable air bed just about big enough for the both of them to fit on.

Harry'd found a little trangia stove hidden in his cupboard from old camping trips, but they'd decided to leave it behind as neither of them could remember how to work it properly. Instead they opt for packing a picnic, stopping off at a rundown convenience store they spot on the way to stock up on snacks.

Harry twists the keys, turning the ignition off, going to pull his door open before Louis interjects. "I'll go in."

"Oh," Harry says, "You sure?"

"Mhm," Louis nods, taking his wallet out of his back pocket. "Few things I've gotta grab as well."


Louis raises an eyebrow, quirking a smile at Harry. "It's a secret."

Harry smirks back, shaking his head softly. "Go on then."

"Don't miss me too much." Louis winks, pulling his door open and slinking into the store.

He thinks about Harry's earlier words, "You want romance don't you?" He doesn't know what sort of romantic paraphernalia a curb side convenience store would stock, but he's about to do his best to find out.

He settles on a few packets of scented tea lights, marshmallows and wooden skewers and the most expensive bottle of red wine he can find in a store that also sells car tires. He picks up a basket full of picnic food too, a few ready made sandwiches, cereal bars, crisps and a few pots of fresh fruit that he knows Harry will appreciate.

He had genuinely gone in the store with the intention of just stocking up on those few items, a couple of cute extras to make the whole affair a touch more on the romantic side. That is until he makes his way to the checkout, stopping in his tracks when he walks down what looks like a fairly innocent aisle.

The bright coloured packaging catches his eye, keywords like "pleasure" and "excite" drawing him in. He can't resist picking up a packet, opting for the "classic" variation of condoms.

The store is lacking in lube, just stocking the inconvenient type that you rip out of a packet. He throws it in the basket anyway, smirking at how this is the second time in less than a week he's found himself spontaneously buying lube in some grotty corner shop. It's not like he's expecting anything from the trip, the condoms and lube just an after thought in case he finds himself in a situation where they're necessary. Having to hold off touching Harry like that because of lack of equipment would probably put him in his grave for good.

He skips back to the car, throwing the plastic bag and it's contents onto the back seat, before leaning over and hooking Harry's chin with his pointer finger, placing their lips together and smiling into the kiss.

"All good?" Harry asks when they break apart, dimples deep as ever.

"Perfect." Louis responds, fastening his seatbelt as Harry starts up the ignition again. The CD they'd been listening to blasts back out through the speakers as the car jolts to life, Harry slotting it into gear, The 1975, one of Harry's old favourites.

They drive the rest of the way with the windows down, warm air spilling in and blowing Harry's hair back off his face, rays of the sun hot against Louis' arm that's slung out of the window.

Louis watches Harry drive, how he holds the wheel almost carelessly with just two fingers hooked around it. The way he sings along to the track, hitting the notes without even having to try. "It's just you and I tonight, why don't you figure my heart out?"


"If this could just fucking get in here." Louis grumbles bent over a tent pole that refuses to slot itself into the correct position.

Harry stands over him, a hand resting on Louis' lower back, almost like reassurance. "Maybe if you just move it to that side a bit..." Harry offers, gesturing with his foot.

Louis rolls his eyes, sighing. "Wow. Thanks, Harry. I've only tried that about six million times."

"Don't be rude." Harry says, tone playful.

Louis stands back up, letting the tent pole drop to the ground, brushing a sheen of sweat off his forehead. "Why is this so bloody hard?" He exasperates, cocking his hip and placing his hands on each of them. "It shouldn't be this hard, should it?"

Harry laughs gently, "Let me do it, yeah? I don't mind, honestly. You can blow up the air bed or something."

Louis frowns, crossing his arms. "Well I can't stop now, can I? I can't let it win."

Harry raises his eyebrows, a smirk creeping from the corners of his mouth. "It's a tent, Lou."

"Great observation skills. Really, fantastic." He retorts, picking up the discarded pole and examining it.

He feels Harry slink behind him, wrapping his arms around his waist, speaking into his neck. "Would it be weird if I said you're really hot when you're pissed off? Your face gets all red and you do these really over exaggerated puffy breaths..."

"I get that you're trying to seduce me and all," Louis huffs out, "But I'm two seconds away from shoving this pole up your arse. And not in a kinky way."

Harry snorts, his head dropping down against Louis' shoulder as he laughs. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry. I'll leave you be." He presses a kiss against the hot skin of Louis' neck. "I'll be over there, just pumping up the airbed. Getting all hot and sweaty, might have to take my t-shirt off..."

Louis twists in Harry's arms, slapping him playfully right in the balls. Harry doubles over, completely over exaggerated and for dramatic effect.

"Bloody hell, watch it." He whines, "You've got invested interest in these, you're meant to look after your property."

"Oh, so you're my property now?" Louis replies with a smirk. "I'll be keeping that in mind." He swears he sees Harry's eyes actually darken at his words, a few seconds passing before Harry stumbles, pushing his hair back off his face.

"You do that." His cheeks have gone a bit pink, "Anyway, I'm gonna get the airbed."

Louis grins back at him, revelling in the affect his words seem to have had on Harry. He turns back to the tent, shaking himself off, trying to get the jitters out of him. He wipes his palms on his shirt, picking up the godforsaken tent pole once again.

He takes a quick look over his shoulder, watching Harry fiddle with the nozzle on the airbed. He looks so beautiful like this, Louis thinks. A loose grey vest with thin straps that hangs off his chest, tight jeans, because what else? Curls falling over his face as he tilts his head down to adjust the pump.

The outdoors suits him, green of the leaves and the grass bringing out the same hues in his eyes. The shadows from the branches of trees casting over his tall body in all the right places. Louis thinks Harry was probably a woodland creature in a previous life, maybe a stag. Doe eyes and long limbs, quiet and mystical, an enigma almost. He's engrossing and engaging, everyone wants a glimpse of him. But Harry's more than that, he's cheeky and mischievous, too flirtatious and welcoming to be considered a mysterious creature of the forest. He's just Harry, this wonderful combination of contradictions. Spontaneous and thoughtful, elusive and honest. He's everything all at once and sometimes Louis' head spins when he tries to put it all together.

Without thinking too much about it, Louis manages to slot the tent pole into the frame, threading it into the tent fabric and sighing in relief when it reaches the opposite end without incident. He works quietly for a while, putting the rest of it together and pegging it all down. As far as tents go, it's not very big. It'll just about fit the airbed in with a fair amount of head room above them. Louis can think of worse things than being squashed into a confined space with Harry. He completes the finishing touches, securing it all and unzipping the front so it opens out properly. Standing back, he observes his work, hands on his hips. It's a little bit wonky, but it's definitely a tent.

"Harry," He calls, turning to look at him. "Told you I could do it."

Harry pumps the last burst of air into the airbed, swivelling his body around to examine the tent. He brings his hand up to his face, shielding his eyes from the sun. "Sick," He calls back, "Proud of you."

Proud of you. That's a good feeling. Louis grins back at him, twisting his arms into his chest.

"Shall we put the bed in?" Harry calls.

Louis nods, skipping over to him. "I'll grab the back, you get the front."

They move it over together, pushing it past the opening of the tent and slotting it inside. It fits nicely, a little room either side for them to put the rest of their belongings. Harry holds his palm up in the air, waiting for a victory high five. Louis takes the bait, slapping his palm against Harry's. He feels himself blush when Harry doesn't move away, keeping their hands connected and waving them around. Louis' stomach flutters when he looks at the way his fingers look next to Harry's, so small and delicate, engulfed by the size of his.

"Now what?" Harry asks, dropping his palm finally.

"I wouldn't mind kissing you for a bit." Louis replies, smirking when Harry giggles softly, running his fingers through his hair.

"I wouldn't mind that either."

They don't bother with finding a blanket from the car to lay on, the grass underneath them soft enough to lie comfortably. It's slightly dewy still and Louis can feel the cool droplets of water tickling at the back of his t-shirt. When Harry lays down next to him, turning on his side so that they're face to face, he can't feel anything but the press of their knees knocking together.

Their faces are inches apart and it feels like their first kiss all over again, the wonder in Harry's eyes and the heavy hammering of Louis' heart against his ribcage. Harry leans in closer, features blurring as he reaches out and thumbs at the side of Louis' mouth, one finger tucked under his chin.Louis lets his eyes fall shut, body shivering when he feels Harry's arm wrap around his waist, pulling him in close. He mimics the gesture, slinging his arm around Harry and stroking softly up the back of his spine. Harry's breath tickles against Louis' mouth and he feels all the tension slip out of him when the warm air is replaced with the feel of soft lips against his own. Their mouths slide together, unhurried and without rush, just feeling. Louis slots his lips around Harry's bottom one, sucking it gently and then placing a tiny peck against it when he lets go.

The sound of water rippling in the stream provides a backdrop, that and the chirping of birds just audible over the breeze that rustles the loose leaves in the trees behind them. Louis connects their lips again, still soft and with as much love behind it as he can muster. He can feel Harry sigh into him, their chests almost pressed together now. He runs his fingers along the curve of Harry's spine, feeling the indents and ridges underneath the pads of his fingers.

Harry laughs gently into his mouth, breaking the kiss to mumble against his lips. "That tickles."

Louis breaks into a smile, smoothing his hand against Harry's back. "Sorry," He whispers, even though there's nobody around for miles to hear it, "Just can't stop touching you."

Harry kisses him again at that, their noses bumping together before their lips meet. It's like syrup, slow and smooth and so, so sweet.

They're interrupted by a wet drop of moisture falling directly in-between their faces. Louis splutters, pulling away and wiping his face. Harry does the same, looking up to the sky with a look of confusion. "It was sunny as fuck like, literally two seconds ago."

Louis looks up, he must have missed the rain clouds rolling in, too focused on how good Harry feels against his mouth.

"We should swim." Louis blurts, watching the way the droplets are starting to leave little dark patches on Harry's grey vest.


"Mhm." Louis nods, "If we're gonna get wet we may as well get properly wet."

Harry lets out a small laugh, "I didn't bring swimming shorts or anything."

Louis raises his eyebrows, thinking back to many a time at the bungalow where Harry would jump in his step dads pool, completely clad of clothes. "Like that ever stopped you before."

"Touche," Harry retorts, shrugging. "Shall we get naked then?"

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