Untangle Me - L.S (boyxboy)

By ohsolittlelou

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Louis finds himself out of place in LA, unable to get at an itch that’s been bothering him for years. He supp... More

0. Prologue
Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31. (Final Chapter)

Chapter 15.

974 29 4
By ohsolittlelou

They stumble out of the car together, Louis feeling completely legless as he stands on the gravel outside of Harry's doorway. It strikes him that he's never actually set foot in Harry's Vegas house before, it's exactly how he would imagine it from the outside though, white and expensive looking, lots of glass.

Harry waves a thanks to the driver before fumbling in his pocket for the house keys. Neither of them speak as Harry fiddles with the door, both caught up in the anticipation of what might happen once they get inside. Louis finds himself wondering if they would still have wound up in this position had him and Harry been completely sober the whole time. He bats the thought away, of course they would. This isn't a drunken hook up, this isn't some one time encounter they're going to regret in the morning. It's not.

Harry gets the door open and Louis steps into the house on auto-pilot. As soon as Harry's got the door shut behind him he feels the weight of his bulky body hoisting him up and pressing him against it. Louis lets his head fall back against the door frame, wrapping his legs around Harry's waist and gripping onto his shoulders. It's hardly comparable but Louis can't help but remember the first time he wrapped his legs around Harry like this, on the X-Factor stage on national television. Although this time it involves a little more heavy breathing and definitely more erections.

"M'gonna hurt your back." Louis breathes into Harry's ear as Harry gets to work peppering his neck with kisses.

"Worth it," Harry mumbles, hoisting him further up and snaking his hands underneath Louis, resting them on the bottom of his ass to support his weight.

Louis lets out a gentle moan when Harry brings their bodies closer and Louis' clothed cock bumps against Harry's stomach. When he realises there's no reason to be quiet anymore, he lets out a louder one. It must get Harry going because he connects their lips again, licking straight into Louis' mouth. Louis digs his fingernails into Harry's shoulders, spurring him on.

When they break apart, Harry looks him in the eye before squeezing his ass with both palms. "Bedroom?"

Louis just nods erratically, God, fuck yes.Harry's going to take him to bed. Louis goes to unhook his legs from around Harry's waist and drop himself to the floor, but Harry holds them there.

"I'll carry you."

Louis can't help but let out a giggle at that, "That's a bit of a rom-com cliche isn't it?" Harry pouts at him before extending his tongue and licking his nose. Louis squirms, giggling back at him and wiping his nose.

"Love a good cliche, me." Harry responds, lifting him up from against the door so that Louis' completely in his hold.

"C'mon then, get me to bed." Louis winks before kissing away whatever it was Harry was going to say next. They stay there for a few moments, kissing. Louis thinks this might be a problem for them in the future, spending all their time getting distracted by each other. There's worse things to worry about.

Eventually, Louis feels Harry move underneath him, walking forwards slow towards the stairs. Stairs. Louis wasn't expecting stairs. He's very aware that the two of them are still definitely tipsy and the thought of Harry trying to drunkenly carry him up a flight of stairs is more terrifying than sexy.

"You never mentioned stairs." Louis points out, gripping on to Harry.

"It's okay, I'm very steady on my feet." Harry proclaims, putting a foot on the first step. Louis scoffs at that, a new born baby giraffe would be more steady on their feet.

"Harold, if you drop me, or trip down the stairs, just know I have a team of excellentlawyers that won't hesitate to sue."

Harry giggles, walking as slow as he can manage, carefully placing one foot in front of the other with such concentration Louis cant help but press kisses to the crease it causes in his forehead.

Finally, they reach the top and Harry quirks an eyebrow up at Louis, corners of his mouth raised in an expression that says told you so.Before Louis can say anything back, Harry's on the move again, heading straight for what must be his bedroom, shit this is really happening.

Harry turns them around, bumping the door with his back. When the door swings open, Louis feels his mouth drop. The room is everything Louis would expect Harry's room to be. It's big and lavish, marble flooring with a kingsized four poster in the middle of the room. There's all sorts of strange tapestries and paintings and collectables strewn over the walls, some arranged neatly on a large desk covered in piles of paper and a stack of journals. The opposite side of the room houses a ceiling to floor glass window that opens out onto a balcony overlooking the garden.

Louis thinks he's seen it all, that is until Harry walks them over to the bed, placing Louis down on the mattress. He lets his head fall back onto the multitude of pillows before looking up and oh my god there's a fucking ceiling mirror. Of course there is. Harry must catch his line of sight because when he bounds down next to him on the bed, he chuckles, "Cool innit?"

Louis pulls Harry on top of him, watching the reflection of it in the mirror. He swipes Harry's hair out of his face, looking him right in the eye. "I didn't know you had a ceiling mirror, but on some level I feel like I knew you had a ceiling mirror. That's such a fuckingHarrything to have."

Harry laughs, putting his weight on his elbows and leaning down to kiss Louis' lips. "S'fun for when you're wankin'."

Louis almost chokes on thin air, grabbing at Harry's hips and pulling him in closer. "Are you trying to kill me?"

Harry takes Louis' bottom lip between his teeth, tugging at it and then letting it snap back. "Nah. Fancy you too much for that."

Louis cant get the image of Harry lying in bed, tossing in the sheets, gripping at them with one fist whilst the other works over his cock, watching himself in the mirror. Fucking exhibitionist. "Mm." Louis mumbles, kissing over Harry's neck. "You like watching yourself get off?"

Harry slots his thigh in between Louis' legs, threading his fingers through his hair. "Love it." Harry breathes out, twisting his neck to give Louis better access.

"Yeah?" Louis says, licking a stripe over the long column of Harry's neck. "Bet you'd love it even more watchin' me fuck you." Louis doesn't know where that came from, it just slipped out of his mouth easy as anything. He cringes a little, fully expecting Harry to laugh at him or just clear his throat awkwardly.

What he gets instead is Harry rolling his hips down, a whiny "Louis," falling from his lips before he attaches them again to Louis'. Suddenly Louis is absolutely craving skin on skin, he feels like he's itching in his clothes, skin fiery hot underneath them, every layer between him and Harry one too many.

He gets to work, slipping a hand up the back of Harry's shirt, untucking it from his jeans. He brings one hand around to the front of Harry's chest, feeling all over, his warm skin radiating under Louis' touch. His hand wanders upwards and Harry mewls softly when Louis' thumb just brushes over a nipple. Taking note, Louis rubs over it again, Harry's breath hitching in between kisses. He takes the nub in between his thumb and forefinger, rolling it around and when he pinches just lightly, Harry lets out an unabashed moan into Louis' mouth.

He uses his other hand to hitch up the back of Harry's shirt, pulling at the front with the other. "Okay?" He asks, moving his mouth away from Harry's for just a moment.

"Yeah," He lets out, sitting up straight so Louis can tug the rest of Harry's shirt over his head. Louis yanks it off, throwing it to the floor. He sits up, propping his back against the pillows so that Harry's straddling his lap.

Louis lurches forward, planting his face against Harry's chest. He nibbles along his collarbones, licking a line over each of them. Harry's watching his every move, looking down at him and cupping the back of his neck like he's guiding him. Louis feels Harry's hand just applying the smallest amount of pressure, leading him down. Louis gets the message and moves his mouth slow until he reaches Harry's nipple. At first he's delicate, just flicking the very tip of his tongue over it. Harry tightens his grip on the back of his neck. Louis licks at it again, this time with a much broader stroke. When he stops, he's blows a cool stream of air over it, revelling it the way it makes Harry shiver underneath him. "Lou," He whines, rocking his body forward just so.

Taking pity, Louis sucks it into his mouth, using his other hand to rub at the other. Harry throws his head back as Louis sucks and licks at it, neck exposed and hair hanging long against his bare back. Louis pinches it between his teeth experimentally and Harry lets out a high pitched moan, curling his chest towards Louis. He does it again, this time harder, Harry grabbing on the back of his neck like a vice.

When Louis pulls off, Harry starts to scramble at his shirt, reaching down low for the hem of it. Louis helps him out, rucking the shirt up over his head and throwing it next to Harry's in a pile on the floor. He doesn't have time to do much else before Harry's hands are on his shoulders, pushing him down flat against the mattress. Louis goes easily, letting Harry clamber back on top of him and kiss him all slow, tongue licking past his lips like he's trying to taste every last bit of him.

He stifles a moan when Harry rocks his thigh right up against Louis' bulge, grinding it there purposefully. It should make Louis feel incredible, but out of nowhere a sickly wave washes over him. Harry wants this, that much is obvious, but will he still want Louis when they're both sober and wake up next to each other in the morning? Louis keeps kissing Harry, slowing the pace though.

The feeling of uncertainty only intensifies when Harry starts to kiss down his chest, dragging his hands down it slowly. It's just this is so important to Louis, this is so much more than a casual fuck and he can't help that twang of self doubt in his stomach that says it might be just that for Harry. The times he'd let himself envision the possibility of sex with Harry, it'd always been this been big romantic gesture. It feels like he's throwing it away, jumping at the chance for a quick drunken shag after the club. Harry reaches Louis' waistband and looks up at him through his eyelashes, smirking at him all sultry before he moves his fingers towards the zipper.

"Stop." Louis blurts out, slinging his arm over his face to hide his embarrassment.

Harry pulls away instantly, kneeling over Louis with his palms raised. "Are you okay?" His voice comes out hoarse in his throat. "Lou?" Harry questions quietly when Louis doesn't respond.

Louis looks out from under his arm and winces when he sees Harry sat there, not knowing what to do with his hands. He's frozen over Louis' lap, biting his fingers with his eyebrows furrowed. "Lou, did I-"

"Harry, I'm sorry." Louis whispers, his voice almost breaking.

Harry's eyes widen and Louis can see him twitching, like he wants to lean over and hug Louis but he doesn't know if he's allowed. "D'you want me to leave?" Harry murmurs, hugging his arms over his bare chest.

"Fuck," Louis groans, "No, no, no, Harry. No, I don't. I'm sorry, please don't leave."

Harry slings his leg from over Louis so he's perched on the bed instead. "Can, can I...can I come up there?" Harry asks, so soft Louis almost misses it.

Louis nods, "Yeah, of course you can, Haz. Of course." He stammers, wrapping his arms around Harry as he fumbles over. Harry lies down next to him, their faces inches apart.

"What happened?" Harry whispers. "Was I goin' too fast? Are you like, not...ready?"

Louis reaches out and strokes Harry's hair out of his face. "You were perfect, you areperfect. That's the fuckin' issue."

Harry looks back at him bewildered, coaxing his fingers along Louis' spine. "Um, I'm not...really following?"

Louis lets out a breathy laugh, "I want you, sobadly. More than anything. I want to have sex with you." Harry bites his lip. "But I want it so bad it...it scares me. I don't just want it now, I don't just want to grind on you in a club and then go home and shag. I'm still a bit drunk, but I know I'll still want this tomorrow. And the day after, and the day after that and probably every day until I'm ancient and cant get my cock up without a tab of V." Harry snorts at that, still tracing his fingers up Louis' spine. "And not just sex, Harry. I'm so fucking- I'm so...you mean so much to me and I've fucked it up once and I'm not gonna let it happen again."
He watches Harry press his lips together, watches him stare right back at Louis. "Louis," He breathes out, his voice faltering. "You talking about ancient cock should not have me near tears."

Louis lets out a shaky laugh next to him, "I've got a way with words." He mumbles, drawing patterns in Harry's bicep with his finger.

"You do." Harry replies softly, "This isn't just a quick shag for me. You aren't that, you're not even remotely close to that. I don't know if you like, missed the part where I've been bloody pining over you for five years or something, but this isn't a one time thing. When we wake up tomorrow, I'll still going to feel the same way I do right now. I'm still gonna want to do this." He punctuates the 'this' with a soft kiss to Louis' lips. "But if you're not ready, if you're not comfortable with taking it any further tonight, then we won't and I'll still go to sleep feeling the happiest I have in fucking years."

Louis thinks he actually feels his heart explode at that. He is so fucking in love with this boy. This beautiful, beautiful boy. As if to prove it, he connects their lips, holding Harry's entire face between his hands, getting them as close together as he can manage. Their lips are pressed together so tightly it almost feels bruising when they move them against each other. Louis breaks the kiss, keeping his hands on Harry's face and holding it still, just looking right into his eyes, making sure he's real.

Harry starts to smile, dimples protruding in his cheeks and Louis cant help but follow, breaking out into a grin.

"Stay?" Louis whispers. He remembers the last time he asked Harry to stay in bed with him, uttering these exact words. How fragile and worn they'd both felt. How drained of energy and empty they'd been, the way Louis had seen tears pearled on Harry's eyelashes. It's so different now, a world away from the grey bleakness they'd been surrounding themselves with. Louis' feels like they're emitting colour now, a million rays of brightness shining from within them.

Harry nods back at him, planting a kiss against Louis' forehead. "I'm not going anywhere."

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