By Mintyhippo95

171K 5.7K 2.3K

Elsa's parents were the greatest spies in the world, and owned a spy agency. From the time Elsa could walk sh... More

Grown Up
The Big 4
Sleep Over
I Will Fight
Red Mercury
Ruined Cake
Years Pass By
The Snow Queen
Mystery Bomber
The Island
Get my level
Tiny Miracles
Agent #1
Trouble in Paradise
Best Birthday Ever
I'm Sorry
Memory Loss
Survival of the Fittest
Survival of the Fittest Part 2
Secrets of the Forest
Be Strong
Separate Missions
Mr. & Mrs. Overland
Bye Felicia
Forgetting Again
This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things
I Remember
Together Again
Our Future
Harmless Secret
Reverse Psychology
We're Good
Together Again
Into the Artic
Confession Time
My Everything
Thank Yous'
Watermelons and Grapes
Always Right

Don't Leave Me

3.6K 101 42
By Mintyhippo95

Elsa's POV

I woke up at 3 in the morning as usual, and smiled. Jack face was buried in my hair, and I heard him mumbling my name in his sleep.

He was such a cutie when he slept, even now. I'm still mad he did that to himself, just cause I was 'gone', doesn't mean he had to try to kill himself. He had so much more to live for than me and our not even existing child.

Still even being in his condition, he still has his 6-pack with a v-line, and has the face of an angel.

"Are you done checking me out?" he mumbled.

"Are you done sniffing my hair?"

"Five more minutes." he said.

"Nope, come on, get up. We have workout to do, then we have to get my shit."

"Right...... how are we all getting there?"

"Well, I'm taking the plane. Yours is blown up, so hopefully you are all creative."

"You are diabolical." he chuckled while rubbing his eyes and stretching.

"Damn straight." I chuckled and got up. I changed into a pair of black yoga shorts, purple sports bra, a white tank top, and my workout shoes. My hair was pulled in a ponytail, and I looked to Jack. He just had on the same thing as yesterday.

"Come on." he said, and together we both woke up everyone. They all groaned, especially Merida who could hardly stumble after what I did to her yesterday.

"Out now." I said. Then all walked out, and started sprinting. I of course was leading and lapped them more than once. Merida was at the back, and I slapped her a couple times.

She was going to pay for her threat, and know the true definition of pain when I'm done with her. I wasn't going to kill her, no that was far too easy. I was going to make her tear all of her muscles in her body and break her bones until she can't even move. She will be immobilized when I'm finished. Let's see her pick up her phone then.

After that we did the same workout as yesterday, and everyone was basically immobilized when I was done. Then Jack and me went into the bubbling hot spring. While we were in there, I cut his hair so it was back to its original length, so it no longer hanged in his face.

Then we went to get ready to leave. I dressed myself in a pair of black leather pants, black leather halter vest, and black leather combat boots. Then I strapped a handgun to each leg and one on my boot, two spiked bracelets that electrocute people, a poison dragon ring, 24 throwing knives in places I'm not going to mention, a case with a 2 semi-auomatic machine guns and a gun with a silencer on it. I pulled my bun up in a low curly bun that looked like something someone would wear to prom or a formal event, then put on light makeup.

I walked out, and everyone was looking at me. I saw Jack smirk when he saw we were basically wearing matching outfits.

"Alright, listen up ladies, I have 4 storage warehouse. Jack and I will take the one at the Burgesses, Punzie and Eugene will take the one in Florida, Merida and Hiccup will get the one in California, and Anna will take the one in Oregon and pick up Kristoff. I have the addresses of where everything is, and remember to bring everything with you. Meet you at the agency whenever." I said handing them each their location and address they needed to go to.

"Don't you have any weapons?" I asked Jack.

"No, why? How many do you have?" he asked.

"I have two arm cuffs with spikes that can electrocute people, two hand guns, a hunting knife, 24 throwing knives, a ring with poison in it, a gun with a silencer on it, and two semi-automatic machine guns.

"Wait, 24 throwing knives?" he said looking at me up and down, "Where the hell are you keeping them?!" he said.

"That is a location that if you are lucky enough, you will find out on the plane. Now come on." I said putting on a pair of aviators and walking out the door towards the plane.

"Wait, are you saying you want to join the mile high club with me?" Jack smirked.

"Well, it is the only thing I haven't done yet." I shrugged, "But don't get your hopes up."

We walked and entered the plane.

"Nice plane, how much did it cost?" Jack asked looking around in awe.

"Nothing, I borrowed it...... from Pitch." I smirked and he laughed knowing what I meant. Pitch was still really pissed about the plane, he has attacked me several times trying to get it back. I typed in the coordinates of where we were heading...... actually the closest air field to the location, then sat down. I pulled up my phone and texted Kristoff that I was sending someone to get him, and then started reading another parenting book.

Then Jack slid next to me, and started kissing every bit of my exposed skin.

"Jack, I'm reading." I said, but he snatched the book.

"Don't worry, you're going to be a great mom, you don't need those books."

"We have a long flight, I have to do something." I said, starting to give in. I can't help it, his touch drives me nuts, and in a good way.

"I know, and I intend on finding out where all 24 of those throwing knives are."

"Jack, come on......"

"Please." he whined giving me these adorable puppy eyes, "I thought I would never be able to do this again. Besides, this is what friends with benefits do."

"Fuck it, fine." I said, then started kissing him, "Out of excuses and good behavior."

Jack's hands managed to slip inside my pants where my ass is, and then he smirked. He pulled out one of my knives.

"One down, 23 more to go."

~Time Skip~

"Wow!" he panted out.

"Yeah." I said panting out while getting back dressed and repositioning my weapons.

"God I love you woman." he said kissing my cheeks, while putting his vest back on.

"Jack, would you still love me if I wasn't willing to have sex?" I asked him.

"Depends, would you still be the same person you are or would you be different.... personality wise?"

"Probs the same." I shrugged, "Yeah, the agency screwed me up pretty bad."

"Then of course I would still love you. I love you for who you are as a person, not just for sex. Elsa, where did you get that idea?"

"Well, it seems that every time I meet you, that is all you want to do. I just thought that maybe you were like every other guy, and only want me for my body and money."

"Elsa, I fell in love with you for who you are, the sex is just a nice perk. If you want I won't have sex with you again unless you want to, I promise." he said softly while caressing my cheek, "As for the money, I'm good. Your agency pays me well."

"No, I actually enjoy sleeping with you. I don't want anything in our relationship to change, I was just curious."

"Well rest assure that is not the case, now why don't I let you get back to reading that book."

"It's fine, it is just a book with a list of baby names." I said.

"Really, any ideas?"

"I was thinking Snow, Flurry, Crystal, or Aria for a girl. Snowden, Aster, Bobby, or Logan for a boy." I said, "And I want them all to have to coolest middle names like danger, awesome, wait-for-it, powers, badass, kick-ass, or other stuff like that."

"That is by far the coolest idea ever." he chuckled.

"I know! I can't wait till I get back to the Burgesses!!! I have some of those parenting lessons set up, then I want to look at one of those baby stores!!!"

"Isn't it a little early to be going to one of those stores?"

"Nope, I like to look at stuff to get ideas and maybe pick up a thing or two....... I'm going to get tons of outfits so we can match everyday!!!!!!!!!" I squealed and he chuckled.

"Man, when I first met you never knew you would turn out like you are today."

"True, but I never acted like myself then. I don't have to pretend anymore. I also didn't even think much about kids then, I never really thought I would live this long."

"So when are these classes?" he asked. That's right! He is coming too.

"Um.... I think a day from now. We have to pick up all of the stuff I have, then go straight there."

"Cool, staying at your old place?"

"Old place........ I bought a new place."


"Yeah, you'll love it! Big, fancy, indoor.... well just about everything, huge backyard and pool, and anything else anyone could want."

"Wow, did they ask how someone like you could afford that without a job?"

"I put under the job category axe murder. They though it was a joke since it was Halloween and let it slide." I chuckled.

"Are you serious?!" Jack chuckled.

"Yeah, people never believe that someone looking like me is highly dangerous. They just see a pretty single girl to flirt with." I said, "Men, I will never understand them...... then again I don't get women either."

"You and me both." Jack said.

"Yeah......... Jack, I'm thinking about after getting to the agency running off on my own again."

"Elsa, why?"

"Well, I promised I would show up to the agency. I want to snatch my eggs so Mer can't get them then go. I do my best work alone, and you know how I feel about the agency."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Cause I don't want you to be surprised or hurt yourself again." I said.

"Elsa, I just got you back, and it would kill me to lose you again. I don't want to force you though to do something you don't want to do though, so if that is really what you want, then go."

"Jack, be completely honest. If I left would you hurt yourself again; starvation, cutting, attempted suicide, anything?"

"Honestly.......... probably yes." he said looking down, "Elsa, I have spent half of my life on the streets, then the other half of my life at the agency trying to please Manny. You are the only thing that brings me real joy, and to lose you........ I can't begin to describe it."

I sat there for a moment and pondered on what I should do, but only a moment.

"Okay, I'll stay..... for you." I said, and a wide smile grew on his face.

"Thank you Elsa." he said then pulled in into an embrace. "I love you so much, I can't imagine my life without you in it." he said in my hair. I felt some warm liquid running down my shoulder.


"Sorry, just thinking of when I thought you were dead." he said.

"Hey, I'm quite alive. I'm right here in your arms, I'm not going anywhere." I said gently stroking the back of his head. He pulled me closer and started sobbing into my shoulder.

I had no idea what to do in this situation, no one has ever cried in my shoulder, and certainly never about me. I went back to my parenthood knowledge and continued stroking his hair while softly humming to him. After an hour he stopped, but he didn't let me go. I actually really had to pee.

"Jack, can you let me go?" I said.

"No, I'm afraid this is all a cruel illusion, and if I let you go you'll disappear and never come back." he said in my hair still holding me tighter now.

"Jack, I have to use the restroom, and the tightness of your grip isn't apriciated at this current moment." I said.

"Promise you'll come back."

"I promise Jack, I promise." Then he let me go. I ran to the restroom, and did my business. I know this is sad, but I smiled at the thought of Jack's comment. Someone actually cared about me in this world, and they weren't made of snow. I never thought I would matter to anyone besides my child.

When I walked back out Jack let out a breath of relief, like he didn't believe my promise. I sat down next to him, and looked at him. His eyes were all glossy with tears.

"Come here." I said softly. I pulled him close and let him rest his head on my lap. He tightly wrapped his arms around me, and cried into my stomach.

It shocked me, just to see someone as broken and damaged as me.

I just continued to play with his hair and hum to him until he fell asleep, his arms still tightly wrapped around my waist.

"Oh Jack, what did I do to you?" I said softly. I kissed the side of his head then leaned back, and closed my eyes.

Jack's POV

I woke up with the plane bumping, so I'm assuming that we landed on the ground. My arms were still wrapped around Elsa's stomach, she was still here, she didn't disappear. She was leaning against the walls of the plane, with her eyes closed.

I kissed her stomach where our future little one would soon rest. I still can't believe that she is alive and we still have that opportunity. I know she didn't know it now, but we were going to be a family. I understood Elsa's situation with people and emotions perfectly, which is why I'm so patient with her. She was taught not to let emotions sway her judgment, to not feel anything, and never trust people. As a spy those things come in handy, but she was taught that at such a young age she doesn't just use it for work, but in everyday life. The agency and her parents ruined her, but I still loved her.

"Elsa." I said softly shaking her, "Elsa, come on, the planes landed."

"Okay." she said stretching. I got off of her and helped her up. She looked so tired. I know she won't ever admit it, but she was. Her eyes were starting to get bloodshot and bags were appearing under her eyes. She was working herself too much.

"Hey, you look tired. Why don't we get you to your place, and we'll grab that stuff tomorrow." I said while offering her my hand. She observed it very carefully, then took it.

"Yeah, I am tired." she said, "Kicking ass all day is exhausting, then again you and your group wouldn't know anything about that." she smirked.

"Vicious level, over 9000." I chuckled and she laughed.

"Yep, and that is low for me. Now come on." she said and dragged me out of the plane. People were loading her stuff into her car, and one dropped a silver case.

"CAREFUL!!!!" she yelled, "I just bought that, and you have no idea what that could do!"

I knew exactly what it was, and I felt a little hurt and betrayed.

She jumped into the car and me with her while people finished loading her stuff.

"How long ago did you buy that stuff?"

"That stuff is 200 pounds of red mercury, and I bought it around my birthday." she said.

"So you and Jafar........."

"No, we didn't." she said, "I had finally figured out how to make it on my own, so he no longer severed any purpose. I don't keep things that have no purpose."

"So where is he?" I wasn't actually interested in buying stuff, I just wanted to kill his ass for touching her!

"In my freezer." she smirked, "Again, I don't keep things that have no purpose."

"How'd you do it?" I asked trying not to sound too happy.

"Simple. I just snapped his neck." she shrugged. The men hit the car twice to tell her that they loaded everything, and she took off. She drove for around an hour, until we came to this large gate. She typed in a code, and the gate opened. I was in a daze when I saw this huge beautiful house.... well mansion.

"Welcome to me casa!" she said. She drove up to the front, and honked her horn twice. Several maids and butlers ran outside in a frenzy.

She stepped out and looked at them.

"Please unload all of my stuff, and please be careful to not drop anything." she said. They all nodded and started unloading her stuff. I walked into her house, and was amazed. Everything was perfectly placed, and elegant. You could tell nothing was too expensive, but all together it gave off an illusion that it was.

"Pick a room, the maids are making supper." she said.

"Is yours up for grabs?" I smirked.

"Sure, but know that we have those parenting classes tomorrow." she said to let me know sex was off the table. I didn't care though, I loved her sex or none. She was mine, and no one else's.

She raised her hand, and a white sports bra, and a grey plain zipper hooded drawstring waist mid-rise short jumpsuit appeared on her. She let her hair down from her pretty bun, and walked off.

I watched her hips sway as she walked off and changed into a pair of grey sweatpants and put on a white t-shirt. I explored this amazing place until I heard someone say dinner was ready. I saw Elsa sprint from upstairs and surf down the railing of the staircase.

"Come on! Food!" she basically shouted and left me alone to marvel at her cuteness. Even after all of these years she still has that effect on me.

I walked into the dining room there and saw her already sitting at the table eating. There was so much food here, and I have no idea what half of it is, but I intend to find out. I sat down and was served a plate. Elsa made me try everything, and it was all amazing!

Once they cleared all of that, they put all of these deserts on the table. Now I see why Elsa isn't a twig, this girl can eat.

"Jack, try the tiramisu mousse." she said.

 "Elsa, I literally think I'm about to explode." I chuckled holding my stomach.

"Please, even if I feed you?" she said with the cutest puppy eyes I have ever seen. I could feel myself breaking down. Seriously I felt guilty for saying no. When she started to pout I cracked.

"Fine!" I said giving up. She smiled and put some on a spoon. I opened my mouth and she fed me it. It was so rich and smooth that I moaned a little.

"OMG!" was all I said.

"I know!" she squealed and started eating more.

Seriously, Elsa must have a black hole for a stomach! That's okay though, I like a girl who can eat and doesn't starve herself. I found it refreshing and adorable.

Once Elsa was done eating all of the plates were cleared and she was holding her stomach. She had a bit of whipped cream on her nose.

"Is this how you eat every night?"

"No, only when I'm home." she said, "Most nights I have something light like broth or soup. It's not good to get into a fight or something with a full stomach, it slows you down." she said.

"Els, you got a little something on your nose." I said.

"On it!" she said, and tried to lick it off with her tongue. Just when I thought she couldn't get any cuter!

"Here, I got it." I said and kissed her nose. She giggled a little and I smiled. So this is what she's like when no one is around and she is free to be herself. I don't know do I love her badass self or her cute self more.

"So Miss. If you don't mind me asking, who is this young gentleman?" a maid asked.

"My work partner, fuck buddy, and sperm donor." Elsa said. I was surprised she was so open but the maid just smirked at us.

"Fuck buddy huh? Never had one of those before, or anyone in the house in fact." she said, and I realized what she was implying and blushed.

How I wish we were what she was thinking.

"True, but we are here on business. Now would you schedule a manicure and pedicure for me tomorrow morning, a Malabo treatment for my hair, and a masseuse. Also please go to store and pick up some clothes. I want some black leather clothes; boots, pants, jackets, tops, everything. My price range is unlimited." she said.

"Yes Miss." the maid said, then walked off.

"I thought you said you don't trust masseuses." I said.

"I don't, but I have this one by the balls. He owes me a great deal of debt, so he gives me free ones."


"Jack, don't do this. We aren't even in a real relationship, and your already getting jealous. What are you going to do if I have to sleep with someone?

"I'm sorry, you're right." I sighed in defeat. I can't do this to myself. I'm the one she's having a child with, the one she likes to sleep with, play with my hair, and opens up too.

"Thank you, now I'm going to bed." she said standing up. I followed her of course, and jumped into bed with her. I pulled her close and inhaled her sweet vanilla scent. I can't get jealous, I can't. I love her and want no one to touch her, but I can't lose her either, and that is exactly what is going to happen if I get jealous.

"Night Elsa, I love you." I said.

"Night Jack." she said nuzzling closer to me.

I knew she wasn't going to say 'I love you too', but it still hurt. Though once again, she was raised totally different than anyone. I was surprised she managed to love her sister and Eugene growing up. Then that came back to bite her, and now she is scared of loving someone again. I know though by nuzzling closer to me that was her silent way of saying she loved me. I already knew she loved me, though it was hard to say.

I kissed the top of her head, then closed my eyes. As always I was scared that this was a cruel trick of the mind, and I's wake up alone back in that padded room, and she would still be dead.

"Don't leave me." I whispered.

"I won't I promise." she softly said back. Then I fell into a peaceful slumber that only she could bring.

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