Falling For Mr.Parker!

By EmMcGuinessParker

82.4K 2.6K 310

First day back at school after the Summer, and the truth all comes out. Rachel Jones was in Year 13, hoping t... More

Falling For Mr.Parker!
One -
Two -
Three -
Four -
Five -
Six -
Eight -
Nine -
Ten -
Eleven -
Twelve -
Thirteen -
Fourteen -
Fifteen -
Sixteen -
Seventeen -
Eighteen -
Nineteen -
Twenty -
Twenty-One -
Twenty-Two -
Twenty-Three -
Twenty-Four -
Twenty-Five -
Twenty-Six -
Twenty-Seven -
Twenty-Eight -

Seven -

3.3K 116 16
By EmMcGuinessParker

Rachel's POV -

Nathan had helped me come up with a plan that was bound to make Tom jealous and make him want me more than he already did; guys always want what they can't have.

It made the chase much more thrilling, but then I can't really say anything about that since I want what I can't legally have as well.

"So, you find out from Tom where he's going tonight..." Nathan smiled as we walked towards the last lesson of the week, History. The time where the plan was going to be put into motion and we were going to see just how successful this idea really is.

"And then I'll come round yours tonight to get ready with Louise, and we'll make it one hell of a night together." I chuckled. Louise had no idea what me and Nathan were planning; I'd decided against telling her because she had already made her opinion on Tom clear and she hated him.

She had spent most of her time trying to convince me that Nathan was perfect for me and I should get with him; even though we'd both said that was never going to happen. We only liked each other as friends.

And Nathan knew my heart only belonged to Tom and he was never going to get it from me.

"You know, I've seen him hanging off Miss.Lake's arm a lot this week..." Nathan pointed out.

"I thought I was the only one who had noticed that one. You don't think he's a similar idea to you, do you?" I questioned because it seemed suspicious how he had told me that he loved me, yet he was spending all his time with Miss.Lake whenever he saw me around.

If he was trying to make me jealous, then he was doing a very good job and he had made me incredibly jealous. But I wasn't going to let that show, especially since I was doing the same thing to him.

"Well, if he did, is it working?" Nathan asked with a raised eye-brow as we walked into the classroom, seeing that pretty much the entire class was there, with the exception of Lauren and her gang of Barbie followers.

"Obviously it's working or I wouldn't have noticed it, would I?" I laughed as we took or seats at the back of the room, pulling everything we needed from our bags.

"Rachel and Nathan, you can continue your conversation after the lesson, thank you. Now, can everyone turn to page 85 and continue with the work from last lesson. In silence..." Tom said as he took his seat at his desk, only lifting his eyes either to make sure we were all doing the work in silence or to have a quick glance at me; even Nathan had noticed that because he sat there sniggering to himself under his breath.

I just punched him in the arm before continuing with the work that we had been set to do.

"He really loves you. He wants to kiss you..." Nathan kept mutteringloud enough for me to be able to hear it, but quiet enough so no one else in the room could.

"I swear, if you don't shut up, then I'm going to tell Lauren that you want to take her out on a date at the weekend..." I replied with a serious look on my face, putting my pen down on the desk and looking straight at him.

"Nathan? Rachel? Is there something you would like to share with the class?" Tom asked, standing up, causing the entire class to stop their work and look at us.

"Nothing sir. You wouldn't understand anyway." Nathan replied with a laugh.


"It was just something that Nathan did last night. See sir, he came round mine after school yesterday and we went to my bedroom to do some revision while Jacob, that's my brother by the way, was doing some things in the kitchen. He went to sit on my bed but, because he's a bit of an idiot, he totally missed and landed on the floor; knocking everything off at the same time." I said in fits of laughter, to which the entire group burst out laughing as well. Nathan just sat there, giving me a dirty look because of the fact I just told the whole group about how much of an idiot he was sometimes.

"I hate you Rach." Nathan sulked as he slapped me on the arm.

Yes, this was all part of the plan and, from the look on Tom's face, it was working because he doesn't seem too happy with everything that was going on and being said right now.

"Well, thank you for that exciting story. And that couldn't wait until tomorrow?" Tom asked seeming even more annoyed that we had spoken about this in his lesson than anything, but never mind, this was all worth it for what was going to happen in the end.

"Sorry sir, it was just something that I remembered and I couldn't control myself." I chuckled.

"Please stay behind at the end of the lesson, I would like a word with you about what I mean when I say 'silence', okay?" Tom replied.

"Yes sir." I mumbled and allowed him to go back to what he was doing. Nathan was just sat there laughing at me and smiling to himself.

The rest of the lesson seemed to go pretty quickly and it wasn't long before the bell rang for the end of the day. Everyone filed out of the room quicker than I had ever seen someone leave a room, although that had always happened on a Friday.

People just wanted to get on with the weekend, not hang around and wait for Tom to tell us that we were allowed to leave. I would normally be one of them people, had I not been told to stay behind so that Tom could explain the concept of silence to me.

I was just going to divert the conversation and find out where he was going tonight and what his plans were, but he didn't know that yet. He also didn't know that he was going to tell me and I was going to use them against him.

"So, Rachel, what part of silence did you not understand?" Tom asked as he walked over to me.

"Sorry sir, just couldn't help myself." I shrugged as I continued to put my things into my bag at an incredibly slow rate, just waiting for the right moment

"Well, next time, make sure you actually do what I ask you to do and not what you feel like doing." he replied.

"I'm sorry sir. I'll make sure I do the work in silence next time and finish it when you want in done for." I smiled.

 "You better had do. Have a good weekend with Nathan, and don't get up to anything I wouldn't do." Tom replied with a smug look on his face, continuing to put his things into his bag and the books which needed marking into the boxes he was going to take home.

"But there isn't anything that you wouldn't do, so, guess I'll be having a good weekend..." I chuckled.

"So, where are you and Nathan going then?" Tom smirked at me, asking the question before I even had a chance to say anything to him.

He must be playing the same game as me and Nathan or there is no way he would have asked me that; he was using Miss.Lake to make me jealous and it was more than obvious now.

"No one special, we're just off to Stars and going to spend the night partying; even Louise has decided she's going to join us."

"What about her new boyfriend? Is he not more important than you?"

"He's coming along with her. Anyway, must be off, got things to do. See you next week." I said.

"Have a good weekend with Nathan."

"Have a good weekend with Miss.Lake, remember to use protection." I laughed with a wink before I walked out of the room, leaving Tom stood there with shock on his face at what I had just said to him because he always thought I was sweet and innocent.

He was wrong about that one and he was going to find that one out tonight when he 'accidently' bumped into me and Nathan at Stars.

The plan was all falling into place, even if I wasn't the one that implemented the first phase.

Tonight was going to be a good night.


 Me and Nathan walked into Stars, his arm wrapped around my waist as we walked over to the bar, spotting Tom and Miss.Lake pretty much straight away. He didn't notice us to start with, but it wasn't going to be long before that changed.

Louise was already stood at the bar, her tongue down her boyfriend's throat and their arms tangled around each other. We found out earlier that his name was Max and he was the one that asked her out on date, rather than the other way round as I first thought. That was another one of those conversations where I only decided to listen to bits of it while ignoring the other parts.

I looked over at Tom to see that he and Miss.Lake had found each other's mouths and she had wasted no time in putting her hands on his bum, pulling him closer to her, not that there was much space between them in the first place.

There was an overwhelming feeling of jealousy running through me at that point, Louise had noticed that I was looking in his direction rather than listening to Nathan and what he was saying to me. She wasted no time in walking over to me and making her opinion clear to me again.

Not like I hadn't heard this a thousand times before.

"Why are you looking at him like that?" Louise sniped at me.

"I wasn't looking at him like anything. I was just looking around the room and seeing if there was anyone here that I knew." I replied.

"I'm not an idiot Rach, I could see you looking at him. He's bad news, why do you want to go back to him?" she asked me angrily, like it was any of her business and she actually cared about me.

"I don't want him back, I'm happy being single and getting over him." I snapped.

"You had better stay away from him, or I will report you to Mr.McGuiness and tell him everything about you and Mr.Parker."

"I'm not going anywhere near him; I haven't even been speaking to him at school either. Guess you'll have nothing to report to Mr.McGuiness, will you?" I pretty much shouted at her, causing Nathan to turn around and look at the both of us.

"What's going on here then?" Nathan asked, handing me the drink that he had just bought for me. I pretty much downed it as soon as he put in my hand, Louise was just annoying me now and I didn't know why I had put up with her treating me this way for so long now; I guess I didn't have anyone else and didn't want to be on my own, so I just put up with it and did everything that she told me I had to do.

"Rach is trying to get Tom back in her life. Can you not see the way she keeps looking at him?" Louise snapped.

"Shame you're wrong about that one, because she's with me, so she's not going off with anyone..." Nathan replied, causing me to look at him in shock because I had no idea he was going to do this now; this wasn't part of the plan until later on.

But I suppose since Louise was sticking her nose in and was working things out too quickly, it was needed to cover our tracks.

"Since when?" Louise replied.

"Couple weeks, you were too busy with Max to even notice that we've been together." I shrugged before I pressed my lips against Nathan's and placed my hands around his neck, pulling him closer to me. In response, his hands made their way to my waist and he just kissed me back. For something that wasn't planned or anything, it was actually pretty good.

"Right, I'll leave the pair of you to it then. Me and Max will be dancing if you want us..." Louise said before she disappeared into the sea of people, pulling Max along by his hand. He was just following and doing as he was told; guess Louise did that to more people than just me then.

"That was, a shock..." Nathan chuckled.

"Yeah, sorry, Louise was just asking questions and I just wanted her to shut up, so after you said that, I just, yeah, kissed you..." I replied awkwardly as I walked over to the bar and ordered another drink.

Tonight was going to be a long night and it was going to require a lot of alcohol if I was going to actually pull this off and go with what had been planned between me and Nathan.

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