The Cheap Bouquet

By back2theblackparade

933 14 0

This is Erin's story. [Completed.] More

Where's Erin?
A Match Into Water
Everything's Not Alright And I Would Rather
You're The Only Thing That's Keeping Me Alive
To Die Is To Awake
Colorful Tears
I Still Think You're Beautiful
Plot Twist
That Kiss Taste Like Summer
We Will Bring The Tidal Wave
Will Someone Tell Me What It Means To Be Alive?
Nobody Prays For The Heartless
I'd Do Anything To Hold Your Hand
Gunna by a Cheap Bouquet
Author's Note

You're Torturing Me With a Beautiful Face~

24 1 0
By back2theblackparade

A/N I feel so awful about the lack of updates,I've just not had the heart to continue lately, and wanted to make sure the next update would be good. I've finally gotten back into it, enjoy this chapter, and incouraging words over there --> -Fuenciadofrerard- 


 I ran into the girls bathroom and locked myself inside the first stall, I put the toilet seat down and sat on top, sobbing as quietly as I could. After about 10 minutes, I began to grow angry with myself for crying, in school, again. Being a baby about this isn't going to make it go away, you peice of shit. I sneered towards myself in disgust. I managed to force myself to stop crying, believing it made me stronger. I started rocking on toilet seat, growing more angry and loathing myself slightly more with with each rock. 

"Fuck this."  I sobbed and reached into my pocket where my phone sat, I slipped out the battery pack and there it sat, my razor, hidden in what appeared to be the normal phone of a teenager. 

Rolling up my green flannel and wishing Vic was ther to stop me because I didn't have the strength to stop myself, I slid the cool metal horizontaly across my arm, a little below my elbow. I didn't notice the pain, only the release that came with hurting myself, I stopped rocking and did itonce more, the red lines perfectly parellel. They looked so...pretty, I did it again, I went a little deeper than the other too. It stung only a little, the release even greater. Before I knew it, 20 or more parallel lines ran from just below the inside of my elbow all the way to the bottom of my palm, and all i had to clean them with was toilet paper. I dabbed at them lightly, a few deep ones  didn't stop, and it was then I realized maybe I had cut a little too deep. 


Sitting in World History for an hour was a d r a g. I had my first official date with Erin tonight, and I'll admit, I was nervous. I had a pretty good idea that Erin had feelings for me, but I planned on officially asking her to be my girlfriend tonight, and what if she didn't like me as much as I thought? "Mr. Fuentes, the answer please?" Ms. Petri asked, looking at me sternly. I definetly had no idea what question we were even on. Someone behind me whispered, "George Washington."

"G-george Washington?" It came out as a question. The kid who whispered it snickered.

"I'm sorry Victor, the correct answer was Pearl Harbor." 

I face palmed myself and turned a shade of red, a few kids laughed. I felt my phone vibrate inside

my pocket and raised my hand to excuse myself to get a drink of water. Ms. Petri, being one of the 

'nice' teachers let me go out of sympathy for the recent embarressment. As soon as I closed the 

door behind me, I checked my phone, Erin's face was lighting up the screen as I walked toward the  

water fountains and bathrooms in the hall. 

        "Hello?" I answered.

      "Vic-help me I-please." She sounded scared and weak. Ducking into the bathroom I raised my 

volume slightly. 

    "Erin, where are you?" 

   "The bathrooms in the math wing. Come quick." The line went dead. Shit.  

  I sprinted toward the math wing and into the girls bathroom, not caring if someone beside Erin was occupying it. I saw her black chuck taylors in a stall, a pool of blood on the ground around her books. 

  "Shit. Erin, Erin open the door please." I begged, rapping on it slightly. 

   "It's open." Had she been crying? 

  My fears were conformed when I saw the blood pouring from her wrists, mostly from 3 or 4 deep cuts, she had gone too far. 

"Erin, these need stitches." I said kneeling down and lifting her arm to run my fingers over them, grabbing some toilet paper to clean them with. I heard someone walk in and stop in front of us-

"Oh, I just-oh my god, should I get someone, a janitor or-" 

"Just go, I got this. Thanks." I told her, she nervously ran off, but seemed to understand. Erin was now fading in and out of concisousness. I tapped her lightly on the cheek. 

"No stitches V-Vic. N-no hosptial. Please. Please." She squeaked out. I nodded my head as I picked her up bridal style and carried her out the door in the math wing. I laid her down in the back seat of my car and sped toward the hospital, depsite the complaining girl in the backseat. 

So much for my dinner plans tonight. 

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