Summer Story

By jhayelie

1.2K 22 1

A simple love story of two people who found their 2nd Chance at love. More

City Girl meets Mr. Conceited
You are engaged??
If it were not for you...
So...we meet again...
Can we be friends?
Are you playing with me?
What is this feelin'?
that was my first...
the sweetest kiss...
Everything has changed..
Wedding Day
Bestfriends reunited...
Time to Come Home
Love Letter from the heart
An angel. Yes, that's me.
For Seung Ho.
This is dream come, isn't it?
it is really him!
happiness is this.


29 1 0
By jhayelie

” A penny for your thoughts?”

Ji Eun jolted at the sound of that voice. She thought she was alone, since every one had gone boating. The moon is shining brightly over the river, it’s reflection was enchanting. That’s why everybody went out to the lake and bathe on the moon’s brightness. Well, almost everybody.

“what are you doing here?”

“I’m going to ask you the same thing.”

“well, I’m afraid of riding on a boat. Even with the moon, it’s dark. If I fell on the water, people might not be able to find me.. how about you? Eun Bin went out…”

“Ah… well. Eun Bin’s a big girl now, she can handle herself. Jiyeon mentioned in passing that you ddn’t want to go. So here I am keeping you company.”

“But I’ll just bore you. And Eun Bin might..”

Seung Ho’s forehead wrinkled. “What does this have to to with Eun Bin?”

Ji Eun mentally slapped herself. She and her big mouth. She just stared at the water to avoid looking at Seung Ho and further embarrassing herself.

“Ah, so somebody have already filled you in about that…” Seung Ho chuckled at her blushing. “My life has been an open book to everybody that it doesn’t matter at all.”

“You ok with that?”

“With what?”

“With not pursuing her feelings?”

“What for? She loves Yunho.”


“What do you mean so? So it means that she already loves somebody else. He’s my brother. Where’s my shame in that?”

“I know. But Yunho’s getting married already. Which do you prefer? That she marries Yunho and stop this engagement with Jiyeon? Or that she will just hurt herself? Either way, somebody will get hurt. But since you love her…”


“Why don’t you let your feelings be known? Maybe she’s just finding a reason to move on.”

“I don’t know.I can’t.”

“Yes you can, but you just won’t.”

Seung Ho looked annoyed. “She doesn’t like me like that, you know? For her, I’m just like a brother.”

“But how do you know?” Ji Eun persisted.

“I just know.”

“But you didn’t even try.”

With this Seung Ho looked back angrily at Ji Eun. “What do you know about me? Who are you anyway? You’re just a girl who came her for a week! JUst because we had been kissing,you act as if you know everything and then you judge me! You know what, mind your own business. Whether I get hurt or not, that’s up to me. Keep your opinions to yourself. Understood?” With that Seung Ho stomped off and left her alone.

Ji Eun held back a sigh ad she cried. It was her fault anyway. She pushed him on to his limits. Well, he’s right. Good thing she didn’t tell him her real feelings or else she won’t have any pride left.  She decided that it’s better to go back to Seoul a day earlier than expected. She packed her things and looked for a boat. Luckily there’s one left that was supposedly reserved for Seung Ho. Oh, what the hell. He doesn’t want to see her anyways. Better disappear.

Ji Eun carefully untied the boat and rowed carefully. The boat rocked but she tried to maintain her balance. From the middle of the lake, she saw some boats rowing towards the west. She sighed. She was not able to say goodbye to Jiyeon and she might get worried. She’ll just go straight to the house leave her a message and catch an early train to Seoul.

The 15 minute boat ride took her 45 minutes but better be sure than sorry. Reaching the bank, she tied the boat and started to walk back to Park estate.

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