If it were not for you...

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Jiyeon looked at her friend worriedly. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing, just been pricked by a pin. Why do I have to wear this?” Ji Eun pouted. The dress was stunning. However, its too revealing. The back is exposed and if she will not make adjustments to the front, she will not even leave the room.

“You don’t have a choice.”

“As if I don’t know that.Why don’t you have anything that could fit young lady?”

“I do have. It’s just that you will feel under dressed. Anyway, you could show up until the announcement and if you don’t feel too good I’ll let you go back to your room.”

“Yeah, you know how I hate socializing with the rich.”

“But you like me.”

“Well, you’re an exception, Jiyeon.”

With that, Jiyeon winked and went out of the room to fix her own hair.

Ji Eun sighed. They’ve been friends since they were kindergarten. Jiyeon is not really the typical rich girl. In elementary, she’s a blackbelter in taekwondo, wherein the girl of her age are attending ballet. She’s skilled in horseback riding, archery, and dancing. She doesn’t have any airs, never flaunt her riches.  She’s not bratty, and she’s not moody. She always have a ready smile and a positive outlook. That’s why even if they were different in every way, they have become friends.

Ji Eun looked at the dress. It’s actually pink, grecian style, but bare back. It really suit Jiyeon who is tall, while she is the exact opposite, though she’s not really lacking in the chest department. She sighed. This is going to be a long day.


Seung Ho hated social gatherings of all kinds. Even a party in school. He hated the crowd, the noise, the forced conversations, the fake smiles. It all feels insincere, vacant and hallow; but of course, this is all business. No need to feel personal. He’s just going to have a quick drink, quick congratulations to the newly engaged, show up for his dad and he’s gone. He darted a glance all over the room. The party was held in the mansion’s wide ballroom, surrounded by flowers from the mansion’s botanical garden. A lot guests have actually came from the city, business partners, associates, and friends of the family. He could also see their relatives in one side, catching up with each other. He avoided that corner.

At the center staircase is a small podium, and Mr. Park and his Dad Yoo Sang Hyun are actually in an animated conversation. His father said something that made Mr. Park laugh. He admire their friendship, which is rare in the business world. Shark eats Shark. But they have proved their friendship over the years and he is glad that both of them have each other since both of their wives have died. Jiyeon’s mom have died from leukemia when she was ten, while his mom died when he was 18 from a car accident. Seung Ho has never been the same after that, since his mom is the sweetest and the most gentle person he’d ever known. Five years and he still misses her. So since then, Yunho have been his anchor, and the person he depended the most. And now, he’s getting married. He smiled ironically. His father have to make this marriage so that Yunho will be the one to take over the business when he retires, which was he wanted to do soon. Seung Ho thought it was so that he could rest and mourn their mom properly. He really can’t blame him. His dad loves her mom to distraction, and when she died, it was as if their dad became a zombie.

Seung Ho looked over Yunho going to his father, probably signalling the start of the party. Yunho looked…okay it seemed. Seung Ho realized that the promise his brother had made 10 years ago was when Jiyeon’s mom died. He promised that he will take care of Jiyeon, and he’s been keeping that promise. Seung Ho doesn’t have any objections with his future sister-in-law. He knew Jiyeon since they were children. She’s not really not someone who was clingy and whiny. Whatever they want to do, Jiyeon would learn it so she could join them. Horseback, taekwondo, archery. She also doesn’t force Yunho to take up with his promise, in fact, she even let him date other women. Seung Ho once caught her seeing Yunho with a female celebrity. Yunho saw her too. But Jiyeon just nodded and smiled. She may looked hurt after Yunho looked away, but Jiyeon kept everything inside. Such a lady.

With the signal from Yunho, the band started playing and then Jiyeon regally descended the stairs. Seung Ho held back a laugh when he saw his brother’s jaw dropped. Jiyeon was a vision. Hair piled up to the side, cascading on her bare left shoulder. The gown was a yellow Vera Wang gown . She looked like a Greek goddess. Probably Aphrodite. She took her father’s arms and Sang Hyun have to nudge Yunho to straighten up and close his mouth. He then grinned to his father and smiled to Jiyeon.

Mr. Park introduces his daughter,informed the guest that she’s also celebrating her birthday today;and his dad and his brother too who was in his side. The story of their engagement also was told to theoooh’s and ahhh’s of the guest, finding it very sweet. A toast was called and the  first dance of the bride to be was given to her dad, followed by Yunho and his dad. Time to escape, or else he would be next and he’s not really much of a dancer. He escaped to the veranda but stopped when he saw a familiar silhouette of a girl looking over the lake.

“So we meet again.”

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