For Seung Ho.

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For the first time in three years, Seung Ho feels like his life turned a 360 degree turn and he doesn’t even have a control of it anymore. Damn Eun Bin, he thought. It’s all her fault, he muttered under his breath,since she left the magazine and CD on the mailbox. And that’s the reason why he’s here in Seoul, in a temperature below 0.

For Seung Ho. 

Three words, but it changed his life drastically. It all came back to him that summer 3 years ago, when Jieun left the island crying. Guilt came back to him as he remembered that day. He tried to call Jieun too in Seoul, in the number provided by Jiyeon, but he cannot and was not able to reach her. Eventually he gave up after that and since then, he haven’t heard about her since. Well, not until that CD and magazine magically appeared on his mailbox.

Seung Ho scanned the magazine and poured over various photos and interviews of IU.She became successful on her chosen career and Seung Ho was actually happy that she is living her dream. He never doubted that she will succeed because she has talent, and even though she was not able to get to know her well enough except for that summer, she looked determined. Which, on the other hand is the opposite of what he is feeling right now.

A throng of young female fans also gather outside a concert hall in Seoul. Jiyeon gave him her ticket, and it was a good seat. But upon seeing the screaming girls and boys impatiently waiting for “IU”, Seung Ho wondered again if he was doing the right thing. Sure, the album was dedicated to him. Or was inspired of him. But was it enough for him to hope? He listened to the songs  for days…nights. It felt as if she was there..beside him, telling him the words that she probably wanted to say that time. But it’s been three years. People change. Jiyeon and Yunho did.

After realizing that, he turned to return to his car, but just then the crowd starting to chant IU over and over again followed by endless screaming. When he turned back, sure thing, a large van approached the backstage entrance of the hall. Door opening, Seung Ho stood rooted to his feet. Jieun came out of the van, followed by bodyguards. She was dressed simply in jeans and tshirt without any trace of make up. Fans screamed, and Jieun simply bowed and waved to her fans. And within a minute,she’s gone and everyone had dispersed. I’ll just see her, Seung Ho told himself. Might as well watch the show since he has Jiyeon’s ticket. He doesn’t really have to show himself,does he?


Jieun tried hard not to frown. She was disappointed that Jiyeon couldn’t make it even if she had promised. They talked hours on the phone, and they talked about Yunho and her plans in the near future. Jieun referred Jiyeon to a photographer and a clothing line looking for a model for their spring collection. Jiyeon just need to get down to Seoul next week to finalize the contract. But now Jiyeon said that her dad is not feeling well so she decided to stay home and cook for her dad, and Jieun understood. She just feel sad that her friend wouldn’t be there.

“Jieun, after this you have an after party at the Seoul Hotel where there will be a short press conference. And the day after tomorrow, you have a meeting with Guess. They were still looking for a male model that would compliment your looks.”

Jieun sighed after her manager went out of the room. Even if she was living her life like a singer just like she dreamed it, sometimes, she feels tired and she just wish she could have a proper vacation. It’s been 3 years since she debuted; She’s been to a lot of countries all over the world, but she couldn’t really enjoy it because they are work-related.

Her thoughts returned to Park Estate and her great summer three years ago. How divine of she could just go swimming, horseback riding and just read under a tree! She missed those days! But reality is closing on her again, and it’s only 45 minutes before show time.

No used crying over spilled milk, Jieun.

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