To Travel Through Time

By Academy-Angel

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Sang has always been looking for that one thing that would make her complete. But no matter how much she tri... More

Chapter I
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Authors Note
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX (Part I)

Chapter II

2.5K 189 20
By Academy-Angel

Sang was awoken the next morning to the door being thrown open against the wall.

She heard footsteps heading towards the bed before stopping short. Sang could tell that it was the Captain, and he surely was looking for her. But he wouldn't find her on the bed, but on the floor. Even though she was thoroughly and mentally tired, sleeping on the bed turned out to be a bit of a hindrance.

After sleeping only on a hard ground with no support whatsoever, Sang found what was once a luxury, now another obstacle for her to overcome.

So after tossing and turning for a good hour, Sang had moved most of her bedding to the floor, and there she was able to find the comfort of sleep.

"Why are you on the floor?" The Captain enquirers, but you could tell from his tone he really didn't care for her answer.

"I just am. Is it time to get up already?" She slowly sits up shielding her eyes from the sun piercing through the small window.

Not having seen daylight for so long, that small amount that she was exposed to was already hurting her over sensitive eyes.

"We leave in thirty minutes. Be ready to leave, dressed or not." With that he turns around and slams the door shut.

What is it with that man and slamming doors? It's way too early for that crap. Maybe she'll get a chance to slam that oversized head of his in the door, it may teach him a lesson on etiquette.

Sang lay back down on the made up bed throwing an arm over her eyes, not wanting to rise just yet.

The door slams open again, but this time he doesn't come in. "And don't go back to sleep."

Seriously picturing all the things she would love to do to him right now, and none of them pretty.

"Miss, your clothes are ready for you." Sang uncovers her eyes taking a peek at the maids standing over her.

Groaning in exasperation, she slowly rises and follows the ladies to where they had the dress laid out.

It was a simple blue dress, the color of the sky on a clear day, and was one made for riding. Nothing too fancy, but a whole lot nicer than what she is accustomed to. Thankfully there was no corset; otherwise she didn't know is she would have survived the journey.

Twenty minutes later, dress on, hair braided, shackles back on, Sang was been escorted between two guards she had yet to meet.

"So, what your name? Or is that need to know?" They both turned to look at her assessing, wondering if she was worthy of a response.

Unlike yesterday when they were all clad in secrecy, today there hoods were down showing off their perfect features.

The one to her right was at least two and a half heads taller than Sang. He had deep black hair, and eyes almost to match. He had a firm square jaw that was clenched tight that drew attention to his thick lips. His broad shoulders and prominent muscles of his arms and legs were enough to put fear in anyone. Add in his olive complexion and he was almost a figurehead for what a Greek God should be.

Where the one on her left wasn't as huge as the one on her right, he looked just as scary. He was just as tall as the other guard, but he had dark brown hair with brown eyes, eyes that held no softness in them at all. He had a gold hoop earring in his left ear and wore a chain around his neck, but she was unable to make out what it was. He wasn't as big as the other guard but the smooth tan skin showed the definition of muscle there.

"I am Silas Korba, my companion is North Taylor." His voice was deep and reverberating.

"Si, must you encourage it to talk?" This North had a deep and bold tone, almost demanding your attention.

"It's name is Sang thank you very much." She says shooting North a glare.

"Like I actually care." He looks to Silas completely ignoring her. "See what you encouraged brother. Now she thinks she can talk to us."

"At least I've moved from it to she, small improvement, but I'll take it." Sang heard laughter from beside her and looks to see Silas quietly laughing.

She gives Silas a smile, happy to see and hear someone laugh. It has been a long time since she heard genuine laughter, not hateful.

North grabs her arm and pulls her along faster and not before long, they emerge outside of the gates, the gates she had gotten so close to nine months ago.

It was like a completely different world outside of the Slave Camp. Everything was so green and full of color; a color she hadn't seen in such a long time, and almost forgot what the meaning of beautiful really meant.

She takes her time taking it all in. She was finally free of her prison, but what other prison had she agreed to.

They lead her to a horse and Silas picks her up placing her on it, never letting go of the chain to her shackles.

The Captain comes over on his horse and takes the chain from Silas, tying it to his horse's saddle, without a word.

I look around noticing for the first time the amount of soldiers. There had to be about thirty or more, all heavily armed and surrounding the Prince. Everyone was ready to go, and appeared to be waiting on herself to arrive.

"Why the large amount of soldiers? Are we expecting trouble?" If the Captain heard her, he decided that she wasn't worth a response. Sighing to herself, she tries to get more comfortable in the saddle, never actually have ridden a horse before.

The line finally started to move with the Prince at the head of the line, our group more towards the back. They really didn't trust her anywhere near the Prince, almost as if she could make it through everyone to get to the Prince. Sang guessed she should be flattered in a way, after all they actually never saw her fight, and knew nothing of her capabilities.

"Oh, is it true you took out over thirty of the guards?" She turned to see a crystal-like bright blue eyes starring at her. He had rich brown long hair tied to the nape of his neck, bound by a leather cord, with a two strands falling in his face. He was smaller than the rest of them, with a lean body, but defined muscles, and had an angular chin, with a slight nose and nicely shaped eyebrows.

"I did. And you are?" She asks, happy for someone to talk to.

"Oh fuck, I'm Gabriel Coleman. It's a pleasure to meet you. You know everyone has heard about you right. You're a fucking legend. No one had ever lasted more than a few months at that camp, and you lasted a year, and took out over thirty guards to escape as well. Why did you try to escape by the way?" He says it like she was at a school camp, living up the life of the wealthy.

"I don't think I have ever been asked such a stupid question. Why would I want to escape a place were I'm forced to wear rags, have no access to basic hygiene, no comfort for sleep, one messily meal a day, and whipped because we wanted a break for a moment to be able to keep going? You asked why I tried to escape? Have you ever been whipped before Gabriel?" She look to him judging his response.

"Is that what happened? Where you whipped? What did you do wrong?" I look to the sword on his side, wishing I wasn't chained so she could grab it and run him through with it.

"Oh yes it must have been my fault. God forbid that you all play a hungry game for power, and if that power comes from torturing those who cannot defend themselves, then you will take it without a moments hesitation. Did you ever think that the guilty ones are the one in charge? That these slaves are in there because they were hungry, or because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time? I mean look where I am headed. I have two choices, die slowly but surely in the camp, or take my chances at survival against who knows how many women, who are most likely in much better shape than myself, all for the amusement of the King and all of those in power. And you look down at me, as if I am nothing more than shit on your boots." Sang turns back to the front not even bothering to look at them.

Any thought of conversation gone with a question. If she was going to survive these next few weeks, and maybe get a chance at freedom, than she is going to hide what little heart I have left, harden it for what's to come. I can't become soft, I need to survive, and making friends is not going to help my situation.


They had settled down for a break around lunchtime, and Sang was more than happy to get of the horse. Silas had to help her down, as her legs wouldn't cooperate enough to move.

The journey so far had been done in silences, on her behalf. Everyone around her chatted with ease, but they were well aware not to ask her any more questions.

Sitting done to a meal of bread and cheese was almost like dining on fine cuisine. The one with long blonde hair, fair skin, a face like a model and playful brown eyes, seemed to be the cook for the Prince. She had heard the others calling him Lucian Taylor, the fact that he is the brother to the North Taylor, is almost impossible to believe. Night and day.

It was weird to see one of the Princes personal guards coking as if he was a kitchen hand. But apparently he had a fondness for food and found great comfort in cooking for others. Who was she to judge another mans passion.

Captain Blackbourne was yet to leave her side, along side him was a curly haired blonde man that she had sometimes heard the man refer to him as the Doc. Maybe he had a doctor of some sorts but the Captain called him Sean. He had mischievous glint to him, and looked like the sort of man who loved to woo the ladies, and always had a dazzling smile on his face that highlighted his soothing green eyes.

The other two guards, Nathan and Dakota were positioned behind her, making sure all chances of escape to be futile. This Nathan had short red hair, kept cut close to his head, with serious blue eyes and a stern face. He had broad tapered shoulders and an angled chin giving him a look of power.

Dakota, you could tell he would be a formidable leader if given the chance. He had a smooth voice, that made you want to stop and listen as he talked. With his emerald green eyes and high cheekbones, he was just as good looking as the rest of them.

But it was Captain Blackbourne that held her attention the most. If she had to thing of one word to describe the man, it would be perfection. His hair was brown cut short and brushed away from his perfect angular face. His eyes were steel grey that were as perfect as they were cold as a polished diamond. But it was his sharp speaking and commanding voice that held the power, the power to make man stop and listen.

All to soon, the break was over and was led back to the horse for another taxing ride. The fact that she couldn't ride a horse for a few horses without the ability to move afterwards led to her realisation of how far she had really fallen.

If she had any chances of surviving what was to come, than she had had a lot of training ahead of her, and she knew it was going to get a lot more difficult before it got any better.


That night they made camp in a clearing in the woods, away from any praying eyes. Sang had barely been able to walk from being stuck on a horse all day, and was happy for the reprieve.

She watched from the side as everyone worked together like well oil machinery, and were soon sitting doing to a dinner of stew and bread. Lucian must have taken pity on her and offered her second helpings, and she took it gladly, with a humble thanks.

This time the Captain was with the Prince along side Dakota, and was left to sit with the remaining seven companions. They talked amongst themselves, only glancing in her direction every now and then, almost as if to make sure she was still there.

"Will you ever talk to us miss?" Startled at the question directed at her, she looked up to see that they were all staring at her.

"And what would you have me say?" Directing her question to the one who asked.

"I would like to hear what is on your mind. How are you coping with the journey so far?" She heard Gabriel groan, probably remembering of their last conversation.

"I am doing fine thank you. Apart from the taxing ride, it is what is to be expected after riding a horse for the first time, especially in my weakened state." All true. She really was doing fine.

"You have never ridden a horse before? How is that possible?" Sang looked to the one called Nathan and shrugged.

"Anything is possible. As to why I have never ridden a horse was because I never had the opportunity to do to now." She takes a swig of water, never tasting anything quite as wonderful. Water had been one of the many scarce things at the Slave Mines, and she never realised until going there how much she took water for granted.

"Can I ask you a question?" I smile up at Lucian.

"You already did. But fill free to ask another." Lucian smirks at me raising a perfectly sculptured eyebrow in return.

"If you win this competition, where will you go? What will you do with your freedom?" The question had her sitting up straight thinking back to what the old man had said to her.

"What will you do with the time that has been given to you?" She mumbles under her breath, her eyes gone to a distance past that she had almost long since forgotten.

Fingers clicked in her face bringing her back to the present. Sang raised her eyes to met the confused eyes of the others.

"Are you ok Sang?" Lowering her eyes to the ground, not able to meet the eyes of the others, she could only think of one thing to say.

"Live." They all shared a perplexed look before turning back to her.

"I'm sorry I don't understand?"

"Live. I want to live, not just to survive. I want to see the world through the eyes of a stranger, find a place to settle down, have a house to call my own, to love and be loved in return. So yeah, I want to live." She glanced up to see that anyone within hearing distance had stopped to hear her talk.

Blushing to see that so many had heard her deepest desires, she jumped to feet and walked into the shelter of the woods.

"Where are you going?"

"Toilet break." I yelled back, hoping to get at least a moment of peace.


Curled up in her bedroll she was happily seeking sleep, but it was eluding her like the freedom from her shackles.

After her confession tonight, Sang was able for the first time to picture a future in this world, and the thought of never reaching it scared the living crap out of her.

A single tear slid down her check whishing that she had never met the old man, and had never come to the forsaken place.

The feeling of a smooth hand on her check had her jumping and looking to the person in question.

Sang was met with steel grey eyes, but for the first time they held softness to them. As if he knew she could see his compassion, he schooled his face fast, almost making her believe it was all an illusion.

"There is no room for weakness for where we are going. Those tears will only get you killed, and as the Princes champion, he has a lot riding on you. So for his sake you better get it together, because there will be no coddling you."

"I know." Sang rolled over and away from him, finally letting sleep claim her.

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