I'LL COME BACK: A Narnia Fanf...

By 16wanderlxst09

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Carmelya isn't your average teenage girl. Some may say she's broken, some may say she deserved it. But that d... More

Please take note!
Prologue - A Girl & Her Secret
Chapter 1 - Caspian Flees
Chapter 2 - High Kings & Queens of Narnia
Chapter 3 - Rescuing Trumpkin
Chapter 4 - Caspian Wakes
Chapter 5 - Lost in the Woods
Chapter 6 - Meeting Caspian
Chapter 8 - Raid on the Castle
Chapter 9 - Vengeance & Love
Chapter 10 - Sudden Impulse
Chapter 11: The Best Way to Plan for Battle
Chapter 12: The Telmarine Camp
Chapter 13: Remembering
Chapter 14: Bloody, Bloody, Telmarines
Chapter 15: The Second Battle of Beruna
Chapter 15: The Second Battle of Beruna [#2]
Chapter 16: How All Was [Not So] Well
Chapter 17: The Letting Go is The Hardest Part
Author's Note
I'll Come Back Very Soon
It is Finally Up!

Chapter 7 - Aslan's How

1.8K 55 12
By 16wanderlxst09

The Narnians, after being united with their Kings and Queens, began their journey through the forest towards Aslan's How, where Caspian had gathered his army and weapons.
As they trudged on through the woods, Trufflehunter was engaged in a small conversation with Trumpkin and Nikabrik.
"So what are they like?" he asked.
"Complainers. Stubborn as mules in the morning" Trumpkin replied, sounding exasperated.
"So you like 'em?" Nikabrik chipped in.
"Well enough"

"What's with those two?" Nikabrik asked again, pointing at Amethy and Edmund, who were walking side by side, chatting happily.
"I believe one fancies the other..." began Trumpkin, pouting slightly.
"I think they look like a pair of lovebirds, like they are meant for each other" whispered Trufflehunter.
"I heard that!" Amethy shouted from a distance, making the three of them jump.
"Heard what?" asked Edmund.
"Uh... nothing!" Amethy replied before walking away to join the trio, and the trio braced themselves for another lecture from Amethy.

Soon, they had reached a large clearing. In front of them stood a huge mound-like structure, seemly constructed by stacking up huge stone pieces. Moss and ivy ran over the walls, and trees grew on its many ledges, giving it a tinge of colour and life. It was a breathtaking sight. For a certain reason the structure seemed to be filled with hope and magic, and for this certain reason they knew that it held importance.
As they entered the place, centaurs stood on either side of the entrance, raising their swords as a sign of respect to the Kings and Queens. Caspian and Amethy stopped to let the Pevensies pass, then Caspian entered, followed by Amethy and the other Narnians.

As they entered the How, they saw many Narnians, including minotaurs, fauns and centaurs sharpening and making weapons for the army. They all stopped their work at once and bowed to the Pevensies, before turning back to continue with whatever they were trying to complete.
"It may not be what you are used to, but it is defensible" Caspian assured them.
"Peter, you may want to see this" said Susan, emerging from the other side of the tunnel.
They all moved towards one of the walls carved with many depictions. Amethy spotted a faun with a red scarf, two girls on a lion and four children seated on huge thrones. She knew who they were.
"It's us" breathed Susan.

"What is this place?" Lucy asked curiously.
"You don't know?" questioned Caspian.
With that, Caspian picked up a torch and led them down a dark tunnel.
They reached the end of the tunnel and Caspian turned into a dark room. He lighted a fire at the corner of the room and it spread, revealing intricate carvings of Narnians and the magnificent Aslan, with thick pillars of ancient designs supporting the stone roof, as well as the cracked stone table in the middle.
Lucy stared at the carving of Aslan for a while before turning back, thinking about all that he had done to help them fight against the White Witch, especially his sacrifice on that very stone table in front of her.
"He must know what he's doing" said Lucy.
There was silence for a moment.

"I think it's up to us now" Peter replied solemnly.
They all looked at the carving for quite awhile.
Aslan, please help us. Amethy prayed.


Amethy sat on a ledge of the How with a goblet of water at her side, healing the wound inflicted by Caspian. She had torn off both sleeves of her dress, making it more convenient for her to work her magic. Picking up some water and rubbing it over her wound, it magically healed to just a faint scar on her arm.
"May I take a look at that?" asked a voice. Amethy turned towards the voice, realising that it was Caspian, who was looking at her bracelet wrapped around her wrist now visible without her sleeves.

Caspian wasn't all too sure if Amethy was the one he was looking for when he witnessed her bend water and heal her own wound, but now that he had seen her bracelet, he was quite sure she was the one.
"Of course" replied Amethy, unlatching her bracelet. Caspian sat down beside her, inspecting it.
"You know, it's funny how you are more interested in my bracelet than how I could heal my wound"
"I'm curious about that too, but this is my first priority" he replied casually, his eyes still fixed on the bracelet. "Oh and sorry for hurting your arm. I thought you were..." said Caspian again. Then he paused, his eyes widening.

"It is you"
"Sorry?" asked Amethy, confused.
"Where did you get this from?" He asked suspiciously.
"I'm not very sure. I had it on the day I was found by Trufflehunter and the dwarfs"
"Oh god... don't you remember? Don't you know what this 'C' stands for?" questioned Caspian sternly, holding it up towards her face and showing her the 'C' carved on the inside of the bracelet. She honestly had not noticed it before.
She blinked a few times.

At this point, Edmund had walked over to call them back into the How, but stopped in his tracks to listen to their conversation.

"It stands for Carmelya, Caspian and Cair Paravel" muttered Caspian, disappointment written on his face.
"So you're saying... that I'm Car-me-lee-a?" asked Amethy. Did he really know her before she had lost her memory?
"You really knew me?" she questioned. He nodded calmly.
"How are you so sure?"
"You were my best friend, I can never forget how you looked like" he replied simply, tears threatening to spill out of his eyes. "You meant so much to me, yet I couldn't do anything to let you stay and I thought you were dead" he finished, a tear rolling down his cheek.
"So, I'm a Telmarine?" Amethy asked, reaching out to wipe the tears from his cheeks.

Edmund felt a surge of jealousy rise within him. She meant so much to him? He laughed to himself.

"You're half Telmarine... and half Narnian. That's why you had to escape" Caspian explained. Amethy thought about this for a little while.
"Look, I'm sorry but, I really can't remember. I'll try okay?" Amethy blurted out, feeling frustrated at the same time.
"You shouldn't be seeing me in such a state" Caspian said hastily, wiping off his remaining tears and getting up.

Edmund could not take this much longer.
"Guys, Peter needs you inside to plan for battle" he announced. They nodded and followed Edmund back into the How towards the Stone Table room.


Peter talked to the Narnians in the room, explaining how they needed to act fast for a Telmarine soldier had already spotted them earlier that day.
"It's only a matter of time," he started, looking around at everyone, "Miraz's men and war machines are on their way. That means those same men aren't protecting his castle"
"What do you suppose we do, sire?" Reepicheep asked.
"We need to-" Caspian started.
"Our-" Peter interrupted.
Peter glared at Caspian, making him take a step back to let Peter continue.
"Our only hope is to strike them before they strike us" Peter said, implying that he wanted to attack the castle.
"But that's crazy. No one has ever taken that castle" Caspian protested.
"There's always a first time" Peter said.

"We'll have the element of surprise" Trumpkin added.
"But we have the advantage here!" Caspian replied.
"If we dig in, we could probably hold them off indefinitely" Susan pointed out.
Trufflehunter stepped forward, "I, for one, feel safer underground"
Peter turned to Caspian, "Look, I appreciate what you have done, but this isn't a fortress, it's a tomb.
I wish he could just shut up and stop with his arrogance. Amethy thought, shrugging. She unintentionally drew the attention of everybody.
"Sorry" she murmured.

Edmund made eye contact with Amethy before voicing his thoughts, "Yes, and if the Telmarines are smart, they'll just starve us out"
"We could collect nuts!" A squirrel suggested.
"Oh yes! And throw them at the Telmarines!" Reepicheep said sarcastically, "shut up" He turned to Peter, "I think you know where I stand on this, sire"
Peter spoke to Glenstrorm, "if I can get your troops in, can you handle the guards?"
"Or die trying, my liege"

"That's what I'm worried about" Lucy said sadly.
"Well, you're all acting like there's only two options..." Lucy continued. Everyone raised an eyebrow at her.
"... Dying here or dying there" Amethy finished for her.
"I'm not sure you have really been listening, Lu" Peter replied.
"No, you're not listening! Or have you forgotten who really defeated the White Witch, Peter?" Lucy shot at him.
Peter opened his mouth to say something but noticed Amethy glaring at him.
"Don't say it" she mouthed. He ignored her anyway.

"I think we've waited for Aslan long enough," he said, causing a scowl to appear on Lucy's face. He then glared at Amethy, "And Amethy? You don't know anything"
"Don't talk to her like that!" Edmund raised his voice.
"You're only siding her because..." Peter looked at Amethy before looking back at Edmund again, "Argh!" He groaned while storming out of the room, signaling the end of the discussion.


The Narnians shuffled out of the room one by one, leaving Amethy and Lucy seated on the stone table, looking intently at the carving of Aslan.
"Why do you think Peter refuses to believe that Aslan will come back?" Amethy asked her.
"I don't know" Lucy replied sadly.
Amethy felt a tap on her shoulder and spun around.
"Hi Ed" she waved.
"I'll go find Susan..." Lucy's voice trailed off as she sent Amethy a cheeky smile. Amethy gave her an annoyed look before she ran out of the room.
"Sorry about Pete. He can be a teeny bit arrogant at times" Edmund said uneasily. Amethy just nodded, her gaze still fixed on the carving of Aslan.
"What do you think about the raid on the castle then?" he asked.
"If you want me to be honest, I have a bad feeling about this"


Hey ya! There you have Chapter 7!
So... it's Christmas Eve today, and I was kind of bored yesterday. That's why I changed the cover of my book and decided to write a 'Twelve Days of Christmas: Narnia Edition'!
Some numbers may not correspond to the item/person mentioned, but I've tried my best. You could sing it out loud, if you wish:

On the first day of Christmas the Lion gave to me
A lamppost of Lantern Waste

On the second day of Christmas the Lion gave to me
Two talking beavers and
A lamppost of Lantern Waste

On the third day of Christmas the Lion gave to me
Three fur coats
Two talking beavers and
A lamppost of Lantern Waste

On the fourth day of Christmas the Lion gave to me
Four Kings and Queens
Three fur coats
Two talking beavers and
A lamppost of Lantern Waste

On the fifth day of Christmas the Lion gave to me
Five turkish delights
Four Kings and Queens
Three fur coats
Two talking beavers and
A lamppost of Lantern Waste

On the sixth day of Christmas the Lion gave to me
Six gifts from Santa
Five turkish delights
Four Kings and Queens
Three fur coats
Two talking beavers and
A lamppost of Lantern Waste

On the seventh day of Christmas the Lion gave to me
Seven Lords of Telmar
Six gifts from Santa
Five turkish delights
Four Kings and Queens
Three fur coats
Two talking beavers and
A lamppost of Lantern Waste

On the eighth day of Christmas the Lion gave to me
Eight incantations
Seven Lords of Telmar
Six gifts from Santa
Five turkish delights
Four Kings and Queens
Three fur coats
Two talking beavers and
A lamppost of Lantern Waste

On the ninth day of Christmas the Lion gave to me
Nine Calormene cresents
Eight incantations
Seven Lords of Telmar
Six gifts from Santa
Five turkish delights
Four Kings and Queens
Three fur coats
Two talking beavers and
A lamppost of Lantern Waste

On the tenth day of Christmas the Lion gave to me
Ten Kings named Caspian
Nine Calormene cresents
Eight incantations
Seven Lords of Telmar
Six gifts from Santa
Five turkish delights
Four Kings and Queens
Three fur coats
Two talking beavers and
A lamppost of Lantern Waste

On the eleventh day of Christmas the Lion gave to me
Eleven noble centaurs
Ten Kings named Caspian
Nine Calormene cresents
Eight incantations
Seven Lords of Telmar
Six gifts from Santa
Five turkish delights
Four Kings and Queens
Three fur coats
Two talking beavers and
A lamppost of Lantern Waste

On the twelfth day of Christmas the Lion gave to me
Twelve Lion-kisses
Eleven noble centaurs
Ten Kings named Caspian
Nine Calormene cresents
Eight incantations
Seven Lords of Telmar
Six gifts from Santa
Five turkish delights
Four Kings and Queens
Three fur coats
Two talking beavers and
A lamppost of Lantern Waste

YAY that's technically the end of my self-created Narnian Christmas song. If you have any self-made Narnian songs and you don't mind sharing it, you could share it here (in the comment section) or message me. I would be really glad to read them.

Plus, I might be having a back-to-back update, that is, another update may come tomorrow since it's the Christmas season. Stay tuned!

Have a merry, merry Christmas dear one! And remember, battles are ugly affairs!

Tricia <3

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