Star Wars The Clone Wars (Fan...

By Silentx13

8.8K 300 185

What if order 66 never existed? What if Cont Doku was in charge not The Emperor? Ok this is my first Fan-fic... More

Domino Squad's First Assignment Part 1
Domino Squad's First Assignment Part 2
Ally and Ghosts
The Bomb
Where are they?
Punishment part one
Punishment part two
By Blood It Will Be Free...
Found Them
Ash's Heart Part 1
Ash's Heart Part 2
The new Adviser
Secrets and Lies part 1
Secrets and Lies part 2
Secrets and Lies part 3
Ash and Rex
The Meeting
Character Profiles
Character profile 2#
agree to train
Day One Of Training
Guardian Powers
Guardian Training
Only More Questions
Confused Is An Understatement
Who are you?
Whos side are you on?
I'm sorry
The Last Battle

Keep Them Alive

85 5 0
By Silentx13

A/n: This is right after Shatter, Echo and Waxer escaped

Third Person Narrative

Śēḍōjha opened his eyes and groaned. He moved his hand up to his head, it was bandaged and wet.

"Śēḍō, how are you doing?" Asked Redblood sitting next to Śēḍōjha's bed.

"Alright, but my head is hurting." Replied Śēḍōjha sitting up.

"I hear that, Ora used a special bullet on you." Replied Redblood.

"She's a trader." Uttered Śēḍōjha under his breath.

"No she is not, she was a spy." Said Redblood.

"Well they escaped. Now what?" Said Śēḍōjha.

"Don't worry my plan is working out, but now the only problem is we need to keep them alive. They are still of great use to me, but you should rest; it will take time for it to heal completely." Said Redblood.

"Alright, but is there anything I can do? Right now?" Asked Śēḍōjha.

"No. I need you well if I continue with my plan, so that means you should rest." Said Redblood standing up.

"Alright." Said Śēḍōjha laying back down.

"I have one question, how do you plan on finding them? without drawing Ash's keen eyes." Śēḍōjha asked.

"Don't worry, remember what I did before to them before they left?" Replied Redblood with question.

"Oh, right." Said Śēḍōjha, smiling.

Ahsoka's P.O.V

I was walking down the hall and I heard a voice behind a door yell. I recognize it was Ash's but then I stopped by the words to follow next.

"These 3 are the ones, they will either save this entire detention or bring it to its knees." Said Ora.

"We'll have to kill them before that happens, but for now we have to make sure they stay alive and stay on the right side" Said Xander.

"I'm sure Redblood is making sure of the alive part, one of my concerns are the Jedi and if they discover there powers." Replied Ora.

"They probably already have without realizing it or they did but we need to wait to tell anyone." Said Ash.

"You know that never works out right." Said Xander.

"I know, but we should keep what we can really do under wraps." Said Ash.

"They already know that there are weird things going on." Said Ora.

"Well have to tell them everything eventually, but not right now." Said Ash.

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