The Fighter (Ziall Horlik)AU...

By BriannaLynnC98

410K 17.1K 6K

When there's a problem in your way, use your fists. That's all Zayn Malik has known his whole life. He was fr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 35

9.2K 381 221
By BriannaLynnC98

Niall's POV

"Niall, on the next one I need you to push as hard as you can." The doctor told me. I looked at Zayn and he gave me the same look I gave him when he was in the ring. One of pure love and encouragement. I cried out in pain before pushing. Zayn held my hand and looked like he wished he could do more than just stand there. Honestly, just having him by my side and still alive after that fight was all I could ask of him.

"Come on, Niall. You can do this, baby." He whispered into my ear calmly. I pushed again as it felt like my body was going to be split in half. Zayn placed soft kisses to my sweaty hair as I relaxed until the next pain shot through me and my body forced me to push. I tried to breathe and stay calm, but this hurt more than anything I've ever experienced in my whole entire life. I felt the baby move down a little bit so I pushed again, but got tired.

"You're doing great. Keep going." The doctor told me calmly. I rested for a minute until I had to push again. I felt the baby move down just a little more and felt determined to get this thing out of me. I pushed and chocked on a cry before pulling Zayn's arm closer to me.

"I want you! Hold me!" I screamed at him. He wrapped one arm around my shoulders weakly while the other still held my hand tightly. He kissed me and nuzzled his nose into my temple lovingly. I closed my eyes and tried to focus on the loving touches he was giving me.

My body forced me out of my relaxed state and I pushed again, but this time was so much more painful. I felt the doctor touch me a little and spread my legs more. Zayn mumbled for me to keep going so I did. I figured had just been through the bloodiest, most painful fight of his life to get money for us, I could do this to get a baby in this world for us.

"I see the head. Rest for a minute, then push." The doctor said. I panted and laid back on the bed. Zayn reached over and got a cool wet cloth and dabbed it over my extremely hot and sweaty skin. I sighed a little and looked at Zayn looking at me like he's never loved me more in his life than right now. Even with how how battered his face was, he still looked at me with and soft look that made me feel stronger than I've ever been in my whole life.

"Let's get this baby into the world." The doctor told us both happily. I sat up more from where I was propped up on the hospital bed and pushed with all the strength in me. I felt the baby's head pop out of me and screamed in pain. Zayn held me tightly and mumbled that I was doing wonderful.

Soon the whole room turned into a bunch of cheerleaders telling me to keep going. I fought through my exhaustion and my pain just like I knew Zayn does every time he's in the ring. I cried harder as one of the shoulders slipped out of me. Zayn told me to keep going and moved my sweaty hair off my forehead. The other shoulder slipped out without me really trying.

"One more babe, just one more." Zayn told me loudly. I nodded and pushed. With the loudest scream that's ever come out of me, the rest of my child made it into the world. Little cries filled the room and I let my body fall back limply on the bed as I cried myself. Zayn looked like he was in shock as he looked between me and where the doctor held out a pair of scissors.

"Does dad want to cut the cord?" The doctor ask him. He nodded and shuffled away from me down to where I still couldn't see my baby. I closed my eyes for a minute to regain some control over my emotions, but my eyes shot open when a light weight was placed on my chest. I looked down to see a tiny little baby crying lightly.

"Meet Ezra James Malik." Zayn whispered to me. I held the baby carefully and kissed his little head. That brought on a whole new set of tears because he was absolutely perfect. He had jet black hair just like Zayn's and his skin was a light tan color despite how pink he still was. I held my son and looked up at Zayn who had tears rolling freely down his cheeks.

"I love you so much. I love both of you so much." He whispered to me, then kissed my lips. I giggled through my tears as we both looked down at our baby. Zayn ran his large shaking finger over one of our son's chubby cheeks, then leaned down and kissed his son. We both looked at him for a few minutes until my eyes begin to grow much too heavy to even stay open. A nurse came and took my baby, causing my eyes to snap open and watch them take him away to looked over him and check his lungs and breathing as well as cleaning him up.

"Get some sleep, babe. I'll watch him." Zayn told me quietly. I nodded, but didn't let my eyes slip shut until my baby was back safely in my arms. Zayn kissed me once more and I kissed our son once more before letting how tired I was come over me.

Zayn's POV

After Niall was taken to another room and some of the hospital staff gave me some clothes to change into, I got my son in my arms and sat down in a chair next to Niall's bed. I looked over him closely. He was so tiny I couldn't even believe it. He fit perfectly in the palm of both my hands. He had my hair, but other than that he looked exactly like Niall. The little baby in my arms yawned then opened his little eyes to look at me. Strangely, they were a replica of my eyes in shape, but they were an icy blue color like Niall's.

"Hi there. I'm your daddy. I'm going to love you and take care of you no matter what. I love you so much." I whispered to the baby. He looked at me like he knew my voice before falling back asleep. I guess it was hard work coming into this world and he needs to sleep too.

There was a light tap on the door and it opened, revealing Mark. He smiled at me and walked into the room quietly with some flowers and a stuffed teddy bear that had little boxing gloves on its paws. I chuckled lightly as he set down the flowers and bear before sitting in a chair next to me. I kissed the top of my son's head and looked at Mark smiling proudly at me.

"Can I hold my grandson, or are you going to keep him to yourself?" Mark asked me quietly. I broke into a smile and kissed my son one more time before gently handing him to Mark. He looked at the baby in his arms and smiled like he just couldn't believe it.

"He has ten little fingers and toes. He only weighs six pounds and ten ounces, but he's short so he looks chubbier than that. Ezra James Malik is his name. Isn't he perfect?" I rambled to Mark. He looked up at me and nodded to me and cuddled the baby closer to his strong chest.

"You both made a very beautiful baby. You did good, son. You also did very impressive in your fight. I think you might have something." Mark joked quietly. I laughed, then reached out for my son again. He handed him back to me and smiled at me.

"So I'm guessing you'll wait to do any meetings with the press for a few days and I should keep my phone on silent like I have it right now? You really blew up the world in a few hours then left faster than anyone could even process what had actually happened. Even Payne is still confused to what happened." He chuckled. I shrugged and kissed my sleeping son, not feeling like I could love on this baby in my arms enough.

"Thank you for everything. I wouldn't be the boxer I am if you weren't right there beside me. Thank you for taking a chance on a flirtatious bar tender from Bradford." I told him. He nodded and stood up from his chair I watched as he pulled his wallet out and got out a twenty dollar bill.

"Before I forget, I think I still owe you this." He told me and put it on the table next to the flowers and the bear. He walked over to me again and kissed my forehead before leaning down and kissing Ezra's forehead too. He went over to where Niall was still sleeping soundly and kissed his cheek, then gave me a final proud fatherly smile as he walked out of the room.

I sat there a few minutes with my son in my arms just enjoying the fact everything seemed to fall right into place. Niall stirred a little in his sleep just as Ezra decided to start crying. Niall looked over at me and reach his arms out to me for the baby. A nurse came in and asked if the baby needed more diapers or something, but Niall just shook his head and asked me to untie the back of his hospital gown. I did that and watched as he pulled it down enough for his very swollen peck to show. He brought our crying child to his chest where he latched on immediately and started suckling. I smiled proudly, then covered him with a blanket.

"You're a natural. Normally we have to do lessons with the parents before breastfeeding. Just stay hydrated while feeding and also know that whatever your eating still goes to the baby, so no spicy food, no caffeine and no alcohol. I think you'll be fine." The nurse told him as he sighed and rest his head back on the pillow. She left the room and Niall reached for me with his free hand to cuddle him.

"This feels so much better. I thought my nipples were going to burst." He sighed to me roughly. I laughed at him and kissed his temple. I don't think I'll ever get over how much I love him. Especially now seeing him so naturally great with our son, it's just so overwhelming how much love I can feel for one person.

There was another knock at the door, but this time Harry poked his head in. Niall gave me a nod that it was okay for him to come in even if he was feeding. I waved Harry in, but trailing behind him was Louis. His small hands was laced in Harry's and he had a deep blush on his cheeks. Harry took one look at Niall and turned as red as Louis, but his blush was out of embarrassment when Louis just looked flustered.

"We can leave and come back. I didn't mean to interrupt." Harry mumbled slowly. I laughed and pulled him to sit down as Niall pulled the blankets up even more over the baby. That seemed to help Harry a little bit as him and Louis sat down.

"Congrats to both of you. I was just wondering, when did you go into labor? Like, didn't you feel it before?" Louis asked Niall quietly. Niall blushed and looked at me sheepishly. I was actually wanting this answer too. Doniya had always told me laboring could last hours until the delivery unless it's your tenth kid and you can push them out in an hour.

"I felt little pains before Zayn went out to the ring. The whole time he was boxing I knew I was in labor, but seeing him getting nearly killed was more painful than the fact my hips were literally breaking apart to get ready to have a baby. I didn't make a big deal out of it, so I was shocked when my water broke right there. Definitely not as shocked as Zayn looked though." Niall giggled. I rolled my eyes at him and wanted to yell at him for not telling me he was in fucking labor while I was getting beaten bloody. I decided he's had a rough day and let it slide for now.

The baby finished eating and Niall burped him, then offered for Louis to hold him. That offer was accepted in less than a second. Niall cuddle into me and I watched both our best friends go into their own little world looking at our son. I sat more on the hospital bed and let my eyes slip shut because my adrenaline was gone. I was running on nothing now and I was too tired to really stay awake. I heard Niall tell both our friends our son's name and how much he weighed, but I started really dozing off to sleep.

"He deserves to sleep. All three of you do. We'll see you tomorrow." I heard Harry say quietly. I opened my eyes and watched Harry hand back our son to Niall before getting Louis hand in his. I gave him a questioning look when he looked at me to ask him what was going on with those two which only got me a wink in return. I smiled and thought maybe they were done playing games and just admitted they belonged together like the idiots they are.

"We were never like them." Niall mumbled to me sleepily. I cracked a smile because we definitely were like them. We were like them but ten times worse because we had to run from each other and still be scared of the fight we had in each other.

When Niall and I first met, we both were afraid. I was afraid of loving someone while he was afraid of the fight I had in me. Then one night we both made the best decision in this world and made a baby. That caused Niall to run from me, but once again I had to fight for what I wanted. It was like a cycle for us. We love then we fight. We love each other more than anyone in this whole world, then we fight against every single obstacle set in front of us. But, all of that was worth it. It was all so worth being about to look down at our sleeping son and to have my arms wrapped tightly around my soon to be husband. I guess this is what happens when the lover falls for the fighter.

A/N: *cries my eyes out* I'm so sad this is over! Like, I grew extremely attached to this story and these characters. This was definitely my favorite thing to write and now that it's over I don't want to write anything else! Haha thank you all do much for the votes, reads and comments. You have no idea how much that means to me!!! Thank you thank you thank you!

So I'm still trying to choose if I want to keep writing or what I'm going to do. Please don't hate me for what I choose to do! Now that we got that out of the way, go check out the epilogue! Haha Thank you all again for everything!!! Comment / Vote!
- Bri;)

Update October 20, 2015: I'm not taking taking a break! Go check out my next story called Jet Black Heart. It will be good!!! :)

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