Whether We Like it or Not

By BlueKenzie

453 13 25

Jade, a 12 year old girl is living in Zorundo-A foreign island, off the map. Its very tropical and has so man... More

Chapter 1: The End Of The Beginning
Chapter 2: Everybody Loves Me
Chapter 4: No Repeats Or Hesitations
Chapter 5: Issues
Chapter 6: Pre-Birthday Fighting
Chapter 7: Kristen's Birthday
Part 2, Chapter 8: It's Been Awhile
Chapter 9: Psycho World
Chapter 10: I CAN'T BREATH!
Chapter 11: Get. Me. Out! ♥
Chapter 12: She's such a Grasshopper

Chapter 3: Zorundo Cafe

42 2 4
By BlueKenzie

I will upload chapter f when this chapter gets to 15 reads.

Today I woke up and I heard the birds chirping loudly. It was a beautiful  sound. I got up and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Then I realized that I should wash my face because I saw some acne on my face.  Once I was done, I got dressed. I wore jean short-shorts, a red T-shirt and some black converse high tops with red shoe laces.  I half-made my bed and got distracted by my iPod…or my iPod case, that is. It has black and white zebra-print on it, forming into stars at the bottom.

[A/N-That is what my actual iPod case looks like]

I decided that I would go to a café with internet for breakfast since we didn’t have internet at home to go on my iPod. But I couldn’t go alone. There isn’t much selection of people my age around here so it’s super hard to make friends. This year, majority of my classes had about 15 people. Ashton told me that his classes were 28 people. But I hadn’t really made any close friends. But there were people that I liked to hang around with. All the girls in my art class were pretty cool. So I decided I would ask Jocelyn.  We did a lot of stuff together. I think she has an iPod too so I wouldn’t feel bad about being on it the whole time. I grabbed my bag and stuffed my sunglasses , wallet and my iPod Touch into it.

“BYE MOM! I’ll be gone for an hour!” and I slammed the door and left. I eventually found Jocelyn’s house near town and asked her if she would want to come to Zorundo Café with me.

“Uhh sure…Who are you?” she asked. THIS IS AWKWARD…

“I’m Jade, don’t you remember me from like 4 days ago?...School? I’m in your Spanish, Gym and Art classes…” I told her.

“Uhh what grade are you going into next year?” she asked.

“7th…Just like you!” I was so confused. And it sounded like she was too.

“I am going into 8th grade next year. I think you’re looking for Jocelyn. I’ll get her for you.”

“I must have gotten Jocelyn’s sister instead of her! This is embarrassing,” I thought.

After a few seconds Jocelyn who looks just like her sister, came out. “Sorry, that was my sister. What’s up, Jade?” she asked.

“Do you want to come to Zorundo Café with me?” I asked again.

“Sure! Let me get my stuff, I will be back in a minute.”

And she was. We walked for 2 blocks and we were there.

“Did you bring your iPod Touch?” I asked her.

“No, I don’t have one I-“

“Aww, I thought you did.” I said sadly.

“I was about to say I brought my iPad.”

“OMG LUCKY!”  I screamed. Oh I was lame when I was 12.

“Heh…yeah.” She stammered.

“Excuse me, are you ready to order?” a waitress asked.

“Yep, I will have a cheesecake pancake,” said Jocelyn.

“I will have a banana muffin” I said before she left.

“So have you ever played tennis?” Jocelyn asked.

“No. When have you?” I asked, knowing there are no tennis courts in Zorundo.

“I went on vacation for 2 days to the USA. We visited my cousins and they suggested that we play tennis. I’m actually pretty good at it.” She said. I had heard of tennis but never really cared for it.

“Is it fun? What am I saying, if your good at it, I’m sure you had fun.” I said awkwardly.

“Yeah it was fun, I hope that someday Zorundo can get a tennis court. Then I can teach you it and we could play it all the time!” she enthused.

“That would be awesome.” I said thinking of an idea for my dad’s future country club.

I realized I hadn’t even done what I came there for. I took out my iPod and as Jocelyn saw me doing that, she pulled out her iPad. She showed me her screen saver. It said “1 UP” on it. I checked my emails. I couldn’t wait to turn 13 and get my first face book account. Not one email. I hadn’t even checked my emails in a month! I gasped out loud.

“What?” she asked.

“I have no emails! I haven’t even checked in a month! You know my email address! Actually, all other 8 girls in my art class do!” I explained, wondering what was going on.

“Uhh-umm-I… I didn’t know what to say to you!” she finally said…almost like it was a question, “maybe you should email us!”

“Okay, but something seems weird about this.” I emailed Jocelyn, Wavery, Blaze, Sky, Morgan, Rae, Tristan, and Paige all the same thing. “What’s going on? I haven’t heard from you in a while.  Please email me back!” I did that as Jocelyn hurried to type something away too.

  “I have to go to the bathroom, feel free to use my iPad.” And she left. I took it from her side of the table and looked at her apps. I saw an app for Glow Drawing. I looked at it. Then I saw a settings button. I clicked it. There were many options but I clicked previous drawings just to see what she drew. They were all pretty much scribbles until I saw one that caught my eye. 

           It said: passwords. I couldn’t resist so I clicked on it. There were passwords to her Skype account, apple ID, a radio station app and some more random things. But what I wanted to know was one thing. Her hotmail password. And I found it at the very bottom in tiny writing. “Hotmail password: #28luvsya<3 

Just what I thought. Something cheesy. I made a mental note of what it was. I am so bad. I told myself that I shouldn’t peek… But what was I saying! I had too! I quickly went to another app to make it look like I hadn’t been on Glow Draw. Then, I took my iPod and went onto msn and signed into Jocelyn’s email address. Then I quickly wrote in her password. She already had an email from Sky. Wow, Sky must have knew it were coming or something! I opened it.

             I could not believe what it said.

Hola amigos! Thanks for reading this chapter! Cliff hangah!! (cliff hanger)

Thanks to tahleexx and izzybella26, I decided to continue. Keep reading, Comment, vote, fan, and most appreciated, spread the word about this book!

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