The Second Princess | Dark Li...

FandomSenpai tarafından

94.1K 2.7K 585


|| Chapter 1 ||
|| Chapter 2 ||
|| Chapter 3 ||
|| Chapter 4 ||
||Chapter 5||
|| Chapter 6 ||
|| Chapter 7 ||
|| Chapter 8 ||
|| Chapter 9 ||
|| Chapter 10 ||
||Chapter 11||
|| Chapter 12 ||
|| Chapter 13 ||
|| Chapter 14 ||
||Chapter 16||
||Chapter 17||
|| Chapter 18 ||
|| Chapter 19 ||
|| Chapter 20 ||
|| Chapter 21 ||

|| Chapter 15 ||

2.8K 105 4
FandomSenpai tarafından

Your POV. 



 I wondered alone, everything around me shrouded in darkness. My handsreached out in front of me, trying to find a wall, or a simple door. Nothing.Nothing was around me, all I could feel was the cold ground under my barefeet."Hello?" My voice called out into the empty air, echoing. My voice resonatedthroughout the emptiness, only to be followed by another.This voice, was softer. As light as a feather. 

Another presence entered theroom soon after the voice called out. Chills ran up and down my spine, thepresence slowly closing in, until it stopped. Everything went still."Y/N?" Whoever it was, they wanted my attention. But, there was no way tofocus my attention on them. Their voice echoed out around me, encirclingme."Can you here me..?" The voice was becoming distant. I didn't want it toleave. The voice was familiar, it was comfortable to listen to."Please don't leave!" I felt my throat go dry as the scenery around mechanged. 

Light began to poor around me, causing everything to glow a brightwhite.I was blinded, nothing was visible for a little while. Everything was slowlybeginning to come back into view. I was in Zelda's old room, the room Iinherited when she died. Only, the room was back to it's original state, backwhen Zelda stayed in it. A large canopy bed, a small dresser with golden trim,the paintings, everything. It was as if she was still here. 

Just as she left it. "Can you here me?" That voice. It was clearer, louder. I could here the voice, itsounded as if we were in the same room.I looked around. Examining the room closely, seeing a small figure shroudedin the shadows and tucked away into a corner. I reached out, not knowing ofmy actions, and touched it. 

The figure turned into a puff of smoke,disappearing under my touch. I watched the mist float around, hypnotizingme. My trance-like state kept me paralyzed, stuck in place.Pain began to plague my sense, the mist wrapping around me andconstricting. The air left my lungs, giving me a burning sensation. A muffledscream left me, echoing off the now fading room. The room was once againthat same pitch black, except this time that mist was still here, crushing me.Screams left my mouth as I unconsciously attempt to reach out, hoping tograsp something, anything."Y/N!" Someone screamed, I could only hear a soft outline of the hushed voicebefore I lost feeling.


"Y/N!" I opened my eyes to see Dark above me. His hand lay on my shoulderas he shook me awake.He stopped when he saw my eyes open. A received sigh escaped his lips as hesat down on the right side of my bed."What were you dreaming about?" He looked over at me, I could see the hintof worry in his expression. 

"I don't remember.." I lied, the dream isn't something I can just explain tohim. He'd have to see it to understand.His weight on the bed shifted as he laid down beside me. I looked at himquestioningly, watching as he climbed into the blankets.

 "What are you doing?""Laying down." He gave me a smart remark in response to my question,irritating me."I know that, but why?" This time he looked at me slightly irritated. As if heexpected me to know the reason."You had a bad dream, so I'm sleeping with you to help." This didn't answerthe question specifically, but I dropped the subject as I felt my drowsinessreturn.I curled up beside him, warming up as his arms wrap around me. 

Closing myeyes I can barely feel him kiss my forehead as sleep reclaims me. 


Not my part!  


Okumaya devam et

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