By Mintyhippo95

171K 5.7K 2.3K

Elsa's parents were the greatest spies in the world, and owned a spy agency. From the time Elsa could walk sh... More

Grown Up
The Big 4
Sleep Over
I Will Fight
Red Mercury
Ruined Cake
Years Pass By
The Snow Queen
Mystery Bomber
Get my level
Don't Leave Me
Tiny Miracles
Agent #1
Trouble in Paradise
Best Birthday Ever
I'm Sorry
Memory Loss
Survival of the Fittest
Survival of the Fittest Part 2
Secrets of the Forest
Be Strong
Separate Missions
Mr. & Mrs. Overland
Bye Felicia
Forgetting Again
This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things
I Remember
Together Again
Our Future
Harmless Secret
Reverse Psychology
We're Good
Together Again
Into the Artic
Confession Time
My Everything
Thank Yous'
Watermelons and Grapes
Always Right

The Island

3.9K 118 107
By Mintyhippo95

Anna's POV

We have been looking for the bomber for 5 months now, and every time we try and find them they are gone. The only thing they leaves behind is a Nightmare base in ashes.

I really miss Elsa, and I still can't believe she is gone. I never realized I caused her that much pain by leaving, I just wanted to be safe. I also never thought Elsa would be so serious about kids. She seemed like a different person than I remember her being, but maybe Jack was over exaggerating or misinterpreting something. Now I will never get to know, she will never have those kids, never smile, and never open her eyes. She is cold in the ground, bugs probably eating away at her smooth porcelain skin.

"Guys, finally located another Nightmare base." Hiccup said.

"Where?" Mer asked.

"It is Mexico."

"Let's go to Mexico first, and see can we find that bomber." Jack said.

I felt sorry for Jack, he has been acting like our leader, but that was it. He was hollowed out like nothing was left. He ate only enough to keep alive, barely talked, cried himself to sleep every night, wore all black like he was in mourning, and always was staring at his phone. He took Elsa's death harder than anyone, and no one can figure out why.

We all quickly packed our stuff, and got on our plane. Eugene was flying, while we all sat in the back. The girls were watching TV, while Eugene and Hiccup were just chatting. Jack was sitting in the furthest corner staring at his phone, tears in his eyes. About halfway through the flight I saw something that caught my eyes.

"Hiccup, is that the building the Nightmare base was in?" I asked pointing to the TV screen.

"Yeah, why?" he asked.

"Cause it is now gone. All that is left is a lot of skeletons and ashes. It just got blown up around an hour ago." I said.

"We are changing coordinates then. There is a small island nearby with a landing field, we are heading to that island." Hiccup said.

He went up and told Eugene, then sat back down.

"We need a break and time to get a solid plan together. Plus a vacation sounds nice."

"I could use a vacation." I sighed thinking about it. I haven't gotten any break since I've joined the agency. The sun, the beach, swim suits, tasty food, relaxation time. An island vacation sounds nice.

Jack's POV

The bomber had already beaten us there again. They were good, but I'm betting not as good as my Elsa...... Elsa.

I miss her so much. I just want to die thinking about never getting to see her face or our children. I never got to tell her that the girl I was talking about was her and I never got to tell her I loved her more than anything.

The only reason I didn't try and kill myself again was because of Anna. Elsa gave up so much to protect Anna, so I know how much she meant to her. I am going to protect her for Elsa, and one day, hopefully soon, I will get to see Elsa again.

Right now, we are landing on some abandoned island for a small vacation and trying to think of our next move.

This island isn't very big, only around 2-3 miles in diameter, but it is nice. From what I can see there is a forest, a large 200 cliff, hot springs, a beach, clear ocean, lots of wild life, and a mountain.

I noticed there was a speedboat out in the middle of the ocean, but this island was abandoned years ago. The boat must have just washed up here from somewhere.

"Lets get to high ground and build shelter, then we can rest up." I said. We all climbed up a trail up to the top of the cliff, and was in the forest. We started building a shelter using some plant that looked like bamboo, large leaves, and moss.

"Jack, come check this out!" Punzie called.

I walked over to see her and everyone looking at this deep hole that was in the ground, and looked like it went on forever.

"What made that?" I asked Hiccup?

"Jack, there is no animal that makes a hole that large." he said.

Then we heard screams come from the tunnel, we all backed up and saw Elsa sprinting out, some guy chasing her. Then a cloud of smoke went off, and when it cleared Elsa was on the guys shoulders. She slit his throat with a knife, then jumped off him.

ELSA!!!!!! I'm either completely crazy or she is alive!!!!

"Run! RUN!!!!!" she screamed, then started running. We followed her, and I watched as she jumped off the cliff.

"ELSA!!!" I yelled. I looked to she her legs hit the water, and ice formed beneath her feet. She did a spy roll, then continued sprinting on the water over a bridge of ice.

Hiccup turned into a Nightfury and the girls jumped on his back, and I took off flying with my staff.

I flew following Elsa who was now on the speed boat taking off.

Within 30 seconds later, the entire island blew up, and disappeared. She sailed to a nearby island and jumped onto the shore.

"Elsa!" I said running towards her. Moment I got to her I froze..... what if she wasn't real like all the other times. I slowly extended a shaking hand out and cupped her cheek.

"Jack, what are you doing?" she asked.

"Making sure you are real." I said smiling. She smiled and her hand took mine and pressed it harder against my face.

I gasped in shock when I didn't go straight through her. I quickly lifted her in the air and spun her around. She started laughing, and I noticed from the corner of my eyes the others were staring at us in shock, but I didn't care.

I sat her on the ground then kissed her face everywhere. Forehead, cheeks, nose, chin, eyes, and finally her lips.

I felt completely alive again seeing my love right here with that smile that I have been longing to see. I didn't bother asking how she was alive. I was there when I found her lifeless body and when I was her body was lowered in the cold ground. I didn't care anymore. All that mattered to me was she was alive, my Elsa was alive.

I finally broke off the kiss when I felt I was doing to die from lack of oxygen, and rested our foreheads together.

"Missed you too." she panted out with a smile on her face.

I chuckled and hugged her tightly, then she let a little whimper out. She never whimpered.... ever.

"What's wrong?" I asked worried.

She unzipped her black spy suit and I gasped. There was this large cut across her stomach, a stab wound on her side, and bullet grazes; all of them were still fresh.

"Elsa, are you okay?" I asked starting to panic.

"Yeah, I'm fine." she said. Then hugged me again.

Suddenly her legs went weak.

"ELSA!!!!" I screamed worried.

"Calm down, I just need a break." she said, and sat down on the ground.

What happened to her?!

Elsa's POV

After I demolished the Mexican Nightmare base, I decided to go immediately to the nearby Nightmare base on some small island.

I made sure I covered and sealed the bomb so it wouldn't leak or get damaged, then I drove there. First I went to my island safe house (Between mine, and the ones I inherited from my parents, I have one just about anywhere.) I dropped off my luggage, parked Pitch's plane, took off my suit. I cut a slit in my stomach, but I was careful to make sure it wouldn't damage anything internally or hurt my chances for children. I just needed a way to get it in the base undetected, and this was the only way. I stitched my gut up, then put my suit back on.

After that I took a speedboat and left it out halfway close to the shore of the island. I swam up to the shore, then took a walking trail up a cliff. When I reached up there I used my magic to create an ice drill that would dig into the dungeon of the Nightmare base.

The tunnel turned out really long and deep, but I finally made it there. I wasn't expecting the place where I'd show up to be in the lunch room of the dungeon.

Let's just say they grabbed me before I could jump out of the hole, and chained me in a cell.

This wasn't my proudest moment.

I sat in the room thinking of every way possible to escape. I had to be able to get the bomb though, and get out with no trouble, that was the issue.

"Elsa dear, I must say you are still as feisty as the last time we encountered." Pitch said.

"Hey, some things never change." I shrugged.

"Now, I'm going to get right to the chase, because I have somewhere else to be. Join me."

"Never." I said coldly.

"Well then, I'm going to have to have you killed." he said, "I can't let you can't keep causing me more loses and trouble. Goodbye dearie." he said, and walked out. A guard took his place.

He looked around my age, strong, and stupid. A perfect target.

"So, ready to die?" he said walking up to me.

"Sweetie, I'm not going to die. You are going to let me go." I smirked.

"Doubtful." he said.

"Don't doubt it. In my stomach is a bomb containing around 3/4 lbs of red mercury. I say a certain word, and it goes off. You won't be able to take a single step."

"You would really blow yourself up?" he said doubtful, but still scared.

"You obviously don't know the first thing about me." I said, "Now, stand right next to me." I ordered.

He glared, but obeyed.

"Now uncuff me."

"No." he said.

"Fine." I let my hands grab the chains and my ice spread. My ice was colder than liquid nitrogen, so the chains almost instantaneously shattered. Then I quickly snapped the guys neck before he could get a sound out.

"What is this, ametur hour?" I mumbled. Sometimes it felt like they were insulting me with this shitty security.

I grabbed the knife from his belt, then unzipped my suit. I carefully cut open the stitches in my stomach, and gently took out the bomb. I had sealed it in a wax covered bag so nothing would leak into my insides. I pulled out a surgical threat I used to pull my hair back, and stitched back up my wound using an ice needle. Then I zipped up my suit, and sat the bomb down.

"Snowbell." I said, then the bomb turned on. I had seven minutes to get the hell out of here.

I opened the cell door, and the coast was clear. I snuck my way back the the cafeteria room where of course everyone was.

I didn't have any weapon, so I had to improvise. I shot my magic, and it impaled 3 men through their chests. Then I quickly made a snow monster and made my way to the tunnel. Men tried to shoot me, and came damn close, but they only skimmed my skin, nothing major.

I jumped in the tunnel, and gasped when I did. I looked to my side, and there was a throwing knife in it.

I shakily stood up, and started running. After a few seconds I heard someone else behind me.

"HEY! GET BACK HERE!!!" he shouted. I just continued running though not looking back. When I got to the top of the hole, I ran out and saw Jack and his group, but I had to take care of this guy first.

I dropped a small smoke bomb on the ground, and when he got out of the tunnel it went off. I quickly yanked the knife out of my side, jumped on him, and slit his throat.

I got off of him I looked at the group.

"Run! RUN!!!!!" I screamed, then started running again. I ran to the cliff and jumped off of it. When my feet touched the water below, it froze. My bones didn't break since they are all metal, but I did a spy role so I didn't bend them or damage anything. The I got up and started running on the ice trail that my feet made.

I ran to the boat, and quickly started going towards my safe house. No sooner than I took off, there was an explosion in the background, and the entire island was gone. I sailed to my island and jumped onto the shore.

I was feeling a little weak, but that was because of my stomach wound and the knife wound. I need to get my wounds treated immediately when I get back to my safe house.

"Elsa!" Jack said running towards me to hug me. The moment he got to me he froze. He slowly extended a shaking hand out and cupped one of my cheeks.

He never shakes. He may be stupid, but he is fearless.

"Jack, what are you doing?" I asked.

"Making sure you are real." he said smiling. I smiled his cuteness, and raised one of my hands to meet his, then pressed it harder against my face.

Jack gasped in shock, then lifted me in the air and spun me around. I couldn't help but laugh, this was so cute and fun.

When sat me back on the ground, he kissed my face everywhere. Forehead, cheeks, nose, chin, eyes, and finally my lips.

I've missed him so much, I felt like I was whole again. Only he now made me have this feeling. I kissed him bad and wrapped my arms around his neck.

When Jack finally broke off the kiss, we were both out of breath and panting. Still he rested our foreheads together.

"Missed you too." I panted out while smiling.

He chuckled and hugged me tightly... too tightly. My stomach wound and side wound where getting crushed. I held in a scream, but let a little whimper out.

"What's wrong?"  Jack asked worried.

I unzipped my spy suit and looked down. The cut across my stomach was still bleeding a little, but not much. Fortunately the knife wound was small and not too deep, and I had those bullet grazes across my arm. Other than that noting too bad.

"Elsa, are you okay?" Jack asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said. Then I hugged him. I was just so happy to see him, and know that he was okay.

Then my legs got a little weak.

"ELSA!!" Jack screamed.

"Calm down, I just need a break." I said, and sat down on the ground. I was exhausted from taking down two Nightmare bases in the same day, so I decided to take a little nap. I knew based on the rate of blood loss that it would clot up soon, and I would be fine. Just incase I froze my knife wound and my stomach wound shut, then closed my eyes for a short nap.

Jack's POV

I watched as Elsa moved her hands over her wounds, then close her eyes. I carefully picked Elsa up and held her close to me, while sobbing. Who did this to her, and why?!

I couldn't lose her again, I had just gotten her back.

"PUNZIE!!!!!!!!" I screamed. Everyone ran over to me and screamed at the sight of Elsa.

"Punzie, please help her!" I yelled.

"What happened to her!?" Anna yelled.

"Punzie, please heal her." I said begging, "Please, I can't lose her again."

"Can you people shut up! I'm exhausted and I would like a little sleep." Elsa said, "Believe it or not, kicking ass take a lot out of you. Then again, none of you would know that."

"You're okay!" I smiled.

"Yeah, I'm the best." she said.

"Don't care, Punzie is still going to heal you." I said then looked to Punzie.

"Jack, I froze my wounds shut. I'm going to be fine."

"Don't care." I said again.

Punzie nodded and unbraided a section of her hair. Then she wrapped it around Elsa then started to sing her song.

Flower, gleam and glow

Let your power shine

Make the clock reverse

Bring back what once was mine

Heal what has been hurt

Change the fates design

Save what has been lost

Bring back what once was mine

What once was mine.

She unwrapped her hair from Elsa, and Elsa looked as good as new.

"Thanks." she said, then got up.

"ELSA!" I said again, then slammed my lips into hers. She let out a muffled noise of surprise, and then started kissing me back. Her hands tangled up in my hair and I pulled her closer to me. When I broke off the kiss, I once again kissed her face everywhere.

"Wow, you really missed me didn't you?" she said playfully pushing me off.

"God! I thought you were dead. I just found you again, and thought I was going to lose you again." I said hugging her tightly, "Who the hell did that to you?"

"Myself." she said and I looked at her like she was crazy.

"What!?" I said shocked and stopped hugging her.

"I needed a way to sneak a bomb into the Nightmare base undetected, so I decided to use myself. Good thing I did. If I didn't I would be dead right now." she said.

"They want to kill you?"

"Yeah, since I won't join them they want to get rid of me." she said, "Are you mad?"

"That you hurt yourself, yes. But I'm more relieved that you were alright, and you outwitted them." I said honestly, "Still you could have hurt yourself, and then you couldn't bear kids."

KIDS!!!! There was still hope, we could have kids!

"I knew what I was doing Jack, but your concern is sweet." she chuckled, "So how are you?"

"Alive and in one piece, all thanks to you." I chuckled.

"Elsa?" someone said.

Elsa turned and looked at my group for the first time.

"Sup bitches." she said coldly and stood up.

"Elsa, I was so worried. It's been so long. I thought you were dead, and............" Anna said tearing up.

"Well considering you told me I wasn't enough and then left me I figured that our relationship thing we had for the past 17 years was over." Elsa said, "As for the dead thing, you can see I am quiet alive."

"Elsa, I missed you." Eugene said.

"Well then you shouldn't have left me. Now if you'll excuse me, I would like to get to my safe house and rest." she said walking off.

"Elsa, wait up!" I said, "Let me help you."

"Jack........" she started, but I picked her up bridal style before she could say another word.

"Don't 'Jack' me. I haven't seen you in 7 months, and you were just hurt. I'm going to help you whether you like it or not."

She rolled her eyes at me but chuckled.

She led me to a safe house that was located behind a waterfall, and let me in.

"One moment." she said and walked into a room. She came back out with a loose pair of camo print pants, a tight fitting black one shoulder strapped top, and black leather combat boots. Her hair was down her back, and she had no makeup on.

"Thanks, for taking care of me and all." she said, "So have you followed my instructions?"

I chuckled nervously, and then she fully looked me up and down.

"Jack, what did you do to yourself? You look like shit."

"Until around 15 minutes ago I felt like it too." I chuckled, "What about you, how are you doing? I haven't seen you in so long."

"Alive." she said.

"That's it?"

"Jack, I have no one to love and no one who loves me. I am alone, only living to avenge my parents and have a family one day." she said, "So how is your girl?"

"Still stubborn as a mule." I said.

She laughed at what I said, then went silent when the others walked in.

"What do you want?" she glared.

"We want you to come back to the agency with us." they said.

"Sorry peaches, not going to happen." she said.

"No, it is happening." Punzie said.

"Quiet Blondie, I'm assuming you all know my track record by now. You know what I can do, and trust me, I will not hesitate to do it." she glared.

"Come on Elsa, we need you." Eugene said.

"If you needed me, then you shouldn't have left me." she hissed.

"Elsa, we can't go back to the agency unless you are with us." Anna said.

"Tough titties." she said.

"THAT'S IT!" Mer growled, "If you don't come with us, I will make a call to the agency, and have them kill all of your eggs!"

"MER!!" everyone yelled. Merida had a habit to lose her cool. Either way though she crossed the line. If she did that there will literally be no place in this galaxy where she can hide. I will find her and kill her.

"You would kill my only hope of having children and being happy, just for something so petty?" Elsa said almost in disbelief.

"Yes." Mer said pulling out her phone.

"Mer, you are not going to do that." I said firmly.

"We let you try your way, and you went soft on us. Now it is my turn. I'm sick of traveling the globe in search of this bitch!" she said, "Your call Elsa."

"Fine." Elsa said sadly, "Just don't let anything happen to my eggs."

Mer put her phone away, and Elsa ran off.

"Mer, what the hell is wrong with you!" I yelled.

"She was being difficult."

"She already has trust issues, now you're just making them worse. Plus you realize once she gets back, she inherits the agency, and she can fire you."

Then Mers face turned pale, she keeps on forgetting stuff like that.

"I'm going to go talk to her." I said.

I looked around the house, and found her in a master bedroom on the bed. She was reading a book.

"Hey what you reading?"

"A book about child birth, it helps calm me." she said, "I brought a ton of books about pregnancy, child birth, parenting, baby names, stuff you need in your nursery's, and more." she said

"That is good. Listen, I'm sorry about Merida. She is really nice, she just lacks patience's and is fiery."

"I know, it was in her profile. I am just mad she would stoop that low." Elsa said.

"I know, I'm pissed too." I said getting on the bed with her.

"Jack, what are you doing?" she asked looking at me.

God, she was so beautiful! She was by far his finest creation.

"Reading with you." I chuckled.

"You want to read a book about child birth with me?" she asked.


She chuckled at me, then started reading the book out loud to me. I have to admit, some of this stuff sounded disgusting, but it was informational, and I could see how it would help any woman during labor.

When she finished she sat it down, and sighed. I have had a question on my mind for the past 7 months, and now that I was here with her again, I had to ask her.

"Hey Elsa, how exactly do you feel about me?"

"You're tolerable." she smirked, and I chuckled at that memory.

"Just tolerable!" I said pretending to sound hurt.

"Also annoying, an idiot, and over protective." she said. 

"You really feel that way?" I said over dramatically while pouting.

"Yep, but you're adorable." she said while pinching my cheeks. After that we busted out laughing. I can't believe she still remembers that conversations from over 3 years ago word for word.

"Seriously." I chuckled.

"Are you asking me to get deep and honest, cause I don't think I'll be good at that." she said.

"Amuse me."

"I hate myself for not hating you. You left me, hurt me, took away everything I held close to me, and then never even called. Yet still to this day I can't hate you not even a little bit. You are going to be the father of my children, you are the kindest person I know, the only person who has cared about my wellbeing, and my first love." she said.

"You love me?" I said shocked.

"You know what, I shouldn't have said anything. You have a girl now, and I don't want to mess that up." she said in a almost panicked tone of voice.

She loves me, she loves me!!! Okay, I have to tell her. It is now or ever.

"Elsa, that girl I was talking about was you." I said, "I love you too, more than anything."

"What!? Why on earth would you love me, are you crazy?" she said sounding shocked.

"I guess." I chuckled, then got on top of her and started kissing her. I let my hands get lost in her hair and her hands went inside my shirt.

When we parted my hands were stuck inside her hair.

"Now these are the type of shackles I could get used to." I smirked. She laughed at me, and helped my untangle my hands from her long thick hair.

"Hey, you in for a little bet?"

"What?" she asked intrigued.

"I'd bet 50 bucks we can make everyone leave the house." I smirked while lifting up her shirt.

"I'll double that." she said catching on and unzipped my pants.

It's time for some fun.

~Time Skip~

After around 6 hours of pure bliss, we were both drained.

"Six hours, new record." I said.

"Don't forget personal best." she chuckled sticking her hand in the air and I high-fived her.

"God, I missed you. Never fake your death ever again." I said pulling her close and playing with a lock of her hair.

"I'll try not to, but no promises." she said kissing my chest, "I still have things to take care of Nightmare wise, and only 5 more months to do it in."

"Well if you ever do do it again, please at least tell me. It almost killed me losing you."

"Is that what all of those scars on your arms are from, why you are so thin, your eyes are all blood shot, and your hair is so long?"

"Yeah, I didn't care about anything anymore. I had lost my two reasons to live, without that I didn't see a point in staying around."

"What were your reasons?"

"You and our children." I said softly, "Eugene found me before it was too late, and they locked me back up in the straightjacket."

"Jack, never try to kill yourself again. Promise me right here, right now you won't." she said.

"I promise Elsa, besides I have found my two reasons to live again." She smiled and kissed me, it was short but passionate, and left me wanting more. Then she snuggled up as close as possible to me, and let out a sigh.

"So what exactly are we?" I asked.

"Can we be fuck buddies?" she asked.

"I was hoping for something more meaningful." I said honestly.

"Well, it's just.......... sex is one thing, but intimacy..... that scares the hell out of me. It has been so long since I have wanted to have more and give more." she said looking down.

"You have already given me so much. Elsa, I only wish for you to give me your body so I may express what my words cannot." I said and softly, "But if you want to start out there, then that is fine with me. I don't want to force you to do something you don't want to do. I know based on your past it is hard to understand and express emotions, as well as let yourself be close to someone. I'll wait for you, till the end of time if necessary."

"Thank you, for understanding." she said softly.

"Hey, anywhere is better than the friendzone." I said and she laughed.

"Yeah, that is possibly the worst place ever." she giggled, "Now, come on lets grab something to eat."

"On it." I said. I threw her my shirt, and I slipped my pants on. Then we walked out into an empty house.

"Told you we could do it." I said.

She laughed and went into the kitchen. We made some pasta together and talked which was nice. Elsa didn't talk too much, but she always listened with great interest and always looked eager to hear more. Just when the food was finished everyone can back in looking at us with both anger and shock.

"What?" Elsa asked, "Where were you guys? We had to make dinner, because you were where with your lazy asses?"

"Well Anna and I were throwing up, Mer and Punzie was looking for holy water and a bible on the plane, and Hiccup was curled up in a ball and shaking like he was jacked up on cocaine." Eugene said.

"Oh...... were we too loud? We tried to keep it down." Elsa said, and it took everything I had to keep a straight face and not die laughing.

"Too loud! Woman, this entire house was shaking! We had to walk out around half a mile so we couldn't hear you two!" Eugene yelled, "And did you really make animal noises?!"

"Yeah, Elsa's idea. She said it would creep the hell out of you." I chuckled, "So obviously we couldn't pass up the opportunity."

"So, how long until you left?" Elsa asked.

"Around 30 minutes in, we came back a few times, just to hear you two screaming and moaning. How long did you guy do it for, cause we waited in 30 minute intervals?"

"Six hours." I smirked and high-fived Elsa.

"Isn't it so convenient that we are in the only safe house that doesn't have soundproof walls." Elsa smirked.

"So Jack finally lost his v-card?" Hiccup said.

"Yeah, around 3 years ago." Elsa chuckled and I wrapped my arms around her.

"WHAT!?!?!?!" everyone yelled.

"Yeah." I said, "And so glad it was you who took it." I whispered soft enough so Elsa was the only one who could hear me.

"Well, I'm starving, especially after that workout." I chuckled, "We're going to eat." I said getting a bowl for Elsa and I.

"Wait.... you're eating, actual food, in actual people portions?" Anna said shocked.

"Yep." I said popping the 'p'. Then we left for the living room, and busted out laughing.

"That was by far the best way to clear a house ever!" she said.

"I know!" I chuckled. "So, seriously how are things since I last saw you?"

"Well, I'm getting close to destroying all of the Nightmare bases. I'm estimating another couple months, and I'll be down to one. Then I am going get Pitch, kill his ass, blow it up, then victory!" she said.

"That sounds busy."

"It is, but I want to do the invetro as soon as possible, so I am increasing the pace of the bases I have to take down in a month."

"I see."

"So, what about you?" she asked while eating her pasta.

"Mainly we have been looking for this mystery bomber, which turns out to be you. Once the Mexican base was blown up we came to that island for a break. I had no idea there was a Nightmare base there or you were going to be there."

"Small world." she said with her mouth full.

"I guess so." I said then started eating my food, "So what does your morning look like?"

"Work out, shower, plan, pack, then blow shit up." she said.

"Mind skipping all of those for a morning hike and brunch?"

"Yes I do mind. I can't let myself go. My parents trained me too hard and I gave up too much just to go soft. I have to stay focused."

"One morning isn't going to kill you." I chuckled.

"Hey, if you want you can come with me." she said.

"Actually I think all of us should go with you, especially Merida." I said slyly.

"I like where this is headed." she said.

"Give them hell."

"Only way I know how."

"Great, so where are we all sleeping. I'm exhausted." I said.

"I only have 3 extra rooms here. So 3 are going to be sharing and 1 will be sleeping alone. You choose the order. But know if I wake up and Red is on the bed, I will rip her head off by her head, and hang it up on the wall as a trophy."

"Okay." I said.

"Good. Also there is one shower in this place, so if anyone is in it when I go to use it, I will skin them alive and wear their pelts around."

"Okay. You know you are scary sometimes."

"You can't make people love you, but you can make them fear you." she said, then walked off into her bedroom.

"You made me love you." I said softly.

I told everyone the news, and lets just say no one wanted to sleep with her, and there was no way I was going to sleep in the same bed as Anna. That would just feel so weird, especially after what I just did with her sister. So the order came down to;

.Elsa and me

.Eugene and Punzie

.Hiccup and Merida


I quietly walked into Elsa's room to see she was fast asleep with a parenting book on her chest. She was going to be a great mother, I could tell.

I quietly got under the covers and pulled her close. Then lightning fast she flipped around and had a knife on my throat.

"God! Don't kill me!" I said. She quickly let the knife go back under her pillow and relaxed.

"Sorry, thought you were a Nightmare or someone else." she said.

"No I'm sorry, I shouldn't have just snuck up on you like that. I know how cautious at you can be at times." I said, "You know what, let's just get some sleep. I'm going to need it."

"I know, I can't feel the lower half of my body." she giggled.

"Same." I chuckled. Something about sex with her makes that happen.

I was going to marry this girl one day! I always wanted a spy family, but she was a spy and still is a total badass, so close enough. She challenged me intellectually, she was empathetic, accepted me for me, she was beautiful no matter what, capable of taking care of herself, had an unusual sense of humor that I loved, she wasn't like all of the other flirty agents I've encountered so far, and she wasn't boring. Everyday I was with her, she found someway to make me laugh and smile.

"Can I?" I asked.

"Go on ahead, just don't pull anything." she said.

"I won't. I respect you and your body." I said. Then I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her close to me again.

I closed my eyes, and inhaled her scent. She still smelled like vanilla.

This girl, she is my girl. She is not perfect, but neither am I. But she is perfect for me, and I'll do anything I can to keep her.

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