Bad Boy, Good Lips, And Stol...

By sunflowerlivesin4743

43.2K 1.1K 136

Alahn Evans despises her neighbor, Anthony McQueen. He's a total player who has a different girl wrapped aro... More

The Boy Next Door
Hallway Collisions
Are You A Stalker Or Something?
Sweat It Out
Some Explaining To Be Done
Following leads to trouble
It was you!...... Who made me fall out a window?
Authors note
A Deal With The Devil
A Highschool Drama, Starring Me?
Authors Note
Get Out Of My Freakin Head!

Saved Yet Betrayed

2.5K 88 1
By sunflowerlivesin4743

❤️ Alahn Pov. ❤️

A few minutes after being there and just looking at each other, as if waiting for someone to speak up against this- we start to vandalize the prized possession, and pride of our rival school. And that is the 15 foot tall, gold statue of West Lynn's mascot- Toby the "Thundering Stallion". Matt starts throwing rolls of toilet paper across the statue, while Kyle starts to shake up cans of spray paint that match our schools colors. How subtle. I shakily reach into my bag and pull out my own spray paint and toilet paper. I look over to Hannah, and she just stares at me looking tired and guilty. Then, she outstretches her hand towards me, but I just look at it confused. I look to her eyes, and they flick down to the toilet paper, I understand and I place the roll in her hands. She tosses it around In her hands as she studies it, and she suddenly smiles catching me off guard, and pitches the toilet part at the statue and I watch in surprise as she giggles looking at the streaming banner of white paper stream over the statue. I don't get it. One minute she's in tears over the fact she is doing this, the next she's acting like it's the most exhilarating thing she's ever done. She must be bipolar. My hands are trembling as I take the lid off of the red spray paint can in my hand. The boys are whooping and hollering, and Hannah's laughing with some mischievous glee- but it's drowned out by the fear that swallows me. Am I really about to do this?
"That's right. You can do this Alahn. What did I tell you? There's no harm in this!" Matt says.
He doesn't quite have me convinced. I feel like I'm listening to the devil telling me that the wrong is right. Better not tell Hannah that. Finally, I test the button that releases the paint, and it starts to spurt out a little dabble of red paint. My hands are shaking so bad.
"There you go! See it's not hard, it's fun!" He whoops.
"Shut up! And stop cheering so loud! Someone could hear us idiot!"
I look at the progress they've made on the statue. Kyle has spray painted lots of things about how our school rules, and how they suck, and it all seems pretty ridiculous now that I think about it. Matts practically dancing around the statue throwing rolls upon rolls of toilet paper, and suddenly I hear I big crack and I see Hannahs started throwing eggs as well as my toilet paper.
"Haha! How do you like that losers!" She chants.
I'm not feeling that creative, so I finally muster up the nerve to just paint scribbles all over the golden body of the horse. The red seeps into my vision and it makes me feel sick- it's like the horse is bleeding and it makes me want to puke.
"Come on you can do better than that Alahn!" One of the boys say. I can't tell my ears are too full with sounds- the cracking of eggs, the whooshing of toilet paper.... the spritzing sound the paint makes as my finger presses down on the top. Red, red, red. My fingers are red from pressing down too hard. My vision is clouded with red. I swear the horses eyes are red, like it's mad at me. Great, I'm going mental too. I finally get a grip of myself. It's not that bad. Nothing has happened, we aren't going to get caught or something. The sickness fades away and is replaced with something else when I feel my heart accelerate as I clear my head. Power, fun, rebellion. People always tell me to get a taste of the dark side, now here I am. I know how Hannah feels. I get a can of silver spray paint out of my bag and start to spray paint thinks like "stallions suck" and other profanities on the statue.
"Woooooo! Now that's more like it!" Kyle hollers. I start to crack a grin. This is starting to feel good. Hannah walks over with a similar expression as mine and she has the carton of eggs in her hands.
I look at them feeling excited with my newfound "wild" streak.
"You know you want to." She states proudly. I laugh as I pick up an egg, I put my arm back and cast it upwards with all my strength, and I feel adrenaline ignite inside of me as I hear it crack against the statue and splatter on the ground in a gooey yellow mess.
"Yeah!" I cheer finding my voice. Everyone laughs along with me, and it isn't long before eggs are suddenly flying through the air, and I shriek when I feel one splat on my head and I feel cold sticky yolk drip on my face. I smirk devishly and I start throwing a bunch at Hannah- the one who hit me with the egg. Everyone's laughing and shrieking and the boys start throwing these little paintball things, (that Kyle made at home apparently. He mentioned them at McDonalds before I went back home.) at us and themselves. Its a mess of color and eggs as they start exploding everywhere like bombs. Everyone is on a high of happiness and rebellion, not having a care in the world. In the distance, we can hear something approaching the school that sounds like shrieking so I stop to listen. I look through the foresty trees that surround the school and start to see red and blue lights in the distance coming from about five miles away. The cops.

❤️ Alahn Pov. ❤️

I am petrified as soon as I realize that they have to be coming to the school. To us.
I scream. Everyone freezes as they look towards the trees.
"We dorm have much time! It looks like they are on the side roads leading here! They'll be here any minute! RUN!"
I'm full blown panicking, I feel as if I'm about to get put on the electrocution chair. I probably will be when my mother finds out. Tears start to prick my eyes, as I scurry around trying to get my things. I'm so scared. As I'm trying to clean up what I can and get my bags, I trip and feel a sharp pain in my ankle and my head thunks against the cement ground. Hard. I hear Hannah gasp, and my head feels as if its having a personal earthquake in my skull. Hannah is blurry in my vision as she kneels beside me with a look of worry. Now I really feel sick. I feel bike rise in my throat and I vomit on the ground next to me as my head reels. My ankle throbs horribly.
I croak. I feel something warm and wet drip down my forehead mixed with the cold sliminess of remaining egg.
"Hannah! What are you doing! Hurry up the cops are gonna be here any minute!"
"MATTHEW! What the heck! She's injured!"
"She'll be fine! If someone gets caught, it will be her, but she's all bloody so no one will suspect!"
I can't believe what I'm hearing.
"She's covered in evidence!"
"Well, uh, we have to go! Come one!"
She starts to stand a little, and my heart buckles in fear. She wouldn't...
"Ha- hann- Hannah!" I squeak. She looks at me so pained, but those tears don't fool me, I know what she's thinking. She rises even more, and I can hear the sirens getting clearer. A burst of nervous adrenalin makes me forget about the pain and sit up and plead to them.
"NO! DONT LEAVE ME HERE! PLEASE!" My body was shaking uncontrollably as I was overtaken with fear and sadness.
"NOOOO! HOW COULD YOU." I watch as Hannah puts a helmet on, hops on Matts bike and wraps her arms around him as they dissapear onto a different route than the police. Following right behind them is Kyle speeding out in a dark purple Durango.
I scream and cry all at once and it makes my body explode with pain. The blood is warm in my wounds. I probably look like I popped out of a horror movie. The lights and sirens grow eerily closer and I cry in defeat and pain, as I lay on the ground. This is it. Everything that could've went wrong, has went wrong. And I am the one still caught in the trap, wounded like a fragile deer. I accept defeat as my head slips into a dizziness. I'm tired from lack of sleep and pain and I take my fate. Tears mix with blood on the ground, and spray paint stings my nostrils. Just then, I feel something swoop me up and carry me away into the darkness, and that definitely jolts me awake. I've just been.... Saved?

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