Get Out Of My Freakin Head!

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❤️ Alahn Pov. ❤️

I do not know how to define normal anymore, because suddenly, I find myself the animal in a zoo that people can't seem to stop staring at. Something rare- the outcast gets attention from the bad boy.
That's not supposed to happen, and I don't think anyone likes it. Not even me. I'm starting to think Anthony doesn't like it too. Maybe he has gone little too far with the whole "buds" thing. After all, he is supposed to be bad.
I'm in choir now, and happy that the day is finally about to end, being Paid attention to is quite exhausting. I'm actually an average singer, not too good not too bad, and I love music. I even now how to play several instruments- (my mother grew up in a musical household). I don't mind, I enjoy it. But today, I don't focus on the words I'm singing, all I can think about is lips. His lips, and thinking about them makes my face burn. Seriously! Why can't I stop thinking about him! He didn't even talk to me that much in PE, like I said, can't get his precious reputation messed with. I didn't expect to have such a real, powerful kiss from a guy like him. I thought he'd make it all so sexual, but he did anything but- and it makes my skin crawl. COOTIES! I've finally been infected. I feel faint, somebody call my mother, my pain is returning. I might have formed an aneurism! I've also found that my sadness and hurt has been replaced with something else. A wicked, sick anger that fills in the holes Hannah shot in my chest. I could lie and say it feels better, but it Dosent. It makes me feel kind of sinister, actually. Finally the bell rings, and everyone files out of the classroom, but I feel a throat clear behind me and I turn to see who it is. It's Ms. Turner, the choir teacher and I smile at her.
"Hi Ms. Turner! Can I help you with anything?"
"Oh no dear! I just came to ask of you were alright, I noticed you seemed a bit distant today, is everything alright?" Wow I really was thinking hard about those chapped, full, warm... Gross I need to stop.
"Yes! Sorry Mam I'm just, still recovering and I felt a little laggy today. That's all!"
"Oh yes indeed! You have been gone awhile, welcome back! Good to know you're  alright. Have a good day."
"Thanks! You too!" I smile, I like teachers who feel real concerns for their students, it makes you feel like someone cares.
"Oh actually dear! I have one more thing to tell you." I hear her pipe up.
"Of course, what is it." She makes her way to me again. Her soft brown eyes meet mine, they match her halo of frizzy chocolate curls. She even had little freckles that seem to dance along to the music when she gleefully composes. She lays her pale hand on my shoulder.
"You know how we have our concert coming up soon, including the concert we put on for the school winter assembly."
"Well, I would be simply thrilled, if you would sing a solo at those two events for me!"
Her face beams, but my stomach plummets as this information is thrown at me.
"Wh- what?"
"That's right! You have a lovely voice, I've heard it, I've had my eye on you for a while and you have wonderful vocal abilities, truly God given talent!"
I blush at her praises.
"Thank you Ms. Turner, but... Me? Are you sure? Wouldn't you like to give another student this chance." She dismisses me with a flip of her hand.
"Listen to me Alahn! You have real talent, and I don't think you see that yet, quite frankly you are one of this classes best voices, and I want to hear you sing for everyone!"
"Wow, I uh don't know what to say."
I do know, actually.
I want to scream thats she's absurd, and burst out laughing at her implications. It was crazy! I'm way to shy to pull that off, and all the choir kids would hate me and scream favoritism.
"I'm just not sure how people will feel...."
"Oh shush! They will get over it! There's no doubt you're better then them! And now is your time to shine" That makes my heart Leap a little, uncontrollably. Deep down, I guess I did want to be heard.
"You know what, I'll do it."
"You will!" She beams.
"Yes." I smile back, laughing at her enthusiasm.
"Great! Well then, we will continue to talk about this more, and you will need to rehearse with me privately when your available."
"Um okay, I'll do my best because I pick up my little brother a lot, but I'll talk to my mother about it."
"Great! See you tomorrow."
"Yeah! See you then." I hurriedly make my way out of the school, anxious to tell my mom and- oh yeah that's right. I'm not really friends with her now. My emotions momentarily surge, but I contain myself and forget about her. I guess I'm on my own now, you could say.

💀 Anthony Pov.💀

I sit in the school parking lot, I've lost count at how long I have been here, but I don't care, because that's not what I'm really thinking about. In response I feel a dull tingle on my lips. That kiss was so hot. It caught me by surprise, and I struggled to act cool. What frustrates me even more is how unaffected she was. Sure, she was a little hot and bothered obviously, but other than that, I can't tell if she wants to kiss me again. I punch the metal fence I was leaning against, the sun burns my eyes so I close them. A few seconds later, I hear soft footsteps approach and I open my eyes, eager to see who it is. In front of me is the familiar toned legs sticking out of the ever present cheer uniform. She's grinning madly and the sun catches her golden hair. I turn away disappointed. I knew that was definitely not the girl my mind was looking for.
"What do you want." I growl. Then regret it, because it was still a chick. A hot one may I remind you.
"Well now, thought you'd be more happy to see me. How about we get out of here and go somewhere... Better.
"No thanks, I'm busy."
I reply, and I pull out a cigarette as I light it.

"Anthony baby! I just thought we were really getting along! Maybe we could even go out..."
"Sorry darling, but you should know I ain't no type that goes for dating." I see her eyebrows draw closer and her fists clench as she struggles to remain under control. I know I'm a jerk, but I don't care. It's all part of the reputation.
She finally grins, and walks closer to me.
"Is this about that Annie girl, why do you like her so much, I've never seen you hang out with her before, besides...." She delicately wraps her arms around my shoulders,
"Everyone knows, I'm the hottest girl in school."
"That girls name is Alahn, and we are just friends. Can't you take a hint? God, get off of me."
I push her off, and she looks at me baffled.
"A friend is a friend, and she's way less annoying than you are."
Her face tightens into a angry, red expression, and that's when I realize I may have gone too far.
"Well." She starts.
"Call me when you change her mind." She then spins on her heels and storms off like a spoiled brat throwing a fit- pretty accurate actually. I just laugh as I blow out a stream of gray smoke and close my eyes. Finally, peace. But once again, my conscience dredges up soft green eyes, and full pink lips. I immediately open my eyes, and scream.
It echoes in the parking lot. I swear under my breath as I stomp my cigarette into the ground. She makes me so mad, but at the same time I really want to see her again. I feel my face flush, I want to kiss her again, but longer. I want to give her a real kiss, not just gentlemeny crap. It will drive her crazy, I know it. She'll be mine in no time! I make my ways towards my bike, and ride home. I have a kiss to plan.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jan 06, 2016 ⏰

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