Following leads to trouble

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❤️ Alahn Pov. ❤️ 9:03 pm

I can't do it. I just couldn't lie to my mom, so I quickly called her and explained to her that a few friends wanted to see me at McDonald's. To my surprise, she said sure, so that relieved a lot of the worry that was beginning to build up. Now, I'm dressed In a simple pair of jeans and a cream sweater as I get ready to drive out. I feel so much better, so I ignore what Hannah said for "dress code." This whole thing is probably nothing serious, so I go about it with a carefree attitude.
I walk into McDonalds, and immediately regret my decision of clothing. I spot Hannah, Matt and another boy I recognize as one of Matts friend's from football. They all look at me funny as they notice my attire.
"I thought I told you to wear dark!" She screeches silently.
"I know but I got permission to come, so I decide-"
"It's fine. Save it for later, you'll have time to change in a little bit. Let's get started."
Somebody was snappy, and it is starting to make me really angry.
"First of all, Alahn, this is Kyle he's in on our plan."
I look over to he boy. He has shaggy brown hair and eyes so brown they almost look black. He looks pretty scary.
"Hello." I say
"Hi." Is his short reply, he has a really spooky voice.
"Anyways, basically we have this big game coming up against the other highschool in town, or biggest most competitive rival- West Lynn High. We have to beat them, and in order to do that I think we should, freak them out a little."
"I don't like where this is going."
"Trust me, it's not that bad, and those posers totally deserve it, walking around like they're all that."
"Yeah." Kyle speaks up,
"They get on my nerves." 
"Just tell me what this is about already!" I scream at them. They look at each other for a second before Hannah finally breaks it to me.
"We're gonna vandalize the statue at West Lynn."
"Shhhhhhh! Keep your voice down!" Matt whispers.
"What is wrong with you people! Do you know how serious this is!? This isn't just some childish prank, this is a crime!" 
"Calm down, calm down. These kind of things happen all of the time, it's like an illegal tradition of some sort that no one really cares about two weeks later." He explains.
"That doesn't make it any less bad!"
They all just stay silent and look at me, until I finally break the silence.
"Okay, first of all, why are you guys the only ones doing this?"
"Me and Kyle are most popular with the senior players, and they dared us to do this since we are two of the best juniors on the team."
"Any others?"
"Yeah, but they wussed out, but we have to show them that they can't mess with us."
All throughout the conversation Hannah just stares at the floor, guiltily avoiding my eyes.
"No. I'm sorry, I'm not getting involved with this."
"What, why!" The anger rises in Matts voice.
"It's stupid! I'm not going to go to jail for some dumb prank that I don't even care about!"
"Alahn, can I talk to you for a minute in the bathroom."
I look over to her, she looks so stressed and sad. She never used to be like this, what has Matt turned her into.
"Fine." We stand up and I briskly walk into a stall, while she tries to keep up with me, yet there is a certain hesitancy and unsure-ness about her steps.
I lock the stall, and I look her dead In the eyes, Waiting for her to spill.
"I know, it seems bad..."
"No Hannah don't you see! It's already really bad! Why are you doing these things, your changing so much." I then regret my words when I see tears well up in her eyes and her cheeks start to turn a dark, angry shade of red.
"I'm so sorry," she sobs.
"I- I -I just wa-want to make hi- hi him happy." She wheezes. Wow, she really loves him, I can feel it in her words and emotions.
"Shhhhh. I'm sorry, it's okay."
"No, I'm sorry I just really want to make him happy." Her nose is wet and her eyes are red and puffy from tears.
"Its okay, I'm doing this- there's no backing out now."
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She cries. She collapses into me, grasping my body tightly. I hesitate, I'm still not getting any good vibes from this, but I just brush it off and return the hug. After cleaning herself up, we make our way back to where the boys are. They all look at me expectantly.
"I'm in." I say.
"I'm going to go back and get everything I need for this, so tell me what I gotta do."

💀Anthony Pov.💀 11:23 pm

    I feel numb when I'm smoking. I like to smoke because I feel detached from reality, like the rest of the world seeps away, and I am left, feeling nothing. I can't remember when I started smoking cigarettes, probably when all the problems started. Dad leaving us, mom not caring enough, smoking is my escape. These are the reasons I smoke.  Right now smoking isn't helping though, I'm too frustrated to even zone out and let the chemicals calm my mind. I don't know how long I've been laying on the bed smoking like this, but I know it's been a while because the sky is starting to turn black. Suddenly, I see something move below, curious I take a look. It looks like a person. I hide my body so they don't see me, but I get to an angle to where I can still watch them. A piece of curly brown hair escapes a dark gray hood, and as the person reaches to swipe it back, the hood comes off too, revealing who it is. Alahn. It's unmistakable. She's holding a bag containing what looks like dark clothes and she has a worried look on her face. Why is she sneaking around like this? I see her disappear around the back of her house, and she returns pushing a beat up old red bike. She puts the bag on the back, but something slips out of the bag. It's shiny and cylinder, and when she picks it up it makes a tinkling sound. Spray paint. What is she thinking? I've of course done this kind of crap before, but she looks really serious about this, I don't think she knows how risky this stuff is. Wait- why do I care? I barely even even know this girl, she'll be fine. I look to her again as she swings her body over her bike. She glances around for a second, then she looks to the sky, she looks like she could burst into tears. Then, she sighs a shaky breath, and pedals off into the darkness. I don't really care about her or anything, but this could turn out interesting-good girl caught being a rebel. I have to be there when she gets caught. I've made my decision. I quickly put on a shirt and a dark hoodie, and I run outside of the house as fast as I can, knowing good and well mom's passed out cold on the couch from being drunk. I hop on my motorcycle, strap on my black riding helmet and drive off so fast I almost immediately fall off. I weave between the few cars still out so that I can catch up to her. For about 5 minutes I can't spot her, until I finally see a flash of red metal heading towards the other highschool in town, our schools biggest rival. That has to be where she's heading. I make a quick cut corner on that road, being careful to where she doesn't see me. Finally she pulls into the school, me, I park my bike in the shadows near the school, I walk the rest. I'm careful to keep myself in the darkness as I follow her. She's obviously new to being a rebel, she's doing it all wrong. She walks up to the front of the school where three others wearing dark clothes are waiting for her. So I wait.

❤️Alahn Pov.❤️ 11:58 pm

I feel as if my heart is going to burst into a million pieces, and my brains going to melt into a pile of mush. I've made it to the highschool, dressed in the proper attire and armed with the correct weapons. I'm ready, but my body isn't exactly willing to agree. It doesn't take me long to spot them huddled near the statue like a gang of shadows. Just the sigh of it makes my stomach churn in nervousness. Cautiously, I approach them and I hike up my bag, a signal to tell them I have what we need. Everyone starts pulling out supplies from their own belongings, preparing themselves for this battle out of idiotic rivalry. So much is on the line right now and I'm risking it all. But it's too late to back out now. Here we go.

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