Falling For Mr.Parker!

By EmMcGuinessParker

82.4K 2.6K 310

First day back at school after the Summer, and the truth all comes out. Rachel Jones was in Year 13, hoping t... More

One -
Two -
Three -
Four -
Five -
Six -
Seven -
Eight -
Nine -
Ten -
Eleven -
Twelve -
Thirteen -
Fourteen -
Fifteen -
Sixteen -
Seventeen -
Eighteen -
Nineteen -
Twenty -
Twenty-One -
Twenty-Two -
Twenty-Three -
Twenty-Four -
Twenty-Five -
Twenty-Six -
Twenty-Seven -
Twenty-Eight -

Falling For Mr.Parker!

11.3K 191 11
By EmMcGuinessParker

"I love you so much Tom." I smiled at him as we were sat on the top of the hill watching the orange blob in the sky slowly disappear from sight, his arms wrapped protectively around me.

"I love you too Rach, more than you'll ever understand." Tom replied.

It had been a month since that moment and Tom hadn't spoken to me since.

He had ignored all my phone calls, he didn't bother to reply to my text messages and, each time I turned up at his place, he just slammed the door in my face.

I guess he never really loved me at all and he never really wanted to be with me, I was just something that he could use to distract himself during the Summer, when he was bored and had nothing better to do.

Today was the first day back at school, it was my last year there before I went off to Uni next year and got a fresh start away from all of this hurt and pain; I'd be able to find someone that actually appreciated me and didn't just use me for a bit of fun.

"Still nothing from him?" Louise asked as I approached her. Louise had been my bestfriend since Year 4 and we were basically inseparable; nothing and no one had ever come between us. I'd told her everything that had happened between me and Tom, so she understood how was feeling and what I was going through; but, the only problem being, she would always bring it up in conversation whenever I met up with her.

That just made forgetting him even harder.

"Not a word. Why is it so damn hard to just get over him?" I sighed.

"Because you really did love him and you thought he loved you as well, that's not an emotion which disappears over night." Louise replied as she embraced in a hug.

"Do you know what makes this even worse?" I asked.


"We slept together the night before he left me..." I sighed as I held back the tears. I hadn't told Louise that part before because it was just too painful to think about.

It was the best night of my life and I was genuinely happy with my life at that point, but then he left me and made me feel like I was nothing.

I hated him so much for that one, but I just couldn't stop loving him or thinking about him.

It wasn't fair anymore.

"You did what?" Louise replied in shock.

"You know, after the party that night, we went back to mine. Both my parents were out and, so, we had sex but, to me, it was more than that, it was love. Apparently it wasn't the same for him..." I muttered, not even looking at Louise when I told her because I didn't want to see the hurt behind her eyes that I hadn't told her this before.

"Oh Rachel, it makes sense now why you can't get over him. I wish you'd told me this before." she replied.

"Didn't want to think about it and I still don't want, let's get to school and make the most of our first day back." I attempted to smile, but it didn't work, you could tell it was a forced smile and nothing else.

The rest of the walk to school was pretty much silent, other than the screaming and shouting which was coming from the younger years; all excited to see each other again after spending so long away from each other.

I remember when I was like that, me and Louise would always run up to each other, screaming, before hugging each other with smiles on our faces.

Now we're always round each other's house. It's like, you can't find one of without finding the other as well because we're always with each other.

"I'll see you in English then?" Louise smiled as we walked into the school gates, our forms were on opposite sides of the school, but of the 4 lessons we did, she was in 3 of them with me, so I always had someone to either work with, or just talk to when I got bored.

"Yep. English. With Mr.Cooper, fun." I replied sarcastically.

"Oi, you leave my bestfriend alone. I'll have you know, he's an amazing teacher." Louise laughed.

"Yeah. Yeah. See in English." I replied with a slight chuckle before wandering off in the direction of my form with Mr.McGuiness. I loved form, but that was only because Mr.McGuiness was one attractive and hot looking teacher; I didn't mind having form for half hour in the afternoon with him.

And he would help take my mind of Tom for a while as well.

I walked into form to see that Luke was the only person in there, he had his headphones in and was busy looking at his phone; but he still noticed me and gave me a small smile before going back to his phone.

I walked over to the empty seat next to him, noticing that Mr.McGuiness was talking to someone, but I didn't know who it was so I just ignored them and sat down in the seat beside Luke. Peering over his shoulder, looking at what he was doing; but he was only looking at Twitter.

"Do you mind?" Luke laughed.

"Nope, not really. I just wanted to know what you were doing." I chuckled as I looked away again.

"Morning Rach, good Summer?" Mr.McGuiness smiled at me, suddenly noticing that I was in the room.

"Morning sir, it wasn't bad, how about yours?" I smiled in return.

"Bit rubbish, girlfriend dumped me, then I found out she was cheating on me. So, maybe it was for the best." he chuckled, obviously trying to make it hurt less and make it seem like it was the best thing to be done. But you could tell that he was hurting and he didn't really like to think about it.

He was lovely and I don't understand why anyone would want to hurt him in that way, he was always so happy when he talked about her; now she had broken his heart and that happiness was gone from his eyes.

"How are you and Tom then?" he asked suddenly.

"We broke up as well, turns out he was a bit of a twat and wasn't any good for me." I half-smiled, as I looked over to see the figure in the corner had become interested in what I had to say about my ex-boyfriend.

"Ah, that's a shame. If you ever want to talk to me, then you know where I am." he said with a kind smile on his face.

"Thanks sir." I replied as I began rummaging through my bag for something, not sure what, but I just wanted to get away from this conversation before it got awkward.

"Anyway, Rachel, I'd like you to meet Mr.Parker."

"Mr.Parker?" I questioned, the surname sounding familiar from somewhere.

"Yes, Mr.Parker. He'll be in our form and he's also your new History teacher." Mr.McGuiness smiled as he moved out of the way, revealing who Mr.Parker was and, it was then that I realised why his name was so familiar.

It was Tom.

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