In the Den of Snakes * Harry...

By XxxSkittles_lovexxX

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She had to admit she didn't know it all. Everyone thought she did and came to her expecting a lengthy answer... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
List of books

Chapter 5

244 11 0
By XxxSkittles_lovexxX

Chapter 5


"Ms. Granger?"

Jumping I looked back and found Professor Snape standing a ways away from me in the moon light all I could make out was his pale face.

"What are you doing so far out here?" he asked and strolled towards me till he was beside me.

"thinking" I muttered my hands clasped in front of me. "of a dream"


I nodded. "its reoccurring, the same person. Every single time when I do sleep good I don't know his name and I don't recognize him, he has never told me his name" I whispered. "but its like he's real Professor-as if he's a real person with feelings and emotions" I glanced at him. "I'm sorry you must think I'm crazy"

"no it happens"

I blinked. "it does?"

"how long have you been having these dreams?"

"as long as I can remember" I admitted. "Almost all my life" I whispered. "he was my imaginary friend my mum says" I added. "but I always have him in my dreams"

"that's interesting" he mused.

I glanced at him.

"care to show?"

"which one?" I asked softly. "I have many, and that is one thing I do not know how to do"

His black eyes widened. "Is that so?"

I nodded. "I've only seen you do it, and that's it. But there wasn't anything to really see to learn how" I whispered softly.

His eyes flickered out to the lake. The water was black besides the white glow of the moon. "You think of all the things you want to show and your body does the rest" he whispered. "it forms after that like a movie"

"Okay" I looked out into the lake and ran over my many dreams.

"Hello" I looked up at the tall boy in front of me his long hair was down to his back. "don't be afraid."

Sniffling I rubbed my eyes.

"hey whats wrong?" he dropped down to his knees in front of me. "Whats with the long face?"

"Ms. Snuffy didn't make it" I whispered in a broken voice. "she's gone" tears streamed down my face as he reached out and brushed them away.

"its okay-Ms. Snuffy is in a better place now" he tried to sooth those dark brown eyes growing tender. "Here let me show you a trick" He picked up a wilted rose and covered it with both his hands. "here place your hands on mine"

I looked at him then at his hands. "Why?"

"We're going to make something for Ms. Snuffy"


He nodded with a tender smile. "yes now put your hands on mine and think of Ms. Snuffy"

Doing what he asked quickly I thought nice and hard and when he moved his hands the dark wilted rose was a vibrant red glossy and full of life.

"here" he tucked it into my wild hair and grinned. "let me show you something" he took my hand and walked slowly with me leading me down a long path to the lake and out to the dock.

"where are we?"

"Someplace special" he glanced down at me as I looked up at him. "My special place, not many know its mine, only you"

I beamed up at him. "really"

"yea-will you come back"

I nodded quickly. "Of course" I held his hand tightly my eyes trailing over the lake... "I'll always come back"


Blinking I looked up Professor. "Sorry, I'm trying" I whispered my eyes locked onto the lake and trailed over it as I slipped back into my thoughts.

"Honey!" I ran to him and hugged him the force of me running causing him to fall back.

"Hello sweetie!" he laughed and pushed himself up.

"I missed you!" I buried my face into his chest and hugged close.

"I missed you to even though I seen you just last night" he teased.

Blushing I sat up and grinned. "I lost my tooth!"

"I see" he tilted my chin up an d looked with amusement in his eyes.

"your hair's changed" I frowned up at him. "why has it changed"

He checked his hair over and offered a small sad smile. "I don't know"

"how do you not know?" I asked cocking my head to the side. "Did you cut it?"

"I don't know Sweetie" he whispered and looked at my hair. "Can I put your hair up?" he asked softly.

I nodded quickly. "Of course I brought a brush" I held it up to him. "And mama gots me new hair ties" I showed him.

"lets go to our thinking spot"

"can I get a piggy back ride?" I asked as I leaned against him. "Please?"

"okay come on" He helped me up and in no time where were by the lake and I was between his legs as he sat on the rock braiding my hair into two pig tails with two bows on either side.


"what is it?" he grunted as he continued braiding.

"mama said when I get older you will go away" I whispered in a shaky voice. "is that true?"

"I don't know Sweetie" he admitted softly rubbing his hand on my side to comfort me. "I don't think so"

"I hope not" I whispered. "I don't want you to ever go" I said firmly.

"Granger?" Blinking I looked over at Professor Snape. "Putting a lot of details?"

I nodded. "its hard not to" I whispered softly. "He's been my companion for many years" I glanced at him as he reached up and caught something on my cheek.

"the first of many I assume?" he asked as he slipped the single tear into a flask.

I looked at it with wide eyes. "I guess because those two-are just from two different ages" I whispered.


He looked up from his book as I strolled up to him.

"is that you?"

A smile slipped onto the boy's face. His dark brown eyes locked on me and his long black hair was to his shoulders. "Sweetie"

"HONEY!" I ran the rest of the way to him and threw myself at him causing him to grunt. "You've been gone!"

"I have?"

I nodded as I held him closer. "For years" I whispered my voice quivering.

"I cant have been" he asked in confusion holding me back. "you've grown" he whispered holding my cheek in his hand.

I grinned at him. "I'm 12 now"

"you where just 10" he frowned and held me tightly. "I'm so sorry"

"You didn't say goodbye" I whispered as he held me my heart grew heavy as I remembered those two years without him. "I missed you-"

"tell me everything" he whispered

"I got a letter from Hogwarts, its a school for wizards and witches" I said softly.


I nodded. "I'm muggle born" I muttered. "something to do with having witch abilities, and stuff"

"you sound so mature now"

"mama got me a book with a lot of spells is amazing really" I rambled. "I get to get a wand and everything!"

"Sweetie" I stopped and looked at him.

"What is it?"

"How much have I missed" he asked softly.

"I punched a boy" I whispered causing him to blink in shock. "he tried to kiss me!"

He laughed.

"you said you would give me my first kiss" I added while blushing. "you said not to let anyone else do it either till you gave me my first kiss"

"I assumed you had forgotten"

I shook my head. "I haven't"

He chuckled. "of course you haven't" he leaned in and kissed me softly on the lips.

Giggling I hugged him and sighed. "Hey Honey?"

"What is it Sweetie?"

"Will you be here when I come back?" I asked softly.

"I hope so"

"I don't ever want to wake up if you wont" I whispered holding tightly to him.

"You have to wake up eventually"

"No I don't" I said stubbornly.

"Yes you do, you have your new school and you'll make a lot of new friends and you will not have the time of day for me"

I shook my head violently. "don't say that, that's not true"

"Hey calm down"

"I don't want to forget you again" I whispered with tears in my eyes. "please-"

"I am here" he soothed.

"you cant do that again-I thought mama was right-that one day you would disappear" I whispered against his chest.

"hey stop with the tears lets go to our thinking place"

I looked up at him.

"I'll race you there"

I grinned at him. " Okay"

"Granger" looking away from the lake I glanced at him.


"You keep spacing out."

"He went missing for two years" I whispered. "I forgot-that he had disappeared. He was just gone but he didn't even remember it"

"When did you see him again"

I looked up at him. "It was when I was 12 and got my letter from Hogwarts saying I would be attending school there" I whispered softly. "It was when he gave me my first kiss"

His eyes opened slightly.

"He said he didn't want it to be with someone who would break my heart, so he would do it because he would never hurt me" I glanced away blushing as my eyes roamed over the lake. "then we came to this spot his thinking spot and we watched the star's he played with my hair as we talked for what seemed like hours."

"Your dreams are vivid"

I nodded. "mama always said my imagination was wild" I glanced at him. "You can see those ones" I whispered with a yawn. "I should be getting to bed"

He glanced at the flask then at me. "tomorrow show up to my room right after you are done with rounds around the school"


"we have to make Dragon Tonic" he stated. "don't be late"

I nodded. "Okay"

He nodded in approval. His eyes flickered to the flask. "I will get rid of this once I am done"

"Its okay" I shrugged. "It isn't anything bad"


"Your here" I looked over at him as he walked towards me. "how are you?" he sat next to me.

"I finally told someone other then my mum about you" I whispered.

"you have?" I nodded slowly as he placed his hand over mine. "What did you tell them?"

"I showed him my past" I whispered as I leaned against his shoulder. "My professor was curious"

"I wonder what he will say about us" he leaned back against me.

"I'm not sure" I admitted. "I still have the flower"

He chuckled softly. "I know"

"you do?"

He nodded. "yea"

"Hey Honey?"

"its been a while sense you've called me that" he sat up straighter and glanced down at me. "what is it?"

Opening my mouth to say something I shook my head. "nothing, can you just hold me till I wake up?"

"of course" He scooted back and I slipped between his legs and leaned against his chest his arms looped around my waist.

"I hope its something good" I whispered as I nestled into his chest and my eyes drifted shut.

"So do I" he whispered his thumb rubbing over my stomach as I started to fall asleep.


"Ms. Granger"

I looked up at Professor McGonagall.

"I take it your feeling better?"

I nodded. "yes"

"Professor Snape has asked for permission to have you shadow him"

"shadow? Ma'am what do you mean?" I asked in confusion.

"Professor Snape is looking at taking another job here and will need a replacement. And there isn't many who can fill his shoes"

"what does this have to do with me?"

"you applied for a job here after graduating did you not?" She asked with a raised brow.

"yes but under-" I snapped my mouth shut.

"Under his teaching you can flourish and truly become the brightest witch. Its not every day a 12 year old can make a perfect batch of Poly-juice potion" she beamed down at me.


"Will you accept?" She asked.

I nodded. "yes" I whispered. "will there be anyone else doing what I am?"

"I'm afraid not" she shook her head. "Many of the other teachers are very stubborn and-well" she sighed. "its all most know what to do"


"go and inform him yourself of your answer" She instructed. "he will be very pleased"


"Professor Snape?"

He glanced up and raised a brow.

"I would like to accept your offer"

His forehead scrunched slightly before his brows shot up. "have you put thought into it"

"As much as one can when you just get told it out of the blue" I muttered more to myself. "but yes" I nodded. "the headmistress had a point" I answered softly. "It actually wasn't my first choice sense I didn't know who the new potion's teacher would be"

"very well" he glanced at the paper he was writing on.

"have you had time to look at the-"

"not yet" he said quickly his eyes flickered to me.

"O okay" I turned to leave and paused. "Professor?"

"what is it?" he snapped in a irritated voice.

"Have a good day"

His eyes widened in surprise. "you to Granger"

I took a step to leave. "O and when do I start Shadowing?"

"During the first Year classes sense you will be Shadowing for a job in my place McGonagall will allow you to take that for school credit"

I blinked. "so I have to give up one of my classes" I let out in dismay.

"only if you have broken your time turner" he gave me a pointed look to my chest before returning his eyes to mine after realizing how wrong it looked.

"O-its fine. I just haven't really used it" I admitted softly fiddling with my hair.

"run along now before I put you to work." he warned.

I blinked. "work? What kind?"

His eyes narrowed. "scrubbing my floors for starters"

My nose wrinkled and I bolted out of the room quickly but not quickly enough to hear him chuckle softly in response.


"Herm!" I glanced up at Blake who came running towards me, Jasper was off behind him walking slowly with his hands in his pockets.


He looked me over. "you didn't come to breakfast"

"I over slept"


"hello Hermione" Jasper greeted with a warm smile.

"hello Jasper"

He leaned toward me and kissed my cheek. "good to see you up and about" he noted softly.

"It feels good" I nodded in agreement.

"care to go for a walk with me?" he asked curiously.


"just around the edge of the lake" he said softly.

"sure" I smiled.

"shall we then?" he offered his arm and I took it. "see you Blake"

"bye" Blake grumbled and stalked off as we started off to head to the lake.

"why did he sound so grouchy?"

"heck if I know" Jasper shrugged. "I hardly pay attention to be honest"


"he gets in the way" Jasper answered softly. "he always sticks his nose where it doesn't even belong and starts stuff" he shook his head.

"O I know the feeling" I thought back to Ron when we where just friends and nothing more. It was always hard to keep secrets around him and Harry, though around Harry I never really kept anything away from him because he was level headed enough to understand the situations.

"Its a lovely day" he noted as we walked out into the sun and instantly the black of Malfoy's cloak began to collect heat warming me.

"It is" I sighed and inhaled softly. "nothing like being home"

"Home?" he glanced at me curiously.

"It's always felt right being here, felt like home" I whispered my eyes lingering over the wild grass.

"I guess your right"

I nodded. "I live with muggle parents who've never known anything about this" I explained. "So everything at home seems so-so bare and different to me, very out of place. Switching from here to home after school is always so hard for me" I whispered.

"Will you be moving after you graduate?"

I nodded. "I will be shadowing under Professor Snape, I may get the chance to become a teacher here"

His brows shot up. "You really are the brightest witch your age"

I grinned and beamed at him. "Under his teaching maybe I can become even better there is still so much that even I don't know and I want to know as much as I can in the limited time on earth that I have"

"You would be good at it" He chuckled.

I glanced at him and blushed. "Thanks"

"No problem"

"So tell me whats it like to have a twin?" I asked playfully. "I mean your voices are almost the same but you look so different from your brother"

"thankfully" he added. "I take after my father, white hair runs in the family." He explained. "Blake takes after our mother, she has the black"

"I like it" I whispered softly feeling how soft it was.

"I'm glad" he glanced at me as I dropped my hand and held onto his arm as we walked.


Standing beside the lake on the far side I climbed up a rock and stood on it Jasper was below on the sand glancing up at me he frowned. "your going to fall"

"Will not" I held out my arms and tipped my head back as the wind blew through my hair. "I'm fine"

"it would make me feel a lot better if you where down here" He frowned. "Come on"

Sighing I glanced down and bite my lip readying myself to crawl down.

He held out his hands. "jump"

"I will not"

"I wont drop you" I thought to when Ronald had said that and he had dropped me and fell back. I made a face and shook my head. "come on trust me" he sighed. "Look I work out a lot and this body can lift more then what you weight wet" he mocked causing me to smile softly

"Okay but if you drop me I will throw you into the water" I muttered and inched forward.

"Close your eyes and jump"

"you make that sound easy" I grumbled and eyed the distance.

"you took on death eater's, Nagini, and Le Stange no problem but heights? O no cant deal with that" he mocked with a smirk. "women"

Biting my lip I squeezed my eyes shut and let myself fall from the rock and grunted when he caught me easily and held me there for a moment. My eyes snapped open and I placed my hands on his shoulders. He had his arm under my bottom and hand on my back holding me high against his chest.

"now that wasn't so hard was it" His voice was breathy and soft. He smelled of fire, not the fire of flames but the smoke from it like hickory and leaves from fall.

Blinking I nodded slowly. "you didn't drop me" I let out in a squeak.

"told you I wouldn't" his eyes really where violet. This close his eyes where a beautiful hue. "You don't weigh that much" he added.

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