Love with a Passion

By KingofThugs

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By KingofThugs

Empress in mm


"Keon just dumb foreal." Africa said.

I was in her room chilling with her for the day. Our first day of class start tomorrow.

"Obviously you want him more than just with benefits. He know you do but he also know you playing games."

"All I want to do is fuck and smoke and fuck and smoke some more." She said falling back on the bed.

"Shut up Africa." I laughed.

"He not relationship material. He got bitches on top of bitches."

"Well you do know Jordan been trying to get with you for some time now."

"Hell no. Hell no." She said quickly making me laugh.

"Why not? Don't do my brother like that."

"Do you see how fine that nigga is. He got bitches and he a player. Hell no."

I rolled my eyes. "You difficult, let's go get lunch though." I said getting up.


I had on some yoga pants, tennis and a t shirt. There's no need to dress up right now. My hair hung with loose curls.

I grabbed my keys and we walked out.

"Hey guys." Amber said. She was sitting with one of her home girls who looked to be mugging me but I shrugged it off. I'm trying to be better this year.

"What's up Amber." Africa said.

"Hey Amber, we going to lunch."

"Oh ok. I'll probably go too in a little."

"What's up with her friend?" Africa asked once we made it out.

"I don't know and I don't care. She probably mad that her hair looking the way it's looking." I said making Africa laugh.

"You ain't shit."

"I know."

We made it to the dining hall and it was a good amount of students here. I was hungry foreal so I got me a burger, fries and a salad.

As soon as I turned around to find a seat I bumped into someone.

"Oh my bad." I said.

"Oh it was my fault I wasn't watching where I was going." He said looking down at me. He was light skin, tall, a few tats and looked fit with his shorts and wife beater on.

"Well my food didn't fall so I'm good." I said making him chuckle.

"Can't argue there. I'm Safaree." He said.

"I'm Freedom."

"That's an unique name."

"Well my mother likes to be unique."

"What's up? Why you standing over here?" Elijah said wrapping his arm around my neck.

"I was just talking. It was nice meeting you Safaree." I said while Elijah already started walking us away.

"Yea you too."

"Why you got to be so rude." I said following him over to his table.

"You got another nigga laughing in your face and shit like it's cool."

"It wasn't even like that Elijah. We bumped into eachother and he was apologizing."

"Whatever yo." He said taking a seat.

I sighed and sat in the chair next to him.

"Hey Jordan and Bryson." I said speaking.

"What's up y'all." Africa said taking a seat next to Jordan.

"Hey girlfriend." Jordan said.

"Boy bye." Africa said dismissing him.

"Rude ass."

"What's up though Free." Bryson said.

I wrapped my arms around Elijah neck from the side and kissed his cheek. He didn't respond to that. I moved my lips to his ear and kissed under his ear lobe discreetly. I felt him become stiff as I licked it and sucked on it for a few seconds.

"Y'all have no respect." I heard Bryson say.

"Don't be mad at me." I whispered in his ear then pulled away.

"I'm not mad." He mumbled.

"Can I get a kiss then?"

He turned and gave me a quick kiss. I pulled away smiling satisfied. I looked at the three of them and they were mugging me.

"Damn. What I do?" I laughed knowing why they were looking like that.

I saw Amber come in with her friend. Her friend looked this way and mugged me hard. I was becoming irritated with this bitch real talk.

After we ate we went back up to the boys room.

"You playing Elijah?" Jordan asked setting the game up.

"He'll be out in a little." I said leading him into the room.

"Nasty asses." Africa said.

"It takes you but stop playing with my bro." I said knowing it'll start Jordan up.

I shut his door got on his bed with him. I took my shoes off and climbed on his lap.

"What you want?" He asked.

"You." I said kissing him.


I was just leaving from practice and I was tired as shit. All I wanted to do was lay up with my baby but we beefing right now. We got in an argument yesterday and she said I was being inconsiderate so I said fuck her and I told her leave.

"My fucking back hurt." Bryson said.

"Let's go by the girls room. I'm about to ask Africa for a massage." Jordan said.

"Man leave that girl alone." Bryson said followed by a laugh.

"Y'all can go." I said.

"Man you coming too so you and Freedom can make up."

"Whatever let's just go."

"Hey Elijah." The girl Aries said to me.

"What's up." I head nod and kept it moving.

"I'll text you later." I heard her say but I didn't bother responding.

"Free going to kill ya ass." Bryson said.

"I don't do nothing with shawty."


"What y'all doing here?" Africa answered the door wearing some shorts and a tee.

"I'm here for you to give me a message baby." Jordan tried to hug her.

"Boy get out my face." She dodged the hug as we walked into room.

"What y'all was in here doing?" Bryson asked taking a seat on the couch.

"Helping each other study if y'all must know."

Africa sat down and picked up her book closing it and setting it on the table.

"Im going to bed Africa. Good night y'all."

"Night." They said.

I watched her get her things and go to the room shutting her door.

"Y'all stink and y'all not staying long." Africa said with a roll of her eyes.

"Attitude. Ya boy Keon must not be doing it right."

"Fuck you. What I do ain't none of your business little boy."

"Shit that's what I'm trying to do if you let me." Jordan said.

I put my pride aside and walked over to Freedom's room. I opened the door and she was laying down on her phone. I closed her room door and she looked up at me.

"What do you want?" She asked.

"I just came to talk to you Free." I walked over to her bed and climbed on top of her.

"Get off of me. You stink." She said pushing me.

"Who you on the phone with?" I asked trying to see who the was texting.

"None of your business." She said locking her phone.

"I didn't mean it when I said fuck you Free. I was just mad."

"I don't care. It's whatever." She shrugged looking away from me.

I grabbed her cheeks squeezing them together making her lips pucker up. I turned her face towards me and placed a kiss on her lips.

"I love you Freedom."

"I love you too."

"You not mad at me?"

"I was never really mad. I just think you overreacted."

"Yo Eli come on. We leaving." Bryson yell from the other side of the door.

"I'll talk to you later. Aight."


"You just said you wasn't mad now it's whatever. Don't do that shit." I said annoyed.

"Ok Elijah. I'll talk to you later."

"Man you stay acting out." I got up and grabbed my bag off the floor.

"Good bye Elijah." She rolled her eyes.

I just shook my head and left. It's always something with her I swear.

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