In the Den of Snakes * Harry...

By XxxSkittles_lovexxX

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She had to admit she didn't know it all. Everyone thought she did and came to her expecting a lengthy answer... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
List of books

Chapter 4

241 14 0
By XxxSkittles_lovexxX

Chapter 4

: Hermione

Yawning I slipped out of bed and grabbed my cloak and walked out to the living room and to the door opening it I stepped out and stretched my eyes trailed down the hall and it was black with no light anywhere.

"up late" Yelping I looked over at the picture.

"God Fred did you really have to?" I demanded my hand on my wand. "What are you doing up?"

"sleeping is boring" he answered. "Plus I had a nap earlier"

"O well get to sleep" I turned down the hall and started walking. "Lumo's" I whispered as I held out my wand creating just enough light for me to see.

Rubbing my eyes I yawned softly as I made it down three flights of stairs before pausing and checking down the hall before going down one more flight of stairs.  Checking down the hall I paused. "All students should be in their common rooms" I let out causing the couple to jerk apart and look over at me with a startled look. "O my god-Ginny!" I glared at her and over at Seamus . "What are you doing?!"

"Its not what it looks like!" She rushed.

"NOT what is looks like?!" I looked between them. "You've been ragging on Harry this whole time and for what?!" I demanded. "To cheat on him?! You are just like your brother!" I glared at her then looked at Seamus. "And you!" I pointed my wand at him. "I cant believe you would do that to Seamus. I cant believe you would betray his trust"

"Hermione-" Seamus looked down. "I've been asking her to tell him-she wont"

I blinked.

"of course I wouldn't he's the boy who lived, he's the one who killed Voldemort" She snuffed causing him to gasp.

"You said you loved me!"

"I said I loved Harry as well" she shrugged and crossed her arms over her chest and glared at me. "Your not any better then me laying with the snakes" She sneered at me.

"I may be in a den of snakes but I've never cheated" I glared at them.

"I cant believe you" Seamus let out. "I'm telling Harry tonight! I cant believe your such a fowl little git"

"To your rooms now!" I ordered.

Glaring at me Ginny sent Seamus a dark look. "You cant tell Harry"

"I can and I will. I have to. I wasn't going to till you told him because you said you wanted to be the one. But I cant keep lying to my bestfriend. He needs to know what a liar you are" He answered before turning and stalking away.

Blinking she gaped after him and stormed in the same direction.

"Ms. Granger what are you doing out of bed" Jumping I  looked over at Professor Snape.

"Walking the halls?"

"Its after curfew you should be in bed" He stated.

"Well I was making sure no one else was out of bed which I just sent Ginny and Seamus back to their rooms" I answered.

"I gave you a sleeping drought"

I nodded. "Thank you sir but it seems as if it didn't work or I didn't take enough because I did take the right amount" I noted with a frown.

"I made it lighter as you are smaller then me"

"O" I nodded. "Well it didn't work well" I shrugged. "I must continue to look around" I started to walk away.

"Everyone in their beds I just came from the other floors"

"O" I sighed heavily. "okay then" I started to turn back towards the stair cases

"But you can help me make potions" I stopped and looked back at him.

"Potions?" My interest perked.

"Yes I have a few on my list that I need to make for Madam Pomfry" He explained.

I had to stop myself from jumping up and down with a large grin. "Yes I'd love to"


"What are we going to be making"

"Antidote for common Poisons" he glanced at the list. He glanced up at me. "Some first years have this dare in HufflePuff where they lick a mistletoe berry"

"That is-weird"

He glanced up. "Blood replenishing Potion"


"Do you not know it or are you doing this to annoy me" he challenged with narrowed eyes.

"I know the names and how to do it I just don't recall right now and I don't have my notes" I muttered with a frown.

"It replenishes blood if there is a big loss." he explained. "Quidditch is coming  and Madam Pomfry likes to have it in stock because of the broken bone cases or any injury"

"O" I nodded. "Blake and Jasper where talking about try outs earlier today."

"as well as Calming Drought and Cough Potion sense the weather will be taking a turn to the cold soon"  He glanced at me. "I gave you the last of the calming drought in stock"

"You can have it back" I said quickly. "I'm quiet fine now"

He shook his head his eyes flickering to his list. "And lastly a Dragon Tonic, the Ministry of Magic apparently has a very sick dragon in their watch"

I thought back to the dragon that was locked in grengards. " Professor don't you thinking you should also make Essence of Dittany"

He glanced at me.

"I mean you have something to replenish blood loss, but what if they have wounds?" I asked. "And why not Skele-grow?" I asked curiously. "I mean you said for Quidditch and one of the main injuries is broken bones"

He blinked and glanced at the list. "No its not on here"

"but it would only be logical to make it all now instead of waiting for the last minute to do it"

His eyes flickered to me and narrowed.

"And why not Wound-Cleaning Potion?"

"Ms. Granger"

I blinked. "Yes?"

"Are you trying to get on my nerves?"

"No sir I was just asking" I answered as I went to get a caldron. "best get started though" I noted as I glanced at the clock.

"Your right" he noted. "That is if you have plans tomorrow"

"I don't have any"

"good in that case we can get started on most of these" He answered giving me a look. "So plan on being here for a while"

"I wouldn't dream on leaving" I stated with excitement as I grabbed a apron and tied my hair all the wall up and kicked off my shoes.

"no shoes?"

I shook my head and began getting some of the ingredients. "I work better without them"


"Skele-grow is done" I announced causing him to jump slightly in his chair. He sat up and came over he had long abandoned his robes and was in sleek black dress pants and a white button up long sleeve shirt his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. "Professor there is no need to check it, my work is to the t, textbook worthy and a little some" I crossed my arms over my chest and he raised a brow.

"regardless of your standers or as you say text book stander's you must pass my standers"

"You've done this almost every time!" I pointed out.

"And every time what have I done" he challenged.

"say that I did it right"

He gave me a look that told me that, that wasn't the answer he wanted.

"What it is" I muttered meekly. "And I made tea"

His brows shot up as he checked it over. "really now when did you have time?"

"While making the potion" I answered very pleased with myself. "Its earl grey"

"very good choice" He complimented and I felt my jaw drop.

"did you just-" I blinked

He gave me a strange look.

"you just-"

"Granger what are you talking about?" the Professor crossed his arms over his chest and his dark black eyes settled on me.

"a compliment" I let out still in shock from it. "You have never complimented me besides when I happened to tie Ronald up and give him messed up teeth" I noted after a moment. "But you actually complimented my work. In all the years I've been taking  your class this is a first"

He smirked and rolled his eyes before turning the burner off. "You forgot to turn the burner off" he noted and turned and sauntered over to the tea pot and pored two cups and added cream and two cubes of sugar to his then the same for mine. "Take a break"

"but sir I have" I looked at the list. "Dragon tonic, and calming drought"

"tea,now" he pointed to it.

Pouting I walked closer and took the cup. "But I still have-"

"Sit and drink" he instructed in his baritone voice that bounced off the walls and swirled around me. It was a very deep and soothing voice. I glanced over at him as he flicked his wand and summoned a chair for me. Taking it I sat and glanced at him then at the clock.

"Is it really 5 in the morning?"

"Yes" he nodded. "Sense we are in the dungeons you can never really tell, I like it this way"

"O" I nodded. "I like it too" I admitted as I sat back in my chair and sighed.  "I have to admit I never would have thought I'd say this but its good being a Slytherin, Gryffindor's can get to colorful and to peppy"

He laughed softly. "You've only been a Slytherin for three days"

"and my temper flares are no longer questioned" I noted. "And that's besides the point I'm just stating."

"very well" He chuckled softly.

I blinked and looked over at him.

"What is it Granger"

"Nothing" I shook my head assuming I thought it up and yawned softly.

"Go sit in my chair"

"that's yours"

"I know its mine" rolling his eyes he stood up. "just go sit in it while I get another cup"



Groaning softly I shifted and curled closer feeling the heat around me slip away before returning as I nestled closer into myself. Hearing something I shot up and looked around finding myself curled up on Professor Snape's chair with a cloak tucked around me.

"Your up" I looked over at the table and found him looking up at me from the caldron.

"I fell asleep"

"yes" he nodded.

"But I wanted to make Dragon Tonic" I groaned in dismay. "It would have been the first time"

"I would hope so" he gave me a pointed look.

"Well-" I let my voice trailed off and unconsciously curled back closer into the seat holding the cloak closer with a yawn. "I should get to the room before Malfoy get worried"

"Is there something between you two?" he raised a brow.

Blinking I shook my head. "No, we sort of are becoming friends"

He nodded to this and stirred the potion and stepped back. "You can go back to the room but you wont be able to help make the Dragon Tonic"

I blinked in shock and shot up and bounced over to him "Really?!"

He blinked and looked down at me as I jumped up and down grinning up at him.

"I can help?" 

He kept looking at me with wide eyes.

"I can?"

Pausing he reached out and placed both large hands on my shoulders stilling me from bouncing up and down. "Yes you can" he answered. "now I need you to take a couple deep breaths to calm down and get the list"


I jumped slightly and looked at Malfoy who came running in.

"I have been looking high and low for you!" He scowled. "Harry needs you"

I blinked and realized why and nodded. "I'm sorry Professor" I whispered and looked at Malfoy. "where is he?"

"he's locked himself in your room he wont come out" He panted. "I have been running all over the damn place looking for you!" he groaned.

"But he looked really rough when he showed up-I tried talking to him but-" he made a face. "you should hurry"

I nodded and bolted out of the class running as fast as  I could till I was in my room my door swung open as I unlocked it and stepped in.

"Wander" the house elf appeared in front of me. "Please take me to my room"

"Yes Ms. Granger" he nodded quickly and snapped his fingers taking me right to my room.

"your here!" Harry wailed throwing himself at me and hugging me with a sob. "She's been cheating!"

Blinking I hugged him close. "O Harry"

"Seamus woke me up last night after he got back into the room" he groaned. "he said that he couldn't go any longer" his voice hitched. "He said you found him and-and Ginny" he looked down at me. "she's been using me Hermione"

Biting my lip my eyes watered as I watched his green eyes look at me with that broken look.

"He say's she's been telling him that she loved him and wanted to be with him but didn't know how to tell me that it was over" he whispered. "that last night when you found them he realized how messed up it was"


"Wander bring brownies" Wander shuffled forward his face covered with flour. "I make"

"thank you Wander" I whispered softly my hand stroking Harry's soft jet black hair as I laid there with his head on my chest. He had finally settled down and fell asleep.

Wander placed it beside me. "is Mr. Harry Potter going to be alright?" He asked in a worried voice his eyes on Harry's sleeping form.

"I hope so" I whispered softly.

"I leave now" he bowed and was gone quickly.

Sighing I leaned back into the bed and closed my eyes but sleep didn't come. Reaching for the Sleeping drought I look twice the amount and sleep came quickly to me letting me escape into another world into my dreams.


"You know" the kid with long black hair glanced at me. "your pretty cool for a muggle"

"your a muggle to" I pointed out as we sat beside the pond our feet in the water. It was summer and a hot day like this it was perfect to put our feet into the cool bright blue water.

"not as muggle as you" he shot back with a grin. His eyes where a dark brown almost black, his skin pale he looked at me having catching me watching him closely. "You okay?"

I nodded and glanced out over the lake. "ya"

"its been a while sense I've seen you" he noted softly.

"I'm sorry"

"What happened?" he asked curiously.

"Havent slept well"

"O" he sighed. "I missed you" his voice was soft as he placed his hand over mine. "will I see you again"

I nodded quickly. "Yes"

"will you tell me what happened?"

I looked at him and gave him a sad smile. "He was cheating on me"

His eyes widened and flickered deep black a most familiar color that I couldn't place as his facial expression changed. "he didn't" he didn't mean it in the defending way but in the outraged I cant believe it way.

I nodded.

"I'm sorry" He inched closer by me his legs moved the water sloshing higher up my calfs as he draped a arm around my shoulders. "Will you come back again?"

I nodded. "don't I always"

"you haven't in a while" he pointed out softly. "it gets lonely here"

"I'm sorry I tried to I just haven't been sleeping good. I had to take a sleeping drought" I explained and suddenly I felt myself slipping away from him.

"your leaving already?" he asked his eyes widened as he looked at me my reflection in his dark eyes was fading away. "Goodbye" he whispered and I jolted up in my sleep.

"I'm sorry" Harry whispered. "I didn't mean to wake you-you where muttering in your sleep"

I blushed and rubbed my eyes. "What did I say"

"I don't really know it was to soft" he admitted. "I should get going though"

"you don't have to"

"no I have cried my tears" he stated softly. "I wont cry anymore. Why should I when my relationship has been a fake, a fraud" he shook his head. "she only dated me because I was the boy who lived"


He looked up at me.

"your more then the boy who lived" I smiled. "your the youngest seeker, your the one who went up against a dragon and won, who also got to ride buckbeck"

His eyes brightened slightly. "your right" he stood taller. "She was to young anyways-she didn't want the things I did"

I raised a brow. "What?"

"she didn't want a family" he whispered softly.

"O well find someone who does"

"thank you Hermy" he leaned in and kissed me softly. "your the best" he left the room quickly and I checked the clock having realized it was night already.

"Hey" Draco poked his head in. "I was about to do rounds around the school want to join?"

I nodded. "sure sense I wasn't much help last night"

"its fine" he answered softly. "I know why plus it wasn't that bad" he shrugged. "no one was out and about. Besides Filtch's cat" he noted.

"she's always around"

"how many times where you caught by her?" He asked curiously as he handed me a robe.


His eyes widened.

"With Harry's invisibility cloak we never were seen. She could sense us but never seen us" I explained.

"is he going to make it out?"

I nodded. "hes a fighter."

"Yea your right" he nodded.

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