Star Wars The Clone Wars (Fan...

By Silentx13

8.8K 300 185

What if order 66 never existed? What if Cont Doku was in charge not The Emperor? Ok this is my first Fan-fic... More

Domino Squad's First Assignment Part 1
Domino Squad's First Assignment Part 2
Ally and Ghosts
The Bomb
Where are they?
Punishment part one
Punishment part two
By Blood It Will Be Free...
Found Them
Keep Them Alive
Ash's Heart Part 1
Ash's Heart Part 2
The new Adviser
Secrets and Lies part 1
Secrets and Lies part 2
Secrets and Lies part 3
Ash and Rex
The Meeting
Character Profiles
Character profile 2#
agree to train
Day One Of Training
Guardian Powers
Guardian Training
Only More Questions
Confused Is An Understatement
Who are you?
Whos side are you on?
I'm sorry
The Last Battle


152 6 2
By Silentx13

Xander's P.O.V

I paced the room of my hotel with the words I'm an idiot going threw my head. I looked at my desk where an other round disk was sitting. I walked over to it and picked it up, Picking it up won't make them call I thought. Then it buzzed, then again want do I know I thought. I pressed the button and said "yes."

"How do you seem to know so much about us?" Asked Anakin.

"Well, I know a bit about everyone; its an occupational hazard." I replied.

"And what is your occupation?" He asked.

"Everything but. Just listen I know you might not trust me, but I do want to help. How would you trust me?"  I asked.

"First, tell me who you how were you able to get this in Caption Rex's barracks?" He asked.

"Ok just don't freak out..." I said. I reached into my boot and pulled out a small rock and threw it in the air and it disappeared " your hand."

"How?" I heard Ahsoka say.

"I can teleportat things or people different places, that's one of the many in I can do." I said.

"That's impossible." Said Anakin.

"Yes, so is moving things with your mind, choking people and..." I said starting to list off things a Jedi can do.

"Alright, see your point and I would like to meet you in person." Said Anakin.

"When?" I asked.

"As soon as possible." He said. I stood up and disappeared.

"So now is good." I said, appearing behind them. Rex jumped back, Ahsoka gave a shout and Anakin just looked shocked. The door opened and Obi-Wan came in.

"What is happening? Who is he?" He asked.

"Xander." I said. Then quickly said he explained, what is happened. While he was saying this and I pulled my hood down more and gave a sigh.

Time Skip

I was just was learning back against the wall while Obi-Wan and Anakin was taking to the Jedi council. I just relaxed my self and pulled my black glove on my hand a little more. Then I saw Anakin whisper something the Rex, he nodded and walked over to me and said "General Skywalker asked me to show you around."

"All right." I said as I followed him out.

"I'm not stupid, they don't want me there listening to there conversations." I said, like at Captain Rex. He just looked at me and looked away. I stopped dead in my track's and truned to see Ash storming towards me. She threw a punch to my face but I grabbed her first and twisted her around. Then she kicked me in the shin and I didn't move at all.

"What is that? 3,079 to 1." I said.

"Alright, now let me go." She said, stepping on my foot. I didn't flinch, I just let her go.

"Tu es asinus." She said.

I just smiled and said "Yes, I probably am."

"You two know each other?" Asked Rex.

"Yes, we are very old friends and we've trained together for years." Ash said smiling.

"So what are you doing here?" She asked.

"*Propter missing Clones et Redblood." I replied. (*Because of the missing Clones and Redblood.)

"Oh." She replied.

"*We should forsit loqui basic tam bonum principem non sentiant inconveniens." I said and Ash began laughing. (*We should probably talk basic so the good captain doesn't feel awkward.)

"Sed est hilares aspectus faciei." She said snickering. (*Yes, but his facial expression is hilarious.)

"*Verum." I said, looking at Rex's face. (*true.)

"So......Have any idea where they are?" She asked.

"No." I replied.

"What were did you two talk about?" Asked Rex. Ash turned to Rex and just smiled.

"Nothing, really." She said, tossing her hair over her shoulder. Rex was just silent, staring at her confused.

"We should head that way, the two Jedi probably would want to talk to me." Said Xander walking away and I walked towards the door. Then Obi-Wan and Anakin came up to us.

"Ok, the Jedi council said they will be willing to accept your help." Said Obi-Wan.

"Alright, but one of you have a question I can tell." I said.

"Yeah.......Why are you wearing a hood?" Asked Anakin.

"I'd don't rather not anwser." I said, looking away.

"Hey, why don't we start looking for the missing troopers." Said Ash, breaking the silence.

"Right." Said Anakin walking away.

"*Gratias tibi." (*thank you) I whispered to Ash, she just nodded at me.

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