I squirt him with a hose...an...

By seabuiscut555

796K 9.2K 1.9K


PART 1: I squirt him with a hose...and now i have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 2: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 3: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 4: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 5: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 6: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 7: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 8: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 9: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 10: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 11: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 12: I squirt him with a hose... and now I have to marry him? arranged marraige
PART 13: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 14: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 15: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 16: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 17: I squirt him with a hose... and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 18: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 19: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arrange marriage
PART 20: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 21: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 22: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 23: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 24: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 25: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 26: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 27: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 28: I squirt him with a hose... and now I have to marry him? arranged marraige
PART 29: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 30: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 31: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 32: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 33: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 34: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 35: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 36: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 37: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 38:I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 39:I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him?arranged marriage
PART 40: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him?
PART 41: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him?
PART 42: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him?
PART 43: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him?
PART 43: I squirt him with a hose... and now I have to marry him?
PART 44: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him?
PART 45: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him?
PART 46: part 1/2 Wedding
PART 48: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him?
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

PART 47: part 2/2 Wedding

5.1K 89 15
By seabuiscut555

There it is...what we've been waiting for. its really detailed, like what everyone says because a friend of mine helped me out and we were watching wedding videos all night...soooo


“Turn around, you will never believe your eyes” Sean whispered.

I was shaking, really, really shaking. I don’t know what came over me, but I was, well, not scared, just nervous. I wanted her to come down and say she loved me.

“Turn around, Arch, she looks beautiful”

I couldn’t stand it anymore, I know I wanted to be the last one to see her, but I needed to see her. Sean sensed my eagerness, clapping a hand on my shoulder, and I turned.

At first I didn’t recognise her, there was something otherworldly about the way she looked, it made me, I don’t know, my stomach dropped.

Her dress fit my athletic body perfectly, showing just enough to make me want to cover her up, and just a little, making me want to show more. This girl worked wonders on my mind.

Her neck was framed by a pretty like feather-like necklace, similar, if not the exact one that I gave Silo a few years back.

Her thin, long fingers were intertwined within my father’s and her brother’s arms, clutching them tightly. I smiled at her.

Charlotte seemed to give me a look, her eyebrows knit together for a few seconds before she blushed a violent red colour.

Her   lips pouted together as she tried not to grin like an idiot, a little like I was doing, bright red and her eyes were larger than life. Her beautiful long hair was woven with little flowers in it, making her look all too made up.

She was beautiful.

I think beautiful was the understatement of the day, and not to sound cliché at all, she looked heavenly.



Archer, he, what, oh, the boy dyed his hair back to its natural colour. He looked handsome, naturally handsome, almost, more than before, if that were even possible.

I waved slightly from within the crook of Henry’s arm, and Archer grinned, his hands clasped behind his back.

He was wearing a three piece suit, the pants straight legged and following the contours of his built leg muscles. His calves jutted out from the back of the pants and his thighs did much the same, only it looked hot, not weird.

He had on a vest with dark grey buttons and a white, pearl coloured flower stuck out of it. The shirt underneath was a blue colour, dark, but not overpowering, which brought out the emeralds in his eyes. It was fitted with a white collar and a thin black tie.

It seemed like he was looking at me the same way I was watching him, with hunger.

Henry noticed the tension, and dragged me up, standing next to his son and waiting for Father Bailey to start the ceremony.

“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here in the sight of God, and in the presence of these witnesses, to join together this man, Archer Braxton and this woman, Charlotte Gunner, in holy matrimony; which is an honourable estate, instituted of God.” Father Bailey began, smiling at all of us. He raised his hands into the air and spoke.

 “Heavenly Father, Archer and Charlotte are now about to vow their unending loyalty to each other. We ask you to accept the shared treasure of their life together, which they now create and offer to You. Grant them everything they need, that they may increase in their knowledge of You throughout their life together. In the name of Jesus, Amen”

“Now, could I ask the congregation to please be seated”

The sound of people sitting echoed through the church, and I clutched Kaelb’s hand tighter, waiting for Father Bailey to continue.

“Doubly blessed is the couple which comes to the marriage altar with the approval and blessings of their families and friends. Who has the honor of presenting this woman to be married to this man?”

Kaelb held his free hand up, “I, Kaelb Gunner, the brother of the bride present her to be married to this man”  Kaelb took my hand and placed it in one of Archer’s large, waiting ones. Archer grinned at my brother and clapped his shoulder.

“I, Henry Braxton, father of the groom and chosen from the bridge, allow her to be presented to be married to this man” Henry repeated the step, handing my, well, hand to Archer and kissing his sons face. 

Father gave them both the sign on the cross on their foreheads, and asked them to take their place on the side of the altar near Katy, Sophie and Jaime.

Archer took my hand at that moment, I looked up and smiled at him, but he was already grinning, “You look beautiful” he mouthed. I could only blush.

The pianist began to play again, and the congregation began to sing once more. Archer hummed along and squeezed my hand tightly.

“I am never letting go” he mumbled, and I looked down.

“Lucky, because neither am I”

When the music stopped Father Bailey began again. He ushered Timmy to come forward with the rings. Okay, so we put a little spin on the ring bearer, but we knew no one young enough for the job. 

“Let me charge you both to remember, that your future happiness is to be found in mutual consideration, patience, kindness, confidence, and affection. Archer, it is your duty to love Charlotte as yourself, to provide tender leadership, and protect her from danger. Charlotte, it is your duty to treat Archer with respect, support him, and create a healthy, happy home. It is the duty of each of you to find the greatest joy in the company of the other; to remember that in both interest and affection, you are to be one and undivided”

Archer and I both shared a glance at that moment, a gleam in my eye.

“Always” He mouthed.

I could only nod.

“Archer and Charlotte, you have made a very serious and important decision in choosing to marry each other today. You are entering into a sacred covenant as life partners in God. The quality of your marriage will reflect what you put into nurturing this relationship. You have the opportunity to go forward from this day to create a faithful, kind, and tender relationship. We bless you this day. It is up to you to keep the blessings flowing each and every day of your lives together. We wish for you the wisdom, compassion, and constancy to create a peaceful sanctuary in which you can both grow in love.’

“Archer, do you take Charlotte to be your wedded wife, and in the presence of these witnesses do you vow that you will do everything in your power to make your love for her a growing part of your life? Will you continue to strengthen it from day to day and week to week with your best resources? Will you stand by her in sickness or in health, in poverty or in wealth, and will you shun all others and keep yourself to her alone as long as you both shall live?”

Archer almost automatically answered, “I do”

“Charlotte, do you take Archer to be your wedded husband, and in the presence of these witnesses do you vow that you will do everything in your power to make your love for him a growing part of your life? Will you continue to strengthen it from day to day and week to week with your best resources? Will you stand by him in sickness or in health, in poverty or in wealth, and will you shun all others and keep yourself to him alone as long as you both shall live?”

I gulped, “I, I do”                      

“Could I please as you both to face each other”

Archer grinned and turned to face him, his other hand coming up to cup my face.

“We now acknowledge in the presence of these witnesses and God, your vow to be bestowed on each other”

Archer began, ignoring Sean holding a paper out towards him.

“Charlotte Gunner, there is nothing more that I want today than for you to be mine. There is a miracle that happens every time I love you. The more I give to you, the more you possess me. You are the most generous, loving, unselfish woman I know. I feel so fortunate to be standing next to you today, and I hope it will be just us growing old together, with me next to you. Today I chose you for my wife, I promise to love you, honour you, care for you, and be faithful to you, from this day forward and for the rest of our lives”

I gulped and stared into his eyes. The colour swirled and took away the nervous throw up feeling in my stomach, they made me calm.

“Archer Braxton, with all my love, I take you to be my husband, my love and my heart. I will love you through good and the bad, through joy and the sorrow. I will try to be understanding, and to trust in you completely. Together we will face all of life's experiences and share one another's dreams and goals. I promise I will be your equal and that we shall stand by each other until we both grow old by each other.”

Father Bailey came forward again and took the pillow of rings, “The wedding ring is a symbol of eternity. It is an outward sign of an inward and spiritual bond which unites two hearts in endless love. And now as a token of your love and of your deep desire to be forever united in heart and soul, you Archer, may place a ring on the finger of your bride”

Archer took the ring from Father Bailey, and then with his other hand, took my left hand slipping it on and smiling at me, and me alone.

“Charlotte, I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and faithfulness to you”

“By the same token, Charlotte, you may now place a ring on the finger of your groom”

Father Bailey handed me the ring, and I took Archer’s left hand sliding it on and looked up into his eyes as I sung, “Archer, I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and faithfulness to you”

“The two outside candles have been lighted to represent both your lives in this moment. They are two distinct lights, each capable of going their separate ways. As you join now in marriage, there is a merging of these two lights into one light. This is what the Lord meant when He said, "On this account a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife and the two shall be one flesh." From now on your thoughts shall be for each other rather than your individual selves. Your plans shall be mutual, your joys and sorrows shall be shared alike.

As you each take a candle and together light the center one, you will extinguish your own candles, thus letting the center candle represent the union of your lives into one flesh. As this one light cannot be divided, neither shall your lives be divided but a united testimony in a Christian home. May the radiance of this one light be a testimony of your unity in the Lord Jesus Christ”

As Father Bailey spoke, Archer took my hand and led me off to the side where the candles were sitting. Picking up the lighter, he placed it in my hand and wrapped his overly large palm around mine. With his free hand, he wrapped it around my waist and held me tight against him. I breathed in his scent. Together we lit the large yellow candle in the middle, and blowing out each other’s candles off to the side.

“I love you” Archer whispered as I placed the lighter down, “and you look beautiful and that isn’t even the right word”

I laughed, “I like your hair, it’s really pretty”

“How did I know you were going to say that?”

Together, Archer and I went to stand before Father Bailey and watched as he hushed down the witnesses.

“May the love of God be above you to overshadow you, beneath you to uphold you, before you to guide you, behind you to protect you, close beside you and within you to make you able for all things, and to reward your faithfulness with the joy and peace which the world cannot give -- neither can it take away. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, to whom be glory now and evermore. Amen.”

Everyone followed with ‘Amen’ and the minister turned to us.

“It is now my privilege to pronounce you man and wife. Archer, you may now kiss your bride” Father Bailey concluded, shaking Archer’s hand and kissing my cheek.

Archer turned to me, and without a second thought, he dropped me in his arms and leaned over to kiss me.

The whole church burst into applause, and I clutched Archer’s head to me, kissing him, my lips savouring the taste of him, his sweet taste and his feel.

Archer pulled away only a little and grinned, “Hey Mrs Braxton” he laughed and kissed me hard again.

“Oi, get a room” someone called, probably Kaelb, or Sean, and we both pulled apart each of us smiling like dorks.

“It is now my privilege to introduce you for the first time; Mr and Mrs Braxton”

Everyone began clapping again, a hooting and anything else that made me turn red.

Archer tugged my hand, sprinting forwards and down the aisle to get outside, with my behind.

“Come on, Lottie, you’re too slow” he laughed, tugging more until we got out of the church and into the carriage.

The driver smiled and mumbled congratulations, as Sean and Sophie ran out followed by Timmy and Kay and everyone else.

It wasn’t until I scanned the crowd of people did I see.

A pretty girl in a black dress like Sophie and Katy’s, her long black hair in a ponytail and her big green eyes shining. She waved.

“Hold on a second” I placed a kiss on his cheek and ran out. She saw me and walked around the side of the church, I followed.

“You came” I squealed.

She laughed, “Like I would miss my own brother’s wedding”

“Thank you for showing me, well, you” I looked down.

“He asked me, and you look beautiful” She smiled, and touched my arm.

I could feel her touch my arm, it was like how anyone would touch you, it felt real.

“It’s a real shame we couldn’t have met in person”

I nodded, “Yeah”

We both stared at each other; I was just wrapping my head around her.

“You should go back”

She began to walk away, “Wait, will I see you again?”

“Of course, I’ll be there for your first, I promise”

“Thank you” I smiled, running and hugging her. She hugged me back. She felt real. Every part of her was real, she felt human.

“Tell Archer I always thought he looked better with blonde hair”

“I will”

She walked away, “I love you, Lottie. Look after him”

“I will....Silo”

And she disappeared behind the corner of the church.

I rounded the front corner of the church, kissing and hugging my mother, father, brother and friends before joining Archer in the carriage.

“See you guys later” Archer laughed, and closed the doors.

The drive began off, the horses clomping off.

“What was all that about? I didn’t see anyone”

“Silo said she liked your hair blonde, she preferred it”

Archer smile stopped and he looked at me, “Wait, what?”

“She told me to tell you”

Archer’s hand caught the ends of his hair, “She....spoke to you?”

I looked down, “Yeah, its the second time. She said that when you speak to her, you say you want me to have met her, and she wants to make you happy”

“Wait, how do you know I said that to her? I mean you weren’t home, and” It seemed to click in Archer’s brain.

“Oh, God” He covered his mouth, his eyes watering as he choked on his tears, “She is still here?”

“Yeah, she said she will visit again soon, and I’ll see if she will talk to you”

Archer dove over my dress, his lips attacking me, just as much as mine were on his.

“I love you Lottie, I love you so much”

It seemed the conversation was over.

I smiled and kissed him back, “I love you more”

“I am not going to have this fight with you, Lots, I just, god, you look so beautiful” he stuttered, cupping my face in his hands and holding me to him.

“You look extremely handsome” I blushed.

“Your dress, you hair, your eyes, everything is just wonderful, it’s like a dream and I am planning on never waking up”

“I love you”

I kissed him again, this time leaning over him and curling my hands in his hair.

“It really looks good blonde, I love it”

“I love you, you mean”

“I love everything about you”

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