My Cocky But Sexy Idiot Of A...

De TheCreative3

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-COMPLETED- Started:5th March 2015 Finished:22 June 2017 #1-hate at first sight(2019) #2 in missions (2019) M... Mai multe

Chapter 1:Arguing With A Stranger..Classic Blair.Idiot.
Chapter 2:They Say Fruit Loops Make You Happy..Thankyou For Ruining Them For Me
Chapter 3:You Know That Feeling You Get When You See..
Chapter 4:Oh Im Sorry You Dropped Your Dignity!Want Me To Pick It Up For You?
Chapter 5:"I Might Be Young But I Aint Stupid"You sure?
Chapter 6:How I Wish Bluntness Got Me Far In Life.Damn Life.
Chapter 7:Responding To Fire With Fire Is A Choice Not A Forced Action
Chapter 8:"Extra Sprinkles Please"...Oh And Abit Of Kill MeThankyou!
Chapter 9:Now Everyone Take A Moment And Breathe..
Chapter 10:A Lesson You Should Learn In Life?
Chapter 11:Have You Heard?Life Is Either A Great..
Chapter 12:Saying Something So Much It Sounds Strange.
Chapter 13:If You Focus Enough You Can Do Anything.
Chapter 14:Sometimes I Just Want To Explode.Sometimes With Joy.
Chapter 15:Them Moments You Just Want To..
Chapter 16:I Cant Even..Just Kidding..
Chapter 17:His Tiny Details That Make My Day...
Chapter 18:Dont Invade My Personal Bubble..
Chapter 19:Do You Ever Regret Something As Soon..
Chapter 20:Well Im At Loss Of Words For Once..
Chapter 21:See What Happens When I Let It Go?
Chapter 22:OKAY!Fine!I Admit It!
Chapter 23:You Cant Knock Me Down..Well
Chapter 24:The Words You've Been Wanting To Say For So Long
Chapter 25:From A Young Age I Believed That The Good Comes With The Bad
Chapter 26:Sometimes Life Takes You Down A Road That..
Chapter 27:You Know What?....Wait For It..
Chapter 29:If You Give It That Extra Push...
Chapter 30:Its Proven That Your Brain..
Chapter 31:You Know If Someone You Hate..
Chapter 32:Don't Let Anger Consume You Not Comes Out Of It...
Chapter 33:What If I Was A Wolf Would I Make A Good One?
Chapter 34:A Lie Can Either Keep A Person Alive Or Kill Them..
Chapter 35:A Pebble In The Road May Not Make A Difference In The World But..
Chapter 36: You Don't Know Someone Just By Looking At Them..
Chapter 37:"You Dont Even Need a Gun,You Dont Even Need A Pill..."
Chapter 38:Love Is One Thing That One Cannot Buy Yet One Could Pay For It...
Chapter 39:Sometimes You Have To Give In But That Doesn't Mean...
Chapter 40:Actions Do Not Speak Louder Than Words But..
Chapter 41:Life Is A Rubik's Cube...
Chapter 42:A Mistake Is Something You Won't Do Again.Destiny...
Chapter 43:When You Get Ready It Normally Prepares You...
Chapter 44: What is in a word? That...
Chapter 45:Sometimes The Players Aren't the Problem...
Chapter 46:Insecurities Can Weigh Upon Your Shoulders...
Short Note
Chapter 47:Gazes Can Differ When You Receive Them From People...
Chapter 48: Perception Decieves, Always Look At Things From Afar And Upclose...
Chapter 49: Get Fooled Once Shame On Me...
Chapter 50:If Your World Falls Apart In Front Of You...
Chapter 51: When Answers Become Questions That Is When..
Chapter 52: To Escape Is Not Cowardness Or Fear...
Chapter 53:Moral Of The Story...
Chapter 54:A Story Can End..
Chapter 55:We're Now Coming To...
Chapter 56:The End...

Chapter 28:Oh Brother!-I Know,I Know..Genius.

9.7K 337 14
De TheCreative3

Chapter 28:Oh Brother!-I Know,I Know..Genius.No Blair.

"Oh you're Ethan!My sisters bestfriend?"Nathan Spoke out in realisation as Ethan told him his name after the show was over.

"Yeah and can you get off me?"He replied as kindly as he could but it came out blunt but he hid the tiny but of annoyance in his voice.

It took a while for him to realise what he said but then immediately got up.

"How come I haven't seen you?"He asked matter of factly.

"Because you don't come to see your sister now that she's moved back with me"Ethan said.

"How did you know I was Kristen's brother then?"

"Kristen showed me a picture of you ages ago,before she went on a vacation"

"Oh"He shortly replied as I processed every word and tone he said.I wanted to know everything a sister should know about her brother.

"Anyway I'm here to offer you a place to stay,at my house.With your dad and sister along with me,Blair,Luke and Liam.Now that I've told you who everyone is do you want to?"Ethan spoke and i mentally crossed my fingers.

"Why are you being so nice to me?"He asked confused ;getting out his phone.  Ethan furrowed his eyebrows together in concern for our plan.

"He fancies you remember!"I blurted out loudly as he was about to call his dad-Probably to ask why he wants Nathan to move in with him.

He stopped in his tracks.Ethan connected his palm to his forehead whilst I gave him a look that said "I'm sorry I couldn't think of anything else"

Nathan smirked showing his shiny teeth.

"Ohh you want more of this..Okay then I'll move in.But I'm not gay so please don't regret asking me-I can't go out with you sexy;I would if I liked boys"He purred and I sniffled back another laugh.

"Deal"He sighed in relief more than anything that he didn't like Ethan in that way.

Phase one,complete!

"Let's go home"Ethan spoke calmly, turning to me.His jaw ticking like he was holding in the biggest grin in the world too.


"I'm glad you're back sweetheart"Ms Baker sent me one of her biggest smiles as she engulfed me into her arms.

"Thankyou,you know your the reason I came back;I couldn't leave you here with the monster"I laughed as I hugged her back,receiving an evil glare from Ethan.

She pulled away and laughed with me "Well he isn't what he seems sweety..he's a good man at heart,you just have to keep bugging him till it comes out"Ms Baker  smiled and placed her hand on Ethan's shoulder,almost eying him to stop this charade.

If only she knew he has.Actually-?

"So hey guys..funny thing just happened to me.I was talking to my sister and she was surprised that you two went to meet me,I know it's nice and all for you to want us to reconnect as a family but she said-very confused may I add.That it was strange that two people that hate eachother so much chose eachother to go with. Care to explain?You were acting as bestfriends there"Nathan spoke suspiciously as he tucked both his hands in his jean pockets.

His eyes laced with disloyalty and dislike.He hates dishonest people.

I glanced at Ethan then at Ms Baker who was curious too by the look in her eyes however,her face brightened at the sound of both of us going together then she immediately walked away.What is happening?

We can't just tell him that I did dislike him but now we don't because we love eachother;Stupid old us made Ethan gay! We're lucky he understands that Kristen and Ethan are pretending to be in love Infront of his dad!

You're going to give yourself a headache Blair.Let Ethan handle this..

"We do still hate eachother, we were just pretending like me and Kristen are, I wanted you to come stay here so I wanted it to look like everything was fine in the house..But the truth is we are not bestfriends"Ethan covered up the situation with yet another lie.God I can't keep up! Now I have to pretend I dislike Ethan,again!

Nathan kept his eyes still for a moment,it was so brief the clocks tick halted within its prescence.

"You didn't have to pretend..I would of came anyway.."And with that my brother headed up the stairs.

"Ethan..I can't keep up with these lies.."I mumbled and he quickly grabbed hold of my waist.Setting fire in my body when he pushed me up against the wall and made butterflies flutter.

"There's only 3..i promise I won't let this plan fail,I want to see you happy..I love you.Fuck.You know how much I wanted to touch you and say those words to you all fricking day! I hate that I can't kiss you and that I have to let go in the next ten seconds,we can't not get caught anywhere...I love you"He whispered along side my ear.Every word he spoke brought me life and happiness.

"How Many times will you call me beautiful and tell me you love me in a day?"I chuckled and he smiled against my neck.

"As many times it takes for you to believe you are and as long as my love for you doesn't die"

"I love you" I whispered and had to restrain my self for kissing him or dragging his body closer to mine as he pulled away.

He had the same smile,the same restrainment as I showed.

"Lie number one-I'm gay.
Lie number two-I 'love' Kristen.
Lie number three-I hate you.Oh and remember we can't tell Kristen about us because she will definitely tell Nathan,we can't have him knowing yet" Ethan lowly mumbled to quickly remind me as Kristen hopped down the stairs.

Her eyes spotting me,she smirked.How I would like to punch that off of her and her daddies face.

"Hey baby it's been a long day so can you come to bed with me and kiss me goodnight..I made it all warm.."She winked at him suggestively and I felt a little bit of sick churn in my stomach.

"I sleep in there too!Remember that!"I shouted as both of them headed up stairs.Ethan only turned around to see my amused expression and rubbed the back of his neck with his hand,smiling.Showing his beautiful teeth outlined by rosy lips.

I let out a long sigh and pressed my back against the living room wall.Its Been a long day..

I've finally figured him out.

I smiled to myself like an idiot and made my way upstairs.I trotted my way past Luke's new bedroom here and heard slight talking whilst I did.

"She's an idiot,She doesn't know anything"Ethans voice called blankly and I carried on walking.Wait what?

I tiptoed backwards till I was outside his door again.Im nosy I can't help it.Whys Ethan in Lukes room anyway?When did Luke arrive?

"I know she is,I've hung around with her most of my life"Luke replied laughing.Yet I couldn't recognise his laugh today.It was odd.Different. It wasn't how I remembered his laugh- it was forced and dull.

Are they talking about me?No they can't be I shouldn't make moutains out of dimes.

"I don't know how Blair actually thought I liked her,just look at her then look at me"Ethan spoke coldly once again but it sounded odd again.This wasn't him?Was it?

They're talking about me.Me.

Everything around me heart tore away from eachother;Painfully agonising me.a substance built at the corner of my eyes.Had I been played with?Who is my bestfriend that I used to love and do anything for?I will get answers.I promise you that.

I didn't let the tears fall.They weren't worthy of slipping because of these two.

What's been happening with me?I love him..he was lying when he said he loved me wasn't he?But why!?

Now,anger started to boil within me.Assholes.

I ran down towards my room-unfortunately shared by two people that I dislike with a passion.My love didn't deserve this-I knew he would never like me!But stupid me couldn't help myself!

I opened the door and ignored Kristen's dirty looks whilst I bounced on my bed and pulled the duvet over me in order to hide my face.

I couldn't leave.I have to do this for my mum Atleast...

"What's up with you?"Kristen asked genuinely yet a little concern seeped through her voice.

"Dont ask if you don't care"

There was a short pause in which I heard her heels click towards my bed.

"I've never seen you so upset.."She spoke in the same tone.Why is she pretending like she cares?I swear I don't know anyone in this house!

"You must be glad to finally see me broken down huh?"I croaked,swallowing tears back and clearing my throat.

She laughed before answering "yeah I am".Theres the Kristen I know and love!


"Why did you hate me as soon as I walked through the door?"I asked still covering my face.

"I'm an actress honey,I have to hate anything that threatens me".

Now it was my turn to laugh.Shes a witch but she does make me laugh.

"How do I threaten you?"

"You're not as ugly you think you are,infact 100% of people that think they're ugly, spotty, fat, big nosed etc. Actually are very pretty.They just don't see it because they're busy criticising theirselves"

"You're quite wise..but you made one mistake.They aren't actually very pretty,they're beautiful.."I murmured.

She didn't say anything but I could feel her smile as she walked away.

Do I have to go university tomorrow?

Yes,yes you do.

-----------------1700 words--------------

Thankyou so much for reading beautiful!I know this was a long chapter so thankyou again for staying till the end😊

I love you all-Like always and if you liked this chapter please Vote, Comment, Fan, Share&Enjoy!💖

Tell me what you think about this chapter!Team Bathan?Yes?No?Maybe so?Also depending on when you are reading this it's Halloween of Saturday so I wanted to say..

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!👻Who's going dressed as what this year?🎃I hope you have an amazing time and get lots of sweets,the only sweets I'll be eating is secretly between every break I get between opening the door to kids.I won't tell if you don't?🎆

If you're not reading this near Halloween then I still hope you get lots of sweets and chocolate because who doesn't love that?🔮

Oh yes and as you all know From now on I will be doing shoutouts in each of my chapters for one,two or three people each time I update that have shown me a lot I love and support and I just want to highlight the reason I have come so far in writing,and also I will follow them for being so amazing😊😘

If you didn't come in this update you may come in the next one because I just want to thankyou💛

So thankyou so so much to @TheVampsFtTide You're amazing and thankyou so so much for voting!So this is my way of saying thankyou!I say thankyou a lot don't i?😂Problems..You made my day and I hope you carry on supporting me,have a lovely day❤️

Stay smiling you're beautiul!❤️💛💙

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