The Weak And Helpless (Yona o...

By Shizuko-Chan

94.8K 3.8K 436


The Two Strangers
The Bottom of The Valley
The Four Dragons
Heading Out
Visiting A Village
The White Dragon
The First Dragon Joins Us
I Get Mistaken For A Villager
You've Upset The Dragon
Weak Spot
I Hate Chopsticks
A Failed Search
Hidden Village
The Blue Dragon
Going Back
A Dragons Help
The Blue Dragon Takes A Swim
Port Awa
I Visit My First Brothel
The Green Dragon
I'm Sorry, But Did You Say Mascot?
Joining the Pirates!
Make Over
Authors Note (Please Read)
I'm Going To Fight!
A Plan
Taking Action
The Captive Of Kumji
A Promise
The Hero
Nothing Important
The Five Tribes
Roku And Jealously
A New Dress
A/N: Sing Beautiful
In The Garden
Running Away
Forced Out
The Weak And Helpless

A Royal Encounter

1.4K 56 4
By Shizuko-Chan

Hello everyone! This chapter features the past between May and Soo-Won! I hope you enjoy! You have no idea how long I've been planning this chapter in my head!


The cages, the chain, the sickly air. It wasn't just some nightmare it was reality and that fact dug into me just as painfully as a dagger. I'm pretty sure death will be knocking on my door soon. Weather I like or not. I was about to call out to the bandits behind my cage bars as they ate their large meal. That's when I heard a cry of pain.

All heads turned to the source of the noise. As my eyes landed on what caused such a sound and I screamed. A few feet away was one of the bandits his body was bloody and bruised up around three or four arrow decorating his back. "The army's..... Here!" The bandit managed to gasp as he collapsed to the ground. The other bandits freaked out rushing to grad their belonging and money. "Grab a hostage! So if they catch us we got a trump card!Almost all of them are on the verge of death! They wouldn't have fetched a high price anyway. Grab an healthy one and scram!" Shouted a bandit.

They all seemed to run me and hurriedly unlocked my cage eagerly grabbing me. "This ones a little sickly but she seems fine! Let's move it!" Said one as they all took off. I screamed wildly trying to get them to let me go. The sound of horses followed. I knew the army was coming and they were following my screams. "Help me! Please! They're gunna kill me!" I screamed my body trembling as the forest around me turned to a blur red,orange, yellow and brown. The crisp fall helping my breathless cries. Then I heard the horses come much closer. "I'm here! Please! Someone help me!" I continue to cry out. The bandits holding me to busy panting to stop my cries.

Suddenly a large chestnut horse broke through the trees ahead and blocked our path. The bandits stopped and immediately a cold blade was quickly raised to my throat as a single soldier stood in front of front of us. His horse reared at the blade. The solder slide off his horse effortlessly giving the three bandits who clutched me an angry glare. The bandits trembled furiously as the soldier unsheathed his sword his tan hair swaying from the force he use in pulling it out. His Aqua blue eyes meet mine. He gave me a sweet smile.

"I'll get you free form here in just a moment." He reassured turning away from me and toward the bandits that clutched me tightly. "We'll kill her! Stay back!" Shouted the one bandit with his dagger raised to my throat. He applied more pressure and a small scream of pain escaped my lips as the blade cut  me. My body flinched only causing the blade to big beeper. "Stop that!" Ordered the soldier raising his sword angrily as his Aqua blue eyes shown with rage. The bandits continued to cut me.

As the blade ventured deeper into me the pain became unbearable. My vision blurred and black bots danced across my eyes making everything around me to appear as if it was moving. Cries of pain filled the air braking the unnatural silence. It took me a moment to realize with absolute shock that such cries belong to me.

The soldier before me covered in black dots winces at my pain filled voice and charged. I was dropped to the ground the fall leaves crunching beneath me as the bandits scurried away to afraid to face the armed man in front of me. The soldier strolled over to me calmly holding a hand out to me his eyes shinning with kindness. I reluctantly took it ignoring the awful pain and trails of blood from my throat. I had no doubts that it would leave behind an ugly scar.

I rose to my feet with shakily legs and battled breath, managing to stand on my own. Turning to the man that had surly saved my life I mange to give a some what respectful bow . "Th-Thank you, Sir." I mumbled the world begging to spin around me. "Are you all right?!" He replied as he grasped my shoulders steadying my shaky balance. "Ya-Yes." I managed to say. "What's your name?" The soldier asks worriedly getting on one knee to see my face.

"Weeeeeelllll. I'm May. L-Like the month." I answered my speach beginning to slur as I looked at him with a forced smile. "Ok, May. I'm
Soo-Won." He informed returning my false smile with a genuine one. "Nice to meet you Soo-Oh." I replied dizzily. "Umm. It's Soo-Won, not Soo-Oh." I giggled only half aware of what I was actually doing as I replied with a high pitched "I know, but Everyone I assume calls you Soo-Won and I don't like copying people. So I decided that Soo-Oh suits you, that's my name for you!" And with that the world went dark. All I say was the fall colored leaves that covered the woods fly toward me then darkness.

I shot up my head whipping around wildly as last nights events flooded back to me. Wait... Was that last night? It feels longer then that. How long have I been out? I looked around to discover I was in someone's sleeping chamber as I sat on a large bed silk covers shielding me from the cold air in the room. There were wide windows decorated with velvet curtains and shelfs of books linking the walls. That's when my eye caught movement. I looked over to see Soo-Won walking in a kind smile on his face as he carried a tray of food. "Good morning." He greeted. I gulped as I watched him walk to the side of the bed placing the tray beside me.

My face grew red as I recalled the idiotic things I had said to him who knows how long ago. "Open wide." He instructed raising a spoon full of soup to my mouth. "Um...Thank you, Soo-Won." I mumbled looking down at the covers as I watched my small hand form fists, clutching the blankets. "Soo-Won? What happened to Soo-Oh?" He teased lowering the spoon to my mouth. "I'm sorry about that. I must of lost a lot of blood." He laughed as I looked up at him my brown/Black eyes meeting his Aqua blue ones. He lowered the spoon never braking eye contact with me. "You know," he began placing the spoon back into the full bowl of soul. "I never got a good look at your eyes. They're beautiful." My face only turned a deeper shade of red at his complement.

I looked toward the silver tray beside me examining my reflection, mostly my eyes. "My eye are nothing special." I sighed looking away as I twirled a strand of my white hair between my fingers. "Well somethings defiantly special about you. If it's not your eyes it must be your hair." Soo-Won teased reaching out and grasping a strand of my hair watching it slip between his fingers and fall back on to my shoulder. "I just have good genes." I argued.
Soo-Won laughed at my reaction turning his attention back to the bowl of soup. "Did either of your parents have white hair?" He asked curiously picking up the spoon and raising it to my sealed lips.

He lowered the spoon a frown on his face as I refused eat. " To answer your question, no, my dad didn't have white hair and from what he told me my mother didn't either." I sighed looking away from Soo-Won so he couldn't slip the spoon into my mouth as I talked. His frown turned back to a smile as he heard this. "That just makes you that much more special." He chuckled. I turned toward him a brow raised. "Special? I'm not~" I began being cut off as a spoon full of soup was hurriedly shoved into my mouth.

With no choice I swallowed the soup giving Soo-Won an angry stare. "What?" He asked curiously blinking a few times in confusion. I rolled my eyes tiredly. "Your unbelievable...." I grumbled. He opened his mouth to reply when an servant rushing in panting heavily. "Your highness! There's an introducer!"

I hoped you liked this chapter! The next chapter will be continuing onto this one!

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