Draco Malfoy's Burning Desire...

By bl00donth3dancefl00r

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Draco Malfoy has never had a real friend in his life before - not even Crabbe or Goyle. Then he meets Catrion... More

Chapter 1: Leaving for Diagon Alley
Chapter 2: Meeting My Frenemy
Chapter 3: Beginning My Unexpected Life
Chapter 4: A Night Out...?
Chapter 5: A Deranged Aunt
Chapter 7: Our Parting Ways
Chapter 8: Weaselbe and and the Potty
Chapter 9: Making Up
Chapter 10: Year 1's Over!
Chapter 11: Fast Forward 1
Chapter 12: He Wasn't That Great After All
Chapter 13: Dementors in the Underpass
Chapter 14: Of Course
Chapter 15: Caught
Chapter 16: Cedric Diggory
Chapter 17: Keep Calm & Get Revenge!
Chapter 18: The Longest Camping Trip Ever
Chapter 19: Goodbyes Last Forever

Chapter 6: Firs' Years This Way!

8.8K 151 167
By bl00donth3dancefl00r

Sorry, I'm trying to get these up A.S.A.P. but it's a bit hard with a boyfriend, parents and all that. I'll try to be quicker! I'm working on these at night now, too. I hate sleeping.. xD Anyway, hope you're enjoying. This chapter is, I think, the longest chapter. Sorry!!! But I kind of had to.



A quiet morning had gone by. I suppose that was because of what had happened last night. I had to sort this out before school started! After breakfast, I pulled Cat into my bedroom.

"Listen," I began, "About last night. Can we just forget about all that happened? I don't want it to be weird our entire year at Hogwarts!"

"Yeah...I'd like that." she replies, staring into my eyes, "Look, We're starting school in two days. How about you come over to my house in the morning and we go together? That way we won't have any trouble finding each other!"

"Definitely!" I grin. It'll be nice not having my father there to insult me in public.

"Alright, it's settled!" she grins and gets up. "Be at my house around ten o'clock with all your luggage and owl."

"Alright," I agree, "What kind of owl did you get?"

"An Eagle Owl!" she says, "Her name's Lilith! What about you?"

"I have an Eagle Owl, too!" I reply happily, "His name's Reaper."

"That's an awesome name!" Cat acknowledges, "I better-"

"CATRIONA!" Mrs. Goldstein's voice echoes from the halls.

"Coming!" yells back Catriona.

"I guess you have to go now..." I say disappointed.

"Come down with me," Cat suggests, "We can ask my mum and yours about it."

"Alright," I agree, following her into our dining room.

"Time to go, sweetheart." says Mrs. Goldstein smugly.

"Could Draco come to King's Cross with us on September the first?" Catriona blurts out.

"If it's alright with Nacrissa," Mrs. Goldstein narrows her eyes towards mum.

"Of course," nods my mum. Catriona grins at me, and I grin back.

"See you!" she says, stepping into our fireplace, "Goldstein Manor!"

Next goes Mrs. Goldstein. That's that.


"I see you've taken a liking to Draco," says mother once she gets back.

"He's a nice person," I tell her, "I can't wait till the first of September!"

"Alright," mother says dismissively, "Wash up and cook dinner."

"Yes, ma'am. Of course."

We had lasagna that night. The next two days went by fairly quick, and finally September the first arrived along with a dusty Draco in our fireplace. I had woken up at eight in the morning to take a shower and grab my nicest jeans and blouse on. I ate a quick breakfast and at exactly ten o'clock, Draco arrived, dust on his clothes.

"That's a beautiful owl," I compliment, feeling strange. Is this what Draco felt like when I was at this house?

"Thanks," replies, looking at Lilith, "Your's is just as nice. You said her name was Lilith?"

He remember?! 

"Yeah," I reply, feeling my cheeks go red.

"KIDS!" called my mum, "TIME TO GO!"

"COMING!" we both yell in unison. Draco and I walk into the hallway where my mum was waiting with out driver, Hans.

"Let's go children," mum opens the door, "It's about a ten minute ride from here. If we hurry, we'll be able to find you a compartment."

"Alright," I say and Draco follows me outside to our Ford 4X4.

"That's an awesome truck!" exclaims Draco, admiring the tires.

"Mum picked it out," I tell him, "Let's sit in the the trunk! It's always the funnest place to sit!"

"But where will all our things go?" Draco asks me curiously.

"It's magic, Draco!" I laugh, "Our owls will fit in the back with us, and our trunks can go behind mum and Hans, the driver."

"OHHH!" says Draco, "Alright."

At that moment, mum walks up behind me.

"Cat, are you sitting in or out?" she asks me. Draco looks confused, but I know exactly what she's talking about.

"Out," I reply. 

"Alright," she turns around, "HANS! Could you please put the kids' trunks into the back seats?"

"Yes, ma'am," grunts Hans, heaving the trunks.

"Let's get into the back," I turn to Draco, "Now it's my turn to lead you."

"I opened the trunk's back door and we climbed in. Hans handed us out owls. After a few minutes, the engine gave a roar and we were off.

"THIS IS SO MUCH FUN!" yells Draco, the wind roaring in our ears.



"OF COURSE NOT!" I reply.

"LOOK!" Draco points behind me, "THE TRAIN STATION!"

I look behind me to find a brick station. A few seconds later, we come to a stop and Draco and I get out.

"This was children," mother says, "The train leaves in half an hour. We can find you a compartment."

"Right," I mumble, "Let's go, Draco."

"Let's go," he repeats. Hans lifts our trunks onto two different trolleys and hands us our tickets.

"Platform nine and three-quarters?!" Draco asks me, "There's no such thing! Is there?"

"This is the wizarding world, Draco," I laugh again, "Anything's possible."

"Right," he rolls his eyesm "I think your mum knows what she's doing."

And my mum did know. She walked straight in front of a brick wall between platforms 9 and 10.

"Come on," she waves her hand, "Just walk through here."

"Are you crazy?" I ask, "We'll break our ribs walking into a brick wall!"

"Hans," mum says simply. Hans walks straight into the brick wall and disappears.

"You were saying?" mum raises an eyebrow.

Come on," Draco says, running into the wall and disappears on the the other side. I do the same. A moment later, a bright red steam engine with the letters Hogwarts Express emblazoned in gold letters appears. A grinning Draco looks at me, then my mother appears.

"Quickly, on the train!" she says.

"I tolf my friends we'd be in the very back of the train." says Draco.

"I see," mother says, "Then we'll find you a compartment in the back."

"Thanks," replies Draco. Mother ignores him and starts walking.


I don't understand how Catriona lives with this monster of a woman! Anyways, after finding us a compartment, Mrs. Goldstein and Hans leave...and Pansy arrives.

"Who's this?" Pansy asks me rather rudely once she sat doown across me and Cat.

"This is Catriona," I reply simply.

"What kind of a name is that?" Pansy sneered.

"If you have a prob-"

"DRACO! HARRY POTTER..." Crabbe and Goyle appear in the doorway out of breath, "...ON THE TRAIN! Rumors...with a...WEASLEY!"

"What?!" Cat says before me, "Really?!"

"Yeah," Goyle replies, and walks in, "Nice to meet you. I'm Gregory Goyle, but you can call me Goyle. This is Vincent Crabbe. Call him Crabbe."

"Pleased," Cat takes his hand, "I'm Catriona Goldstein."

"You mean the Goldstein?!" Goyle asks with amusement.

"If you mean the lead for a wizard rock band, yes..." replies Cat with daggers in her eyes.

"THAT'S SO COOL!" bursts Crabbe, like the idiot he is, "Do you think you could get us an autograph?"

"Sure..." Cat sounds like she's going to burst into tears any moment!

"Well, sit down," I say quickly.

"Yes, Malfoy," Crabbe and Goyle say together.

"Draco," says Pansy, panick filling her voice, "Why is this girl here?"

"She's my best friend," I say cooly, "So I suggest you get out if you have a problem with her. Otherwise, you're welcome to stay."

"Hmph!" Pansy crosses her arms and looks out to the window. Honestly, this girl is driving me insane. An old woman's voice comes from out of nowhere.

"ANYTHING FROM THE TROLLEY!" she yells. Oh good! Mother gave me some Galleons before I left this morning.

"Yes, please!" I say quickly and stand up.

"What would you like, dear?" the woman asks kindly.

"Two Chocolate Frogs, Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans and Explosive Candy!" I order.

"That'll be..." the woman counts in her head, "two Galleons and three knuts."

"Here you go," I trade her the money and take my candy, "Thanks!" 

I carry all my things to my seat and drop it next to me, handing Cat one of the Chocolate Frogs.

"Th-thanks," she takes it, looking as though she had been silently crying.

"Each one has a bewitched chocolate-covered frog-"

"That has a famous witch or wizard!" interrupts Crabbe.

"Thanks," Cat opens hers, "Hey, I've got Salazar Slytherin!"

"That'sr eally rare!" I tell her, happy to see her happy again.

"Draco, we better change into our robes," says Pansy coldly, "I suspect we'll be there soon. Look! It's three thirty!"

"Already?!" I'm shocked, "This ride went by so quickly! Alright, here's what we'll do: Crabbe, Goyle and I will change first while you two stay outside, then we'll switch. Go on!"

Pansy flares her nostrils and leaves What's gotten into her?

"Could you take these?" I ask Cat before she leaves, handing her the jellybeans. 

"Sure," she says, takes them and leaves.

"That's some you've girl you've got there, Malfoy," says Crabbe, while Goyle snickers.

"I know," I reply, pulling off my shirt.

"Where'd you meet her?" asks Goyle.

"Diagon Alley," I say pulling a black robe over my head, "Why do you ask?"

"No reason..." says Crabbe, "Did you hang out after that?"

"Yeah, she slept over," I reply, buttoning up my cloak.

"You had a sleepover with a girl?!" Goyle says. Why are they asking me such stupid things?

"Yes, now shut up and go get the girls," I instruct.

"Sure," says Goyle and opens the compartment door, "You can come in now."

Cat comes in first, followed by the angriest Pansy I had ever seen.

"What did you do to her?" I whisper to Cat on my way out.

"I just told her about our sleepover..."



Pansy Parkinson doesn't like me, that's for sure. As for Crabbe and Goyle, they only like me for my git of a father. But I have to be straight-forward with Pansy.

"Why do you hate me?" I ask her, pulling off my blouse, careful not to wrinkle it.

"WHAT?!" shrieks Pansy, as though I'd just threatened to throw a bomb down her shirt. She sounds like Draco's aunt Bellatrix. God!

"Why. Do. You. Hate. Me?" I enunciate.

"I heard you the first time," she snaps, "And I don't..."

"I can read minds," I lie, "I know you do."

"Prove it! What am I thinking right now?" she asks me. Uh-oh. I'll have to guess.

"You're wondering if I can read minds or not," I say.

"Fine, yes I hate you." she admits with a cold glare.


"Because I'm Draco's best friend;" she begins, "I'm the one Draco should've shared his Chocolate Frogs with; I'm the one who Draco should've sat next to; I'm the one he should've had a sleepover with! ME! That's why I hate you!"

"Wow," I say quietly, "By the way, I lied about mind reading. I'll go get the byos now, see ing as you and I both have finished getting ready for school."

"I HATE YOU!" Pansy shrieked, "Avada Kedavra!"

A green jet of lights shoots out of her wand, and I dodge it narrowly. 

"ARE YOU MENTAL?!" comes Draco's voice. The next thing I know, he's next to me, with Crabbe and Goyle positioned in front of us like body guards, flexing their muscles.

"She's a liar Draco!" says Pansy, "Move aside and let me finish her off!"

"No!" shouts Draco, "Pansy. Put the wand down, now."

"Is there a problem. here?" comes a voice. It's the trolly lady.

"Yes!" Draco points to Pansy, "She tried to kill her! With an Unforgivible Curse!"

The lady's eyes widen in shock, and she disapparates and comes back a few seconds later with the driver.

"I've just been informed that an Unforgivible Curse has been attempted!" he says in a low curdling voice,

Together, Draco, Crabbe, Goyle and I point at Pansy and say, "She did it!"

"We've already informed the Ministry of Magic," replies the driver, "You have lots of explaining to do, young lady."

"No, I won't!" shouts Pansy, "She should be arrested! She's a liar!"

"That gives you no reason to perform Avada Kedavra on her!" snaps Draco. That makes me realize I hadn't spoken at all this whole time,

"I told her I could read minds so she would tell me why she hated me." I explain, "Once she told me, I told her I lied about reading minds. Then she tried to kill me."

"Well, that's stupid!" says Crabbe.

"We're at Hogwarts, come with me," says the driver. Pandy starts kicking and screaming, but the driver just picks her up and leaves.

"She's mental, I'm telling you!" says Goyle.

"She just has anger problems," I tell him.

"You're going to let her off with this?" asks Draco, but  before I can answer, a voice comes.

"FIRS' YEARS THIS WAY!" shouts a large man with the scruffiest hair and beard.

"Look at that oaf!" whispers Draco into my ear, which makes me giggle.

We follow him to a great big lake with canoes that have little lantern poles in the middle. 

"Righ'!" says the giant, "Four people in each canoe! Come on!"

"Draco, Goyle, Crabbe and I get into one and it starts going.

"I honestly hope this giant isn't our teacher!" says Draco, "That would be mental! Hr grunts everything like an ogre!"

"I know, right?" I agree, "If he is teaching...wait till my mother hears about this!"

"Wait till my father hears about this!" jokes Draco. We both have laughing fits until we get to the school. Draco and I walk in, followed by Crabbe and Goyle. A wrinkly teacher greets us.

"Welcome to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry," sje saus, "I am Professor McGonagall. In a moment, you will enter these doors and join your classmates. Before you do, you will be sorted into your houses. There are four: Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. Then you may go join your house tables."

A boy jumps and out of the crowd in front of McGonagall.

"Trevor!" the chubby boy yells, grabbing a toad, "Sorry."

McGonagall looks a bit flustered before walking through the doors.

"Look, it's Harry Potter!" whispers Crabbe, pointing to a boy with messy black hair, round glasses and a...lightning shaped scar!

So the rumors are true then," says Draco loudly, breaking the silence. "Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts."

A murmur breaks through the crowd of 11 year olds as Draco walks up to Harry.

"My name's Malfoy," introduces Draco, "Draco Malfoy."

A red-haired boy next to Potter snorts, and Draco looks at him.

"Think my name's funny, do you?" he says coldly (attractive to me) and looks at him up and down, "Red hair, hand-me-down robe...You must be a Weasley."

The red-head looks away without saying anything. Draco turns his attention back to the Potter boy.

"You'll soon learn some wizarding families are better than other. I can help you there." says Draco, sticking out a hand, but Harry Potter doesn't take it.

"I think I can figure that out myself, thanks," replies Harry coldly.

Before Draco can reply though, McGonagall comes back.

"We are ready for you." 

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