Patient 1432 // Camren

Autorstwa infinitecabello

4.9K 198 43


/waking up/
/camila cabello/
/coming home/
/one step forward, two steps back/
/new beginnings/
/no strings attached/

/drunken words, sober truths/

459 21 4
Autorstwa infinitecabello


Dinah nudged the girl beside her, snapping her out of her thoughts. The two were sat in the school canteen, Camila absent-mindedly picking at her salad while Dinah rambled on about some boy who had called her cute earlier that day. 

"Lauren troubles?" Dinah said, smirking

"Shut up" The younger girl groaned, turning away from her best friend once more. 

Dinah was right. Lauren was the reason Camila was distant today. Lauren was all she could think about. The fact that she was actually going to a party tonight with her, she would really be spending time with her, both terrified and excited her. 

"C'mon Mila, y'know you can talk to me about it."

The younger girl sighed, turning to face her friend. 

"I'm taking her to a party" 

Dinah's eyes widened and she struggled to keep her water in her mouth. 

"What the fuck?" She exclaimed, turning to face Camila fully. 

She furrowed her eyebrows, confused as to why Dinah had had that reaction. Was it really that surprising that Camila was taking her out? 

Sensing Camila wasn't catching her drift, Dinah continued. 

"Please don't tell me it's Tyler's party" 


"Jesus Christ Camila! Are you insane? Have you actually forgotten that Lauren literally has brain damage? She's not allowed to drink. She probably shouldn't even be going to a place with that many people and such loud music. You know how crazy Tyler's parties get."

Camila didn't know what to say. She hadn't even considered the fact that it might not be a good idea to take Lauren to the party. She was so consumed in the idea of getting to spend time with Lauren that she would've done anything to make it happen. 

But now she was regretting her decision. Lauren had probably only said yes because she didn't want Camila to feel bad; that's just the kind of person she is. 

"Shit." She said simply, only now realizing how stupid she had been.

" you're not going?"

Camila went to protest but stopped when Dinah shot her a stern look. 

"If you wanna spend time with her why don't you just take her out somewhere? Or y' could actually try talking to her I mean you guys do live together I'm surprised you've not gotten freaky with her already"

"Dinah!" Camila exclaimed, swatting her friend playfully on the arm. 

"It's not that easy, every time I let her get close I freak out and mess everything up and then we're back to stage one again."

Dinah paused, seemingly deep in thought. 

"Fine. Go to the party. But I'm coming with you. I'll drive you there and I'll drive you home so I won't be drinking. You can have your little playtime with Lauren but I swear to god if you mess this up, that's it."

Camila smiled at her friend. She loved the caring side of her. Dinah seemed tough on the outside but inside she was really just a teddy bear, and she had this gentle side to her that not many people got to see.

"Why are you looking at me like that freak?" Dinah said. And just like that she was back to her normal ways. That was the Dinah Camila knew. 

"You're so protective of her and you don't even know her." 

"Yeah well she's been through a lot. I guess I just want her to be okay. And you love her, so I pretty much have to too." Dinah replied, winking at her friend. 


The rest of the school day dragged by excruciatingly slow for Camila. Her classes mostly consisted of her staring out the window blankly and trying to figure out how to talk to Lauren tonight.

She had no idea why the other girl made her so damn nervous. 

When the bell finally rang signalling the school day was over, Camila grabbed her stuff and practically sprinted out to her car. 

She probably drove a bit too fast home, but she needed time to prepare herself for tonight. Dinah was picking them up at 7pm so she had about 3 hours to get ready. Which seemed like a lot of time for a normal person but by the speed Camila got ready, 3 hours was pretty much nothing.

After about 45 minutes of trying on outfits and deciding she didn't like them, Camila finally settled on a tight fitting black dress which finished just above the knee and some simple black heels. It's not like she really cared about what anyone thought about how she looked...apart from Lauren. 

She decided to curl her hair every so slightly and apply just a little makeup. She didn't want to overdo it. 

The time was only 5pm, meaning she still had 2 hours to go before Dinah arrived. She briefly contemplated going to talk to Lauren about the party but decided against it, she wanted to wait to see her outfit. 

Meanwhile, Lauren was pacing back and forth in her room. She had no idea what you was meant to wear for a party. She didn't even own a dress. 

She could ask Camila but the last thing she wanted was to annoy her and make her not want to go with her tonight. 

But Lauren really wanted to look nice for her. Maybe then Camila would like her. 

She finally settled on some black skinny jeans, a flannel shirt that she left unbuttoned with a low cut tank top underneath. She straightened her hair and finished the look off with her black boots. 

After trying to apply mascara for ten minutes, Lauren finally gave up, huffing and throwing the tube across the bathroom. 


Camila had been absent-mindedly scrolling through tumblr when the door bell rang. She went to get it, but paused when she heard Lauren's footsteps moving down the hall. 

Moments later, Dinah flung open the door to Camila's bedroom, grinning widely. 

"You ready?" She asked, and Camila couldn't help but wonder what the younger girl was so happy with herself about. 

She mumbled a reply before rolling off the bed and putting her heels back on. Dinah moved aside a little to reveal that Lauren was in fact standing behind her, although Camila hadn't realized before. 

Lauren stood there, pretty much blatantly checking the younger girl out. Camila couldn't help blush at the way Lauren's eyes were trailing down her body like she was the most beautiful thing in the world. It was suddenly way too hot in her room. 

Lauren trailed her eyes back up Camila's body and when she met her eyes, her expression softened from one of lust to what can only be described as adoration. Camila smiled at her softly before Dinah cleared her throat. 

"Okay now that you two lezbos have finished having eye sex can we go?" she said playfully, and Lauren averted her gaze to the floor, trying to hide how much she was blushing. 

"Yeah, let's go" Camila said, scowling at her best friend. 

All three of them made their way out of the house, Camila trailing closely behind Lauren. It was only now that she really took in what Lauren was wearing. Her outfit was simple but Lauren somehow managed to make it look like the hottest outfit in the world. 

When they reached the car, Camila allowed Lauren to climb into the front seat and closed her door for her before getting into the back seat. 

The car ride was relatively silent apart from Lauren and Dinah occasionally making a bit of conversation. Camila didn't speak though, she was way too nervous. This was the first time she would actually be alone with Lauren since their last fight. She decided she was actually grateful for Dinah being there with them.

They arrived about 5 minutes later. Lauren instinctively linked arms with Camila when they got out of the car, but pulled away almost as quickly when she felt Camila tense up. 

The younger girl frowned at the loss of contact, but reminded herself that it was for the best. 

From the bottom of the driveway, they could already hear music playing pretty loudly from inside, and there were at least 20 cars parked outside. Tyler's parties were notorious for being crazy and jam-packed with people. Apparently tonight was no different. 

Dinah was holding Lauren's hand, apparently sensing her nervousness, and Camila smiled softly. At least they were getting along well. 

Camila dismissed herself, making her way through the crowd into the kitchen where an assortment of liquor bottles were laid out on the counter. Pouring what was probably too much vodka into the plastic cup, she topped it up with coke before downing it and making herself another. 

Before she knew it, she was pretty much drunk. She internally cursed herself for being such a lightweight. 

Collapsing back onto the couch in the living room, she threw her head back and closed her eyes, trying to concentrate on the music and not her increasing need to throw up. 

"You okay?" Camila just barely heard a voice she thought she recognized but couldn't place. It was suddenly way too loud in there. 

She opened her eyes to see Lauren standing over her and smiled brightly, having an idea. 

"Dance with me" She said, suddenly forgetting about how sick she was feeling. 

Lauren's eyes widened and Camila thought she might have overstepped some kind of boundary but Lauren quickly nodded, reaching out for the younger girls hand. 

Camila took it and let Lauren pull her up, but apparently she got up a little too quickly as she stumbled forwards into Lauren. 

The older girl caught her and placed her hands on her shoulders to steady her. 

"Are you sure?" Lauren asked, leaning in slightly so that Camila could hear her over the obnoxiously loud music. 

Camila turned her head to look at the older girl, realizing that her lips were only centimetres from her own. She bit her lip and resisted the urge to look down at the green eyed girls lips, she knew if she did all her self control would fly away in an instant. So instead she just nodded slowly, tugging on Lauren's hand and pulling her towards the make-shift dance floor. 

Camila recognized the song as Young God by Halsey, and couldn't help but shake her head. Of course they would be dancing to a slower song. 

The younger girl placed her hand on the small of Lauren's back, pulling her into her. Sensing Lauren's nervousness, she smiled softly at her. 

"Just follow me" She said, starting to sway her hips gently to the music. 

Lauren caught on quickly enough, using her sudden burst of courage to place her hands on Camila's hips, pulling her impossibly further into her. 

Camila gasped when Lauren spun her around so that her back was now facing her and gripped her hips tighter. Camila continued to grind her hips against the older girls, each motion getting stronger until Lauren couldn't hold back the small moan that escaped her lips. 

It was quiet, but Camila was so close to her that she heard it. 

She spun back around, meeting Lauren's eyes and not even attempting to stop herself from looking down at her lips. 

Lauren seemed to notice, and licked her lips involuntarily. Camila looked into her eyes one last time to see if there was any hesitation, and when she didn't sense any, she leaned in. 

The younger girl felt like she would die when her lips met Lauren's. She had kissed plenty of people before but none of them had ever made her feel this way. When Lauren's hands started trailing her skin, it felt like she was on fire. 

Lauren froze at first but relaxed into the kiss after a couple seconds, beginning to move her lips tentatively against Camila's. She moaned quietly when the younger girl pushed her tongue into her mouth. 

But the kiss was over just as quickly as it begun. Camila pulled back and looked at Lauren with wide eyes. Her lips were swollen and she was  out of breath and Lauren couldn't believe that that was because of her. 

But she didn't have time to savour the moment, because Camila was backing away from her now. 

"I-I'm sorry Lauren...I can't...just...fuck" The smaller girl said, before turning her back to Lauren and heading off in the opposite direction. 

Lauren just stood there. Had she actually just kissed Camila? More importantly it was Camila who had initiated the kiss. Now she was more confused than ever. 

One minute she was hating her and not even wanting to look at her and the next they were kissing at a party? Lauren didn't know what it meant. But she knew how it made her feel. 

It was the type of kiss that left you breathless. The type that you'll still remember 20 years down the line. 

Lauren wasn't sure of much in that moment, but she was certain of one thing. 

She was falling for Camila. 


well damn.

little bit longer chapter to make up for the lack of update, my laptop had to go into repair AGAAIIINN. 

If you follow me on twitter you'll know I stan halsey so fucking hard (my @ is a big clue lmao) and young god is one of my favorite songs off the album so I figured I had to slip it in somewhere. If you haven't heard it, go bless your ears right now. 

as always I love you guys and enjoy the rest of your day/night and be safe :)

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