Breaking Rules | HunterXHunte...

By WitchWithALabCoat

142K 4.3K 1.5K

Witches -special women gifted with god-like powers, unlike any known to man. They're all myths. At least... More

I: Luna Agnesi
II: Luna Agnesi
III: Luna Agnesi
IV: Luna Agnesi
I: The Hunt Begins
II: The Hunt Begins
III: The Hunt Begins
I: The Agnesi
I. Infiltration
I: Suspicions
I. Boy Trouble
II. Boy Trouble
III. Boy Trouble
II. Suspicions
III. Suspicions

II. Infiltration

3.6K 184 60
By WitchWithALabCoat

He's not that bad after all.


Luna huffed.

"Beyond this forest the Second Phase awaits." Satotz announced as the fog slowly lifted revealing the wetlands that stretched beyond her eyes could reach. As if on cue the tunnel behind her began to close for all the applicants who didn't make it out in time.

She couldn't think of anything else than another inevitable marathon up ahead. The goddess must be enjoying her misery. The second half of the first test was about to start but she wasn't sure if there's anything to look forward. Though the change of venue might offer some challenge. The view of the forest seemed interesting and the effect of the fog made it look dramatic. Still nothing beats the view of the ocean especially at night under the moon on her perspective.

Gon and Killua were already warming up by doing some stretching on her side while Kurapika and Leorio who barely made in time, were still catching up with their breathing. The exhaustion was still evident on their faces. 

"The Numere Wetlands, also known as the Swindler Swamp. We must cross these wetlands to reach Phase Two of this exam. This place is home of many bizarre animals, most of them are cunning, insatiable creatures that deceive humans and prey upon them..." Satotz further exposed the secret of land. Then for a moment his voice darkened, "Be careful... If you let them fool you... you're dead."

The tension escalated on the algid air upon hearing the news of the danger looming ahead. On the contrary, it only brought her encouragement she yearned. Mentioning the bizarre animals that they could encounter exhilarates her. It could be her first time seeing those creatures in person and not pictures and her hopes were beyond the roof.

"Stay very close to me so you won't be deceived." It was supposedly Satotz final warning when a limping man entered the scene out of nowhere. He was badly wounded and struggling to keep his footing.

"Don't let him fool you!!" he yelled out of his hitched breathing. "H-he's lying!! He pointed an accusing index finger to Satotz that startled everyone. "He's an impostor! I'm the real examiner!!" he claimed and revealed a seemingly dead human-size creature that looked pretty much like Satotz only much hairier nonetheless the resemblance is uncanny.

"Oh! It looks just like Satotz-san!" Gon blurted and Luna nodded, agreeing to his observation. She thought how offending it might have been sounded to Satotz but the man appeared unfazed by the accusations.

"He's a Man-Faced Ape just like this one." The accuser raised his likely convincing proof of a dead Man-Faced Ape. "They love human flesh but their limbs are thin and weak so they disguise themselves like us and tricking humans into following them in these wetlands. He intends to lead you all to his trap!" He claimed with resounding conviction that sparked a commotion within the crowd.  His statements brought murmurs of doubt and more and more were easily persuade by the stranger.

"Yeah, maybe he's right. If you haven't noticed, Satotz walks very differently. I find it very suspicious." A confused applicant confessed and others agreed with him.

Luna easily sympathize strangers –that is without a doubt, a fact, though she found it hard for herself to believe the man. She had to admit his words were pretty convincing but claiming to be the examiner was bold of him. Her senses could not detect anything special about the man compared to the strong impression she had when she first met Satotz. 

"You have to believe me, I'm the real examiner-" those were the accuser's final words as two deck cards came flying out of nowhere and impaled his chest. He died instantly. On the opposite direction, at the exact moment, another three cards was shot aiming for Satotz but he caught all three with ease.

Holy mercy of The Mother! Luna's eyes widened in shock. "Cards?" she mumbled, image of a particular guy started to form on her mind.  She frowned with the thought of him. Hisoka.

"So I guess that settles it." The jester was skillfully playing a set of cards with his fingers. Never in her life had she dreamed to be the center of attention but Hisoka seemed to be the happiest person when he's in the spotlight. "You're the real one." His eyes narrowed to Satotz, glinting with mischief. "Examiners are already Hunters who were asked to judge and test applicants without a pay. Any Hunter would have been able to block that attack." 

"I shall take that as a compliment but if you ever attempt to attack an examiner again you'll be disqualified effective immediately. Are we clear?" Satotz warned, his collective composure never wavering. He looked rather calm for someone who might have share the same fate with the Man-Faced Ape.

"Hai~" Hisoka mused. She doubted it bothered him at all. Killing and torturing appeared to be a second nature for the jester that he might have forgotten what remorse felt like. And to think that he took a special liking on her could only mean staying away from him is impossible.

"Like what I'm trying to say, creatures that dwell in this place will do every trick in the book just to fool you; just like what happened... I believe that some of you have doubted my words but let it serve as an example on how dangerous this place is." Satotz lectured before giving his final reminder. "Remember; never get your eyes off me."

Then they entered the forest with Satotz on the lead.

The heavy fog made it difficult to maneuver the plains and the marsh was not helping at all. It appeared that the fog wasn't done punishing them as in every passing second it became thicker until it completely enveloped the place and it became impossible to recognize anyone within ten feet away.

The danger that lurked within this forest was in great advantage and she never felt more vulnerable. Though what made her more uncomfortable was their closing distance with Hisoka. Given the situation, it's not safe to be near him right now. He still remains the most dangerous person in the competition.
Killua must've have sensed the threat with Hisoka on their tail as he suggested that they move ahead.

"Kurapika! Lerioro! Killua says we should move up!" Gon shouted at no particular direction.

"Oy! Can't you feel the tension around us?" Killua scolded the careless boy.

"You could've alerted creatures that Satotz warned us about." Luna added.

"Baka! If I had the strength, I'd be there already!" Someone shouted back that sounded Lerioro's raging voice followed by Kurapika's, "Don't worry about us."

Gon protested, hate to leave his companions behind but he was left with no choice as Luna and Killua gained speed.

It wasn't even long enough since they picked up their pace but they already found themselves strayed from the front runners.

"I think we lost him." Luna worriedly observed. She was referring to the examiner.

"I hear a lot of screaming around us" Gon was bothered too.

"Just don't let your guard down." Killua reminded, keeping his cool.

"I'm worried about Kurapika and Lerioro. I hope they're okay." Gon was restlessly looking back, maybe searching for any sign of them out of the thick fog.

Luna noticed and tried to calm him down. "I trust Kurapika's survival skills. I can sense the potential. I wasn't sure about Leroiro though. But from what I observed the man is no quitter so there are good chances they will make it together." Again, the girl was just trying to be earnest.

Gon nodded, convinced.

Then suddenly the ground beneath their feet felt strange. It was already late to realize the gaping hole opened beneath them and the boys fell into the trap.

Luna's reflexes did not disappoint. Only a second before falling, she managed to leap to safety.

"Gon!" she cried in panic. Her eyes widened in horror realizing it was no ordinary trap. An abnormally huge frog came out of the hole and it would appear that this creature ate her companions alive. Her whole body trembled at the first sight of it. Regrets of her earlier wishes to see bizarre creatures dwelling these wetlands struck her. This is not what she hoped for –especially this sort of creature.

I must save Gon. Her thoughts reasoned commanding her own body to move and do what was deemed to be necessary. But she knew it was already too late. Fear had abruptly manifested and took over her body and she was promptly paralyzed right where she stood.      

"No..." Luna firmly shook her head. "I'm not afraid of you anymore." She said with clenched teeth and mustered all the courage in her body, deterred that this day will the day she will face her fear.

She emitted a battle cry before lunging forward to take on her greatest foe yet. Though she wasn't even close enough when the beast's eyes bulged and to her horror it puffed up turning to blue in the most disgusting way.

Luna squeaked and fled in a flash. It never occurred to her that she's capable of escaping that fast until now. Heart racing, she chose to hide herself on a tree nearby. Everything she believed in a moment ago was long forgotten and she would rather go home and be a failure than to go back out there.

Thankfully the boys needed no more saving as the beast voluntarily vomited them out to freedom along with its gut juices.

"Guess it didn't like the taste of us." Gon commented.

"It was because of this." Killua reached out an emptied can form his pocket.

"It was from Tonpa-san. Guess he saved us."

Killua shrugged. "Well, I could've escaped on my own."

"By the way have you seen Lux?" Gon's eyes began to wander.

"I saw him escaped." Killua stood up, wiping his cloths of clean though it did only little to take off the stench.

"Where could he be?" Gon started calling out for her.

It wasn't long and her voice was heard. "I-I'm here!" She replied, still in hiding.

"What are you doing hiding in that tree?" Killua already located her.

"Is i-it gone?" She asked out of the blue. Her tone was jittery 

"Huh?" Killua arched a confused brow.

"I-I mean the huge f-frog creature, is it gone?"

"Yeah, it already left." Gon reassured.

Luna peaked out of the tree and warily scanned the place just to be sure before stepping out to the clearing. "Hi. Are you both okay?" She meekly greeted.

"Yeah!" Gon gestured a thumbs-up. On the other hand, Killua was rendered speechless; completely weirded out of her behavior.

"What are you doing down there?" He asked as he finally got a hold of himself.

Luna hesitated before her fingers started fidgeting out of frustration. "The thing is I d-don't like frogs or toads. I don't like that slimy thing in their bodies or their weird little feet especially their freakishly long tongue. I'm sorry I couldn't save you both."

Killua's eyes narrowed in boredom. "You talk about saving us when you're squirming like a girl?"

Luna quickly straightened up and cleared her throat. "I'm n-not a-." her eyes averted on her side. "I don't squirm."

"You're right. I only heard you squeak." He looked down at her, mocking and walked passed her.

Her face instantly reddened in embarrassment. Now she figured why she felt those strange vibes when she first met him. Why does he have to be so mean to her? She could feel him still making fun of her in the distance and it frustrates her not knowing what she did to deserve his bad side.

She had no choice but to ponder her concerns next time as they started running again in search of the examiner. Killua led the way, behind him was Luna close by and Gon was on their tail. They picked up their pacing and she was more alerted than before, eyes scouting for potentials threats. Silence ruled over them, stealthily maneuvering their way out of the woods and cautious not to create sounds that might trigger more creatures.

"There they are!" Killua broke the silence pointing on the pile of applicants running together with Satotz close by.  There was a sudden relief that came over her finally seeing their hope all thanks to Killua. She began to admire his talent in navigating their way out of the tricky forest and tracking the front runners without trouble. Something she couldn't afford to do. Of all the traits she could inherit from her grandfather why would it be his lack of sense in directions? If she could've lead the way they would be in serious trouble or worse they could've been stuck in these wetlands forever.

"Hear that Gon? We're back on track." Luna gladly turned around to inform but disappointed no to see Gon behind her or anywhere close by. "Gon?" She called again but failed to find any trace of the boy. Why didn't she even noticed that his gone? Souka. Maybe she's too absorbed of protecting herself from the possibility of another attack and at the same time, keeping in track of Killua's speed to have noticed. Gon was missing and it's her fault.

"Where is Gon?" Killua looked confused too.

"I-I don't know." The dread on her eyes became evident as the possibly that Gon could be in danger occurred to her. The thought of it made her rush back into the woods and left Killua without so much of a warning.

But Killua stopped her before she could go far enough. "Where are you going?" 

"I must find him." The urgency on her voice made her look desperate.

Killua face stiffened. "If we go back there we're going to lose the lead."

Luna hesitated for a moment. She looked at the front runners slowly fading in the distance and looked back to Killua. She thought Killua might only be thinking for his good which she completely understood. Gon was never his business anyway. "I'll go. You don't have to come. I will find Gon alone."

Killua's brow contracted in annoyance. His lips parted for a moment as if to say something but closed again and Luna took it as a hint to go. But before she could even budge Killua reached for her arm.

"Why?" He mumbled but loud enough to reach her ears.

Luna eyed the hand constraining her before looking up to meet his confused eyes. "What do you mean?" She was getting irritated by him constantly stopping her.

"Why risk your chance for someone you just met?" He asked as if it was something against the rule.

She stared in the depths of his bright blue eyes.

"Because I care for him."

Her mission was all for nothing if Gon die today. She has to secure his life until he could serve his purpose.

By that, he slowly released her without further arguments and she left him. 

She returned back to the forest without so much of a plan, trailing the path she could remember. Though in every turn she made and in every path she take only led her deeper into woods that was less familiar.

"Gon!" she anxiously called and called further exposing her vulnerability. She didn't even mind the danger of her actions. Panic had consumed her.

But her anxiety was replaced by a familiar sensation forming down her stomach. She braced herself for what about is to come but it was stupid of her to think that she knew it all. Despite her great tolerance in pain, she screamed twisting in agony. The sting it left escalated tenfold and she was powerless against it. It felt like a merciless force painstakingly crushing her insides into bits. She had to drop down on her knees and helplessly embrace her tummy in attempt to lessen her suffering but it didn't help at all. As a matter of fact, it only made her looked more pitiful than before.

Another scream escaped her mouth as a new feeling took over. Her insides suddenly felt bloated and her stomach was on the verge of bursting. She wasn't able to stop herself and she threw up unceremoniously. Her entire body weakened shortly after she emptied her stomach. Instantly, her body was drained out of energy and the thought of passing out in the middle of the woods surrounded by flesh eating creatures occurred to her but she was too weak to protest.

She was completely beaten out but she could feel someone closing in. Everything around her was hazy but she could feel someone grabbed her arm and escorted her back on her feet.

It took her a while to realize it was Killua.

"Y-you came back?" She breathed but Killua was close enough to hear it.

"You're a mess." He remarked looking at her from head to toe.

She willingly took his help and put her entire weight on him. "I told you my s-stomach was acting up" She was struggling to speak with, her throat was sore and everything inside her mouth down to her throat tasted bad. "What are you doing here anyway?" 

"Saving your ass." He grunted. 

"Have you forgotten that I'm still a competition? Besides I'll just slow you down." She didn't know where she found the strength to complain. Instead of making him realize his actions she should be thanking him. But the truth is she didn't want to give him more reason to mock her.

"Don't make me laugh Lux. I don't think you as a competition. Look at you; you're too weak to become one." By that, he gave her a piggyback ride. She had lost all her remaining energy to make more complaints instead she decided to make the most out of his kindness. After all, this might be the first and last time she will experience it anyway. Instead, she buried her face on the comfort of his shoulder and drifted herself to sleep.

He's not that bad after all.

AN: Here's your Monday juice minna. I hope this could lighten up the most stressful day of the week. If it did, then I would appreciate if you leave a vote and a comment answering these following questions: For my past readers –what are your thoughts on the revisions I made? For the new ones –how do you like my story so far?

Have a blessed weekday ahead of us minna!

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