Chase The Impossible *A Barry...

By Superjusticeleaguer

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To understand what I'm about to tell you. You need to do something first. You need to believe in the impossib... More

Chapter 1- The Thunder Boomer...
Chapter 2 - Blood & Feathers...
Chapter 3 - The Test Subject...Trial & Error
Chapter 4- The Avenging Angel Is Born...
Chapter 5- Know Your Limits...
Chapter 6 - Group Dates, Cold Guns & Boys, Oh My...
Chapter 7- The Villian Inside
Chapter - 8 Snapped...
Chapter- 9 The Angel Vs. The Vigilante
Chapter - 10 Merry...Bahumbug...
Chapter- 11 When I Grow Up...
Chapter - 12 They Got What They Deserved...
Chapter - 13 Ka-Boom!
Chapter - 14 A Near Death Experience...
Chapter - 15 Death In The Family..
Chapter - 16 Barry & Rose Sitting In A Tree...
Chapter - 17 Can't Trick A Trickster...
Chapter - 18 Eye Spy...
Chapter - 20 Split Personality
Chapter - 21 The Ultimate Sacrifice
Chapter - 1 (Part2) Who Is Zoom?
Chapter - 2) Mr. Sandman Bring Me A Dream...
Chapter- 3) Mama Don't Preach
Chapter - 4) Dead Man Walking, Blind Man Seeing
Chapter - 5) Broken Wings
Chapter -6) Falling From Grace
A Special Message
Chapter -7) Flash Pass...
Chapter -8) Trickster Santa & His Bag Of Weather Wizard
Chapter -9) The Origin Story begins
Chapter - 10) Fast Enough...
Chapter - 11) As We Enter The Twilight Zone...
Chapter- 12) Good Vs Evil...
Chapter-13) Ghosts From The Future?
Chapter- 14) Bye bye...Boogeyman
Chapter- 15) Trapped in the dome with my worst enemy...
Chapter- 16) Sacrificial Lamb
Chapter- 17) Stranger Things In The Universe
Chapter - 18) The Domino Affect...
Chapter - 19) The Speeding Paradox...
OMG! Plz read!!!
Wally West Storyline????

Chapter- 19 All Roses Have Thorns..

8K 191 296
By Superjusticeleaguer

•Rose's Pov•

This is a lie, a sick twisted joke that Harrison Wells has somehow conjured up.

"The Flash, falls from the hand of the Avenging Angel, May God have mercy on us all..." Cisco reads out loud.

Really Cisco? Don't read it out loud this isn't a read along.

Barry walks up to the screen and continues to read it.


"After an epic battle with the Avenging Angel, our cities very own Scarlet Speedster falls at the hands of the worlds deadliest villain..."

This is a joke, a joke that's not funny.

I feel Barry looking at me but I can't help but stare at the screen.

"Wait, you can't really think that this is from...the future." Caitlyn comments. "That would mean Dr. Wells, or whoever he is, is also..."

"From the future." I whisper as I keep staring at the date.

"I know this is bad timing but both of your suits look pretty that a hood on your-wait suppose I changed the way your suits look? Does that mean it will be because of the picture? That would mean we're living in a causal nexus.  This is so trippy."

I look at Cisco and he stops talking.

"Not as trippy as the name on the byline." Caitlyn points out. We look and-

"Iris West..." I see then that my sister wrote this paper.

This doesn't make sense. I think to myself as I go to touch the screen, just to be sure if it's real.

"Good evening, Rose Allen."

We jump hearing a voice.

"Wait did it sa-"

"Uh-uh. What the hell was that?" Cisco says as he backs up.

"Is someone here? Hello?" Barry calls out.

"Good evening to you as well, Barry Allen." The screen morphs into a holographic woman and I back up.

Did she just say-

"Uh, h-hi. You know who I am?" Barry stammers.

"Of course, I know both of you. You're Barry Allen, director of Central City Police, CSI division and your Rose Allen head Detective of Central City Police, special victims unit.."

"Um, should I go and buy you guys some wedding gifts? Cause clearly I missed an invite." Cisco comments.

"...Also known as The Flash and Avenging Angel. Founding members of the justi-"

"What are you?" I ask interrupting it.

"I am Gideon, and interactive artificial consciousness..."

"Oh this is sick." I can already hear Cisco's tinkering thinking about building one.

"Wait, so you know Dr. Wells?" Barry asks.

"Yes." She replies. "Do you know who he really is?"

"I don't understand the question."

Barry runs his temples trying to think of the right question to ask.

But I step forward.

"Why is Dr. Wells, here?"

Gideon looks at me then. "He's here for you."

"Why me?"

"Because you are the biggest part of the plan."

I think about the headline and dread what I'm about to ask.

"What does Harrison Wells, want with me?"

"Simple, to eliminate the flash."

Cisco's phone buzzes.

"Wells is in the building."

"What? How do you know that?" Caitlyn asks.

"I put a tracker on his wheelchair."

She gives him a strange look.

"What? It's better than what Rose suggested."

Caitlyn looks at me and I swallow hard.

"I said if anything someone can just push him out of the wheelchair. And if he really is paralyzed then I'm pretty sure I'm going to hell for that."

I lean against the wall refusing to say another word as everything sinks in.

But Barry has some more questions of his own.

"I have some more questions."

"He's in the cortex. Ask questions fast." Cisco warns.

"Why did he kill Nora Allen?"

"Because he was angry." She answers.

"About what?" He asks.

"That you escaped."

"He's on B level. Barry hurry, he's coming this way."

"Why does he want Rose to eliminate me?" I look up hearing Barry ask that question.

"So that the big plan could take place."

"What big plan?"

"A new order, a new power, a new God..."

My head suddenly hurts and I hear a ringing in my ear.

"That's why he let the particle accelerator explode, he needed you two to be The Flash and Avenging Angel..."

My head...

I stand up and feel a bit light headed.

"We gotta go. Like now."


"Wait, if HAL over there tells Wells that we were in here?" Cisco's got a point.

"That would be bad."

"Very bad." I say as I try to keep a leveled head.

"If I could get into its operating system, maybe I can disable its memory core." Cisco suggests as he looks at Gideon.

Barry turns to it. "Gideon, can you show us where your operating system is?"

"Certainly." A weird display shows up and strangely it looks like something from one of my comic books.

Cisco however laughs and shakes his head. "Yeah. Nope. That's not gonna happen." He turns away from it.

"Guys he's in the corridor." I see the panic on Barry's face after what Caitlyn says.

I shake the ringing away and step up to the Gideon.

"Can you, just not tell him that we were here?"

She nods. "Of course. I will accept any command given by you or Barry." I frown at that as Cisco tries to usher us out.

"Wait, why would you accept our commands?" I ask.

"Because, you two created me."

We all leave out just in time and now I see why my head is pounding.

All of this information is smothering me.


I was sitting on the couch at home while dad scolded us.

"With four very smart people that was really stupid."

"You're giving me too much credit dad." I mutter as I think about what Gideon said and showed us.

It's a bitter sweet feeling, to know that I'll marry Barry one day, but on my birthday I'll kill him.

That doesn't make sense, I'm not a bad guy.

You've killed before...

You've hated before...

It's all in your deepest darkest thoughts...Rosie Posie...

"Leave me alone." I place a pillow over my face as my dad keeps scolding us.

"What if Wells had caught you four in that..."

"Time vault?" Cisco helps.

"Yeah, thank you. I know we've seen a lot this year but time travel?"

"I did it." I move the pillow off of my face and I guess I wasn't the only one looking at Barry.

"Or I will do it, I mean."

"Excuse me?" I ask. Cisco steps in to explain. "One of the two speedsters in Barry's house the night his mother died was Barry. I mean, The Flash. He was there. Which means that one day in the future, Barry will travel back in time to that night..."

"O...Kay." I say understanding. "Actually, I wasn't talking about that. I kind of already time traveled. By accident?"

"How do you time travel by accident? You step on someone's foot at the movies by accident? You tell a woman when is the baby due and come to find out she's just plump in the stomach by accident. So?" I say trying to grasp this.

Ugh my head hurts again. I then lay on the arm rest. "Rose and I we, we were trying to stop a tsunami from hitting the city and as I ran under her..."

He looks right at me with a sad look.

"She got hit by lightning and was killed, I ran trying to catch her and came back here."

My body suddenly feels cold.

In another time...I died trying to help save the city...that's still better than killing the man you love.

"When was this?" Caitlyn asks. "A few weeks ago."

"That sounds like about the same time where I got those dreams. You know the one I told you about, how Dr. Wells uses his super speeding hand to shred my apart my hear."

Okay, where was I for this?

"But what if they're not dreams?"

Okay, then they're really scary day dreams I think to myself.

"Memories...." I answer without noticing.

Everyone looks at me and I look around.

"Just thinking out loud sorry."

"No, what if you're right. Cisco, what if those dreams are actually memories? Like what if that day you found out that Wells was The Reverse-Flash, and then he kills you. But when I ran back a day, I changed the timeline so that event never happened."

My dad sits there thinking. "If it never happened how can Cisco remember it?"

"I don't know. But I think the important thing is he does....guys, I think I've got a really bad idea."

I look over at my dad and notice he's staring off into space...

•Joe's Pov•

(One Year Before...)

I remember the day when Rose and Barry were in the hospital. Barry and Rose kept slipping into seizures which scared me each time because I felt helpless.

My daughter and son's life were hanging on a thread and I couldn't help either of them.

"...Dad it's been three weeks. You barely sleep or eat. You should probably go home at some point." Iris says as I watch Rose.

"Hey, baby. I'll go home when Barry and Rose do."

Suddenly Rose jerks in her sleep and starts to thrash around causing her heart monitor to go off like crazy.

"Oh, my god! Rose!"

"Help, my daughter is coding!" I tell trying to get a nurse.

"They said that she was stable, Rose? Oh my God!" Iris gasp, when I look back I see blood pooling from her back where her bandages were.

What is going on here?

"I need the room. Just go." The nurse ushers is out and I see my baby shaking as more blood pools from her bandages.

"How can she be seizing with out a heart beat?" One doctor comments.

More nurses run towards Barry room and I can only assume he's having a seizure as well.

I hear Iris crying beside me and I hold her.

My kids, are going through so much and...I can't help them.

Iris let's me go and runs down the hall because I just know she can't take seeing them like this.

I watch as they try to help Rose.

"They can't save them....but I can."

I turn and see Dr. Wells sitting in his wheel chair.

"I know who you are. You're that scientist that Barry's obsessed with, the one who blew a hold on central city, the one who put my kids through this." I feel the urge to punch him in the face but what's that going to do?


"I do apologize, Detective. But that is why I'm here. I want to offer my help to both your children. My facility is the very place I would like to take them."

"You're out of your mind if you think I'll let you take them."

"I'm not gonna try to convince you with promises. But you don't have many options. Give me a chance."

"I think you know my answer, Doctor. You hurt a lot of people that night.

"So those doctors in there, they're good enough? Your daughter is bleeding out and they can't even find a scratch on her can they?"

How did he know that?

"Just look at them, detective. They have no clue what's going on with her or him. And the reason is because Rose and Barry are a mystery. They don't have to tools to solve it."

"But you do?" I question. "That's right. Millions of people used to look at my lab and what did they see?  They saw the future. Well, let me take that technology, let me take that know how into ensuring that your son and daughter does actually have a future. Let me save them..."

I look at my daughter and think of Barry.

I can hear the doctors in both rooms talking about staring compressions.

Both have no heart beat.

Both keep seizing.

Both are at deaths door and this man in front of me is my only option..

"Then save them..."

Making that deal was like shaking hands with the devil.

I let him take Barry, Rose however couldn't go due to her condition, but he did look after her and gave her the medical attention she needed.

(Present Day)

Hearing the news about what my daughter and son saw can't be true.

Rose would never hurt Barry let alone kill him.

This is all Wells fault.

What has he done to my kids?

•Rose's Pov•

"Dad?" I call out to him. "Dad are you listening?" He snaps out of it and nods.

Barry continues telling us his plan.

"We, have to access Cisco's memories somehow. Somewhere in his subconscious is the key."

"The key to what now?"

"Getting my dad out of prison."

"How are we going to do that? I mean can we even do that?" I wonder this more to myself.

"We're gonna get Wells to confess to killing my mom..."

We all agree and as we gather out I feel someone touch my hand. I then and see its Barry.

"I'm scared.." I whisper as I hug him.

"You're not that person in the newspaper." I look up at him and feel a tear fall. "I'm scared and I don't want to hurt you-"

"You won't."

"What are you going to do? Go into the future and change it? This is beyond us, you read it, somehow we both take separate paths. You're the good guy and I become the villain."

"I don't believe that."

Then he's stupid...

"Then you're stupid..." I let him go and follow Dad out the door...

Dad was at the station waiting for us.

Cisco was handling some weird eye glasses and I was sitting back trying to wrap my head around all of this.

Am I a bad person?

I've saved people.

I've helped Barry catch bad guys.

How could I become a villain?

I don't bother with the conversation that Barry, Cisco and Caitlyn are in. Instead I stay to myself.

"Whose going to be lucid dreaming?"

All four of us look up and see Dr. Wells wheeling in and I feel my spine twitch.

"With all of the meta-humans in central city, people have been seeing some strange things. Things that's they don't understand. And it's really just a matter of time before psychological issues develop." Nice save, Dr. Snow.

"And Lucid dreaming will help the doctors better understand their fears. Intriguing. Of course, you will still need to guide the patient from the outside, right? Direct them to the specific aspects of the dream." He asks.

"We're still working on a communication interface."

"Very well, Cisco. But when we dream, The middle brain lights up with electrical activity, whereas the higher brain remains dormant. Once you find a way to make both parts of the brain active, then it's just a matter of finding the frequency that will stimulate the language center."

"Then the dreamer could speak. He could describe his dream."


"Or her. It could be used for anyone." I chime in.

"Right. It's not gender specific. I would try a frequency of 45 hertz to start." He suggests as he wheels away.

"Thank you, Dr. Wells...."

Did he?

Did he just help us get his confession?


The Captain Singh came out of his office asking Barry about some test results.

"I'm, I'll have them ready. I've just been on another case. But that's no excuse..."

"Just have them ready."

"Is everything alright?" Barry asks.

"It's just all this wedding planning, from the florist, the venue, the who sits next to who...never get married, kids."

Barry and I look at each other then looks away.

"No promises..." I mutter as Singh walks away.

Eddie had then came over and tapped me on the shoulder.


"Can I talk to you and Barry privately?"

"Uh, sure." We follow him into the main hall and he reveals a small box.

"Are you kidding me? Why the fu--" I pinch the bridge of my nose and sigh. "Don't mind her, a lot of people have been talking about marriage. So I assume that you're going to ask Iris?"

"Yeah, I wanted to run it by you two. Seeing that you two are close to Iris. I want to purpose to her tonight."

"You have my blessing, I mean you already knocked her up."

"What?" Oh shit she hasn't told him yet?

"I uh, what? Dad I'm coming!" I take off running knowing I'll be getting a call from a very angry big sister.

Maybe I can join the witness protection program...

I was sitting in Barry's lab as Cisco was getting set for his lucid dream confession.

"Just stay calm and remember, none of the things happening to you is real..."

"You're awfully quiet." Dad says as he sits next to me. "I know...uh, dad how would you feel becoming a grandpa?"

"Do I need to kick Barry out of the house?"

"No! Dear God no, but hypothetically speaking, like say Iris-"

"Is Iris pregnant?"

"No..." I say quickly. "...Maybe...look, when you speak to her make sure you search the back yard for my body. I'm sure that's where she'll bury me."

He chuckles and kisses my cheek. "I'll talk to her."

"Make sure it's when I'm not around." I call out as he walks away.

Dad offers Cisco a drink and he looks at it.

"What am I five?"

"Just drink it."

"Okay, I'll drink it." He downs the milk and hands my dad the glass back.

"You're going to be fine, Cisco." Barry says to him.

Cisco then lays down and Caitlyn places the glasses on him.

"These glasses are emitting a low level delta wave which should help you all asleep." The glasses beep.

"Okay. I got to warn you though, usually it takes me a long time. I mean... I'm not saying I'm, like... Insomniac or any..."

"Ah, so that's how you get him to shut up." Dad says with a smirk.

"He's entering REM. It's working..." Caitlyn smiles at this discovery.

Barry and Caitlyn start to ask Cisco some questions on what's going on.

He then starts to talk about how he was looking at some tech work, trying to figure out how The Reverse-Flash managed to get out.

He then says that he was running some tests in the containment system. Everything was so far running like they should but he couldn't figure out what was going on. His data wasn't making any sense because it showed that everything was running smoothly.

Cisco says how it was all a trick, The Reverse-Flash was actually a hologram. He then says that Wells is behind him.

"Whoa is he okay?" Cisco was shaking a bit and Barry stands beside him.

"Cisco, nothing is going to happen to you, buddy. We're all right here and you're just dreaming.

"...guys he's going to kill me."

"He can't hurt you." I say holding his hand.

"Eobard Thawne.." Cisco mutters.

"Wait Thawne? Like Eddie Thawne?

He then says how Wells confess on killing her.

"Guys! Help me!"

"Get him out of there!" I yell as Cisco squeezed my hand tighter with a death grip.

He wakes up and yanks the glasses off of his face.

"You're okay..." I say as I hug him. "It felt so real..."

I look over at Barry and he looked worried.


"'My mom..." He was about to talk but my phone vibrates.

I let Cisco go and answer it.


"Where are you and Barry? Rose, are you there?"

"Dr. Wells..." I answer as I look at everyone in the room.

"...sorry, it's a bad connection right now."

"Where are you two?"

"We're-what's going on?"

"A fire, a huge fire just erupted." I put my phone on speaker phone so everyone could hear.

"A fire? Where?"

"Bradford Tower High-Rise."

"I know that building. That's where Captain Singh's fiancé works." Dad whispers.

"We're on our way." I hang up and both Barry and I take off.

We were suited up and running/flying to the building.

When we get inside the 21st floor was extremely hot.

We not step back so neither of us gets burned.

"Help us!"

"Please help!"

Many people scream for our help.

"Get them out of here!"

"What about you?" Barry asks.

"Just go!"

He nods and runs to gather the people.

"Dr. Wells, the sprinklers, they're not working." I say over my radio.

"I see that. Just get everyone out of there."

"There has to be a way to stop the fire! It's spreading quickly. Please tell me what I need to do!"

"Rose, remember your new gift?"

"I don't think my fire plus this will help."

"Touch it, go to the flames and absorb it."

"Are you crazy!"

"Trust me, on this." I swallow hard and walk towards the flames. I reach out and the hear stings.


"Rose, focus. Think about your own flame, think about that power inside of you and use it."

I nod and close my eyes as I raise my hands.

My hands feel warm up slowly and I open my eyes seeing that the flames are all turning purple.

I feel this strange calm come over me and I see the flames all coming towards me.

A smirk creeps across my face as the last of the flames come to me.

My skin felt hot but other than that I felt fine.

I turn to Barry as he helped more people and I reach for a woman.

"A...are you real?" She asks as she reaches for my hand.

I just smile and fly her out to safety.

Barry and I manage to get everyone out and see Captain Singh kissing his fiancé and thanking us.

How can I become a villain when being a hero is so good?

I was sitting there on the treadmill looking at my hands.

I snap my fingers and a purple flame licks across my knuckles but goes out.

"Miss West?" I turn to Dr. Wells and stand.


"Tonight, at the fire, I saw fear, and doubt. Why?"

"I don't know honestly...I guess I'm just afraid of myself. What I'm capable of's both amazing and terrifying."

"You're capable of great things, look at tonight. You helped Barry save all those people."

"Yeah, you're right about that..."

"I look forward on discovering what other amazing gifts you bring to the table."

I know I should hate this man, but he's so damn nice and he believes in me, in Barry too.

"Thank you, Dr. Wells, for everything." I offer my hand and he accepts it.

I know this man has looked out for me, but the plan will be successful.

He will confess for killing Nora, one way or another.

When I get home I see dad sitting on the couch.

"Dad, I did this really cool th--what's wrong?"

He looks at me and pats the cushion beside him.

I go over and sit down.

"Oh, God Iris is about to kill me isn't she?"

He chuckles, "No. I haven't spoken to her yet, but I just want you to know that if anything happens. It's my fault."

"What do you mean?"

"None of this would've ever happened. If I didn't allow Wells near you and Barry."

"Dad, he saved us. If he hadn't been there, Barry and I would've died, for sure."

"But even then, I knew something wasn't right. Everything in my gut was telling me not to trust him, but I did, because I was so desperate to see you two get better."

"Dad, this isn't your fault. It's not your fault. Look every bad thing that has happened to us--all of it, it was him. And now he's going to pay for it."

My dad holds my face in his hands and kisses my head.

"But what's the price, for his crimes?"

That I couldn't answer...

That very next night we were setting up the trap for Dr. Wells.

Barry was going over it.

"All right, Cisco you know that when he gets here you need to be working on the trap so he sees you set off the hologram."

"Hold on, isn't that, in your dream, when everything went all..."

"Near death scary? Yeah, that defiantly happens. But this time I'm ready for him. I originally designed the force field to keep a speedster from getting out. But I've rested. Now it won't let one in."

He steps onto the platform and presses a button causing a weird force field so surround him.

He then motions for both Barry and I to be the example.

I roll out my wings and Barry gets ready to run.



We both go right towards the force field and we both get slapped back.

"Damn it!" I rub my head and slowly stand as Barry does the same.

"Are you two okay?" Caitlyn asks.

Dad checks on both of us but we're fine.

"Yeah, it works.."

"Okay. As long as I'm inside Wells won't be able to get near me."

"And I will be in the Cortex watching and recording everything that happens."

"And as soon as we get the confession we need to free my dad, I'm moving in."

"With help of course."

"I have Eddie with Iris tonight, told him to keep an eye on her."

"If he keeps an eye on her too long she's gonna have twins.."


"Damn I was so use to my hearing Rose. But I'll stop teasing...for now."

"Uh, guys I'll be right back. Iris just sent me a 911 text."

"Hey, if you see my sister tell her I'm in Mexico."

"You know she's going to find you." Barry walks over to me and kisses my cheek. I want to accept the kiss but I just can't.

"Well I can fly, she can't." He laughs at my smart-ass comment. "Okay, love you."

"Yea, you too." I walk away from him and just know that he's going to feel hurt I didn't say it back...

When Barry came back we wait for the trap to take place.

Cisco was in position with the hologram on full show.

The elevators open there stood Dr.Wells.

"Liar..." I hiss.

Cisco turns around and Dr. Wells smiles at him.

"Hello, Cisco..." He claps his hands as he enters the room.

"You've been busy. You really are incredibly clever, Cisco. I've always said it."

"You're him. The Reverse-Flash. Joe was right this whole time, wasn't he?"

"Good ol' Joe." Wells says as he closes Cisco's laptop. "Joe West had his doubts all along. Even from that first night in the hospital, Joe knew something wasn't right. Cops, as inconvenient now as they will be in 100 years."

Come on Cisco, get that confession. Barry needs it.

"You killed Barry's mother. I want to know why. It was never my intention to kill Nora. But from my perspective, she was already dead..."

He then raises his hand and slowly walks towards Cisco.

" just happened sooner than it was supposed to."

He slowly back Cisco onto the platform and I look at dad but he shakes his head.

"You're not gonna get away with this."

"I'm not gonna get away with it?"

Cisco turns on the force field and Wells looks at him smiling like the devil he is.

"Oh you're're truly smart, Cisco. But you're not that smart." He says as he steps through the force field.

How is he doing that?

He raises his hand and we all panic.

Dad fires off three times and Barry screams no.

He runs to grab the bullets but the last one was already inside of the force field causing him to slam back.

Also shooting Harrison Wells right in the chest.

"He didn't confess." Barry runs back over and Cisco turns the force field off.

"Are you okay?" I ask as Caitlyn runs into the room.

"Yeah. I'm never ever going go sleep ever again, but, yeah I'm okay."

Caitlyn checks his vitals and looks at Barry. "He's dead."

"He didn't confess. Joe, this was it. My dads gonna be on prison forever."

"Barry I'm sorry."

I look at Wells and stand back.

"What's going on here?"

We all look and it wasn't Harrison, it was Hannibal Bates laying dead on the floor.

"I told you this before. I am always one step ahead...Flash...sorry to trick you too, Rose. I had wished to have more moments with you."

I was breathing heavy as we all heard Harrison's voice over the speakers in the lab.

"Allow me to reintroduce to you Mr. Hannibal Bates and his incredible ability to transform into any person he touches. I knew that ability would come in handy. I just didn't expect it to come in this handy so soon."

"Where are you!" I yell. "Wouldn't you like to know?"

"Yeah I would, show yourself you coward! You ruined all of our lives! Because of your sick obsession with Barry and me! When I find you I will rip you apart!"

"Careful Rose, you'll let your real self slip."

"Ahh!" Sparks from the machine around us shock the floors as I scream.

"I know this may all seem bad but I assure you, all of your lives are so much better, especially you Rose..."

"You don't have to hide anymore, we know you're not Harrison Wells. Just tell us who you are."

"A confession will get you nowhere, Joe. You've seen who I am. You know what I can do."

"I'll kill you..." I glare at the speakers.

"Look I know what you can do, kill me if you want but just tell the police what you did. Get my dad out of prison."

Harrison tsks. "I don't want to kill you, Barry. That's your wife's job ten years from now. But for now. I need you, and as fun as this call is, I have a proposal to get to..."

"He's in the time vault!" Cisco yells.

Barry and I both take off and see the room was empty with an empty wheel chair and surveillance cameras everywhere. Showing us that he was always a step ahead of us.

The suit was gone as well.

I fall to my knees. "This was all a set-up..." Barry whispers.

"He's dead.." I raise my hand and the wheel chair goes flying.

I rush to get my suit and Barry tries to stop me.

"Get off of me!" I feel my eyes go cold and I snatch from him.

"Rose, we can't just go after him. Remember what he did to you?"

"I don't care, he threatened my sister, my pregnant sister and her boyfriend. I need to find her, Cisco ping her phone now."

"I'm on it."

"Wells has been watching all of us. He has surveillance footage set up everywhere. Our homes, Barry's lab at the police station, Central City Picture News. Just call me when you have a location."


"I said get off!" I raise my hand and Barry goes flying.

I grab my suit and leave out on a hunt.

Harrison has messed with the wrong person.

I get a location and I fly my hardest to my sister.

I see Eddie down on one knee and I land right by them.

"Iris, Eddie you two need to get out of here now!"

"What are you-"

I streak of wind goes by and I'm grabbed by the throat.

"Rose!" Iris screams.

"Rose?" I hear Eddie question but I was more busy trying to get this asshole off of me.

Eddie takes out his gun and fires but Harrison dodges each bullet and still manages to keep hold of my throat.

"You're the one who killed Barry's mom!" Harrison looks at my sister and smiles.

"Such a pity what happens to your baby."

"Don't you touch her!" I raise my hand against his chest and he goes flying letting me go.

I such in air and see Barry coming my way.

I was ready to tell him to get my sister and Eddie out of there but then I feel a sting to my back.

I fall to the ground and Harrison stood over me.

"Time to to see the looking glass..." He grabs me up and I feel paralyzed.

Just as he runs Barry gets there and the look of fear on his face had to be the worse thing I've seen in my life..

"Barry..." I then black out no longer able to feel my body....


"Mmm..." My head was throbbing but I'm glad I can feel my limbs.

I try to my hands but they're strapped down.

"Hello..." I look up and see Harrison sitting in a chair in front of me.

I try to raise my hand but he shakes his head. "You can try but those trust me it'll hurt."

I try I to yank him towards me but feel a shock to my spine.


"I tried to warn you." He gets up and walks over to me then crouches in front of me.

"You are amazing at this age, you've managed to get your telekinesis, your wings are strong and you can use that fire trick. Now all your missing is her."

He goes to touch my face but I jerk back.

"When I get out of here-"

"When you do, I'll be the least of your worries. But you will want to establish yourself to everyone."

"That's not me. That headline isn't me."

"Oh..." He chuckles. "...but it is you, Rose. That's you and all your glory. I have to say you become so much more intelligent because of your husband. Is it okay that I use future tense? I mean you will be married within the next few years."

"I hate you."

"I know you do sweetheart. Now lets see if you can bring her."

Who is he talking about?

He gets up from in front of me and I see him walk around me. I try to follow him with my eyes but I can't.

I hear him drag something out from behind me and when he's in my sight again I see its something wrapped in a sheet.

He moves the sheet and I see its a metallic looking mirror.

"What the hell is that?"

"This, is something you create some years from now. This isn't exactly yours I did some tweaking but it functions the same. This is your looking glass. Very powerful seeing it uses your blood in order for it to work."

"My-ah!" He had cut me and my blood pools on my exposed palms.

"Thank you." He takes the blood and let's some drop on the center of the looking glass.

"With this glass you will see your past..."

I look and suddenly it's the memory I dread the most.

"Stop, I don't want to see that."

"But Rose, this was when you created her.."

"I said no!" I try to raise my hand but my spine gets another jolt of pain.


He grabs my head and makes me look.


I was about five years old in this memory.

Mom was still alive and I hadn't met Barry yet.

I don't want to remember this...

I had a little pink ball that my mother had got for me that day and I kept bouncing it everywhere.

"Daddy look!" I call out to my father. "That's nice babygirl!" He was talking to mom, laughing and smiling.

I bounce the ball extra hard to see how high it would go and when I did the ball flew and went into the street.

"Daddy my ball." I call out to him. "I got it." He goes but something catches his attention. Something distracts him and he goes back into the house.

I can get the ball.

I start to walk and look both ways just like mommy taught me.

I cross the street and hear honking coming front the distance.

I look and I see a big red truck coming right at me.

I'm scared.

No I don't want to see this memory, stop it.

"Rose! Rose!"

My mom ran to me.

No mom don't come!

Stay where you are!

Mom pushes me out of the way and I hit my head.

My head hurts...everything goes black...

Something wet is on my hands...


When I get up, mom is laying face down. Red stuff came out of her body.

"No!" I hear my father scream and I can't move. Mommy is staring right at me.

With those same eyes I see in the mirror even today.

They hate you...

The new voice in my head whispers.


They hates you...

I gasp hearing that voice, seeing my mom dead in front of me.

"No more...please." I was in tears and hear Harrison sigh.

"I would love to stop but, you have got to see this. Trust me, it's the best. You're already living in your present but let me show you, your future..."

Try to look away but the looking glass turns into a liquid and its hypnotic....

"Stop this now!" I smell smoke as I walk the streets of a broken city.

"I'm warning you!" I hear gun shots but I raise my hand and those men who fired at me are now at my feet dead on the ground.

"Where is he?" I smile scanning the city.

Suddenly I'm hit by a huge mallet and I fall to the ground.

I taste blood and I spit.

"You need to stop this now!" I get up and raise a purple fire ball. "We are a like you and I Hawkgirl. The only difference between us, is I don't fight fire with fire...I kill." I throw it at her and she goes down screaming.

"Now where is he?"

I feel a sting to my wings and turn in enough time to catch her lasso.

"Give up the blood shed, Angel. Please, how many more must die?"

I cock my head to the side and flap my wings hard sending wonder woman into the air covering her bleeding ears.

"As many as I allow..." I answer.

Suddenly I'm tackled down by a man with an S on his chest.

"You have one more chance, to end this!"

I spin around and throw him with my thoughts.

"WHERE IS HE?!" I yell as I search for him.

I grab the bat shaped weapon and toss it.

"You know where he is, don't you Bruce?"

"This isn't the way to handle things"

"Yes, yes this is.." I raise my hand ready give end him but he runs out.

"Stop! Just stop!"

I land on the ground and remove my hood.

"You see what you've done, Flash? All of the blood spilled on the streets is because of you. All of our colleagues are injured because of you. Because you're a coward!"

I swoop down and grab him up so that we were both in the air.

I look into those pretty blue eyes and suddenly I see my life I had.

We were happy, we covered each other, but something changed.

Barry made the wrong enemy and because of that our little girl is gone forever.

"You must pay for your sins."

"Rose, how was I suppose to-"

I grip his throat and squeeze.

"Because of your stupidity, our daughter is dead!"

"I'm sorry Rose." I lean in close to his ear.

"Sorry is for humans and I'm not a mere human. I am your God..."

He gasps as I jam my hand into his chest and rip out his heart.

I see the life in those beautiful eyes die, and instead of crying about my loss. I simply smile and continue my savage killing...

I was crying.

To see that?

All of the damage I had done?

"Please, just let me go."

"Not until you let her out."

"Who are you talking about?"  I ask. "That whisper in the back of your mind..she's waiting there."

I dare try not to glance at the looking glass but when I do my reflection was smiling.

"No, no! Let me go! Let me go!" I know who he's talking about, the ugly manifestation that developed the day my mother die. The ugly split personality that went away when Barry came around.

"Too, late..." He whispers as he steps back.


My spine felt like it was on fire, my eyes burned as they turned pure white. My skin felt tight as if I was about to burst out of it.

I hear a snap and my head drops...

•Eobard's Pov•

I see her head drop after hearing a snap and I get close.

I stop when I hear her start to cry. Her shoulders start to shake and  I kneel down in front of her as she slowly raises her head, the crying turns into laughter.

"Hehehehehe...I've got no strings... To hold me down.... To make me fret, or make me frown... I had strings.. But now I'm free..There are no...
Strings... on me..." She snaps out of the cuffs and walks to the looking glass with a wicked smile on her face.

"No more strings, no more doors to keep me out, Rosie Posie...It's the day of reckoning.." She touches the glass and then looks at me.

"We've got some work today...."



Our Rose has some pretty nasty thorns now 😓 this chapter took me a while I did it Friday but I wasn't ready to share it, hopefully I'll have the next two chapter up before season 2 starts! But anyways, how do you guys feel about an Evil Rose? If you hate this just wait until she meets her dad...Id really hate to be Joe West in the next chapter...also yes that is my edit 🙈 well UP UP & AWAY!!

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