Finally Free Dumped & Pregnan...

By khassal

689K 29.2K 5.2K

After going through so much, Isabella Joshua and their baby Elise are finally able to start their new life. W... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter six
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter five

48.6K 1.7K 461
By khassal

Pictured above, Audrey.

The next week flew by but with every passing day my nerves were starting to get the better of me. The first few days I went out but I was continuously on edge and spent the majority of the time looking over my shoulder. At the end I stopped going out altogether and only went out on the school runs. I hated that even now, my past still affected me. Audrey hasn't been seen but I know she is there somewhere but where, I hadn't a clue. It was as if I could feel her presence but couldn't see her. It was just a waiting game for her and that annoyed me because just like before she had the upper hand.

I desperately wanted to talk to Lisa and Elle about it but I knew they were not happy with me not mentioning it to our husbands. So doing the only thing I could do, I just kept it all bottled up making me feel as if I was going to be smothered to death by my crazy frantic mind at any given moment. Shaking my head I got up off the couch and grabbed my keys and purse and made my way out to my SUV.

This was it! She was not going to do this to me again. I wasn't going to live in fear as she had wanted. With that said, I drove off towards the mall. Keeping my eyes glued ahead I ignored the urge to take in my surroundings and headed straight for the food court. Taking a seat I waited for the waitress to approach me and take my order.

After receiving my coffee I sat there drinking it in hope I could stop myself from feeling so paranoid. However, it wasn't working. My eyes kept wondering as I could feel eyes burning into me, watching me like a hawk watching its prey. For the life of me though I couldn't see Audrey or anyone else in that matter watching me. It was as if I was just being paranoid but deep down I knew I wasn't. My head swirled as I tried to rid my head of these crazy thoughts.

Once I finished my coffee I placed my cup down and just as I went to stand up I was roughly pushed back down into my seat. I didn't need to see her face to know it was her because the way her long finger nails dug into my shoulders was all the proof I needed. I bit down to stop myself from screaming out or even crying.

"Hello Isabella." The way she said my name made me shudder. Still biting down on my lip I didn't reply to which seemed to anger her all the more.

"What lost your tongue now your friends aren't here to save you?" she asked as she pushed me aside so she could sit down next to me.

"Now Isabella, don't do anything stupid because I have people watching you from every direction." Hearing this, my blood ran cold. Looking around I suddenly noticed big burly men standing with their eyes glued solely on me. They weren't there a minute ago were they? Surely I would've noticed them but then again, taking a closer look I noticed that they looked just like any of the other security men that worked at the mall only bigger.

"I guess you're wondering why all of a sudden I'm back?" she questions but didn't give me a chance to respond as she began taunting me.

"Well you see Jaxon; my husband has been killed in prison. Which I guess you already know and although I don't love him anymore and have moved on myself, you have to pay for it! My children are now fatherless now due to you and for that it will be your children that are going to pay for it!" my heart sped up at the thought of her doing something to Joshua.

"How dare you! Jaxon's death had nothing to do with me. I didn't even know he was dead until now! And if you think you can sit here and threaten to hurt any of my family then you are up for some awakening because I will kill you with my own bare hands, if you ever and I mean ever! come near my family!" I wanted to scream at her but with so many people around, I didn't want to draw more attention than we already had. Nevertheless I made sure that every word I spoke held enough venom so she knows I meant every single word.

"Aww little weak Isabella has grown up....... Not! See you may act strong but Isabella let's face the truth here. You are nothing against me. You don't stand a chance against me or my family. You see I could've already ended your stupid life but I made an agreement against my better wishes that I was going to wait until Jaxon was realised so he could kill you himself. However with him no longer around to end all this, I guess the rules have changed." The evil smile of pure and utter bliss sent chilling shivers not only down my spine but throughout my entire body.

"Now I am giving you my first and final warning. The next time we meet, you will not be telling me what I cannot do, as you will be too focused on pleading for your life, just as Jaxon did. You are going to suffer so much that I will be laughing and enjoying every minute of it. On top of that I will be giving Jaxon his final dying wish. However when that day will be? You will just have to wait and see because like Jaxon he didn't see it coming just like you won't." I stared at her numb/shocked while on the inside I was screaming for this to be just some sick and twisted joke/nightmare. However, I knew this was real by the way she kept digging her finger nails deeper and deeper until she broke through the skin. Feeling the blood dripping down my hand and leg I wanted to rip her hair out but there was enough attention on us and I really didn't want to draw anymore.

Seeing her men closing in on us, I got up to run but before I could move an inch, I was pushed back into my seat as Audrey took her leave. As soon as she was out of sight, the men standing beside me started to distance themselves as well. Leaving me alone and trembling as I tried to keep my tears from bursting out of my watery eyes I tried my hardest to pull myself together.

She was going to kill me. My children were going to grow up without their mother. Joshua was going to lose me forever and all because of Jaxon! My head began spinning as I thought over everything she had just told me. Jaxon was dead, killed in prison and still he can haunt and torment me from beneath the ground. The waitress came over to see if I was alright and once I reassured her that I was fine, (which I was anything but fine) she left but not before refilling my coffee cup. I held back the tears that were threatening to fall. I hadn't felt this scared or alone for five years and now here I was right now, reliving my life as if I was back in the past.

Once I managed to pull myself together enough to stand without collapsing, I made my way towards the car park. My eyes blurred as I ran shakily through the busy mall. People were staring but I didn't care! I just wanted to get back home, where I could feel safe but would I be safe? I asked myself, whilst at the same time knowing deep down I would never be safe now. Not with Audrey out there!


Isabella has to just tell someone before its too late!

Jaxon dead?

Is this just Audrey??? or is he??

Who do you think is at the door??

Who would love to slap Audrey right now???

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