He's Falling For a Mudblood...

By LoveMeXoXHateMe

54.9K 506 210

Draco Malfoy is an elitist pure blood. He wouldn't even think to speak to anyone less than that! But when he... More

Chapter 0: Info
Chapter 1: The Letter
Chapter 3: Malfoy, Draco Malfoy
Chapter 4: Getting on the Train
Chapter 5: The Train Ride Begins
Chapter 6:Hop, Hop, Hop, Mr. Toady! Wait! Don't Let the Lake Eat Me!
Chapter 7: The Sorting BEGINS!
Chapter 8: Get Your Head Out Of Your Arse!
Chapter 9: How Am I Not In Trouble?!
Chapter 10: He's a Bloody Git... Not Prince Charming
Chapter 11: Prove it...
Chapter 12: Hermione Almost Forgot WHAT?!
Chapter 13: Piss Off, Parkinson! But, Congrats, Harry!
Chapter 14: What Possessed You To Think That Was Smart?!

Chapter 2: Off To Diagon Alley

3.9K 38 2
By LoveMeXoXHateMe


That night I couldn't sleep. My mind raced with all of the things that had gone on earlier that day. I was a witch! AND I was going to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry with my best friend! Jasmine and I would be living together all year long and have classes together about learning how to cast spells and make potions and such! Bloody Hell this will be fun!

After a few hours of lying in bed trying to sleep. I finally managed to fall into a light slumber. It wasn't very restful of long but it was a state of sleep none-the-less. By the time I woke up, my mum was about to start cooking some eggs and toast for breakfast.

“When are we going to... Diagon Alley, is it?” I asked excitedly without even a good morning.

“After breakfast so go get dressed now, love,” Mum told me.

I jumped out of the seat I had just barely occupied and ran off to my room. I tore through all of my dresser drawers and my closet trying to find an outfit. After many combinations being tried, I had finally decided on a pair of cropped black leggings, a jean skirt, and a light blue baby doll top. I pulled back the top half of my hair and tied it up with a ponytail holder, my side bangs falling down gently. After that, I did something I rarely do; I put on some make-up. I decorated my eyelids with a light spread of bronze eyeshadow and a thin line of eyeliner on my upper and lowed lids. I put a light coat of black mascara on my eyelashes and finished my make-up off with a light pink, shimmering lip gloss. I wasn't sure why, but I felt like I needed to dress up a bit. I put a pair of golden heart earrings in my first holes and a pair of light blue studs in my second. Yeah, that's right, I got my ears pierced twice. After looking myself over in the floor length mirror my mum felt necessary to put in my room although I rarely used it, I left my room and walked out into the kitchen where my mom was finishing up cooking.

My mom put my eggs and toast on a plate and handed it to me, putting her food on a different one. We both went to the kitchen table and sat down, digging into our breakfast. I hurriedly ate and carefully placed my dishes in the sink, grabbing a glass of orange juice and sat back down at the table while mum finished up. Once we were both ready, my mum went into her room and pulled out a little pot full of what looked like ashes.

“Okay, Sam, reach into this pot and grab a small handful of the Floo Powder,” Mum instructed. I put my hand into the pot and grabbed a little bit of the powdery substance. “Now, step into the fireplace, say 'Diagon Alley,' and then throw the Floo Powder down. I'll be with you momentarily.” I did exactly as my mum said and ended up coming out in this quaint little shop in an unfamiliar town. I quickly stepped away from the fireplace I came out of and looked around nervously. Seconds later, my mum came out from the fireplace and started to brush herself off a bit. She then pulled a strange brush kind of thing out of her purse and started to brush all of the dust off of me. She spent several minutes trying to get it all off. Finally, she pulled away with a look of triumph on her face. I looked down at my outfit and saw that it was completely clean. Mum then started to brush herself off with me helping as much as I possibly could. Once she was completely clean, we left the store.

I looked around the area and my breath got caught in my throat. Everywhere I looked were people wearing cloaks and odd assortments of casual clothing. So this is what wizards and witches wear! I thought. I was amazed into silence. My mum gently took my hand and lead me towards a humongous white building that said “GRINGOTS WIZARDING BANK” in large letters. A wizard bank! Oh, how exciting!

Okay, so that's it for this chapter! Arigato and ja ne!

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