Dunei - A Murtagh Love Story...

By DrottningFethr

16K 640 181

After travelling together, the bond between Lorena and Murtagh become dunei. They've managed to earn the trus... More

Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Chapter 03
Chapter 04
Chapter 05
Chapter 06
Chapter 07
Chapter 08
Chapter 09
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 - Merry Christmas
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 25

665 23 17
By DrottningFethr

Thorn! Come back!

Lorena pulled on the reins, stopping the stallion, and watched Thorn continue toward the approaching dragon.

Thorn! It's not Saphira, come back!

Don't be thick, of course it's her!

Saphira is blue! It must be Shruikan!

"Lorena," Hafford called as he pulled up beside her, "Is that what I think it is?"

"There are three living dragons in Alagaësia. Thorn, Saphira, and Shruikan. Saphira is blue, and that beast is far too large to be her," Lorena replied slowly, watching Thorn turn and head their way, "Galbatorix has found us."

"We may make it, we need to ride!" Hafford shouted and kicked his horse into a gallop. Lorena heard the other men holler and take off after him, but she stayed and waited for Thorn.

Shouldn't we follow? he questioned as he dived from the clouds. Lorena watched as he plummeted towards her.

We'll never make it to the Surda in time. We have only minutes, she replied as Thorn landed beside her. She wrestled with the reigns as her stallion fretted in fear.

We're just going to sit here and allow them to capture us? he watched the black mass as it became bigger, I remember my chambers... I don't want to be locked up again.

You want to keep running?

Thorn continued to watch the form for a few moments, then turned to her. His ruby eye briefly closed in a deliberate blink.

Lorena dug her heels into her stallions' side and they were off. She felt the batter of air as Thorn launched himself beside her, then soared high above. Up ahead she saw the men had slowed, and had been watching them. But as she came near they urged their horses forward, and their group rode as hard as they could. Lorena could hear the stallion wheezing, and she realised that the poor creature had almost no rest over the past few days. She pushed herself into his mind and tried to motivate him. If the horse had not been breed for trips like this, she was sure he would not have lasted this far.

Behind them Lorena heard the familiar thudding of dragon wings. She glanced behind her, and saw the black form still a fair distance away, but the thudding was growing louder. She tried to swallow the lump in her throat, How large could that monster be?

Thorn however was not worried as she was. Above her Thorn roared, defiant and fierce, and the sound caused the same emotions to boil up inside her. Then another roar cracked the air.

Lorena resisted the urge to clamp her hands over her ears as the air around them seemed to shake. Instead she held onto the reins and to keep the stallion steady, she glanced at the men around her and was shocked to see that they were all still in control of their steeds.

They continued to ride full out, trying to ignore the thudding growing increasingly louder around them, almost deafening. Then the world was thrown into shadow. Lorena looked up and saw what she could only describe as a black, scaled mass. The size was incomparable, perhaps this beast was a thousand times larger than Thorn, she was not sure. But she did know that she and the men had no chance of surviving this encounter.

A few of the horses around her bucked and fell, others bolted in random directions, and those of the group who managed to control their mounts pulled them to a stop. Lorena glanced at Hafford-who stared at the dragon expressionlessly-as the sun once again appeared around them.

The ground shook as if there were an earthquake as the form landed ahead. The horses screamed in fear, and bucked. Lorena desperately held onto the saddle, then felt the stallion topple sideways. Pulling the reins she attempted to straighten him, but he fell anyways. There was no time to jump from the saddle before he landed heavily on his side.

Lorena screamed as her right leg was crushed. Bursts of blinding pain shot through her as she lay pinned. Stars appeared before her eyes and she gasped while wildly attempting to push the beast off her. Pulling her uninjured foot from the stirrup she placed it onto the horses back and used it as extra leverage to try and push herself free. But every movement increased the waves of pain from her crushed limb and eventually she collapsed panting.

With blurred vision she looked up at the midnight coloured dragon who stood before her, a snarl curling its upper lip. Then she spotted a dark figure jump from the dragons back, they crouched to absorb the impact of the landing, but Lorena was shocked that anyone could survive such a jump. The figure stood and began walking her way.

With a new sense of panic Lorena renewed her attempt to get out from under the stallion, but no matter how she tried she could not move him. Glancing up she recognised the king.

He wore his usual black attire, with leather gloves and matching cape. The only colour his bronzed skin and glinting crown. He looked at her with a furious scowl, and Lorena thought that maybe she would survive this encounter, only because Galbatorix would want her to suffer.

Ruby scales appeared in front of her, momentarily blinding her, and she heard a roar. Thorn had dropped from the sky, and he faced Galbatorix. The King glared down at him, then muttered in the ancient language and Thorn fell unmoving.

"Thorn!" she screamed and attempted to sit up and see if he was still alive.

Galbatorix stepped toward them, and grasped the bulk of the small dragon, then lifted him. Lorena watched as he retreated back to Shruikan and somehow managed to balance the weight of the dragon while climbing up.

Once out of sight Lorena looked back at the beast pinning her leg down. She pushed at him again, but knew that she would never get the weight off of her. The sound of feet striking ground caught her attention and she looked back to see Galbatorix coming back toward her.

She glared up at him as he stepped in front of her. Then gasped as he grasped the saddle with one hand, then gave a violent jerk. With inhuman strength the stallion was thrown off of her, and flipped onto its other side. Now being able to see its face, Lorena could tell that the creature was dead. With the weight gone Lorena grasped at her leg, it did nothing to ease the pain, but she found she breathed a bit easier.

Galbatorix watched her as she slowly pushed herself into a sitting position. She ignored his eyes burning into her as she got her good leg underneath her and pushed herself up. White pain exploded through her damaged leg, and she prayed it in vain that it wasn't broken. Gasping she finally managed to stand, balancing all her weight on her left leg. She looked up into Galbatorixs' scowling eyes, and tried to convince herself not to empty the contents of her stomach.

"You want to live?"

Lorena watched the king as he stared at her, and nodded in response. He then reached forward and grasped the pommel of her sword. Pulling the blade from its sheath.

"You're going to run me through with my own sword?" she asked bitterly.

"If you want to live, you need to prove it," he claimed, then he handed her the weapon.

She examined it and wondered if she could run him through with it instead. Then a hand grasped her upper arm. She yelped as her injured leg dragged along the ground, and grasped his arm for extra support. When they stopped she looked up to see they were in front of another fallen horse, and saw Hafford trapped underneath. His stomach was crushed, and his teeth stained red, but his deep blue-grey eyes jumped to her when she appeared. "Help me."

"Prove it."

She tore her eyes away from his and glanced up at Galbatorix, "What?"

"Show me that you want to live. Kill him."

She felt her blood run cold as she stared at the helpless man, pleading for help just as he had helped her. Urgals she had killed, humans she had seen killed, ones that had deserved it in the heat of a fight. But it had never been by her hand, and it had never been someone who she considered innocent.

She stared into his intelligent blue-grey eyes, eyes that he had passed onto his new born daughter, his daughter that she had held and reminded her of her own potential children. And with a gut wrenching agony she saw those intelligent eyes realise what she was going to do, even as she realised it herself.

"I am sorry," Lorena whispered, as a tear rolled down her cheek, "but you must be willing to protect yourself and what you cherish, no matter what the cost." Then she brought her blade down.

* * *

Clutching the saddle in front of her she waited so that she couldn't feel her pulse behind her eyes. With a swift blow Lorena had ended Haffords life, then she found herself thrown over Galbatorixs' shoulder and carried up onto Shruikans' back. Now she could hear the screaming of men. She looked out over the field in time to see Willy fall from his horse, and hit the ground. He made to stand up just as Shruikan, with glinting white teeth as big as any man, snap around him, cutting him in half.

"You've killed them as if you had cut their throats yourself," a voice rumbled in her ear.

* * *

Lorena held her face in her hands as they flew through the sunny sky. She felt sick for killing Hafford, but watching Shruikan chase down each man from their party and ripping them to shreds was even worse.

I should never have let them come with me, if I had left them behind they never would have been killed.

The arm around her waist continued to squeeze her uncomfortably close to form behind her. She could feel the Kings' hot breathe on the side of her face but she did her best to try to ignore him. Once in a while he would brush his hand over her right thigh, causing pain to shoot through it. She bit her tongue each time, hoping not to alert him to how badly it hurt, though she was sure he knew.

She would be worried as to where Thorn was, but it took only a moments thought to realise that it was ridiculous to think that Galbatorix would have permanently harmed him in any way. However he was nowhere in sight, so she guessed he must be tied down-either physically or magically-somewhere behind them.

"Here we are," Galbatorix stated from behind her.

Lorena jumped-surprised to hear him speak-and looked out over the landscape. Scanning the lands she spotted the house that they had been sheltered in up ahead. As she watched the wife emerged, a woven basket of laundry on her hip and new born in the crook of her arm. She threw the basket on the ground beside the line and peered up at the sky, then paused when she spotted them.

Lorena glanced at the King and saw him watching the blonde woman, then she felt a rumble from Shruikan and realised he was preparing to breath fire.

"No!" she screamed, "No! They have a baby! She's holding a new born!"

The rumble intensified, then she was struck by a forceful heat and heard a roar as Shruikan burst forth a tongue of flame. Lorena screamed as she watched the woman turn and attempt to flee from the blaze, but to no avail. She was caught and her black silhouette could be seen running beside her now burning house, before falling to the ground.

"If you had of stayed where you were told to, this never would have happened. If you had stayed in the Capitol, then you never would have caused those men, that woman, or that baby to die."

Lorena stared at the charred bodies, and sobbed helplessly.

* * *

The doors to the throne room flung open and Galbatorix dragged Lorena into the chamber. Clamping her hand atop of his she tried to minimise the sting from his grasp on her hair, but she couldn't help her eyes watering. She stumbled along beside him, her leg exploding with agony and dragged uselessly. She glanced up to see a lone figure kneeling in front of the stairs leading up to the throne.

An old ragged scar ran from his right shoulder to left hip, but the rest of the abuse was fresh. The skin was split in several places, and blood ran over the horridly bruised skin. His back was an explosion of colours from blue, purple, and green to yellow and red, as if he had received beatings over several days.

Galbatorix stepped past the figure and threw her against the stone flooring. Pushing herself onto her side she looked up at Murtagh. The side of his mouth was swollen, lip split, and covered in blood from where his nose had run, which sat crooked and obviously broken. His right eye was puffed up and so deeply purple it appeared almost black. He stared down at her with a sick look.

"Murtagh," Lorena whispered and reached out to him. A boot stomped into her field of vision, reminding her that Galbatorix was still present, when it came crushing down on her left arm.

She let out a piercing scream as she felt it break with a loud snap.

"Was your defiance worth it now, Murtagh?" Galbatorix shouted, as a pair of soldiers appeared next to them. Between them they carried Thorn, whom they dropped heavily onto the stone flooring. Lorena heard Murtagh cry out, and she too panicked, until she saw that although he lay unconscious, his side was moving as he breathed.

"Calder!" Galbatorix called out.

Lorena managed to glance up and see a small man she previously overlooked. He stepped forward, holding a wooden chest. He placed the object on the ground and opened the lid before removing a long jagged blade. Pressing the handle into Galbatorix's palm, he stepped back.

Lorena turned her attention back to Murtagh, who starred up in hatred at Galbatorix. Then she felt a knee dig into the small of her back. Yelping, she tried to crawl away but the pressure stopped her from being able to move. Instead she lay face down on the stone floor, while Galbatorix cut open her travel shirt and silk nightgown underneath, revealing her back.

Cold steel traced down her spine, causing her breath to hitch. The blade was brought back up, the jagged shards scratching her exposed skin along the way. Lorena attempted to wiggle free one more time before the blade was shoved into her shoulder.

She screamed again, the white pain almost unbearable with her other injuries. Then the blade sank in further and she bit her tongue, her mouth filling with blood. She spat crimson and lifted her eyes to Murtaghs'.

"Have you had enough yet, Murtagh? Did you want me to continue, or have you learnt your lesson?"

When Murtagh remained silent, staring back into Lorenas' eyes with an indescribable emotion, Galbatorix twisted the blade.

Her body convulsed in an uncontrolled spasm and she cried out pitifully. "Are you going to steal from me again, or have you learnt your lesson?"

"Not again." Murtagh called.

"And what about you?" He grasped a fistful of hair and gave Lorena a shake, "Have you learnt your lesson, will you try this foolishness again?"


Lorena gasped as the blade was ripped from her right shoulder. She pushed herself up and looked to see Galbatorix step in front of Thorn, the jagged blade in his hand with bits of flesh hanging onto it. Then her weight was too much to support, and she fell into darkness.

* * *

A cold chill hit her bare flesh bringing her back to awareness, then familiar images flashed through her mind.

She sat upon a thoroughbred stallion, galloping across open fields with a powerful ruby dragon soaring along beside her.

A blue-grey eyed baby nestled comfortably in her arms, reminding her of her little Selena, and the same blue-grey eyes on a young man. Then the baby in the safety of her mothers' arms before both being consumed by flames, and the young man with stained red teeth and a sword severing his head from shoulders.

A black dragon as dark as midnight descending from above her.

A kneeling dark haired man, with a bloodied and bruised face staring down at her with an unrecognisable expression.

Unknown people dressed in shirts with a flame dragging her down a hallway.

Three familiar women tugging at her clothes and white with panic.

Hands grabbed her arms and pulled her into a sitting position. The combination of the grip and movement causing explosive pains to shoot through her, from her left forearm and right shoulder.

"Stop," she tried to shout.

"I need to get you to stand," a man informed her in an indifferent tone.

"I can't," she sobbed as he pushed her legs off the side of the bed, "I can't."

The hands shifted to under her arms and she was lifted to her feet. Her shattered leg buckled and she collapsed against him, sobbing and shaking.

"My leg!"

"What happened?"

"Horse," she gasped.

Next thing she knew she was back against the soft sheets, in a hysterical state. She tried to curl in on herself, but the movement caused white pain through both her arms and right leg. Instead she lay, puffy eyed and sobbing, while her body spasmed.

Lorena was unsure of how long she lay there, but was aware of people around her. Someone knelt next to her and stroked her face, occasionally holding a moist cloth to her lips for her to drink. When her body once again laid still she felt hands against her leg, prodding and testing.

"Get away from me," Lorena would have growled if she had had any energy left.

"M'Lady, he's trying to help. You're... well, you need to be healed," there was a pause, "We were so worried about what had happened to you."

"Sigrun?" Lorena asked, finally recognising the voice. She glanced up at the figure kneeling beside her, but her eyes wouldn't focus. "We almost made it."

"Made what?"

"Made it out of here. We were less than a days ride to Surda. We almost made it out of the Capitol."

"You and the Rider?"

"No, Thorn, the dragon. Almost made-" Lorena screamed as she felt the shards of her bones slip back into position in her leg. A voice whispered in her ear and a soft hand stroked her face but she barely noticed. When the bones finally rearranged themselves she lay panting.

"Flip her onto her stomach to give me better access to her wounds." Lorena felt hands grasp her sides and dreaded what they would do next. As they started to flip her she panicked and fought against them, moving her arms expelled the rest of her energy and she lay in agony as darkness enveloped her.

* * *

Coming back into consciousness Lorena felt fingers stroking her temple. Opening her eyes she saw Sigrun sitting beside the bed. The handmaiden smiled tenderly. "The healer says you're good as new."

I don't feel it, Lorena attempted to say, but her tongue felt thick in her mouth and she only mumbled.

"I'm so sorry this is happening to you."

Lorena slipped her eyes away from her gaze and stared up at the ceiling. Even thinking seemed to take up too much energy. She wasn't sure how long she lay there, Sigrun sitting by her side before eventually speaking up.

"You need to be more careful."

"What do you mean?" Lorena whispered.

"While you were unconscious you were repeatedly calling out that Riders' name."

"I was not."

"Yes, you were. Every time we moved you, or he was healing you, you would call out to Murtagh. Sometimes you begged him to help, or yelled at him to run."

Lorena dragged her eyes away from the ceiling to stare at the woman, before glancing around the room. "Get me off this bed."


"Get me off," she said again as she tried to push herself upright, causing her head to spin "nothing good happens here."

"Nothing good happens in any part of the Capitol."

"Well, I hate this spot the most, take me to the lounge."

Lorena leaned heavily on the older woman as she helped her across the room. Once there Lorena collapsed and stared at the brown-silver Urzhad pelt on the floor. Sigrun spoke to her but Lorena didn't hear, she continued to stare at the pelt refusing to let any thoughts flow through her mind until she once again slipped into unconsciousness.

* * *

Lorena stirred on the lounge. She wasn't sure how long she had slept, the time she had been in the capitol was all a blur. Nuzzling her head into the crook of her arm she marvelled at how this lounge was more comfortable than her bed at her home on the Az Ragni.

Suddenly an uncomfortable feeling crept over her, as if she was being watched. Slowly opening her eyes she allowed them to adjust to the light then looked up to see a figure seated in front of her. With a scream she jumped to her feet.

Before her, Galbatorix didn't flinch. The King continued to stare at her with a stony expression as he stood. Lorena back away as he took a step forward.

"You stole from me."

"I didn't steal from you," Lorena whispered as she continued to slowly back away.

"You are my property, running away is stealing from me," he stated, then an evil light crept over his stare, "and Thorn, how dare you drag him with you."

"He wanted to go," Lorena snarled despite her racing heart beat, "he wanted to get away from you."

"What he wants is of no concern. Thorn is a hatchling, and you a child, both too young to know better."

"A child by whose standards? I may be a child to you, but to an elf you would be nothing more than a bumbling babe."

Lorena knew she successfully angered him when he strode forward, grasped her throat, then shoved her against the wall.

"You will never steal from me again, do you hear me?" Grabbing at his arm she tried to pull his hand away, with no success. Instead Galbatorix tightened his grip and lifted her so her feet dangled almost a foot from the ground and they were eye to eye. "Do you hear me?"

Throat burning Lorena forced herself not to nod, self preservation not as important as defying this man. They continued to stare at each other, the lack of oxygen causing black spots to appear before her eyes. Her hands grew slack against his arm, and she felt her fingers slip across his bronzed skin as her energy drained. She wanted to laugh as the Kings face grew infuriated but the spots frantically multiplied and she fell into oblivion.

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