Leave Me With A Gun

By SUEizzaQT

528 13 7

NOT A FANFIC In the future the world is mainly at war apart from certain districts, running all is the Sommer... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Part 2 Chapter 1

Leave Me With A Gun

172 2 2
By SUEizzaQT

This is a story I was working on last year and it's NOT a fanfic but my characters qwere based around the looks and attitudes of the members of My Chemical Romance and the story was inspired by the song 'I Never Told You What I Do For A Living'. Sorry to anyone who actually thought this was a fanific but I do LOVE MCR <3 AND I am so sorry for all of the punctuation and spelling mistakes this was a nightly thing that I did when I was half asleep (:




-My eyes scaled the large hall, to one side were my father’s officials. To the other side were the richer families, all liked to suck up and listen to my father every time he declared something.

I sighed and glued my eyes to the large arched window, it was hard to see outside but I managed to see the clouds that rolled in.

  I smiled, rain was good. I sat back in my seat and watched the front of the hall where my mother and father were supposed to be in a few minutes.

When I felt a hand on the small of my back I almost screamed, but instead I turned quickly to be face to face with Rowan Whitfield- His blue eyes lit up and he smiled at me, I smiled back.

 “Hello darling, how was your day?” He asked, I shrugged and pulled a face, he grinned and leant forward to press his lips to my cheek.

This was Rowan, highest official under my father’s command. Twenty-six years old, smart and handsome. He was nice too, not to mention my fiancé.

 He leant down slightly beside me, “Your father is going to announce our wedding date, so expect a lot of excited people.” He whispered in my ear before pressing his lips to my cheek again and walking off.

  I watched after him, and frowned, Great. I was going to be congratulated and there would be a hell of a lot of people asking for details.

Now I would have to start acting all chirpy about a wedding…

It wasn’t long before my parents were standing out the front of the crowd as the head of Government for the whole district.

 It had its ups and downs, being the daughter of the Governor of the most recognized district of 2090. Since the wars had begun in 2017, a Government was formed so that every ‘old’ country was classified as a district, at least the ones who weren’t wiped out. Every ten years a get together of all the Governors would decide which district would be classified as the Empire for the next decade.

   If anything happened to my parents I would become Governess of the current Empire, it was a scary thought, yes… Me? In charge of millions or even billions of people, I highly doubted that would work out.

-Breaking through my slow thoughts was a loud cheering noise, I looked around to figure out that my parents had just made the announcement.

 “Come on up Victoria,” my mother called, I tried not to yell back ‘NO!’, so I stood begrudgingly and forced a smile as I stumbled through the hall, past the crowd and up a few small steps until I was standing next to my short mother and proud father.

  I stood awkwardly in my knee length skirt, too tidy and smart for my liking- It was a fact that I was known to be more of a wild daughter, as soon as I was old enough I was partying and getting into trouble, I liked it rough… Don’t ask me why, I just did.

I looked down to Rowan who smiled from the large group of men in smart suits. He was one of the tallest and definitely handsomest, most were middle aged and overweight. But not Rowan, he had bright blue eyes and brown hair that was combed back slightly but still poked out in the right places.

I spent the next few hours trying to hide from the public, around our manor, but the problem was that half was being renovated, it was in the centre of our Empire capitol, and the grounds where I was were open to most of the public.

   After seeing an elderly couple I jumped for a hedge, I stayed behind the large green shrub for at least five minutes before almost running to the door of the manor.

The security saw me and smiled before opening the large doors, I rushed in and instantly I felt less stressed. It was cool in the manor, the floors were tiled with marble and the ceilings were high, the walls were decorated with rather boring portraits.

  I passed a few staff who strolled through, all smiled politely and I forged smiles to give back.

I hated the attention- Unless it was on me whilst stoned and table dancing like once or twice before…

 I fond myself subconsciously wandering toward the kitchen, I pushed the swinging doors and entered, it was busy- Seem as how dinner was coming up. The whole kitchen smelt awesome and cooks and chefs dashed around

   I shook my head at their mad dashing about and headed to the pastry chef, Noel, I smiled at him and he grinned.

“Pre-Dinner snack my dear?” He asked, I pulled a face and shook my head,

“Nah, I’m going to skip dinner tonight, too many people will be there. So is it alright if I grab a croissant now?” I wondered, and fluttered my eyelashes.

  Noel grinned broadly, “Of course, you have no need to even ask!” He spun around and grabbed a large croissant, he handed it to me and it was still warm.

I beamed at him, “Thankyou so much, you will definitely be in charge of the pastries at my wedding!” I assured him before taking a bite out of the croissant and turning.

 I escaped the rush of the kitchen and nibbled on the croissant until I reached the elevator, it was gold painted. I slipped in and the voice asked which floor, “Three.” I answered before it pinged and started moving.

 I finished off the croissant as the doors opened again, I exited to the third floor of our manor, it had the bedrooms of those who lived here- That was my parents, my cousin Gregory, one or two officials, me and Rowan. It was apparently the most guarded floor, but I couldn’t see any security…

 I made my way up the corridor to my room, I found my key and unlocked the door before shutting it again.

I switched on the chandelier, and my whole room lit up. It had beautiful wooden boards, and plush furniture. A large bathroom and a walk-in wardrobe, the bed was big enough for at least seven people to sleep in comfortably… But Rowan and I managed it well…

  I headed to the walk-in wardrobe where I studied myself in the mirror, I was fairly tall, I was lightly tanned and had blonde hair that was loosely curled to my shoulders, grey-blue eyes and full lips. I had a nice figure, I was slender but not too slender, I had a few nice curves in the right places.

I was quick to take off my skirt and find a pair of denim mini-shorts that looked alright with my neat blouse.

I ran my hands through my hair before studying my ring, it was a shining gold with a diamond in the middle, it made me feel giddy every time I remembered that night. Rowan had been walking me back from a dinner with the officials, and outside my door he dropped to his knee and asked, I spent about ten minutes just standing there in shock before saying “Maybe.” So instead of getting up and acting irritated he asked to come in, we spent the night curled up on my bed just talking… Then when the morning came, I said yes, I decided it would be nice to have someone I love that I could always rely on and not have to worry about dressing to impress guys at dances- No, I was taken and all I had to do was impress Rowan, which wasn’t hard to do.

  I ran my fingers along the silk gowns, day-dresses, skirts, trousers and blouses that took up most of the wardrobe, then I came to run my fingers along the more firm materials of suits, ones that Rowan wore- Rarely did he wear anything but them.

I shrugged and turned on my heels before shutting the door of my wardrobe and walking to the small lounge suit, I sat on the plush red sofa and glued a frown to my face.

   I let another hour or so pass, and preoccupied myself with practising dance moves. I laughed at myself, it made you feel good to dance without a care but you always knew you looked like a total imbecile.

There was a knock at my door and I froze in the middle of trying to moon walk, I pulled a face before hurrying to open the large door.

It was just Colleen, she was sort of my mother’s best friend- But more of a suck up wife of an official.

  “Good evening Victoria, congratulations on deciding the date of your wedding.” She said happily, I smiled quickly,

“Did you need something Colleen?” I wondered, and tried my best to hold the door in front of my mini-shorts, ‘non-professional’ was what they were.

 “Your mother sent me to see if yo were ready yet actually, for dinner tonight.” She said quickly and looked to my plain blouse,

I raked my brain in the seconds I had- I was sick, yes.

I forced a cough, “Um, I’m actually coming down with something, so I won’t be attending tonight, I don’t want to pass it onto others.” I acted all bummed out.

  “Really? How do you feel?” She wondered, and pouted.

“I-I… I feel dizzy, and tired… You know, so I’ll probably just get some sleep.” I shrugged, Colleen pulled an ‘I’m sorry’ face.

  “Well, I’ll just tell your mother that. I hope you get better soon, good night.” She said quietly,

I nodded, “Yes, me too. Good night, I hope you enjoy dinner.” I said quickly before shutting the door again and running over to my bed and jumping on it.

I flopped around on the cushy bed, and ruffled up the silky coverlets, that was too easy I had to admit. Usually my mother would badger me for ages, so I was glad it was Colleen.

  I jumped up from my bed before heading to my bathroom, I emptied my cosmetics on the basin and started practising makeup on myself. It was pretty pitiful what girls did when no one was watching, but what else could I do? 

I managed to do my makeup, remove the hair on my legs and paint my nails al before I heard the door open.

 I frowned, not sure who it was. Probably my mother, telling me I should be at the dinner right now- ‘There is still time to mingle Victoria, you can still impress all of your people and my suck ups-’ I laughed at my mind’s interpretation of my own mother.

-Then there were hands on my hips and a face next to mine, I turned my head slightly to be confronted by Rowans blue eyes.

“Why were there rumours of you being pregnant circling around at dinner?” He wondered and kissed my neck.

I laughed quietly, “Uh, damn… It’ll be because of the ‘symptoms’ I told Colleen Bohan when she came to see me…” I mumbled and felt goose bumps rise all over every time his lips pressed to my skin.

“Oh…” He mumbled and held my close and let his lips trace down my neck, “Dinner was good… But it was rather boring talk that went on.” He muttered before turning me around.

  I looked up to his face and puckered out my bottom lip, “Aww, poor you.” I giggled quietly before resting my head against his chest.

“Let’s go and sit on your bed, it’s chilly in here.” Rowan muttered and pulled me along, I shuffled, until we got to my bed where I laid down.

  Rowan laid next to me, and watched me. I blushed, “You really have to stop looking at me so closely… It makes me feel like I should be really self conscious.” I mumbled and pouted.

“You are perfect just the way you are Vicky, and I’m just trying to see what you are thinking… You’re awfully hard to read.” He murmured,

I smiled slightly, “Well, you just need to know that I love you… And that I am far from perfect, but I will accept your compliment anyway…” I whispered before leaning in and pressing my lips to his, it was a warm feeling as our lips moved against each other and his hand reached up to caress my foundation covered cheek.

  We kissed for a long time, cuddled for ages…

“What are you doing tomorrow?...” He breathed against my neck and moved his hands to my top button,

“Mmm… I’m not sure… Probably nothing…” I mumbled and arched my neck back, he chuckled quietly before his mouth was on mine again.

 Rowan’s hands moved over my buttons undoing all of them before his hands moved to the zip on my denim shorts, “… That’s good… I was going… Going to asked if you wanted to come and get some lunch at a restaurant with me…” He murmured against my lips.

 “Yes… I’ll go… Anything to get away from here for a bit…” I giggled a little as he pulled down my shorts- But then he stopped, he sat up quickly and looked around.

I sat up slowly and frowned, “What’s the matter?” I asked, Rowan’s eyes narrowed- Then I heard it too, it was like a bang off in the distance, “What is that?” I whispered.

 Rowan’s eyes met mine before he jumped up, he rushed over to a set of draws and threw open a draw, he reached in to the back before revealing a hand gun.

My eyes widened, “Vicky… Sweetheart, stay in here…. Keep this on you.” He said quickly before trying to do up his buttons, he handed me the gun.

  I instantly dropped it on the coverlet, “Why? What is happening?” I questioned, Rowan shook his head.

“Vicky, those noises are gunshots… And they’re in the manor, I want you to not care for anyone but yourself, keep yourself safe. I need to see what is happening.” He muttered and got his last button done up, he leant down next to the bed before kissing my lips quickly. “I love you.”

Rowan turned to leave but I grabbed his arm, “When will you come back?” I questioned, my eyes big and my heart racing.

“… I don’t know, but I will make sure you’re safe… If I… I don’t come back, go to this address and make sure no one knows it is you. This man will get you to safety…” He muttered as he grabbed my arm and scribbled something on it.

That’s when I watched my love leave me in my room, with a gun.

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