It's hard to stay the same (d...

Oleh ReverseFalls13

97 15 18

Doctor Who/Divergent fanfic. Not sure how much of Doctor Who, but whatever. Tris and Tobias have a girl, Jade... Lebih Banyak

4-the end of the Doctor


22 2 2
Oleh ReverseFalls13

Aria frowned at Jade and watched their intertwined hands as she pulled Aria into Jade's apartment. She pulled Aria into her bedroom. She shut the door, before backing Aria into the closed wood door and smashing their lips together. Aria intertwined her fingers into Jade's dark black hair.

Jade pulled Aria's hands from her black hair and pressed them against the wall. Pulling her hands from Jade's grasp, Aria pulled up Jade's black Dauntless shirt. Both were 19 years old and both had highly passed initiation.

"You got an Abnegation tattoo?" Aria asked, tracing the hands on her stomach.

"Yeah," Jade responded, breathless as Aria's cool hands were on her boiling skin.

"I have one too," Aria said, moving her hands along Jade's warm torso. Jade shivered and pressed their lips together again.

"I wanna see," Jade whispered, pulling off Aria's black shirt to see all five factions in a circle around her belly button.

"I'm not Candor," Jade admitted, starting to kiss Aria's neck.

"I knew that when you lied to one of our instructors about why we were late," Aria said, giving a small gasp as Jade nipped Aria's collarbone. Aria's eyes lulled closed and her hands wrapped around Jade's warm neck.

"Stop," A stern voice commanded, pulling Jade from Aria and both girls opened their eyes. Two metal men were holding the two girls against opposite walls. "You are human. You are unimportant. You will be deleted or upgraded," the one holding Aria said.

"Oh, I am so sorry you two!" Another man said, gaining the attention of the two girls. He wore a brownish tweed jacket and a pink dress shirt, holding a messily done red bow tie intact. His pants were long and black, and his shoes were black boots. In his right hand, there was a metal thing with a green tip. "Sorry about them," he said, pointing to the two metal men. "They don't like humans."

"Jade Eaton, daughter of Tobias Eaton and Tris Prior," the metal man holding Jade said in a monotone voice. "Age of 19 and 8 months."

"Aria Stark, daughter of Edward Stark and Aurora Stark. Both dead," the one holding Aria to the wall said. "Age of 19 and 7 months."

"Would you let them go? They did nothing to you!" The man said.

"They are human. They are unimportant," the metal men said at the same time.

"Please," Aria pleaded. "Just let us go."

"You are human. You are unimportant," the metal men said. "You will be upgraded."

"At least let us get our shirts on!" Jade yells, clasping her hands around the metal man's arms. "Please, I beg of you."

"You will be upgraded," the metal man repeated. Aria gave out a battle cry and banged on the man's chest. She slammed her fist into the blue centerpiece, and all lights flickered on the metal man and he let go of Aria.

"Hit the blue thing in his chest!" Aria gasped, collapsing against the carpet. Jade slammed her fist into the metal man's blue light and his lights flickered as well, the man's lights stopping as it let so of Jade.

Stumbling to Aria's side, Jade collapsed next to her and picked her up into her arms. "Aria? Aria?" Jade kissed Aria softly on her forehead.

Aria mumbled something and her eyes fluttered. "Jade," she sighed, reaching up and tracing Jade's cheekbones.

"I love you," Jade said. "I am never saying that again."

"You better not, Jade Eaton," Aria narrowed her eyes and kissed Jade roughly.

They never heard the two 'exterminates'. Jade pulled away slowly, savoring every second. "I never-" Jade let out a small cry as all the light left her body.

Jade slumped over and all happiness left Aria's blue eyes. He looked over to her sides and saw something that looked like an old saltshaker that only the factionless use.


"No!!" A woman with black hair and a cherry red dress with black boots like Aria was currently wearing jumped between the laser and Aria and collapsed to the carpet. She was dead, like Jade.

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