The Heart of Alexander

By kendeldon

92.7K 3.4K 399

Based off true events tells a story of Roxana, a Bactrian Princess held captive under Alexander the Great. Sh... More

Author's Note
Chapter One - Invasion
Chapter Two - Imposter
Chapter Three - Fighting the Enemy
Chapter Four - Betrayal and Betrothal
Chapter Six- Day of Doom
Chapter Seven- Hostage
Chapter Eight- Upon The Lash
Chapter Nine- His New Mistress
Chapter Ten- Potions and Poisons
Chapter Eleven- Monsters
Yet another message
Chapter Twelve: Snakes
Chapter Thirteen- The Desert Flower
Chapter Fourteen- Jealous Ambitions
Chapter Fifteen- Among the Stars
Chapter Sixteen- The Monster's Madness
Chapter Seventeen- Beneath the Surface
Chapter Eighteen-Negotiations
Chapter Nineteen- The Desert Queen
Chapter Twenty- Philotas
Chapter Twenty One- Schemes and Vows
Chapter Twenty Two-Intoxication
Chapter Twenty Three-Sister Wives
Coming Soon!
Kill Him with Kindness
Chapter Twenty Four- Rebels
Chapter Twenty Five- Mercy and Grace
Chapter Twenty Six- Equals
Rant Time
Chapter Twenty Seven- On the Battlefront
From a Broken Heart
Chapter Twenty Eight- Life and Death Without Joy
Back and Pumped
Chapter Twenty Nine- Legacy and Love
Question and Answer Time!!
Chapter Thirty- Conquerors
Chapter Thirty One-Bucephalas
Author's Note
Chapter Thirty Two- Unstoppable Queen
Chapter Thirty Three- Queen of Savages
This is Not an Update
Chapter Thirty Four- Turning Back
Chapter Thirty Five- Deceit At Its Finest
Chapter Thirty Six - The Heart

Chapter Five- Secrets

2.2K 94 9
By kendeldon

Sogdiana Rock

Kiro. He was here. He was alive. I couldn't believe it at all.

"Kiro, I thought you were dead," I let the words stumble from my mouth.

"I know how to blend in," he smirked.

I noticed his Macedonian armor was now discarded and replaced by Bactrian peasant clothing and dirtied skin. I had never seen Kiro like this, so vulnerable. A small smile was placed on my face.

"I needed to talk to you," he spoke while I nodded meekly.

"Come in and close the door behind you," and he did, walking towards me.

I felt thrilled that he was here, safe and sound. But I was not yet over about the fact that Kiro hated me. I thought he didn't want to talk to me ever again. I no longer knew what to think.

"It was wrong of me to judge you. You were only doing this for your own good and for your family's safety. I should've known that. I apologize,"

"Are you coming here to kill me? Finish the deed?" I blurted out before covering my mouth.

"What? No. I could not do that after knowing you," he said, taking my hand in his and looking into my eyes.

"Then what do you want, Kiro?" I questioned.

"To confess to you. Since you saved my life, I have wanted you. Wanted to know you, to be around you. But that has grown into something more. I have wanted you more. When I saw you as the Bactrian Princess, I knew I had to stay far from you if we both wanted to survive this. But as i thought more about it, I can't keep myself away form you. I need to spend every waking minute with you," Kiro confessed.

I was stunned. I had never expected this much from him. The look within his eyes was sincere this time. Butterflies began to burst within my stomach, setting off sparks for him. Yet, it was too good to be true. In a few days, I would be married off to a different Macedonian and leave Kiro behind forever.

"Kiro, I can't," I whimpered.


His voice was like honey and silk as he spoke my real name for the first time. Why was I getting such a satisfaction from that?

"Kiro I am to be married off in a matter of days. I can't go back on my father and mother's wishes," I said. Oh how I wished I could.

"It can always be a secret. No one has to know. I can take you away from here. Far away," he whispered.


Before I could protest anymore, his precious lips were against mine with such passion. I could hardly comprehend it, I had never tasted a man on my lips and here I was, kissing Kiro, the man I desired more than anything.

His lips were molded to a perfect fit to mine as his arm encircled my waist, pressing my torso to his. His free hand became fisted into my hair, entangling his fingers through my dark locks as my pinned-up hair came undone. It was like all my anger and frustration melted away. I wrapped my arms around his neck, twirling his dark brown hair around my finger. Our bodies were perfect for each other.

"Kiro, we can't do this," I whispered in between kisses, my lips still pressed to his.

"Shh, just let this happen," Kiro whispered back, his lips leaving mine only to roam their way down to the nape of my neck. My breath hitched in the moment.

Crackk! Kiro and I both turned our heads to look at Theti, who stood within the doorway. The bowl of porridge she had once held was now splattered onto the cold floor with the bowl cracked in half. Her face was in horror and I guess so was I. I pushed Kiro away from me and stood up.

"Who is this?" Theti asked suspiciously, a hint of anger behind her tone.

"J-just a local. It's nothing. Goodbye Kiro," I stated, trying to hide any expression from my face.

Kiro nodded in understanding and slipped past Theti with his head down. Theti had then cast me a look of sheer disappointment. I kept my eyes lowered as I heard Theti walked over to my side and sit herself beside me on the bed.

"Explain yourself to me," she said with a strange calmness to her voice.

"He is just a peasant friend," I spoke softly.

"You don't expect me to believe such a thing. That man had the features of a Macedonian soldier. I also heard you speak his name. Kiro is it? That always is a name only used by the Macedonian. That man is trouble and shouldn't even be alive right now. Your father thought he killed every last one of them. If he sees this man, your father won't think twice about murdering him cold-blooded," she raised her voice. I flinched at the thought of Kiro being murdered at my father's hand.

"I thought you hated every last one of the those Macedonians," Theti spat, "They destroyed your home,"

"He isn't like the rest of them," I argued.

"You don't know what he might be capable of," she countered.

"Trust me on this, Theti,"

"You ask of my to trust you, but how can you trust him?" Theti retorted.

"I just do," I replied softly, my voice beginning to quiver.

"Then explain to me why he was in your chamber alone only a breath away from your pretty face?" Theti questioned suspiciously.

I bowed my head. Even f I wanted to hide it, I couldn't. My curiosity of a man had gotten the better of me. I fumbled with my gown in silence.

"I see it all now," Theti spoke in only a whisper, "I know how that felt. To be able to feel something you never once felt before. We will not speak of this to no one, or else he will be murdered and you will be considered a traitor of Bactria. Do you want that?"

I shook my head no.

"Good. If you want this as bad as you show it, you must learn that everything has to be a secret. THis cannot fall into the wrong hands, or it may be used against you. I have spent many many years in the royal family and I know what deceit is. None of this can be known until you are safely away and out of harm's reach," she explained.

"I don't know what I can do about it though. I am to be wed in a matter of days to a stranger," I said, tears beginning to leak from my eyes.

"Hush, darling. You mustn't get so worked up over these things. Things will look on the better side one day. Just think of the here and now, and what is to become of you,"

"Most commoners would say being poor is hard. But I disagree. I believe being royal is much more of a burden,"

I looked up from the floor to see Theti gone.

Another day had passed. And another.

Since my talk to Theti, I had spent most of my waking hours with Kiro in secret. Some of the days we spent hiding within the confining walls of his peasant quarters. He would teach me more of the culture of Macedon and of the many other empires. I was quite impressed by his knowledge of the outside world, the knowledge I craved to know. Other days he would spend in the abandoned court yard. Kiro would practice his swordsmanship with me although I was nothing compared to his abilities. Then, there were those days I spent lying within his embrace, forgetting the raging war just outside our fortress.

But this dawn would be different. Today, my betrothed would be arriving to meet me for the first time. How I dreaded every bit. I hid away from prying eyes in Kiro's straw bed, wrapped up in his strong arms. Curling up against him, I sighed in relief to have him here with me. His face was in my hair, his lips murmuring sweet nothings into my ear.

"I won't let this man take you away from me," Kiro squeezed me tighter possessively, "I will slaughter him mercilessly," he growled.

"Oh Kiro, we can't change anything. This is my responsibility as the future queen of Bactria. I have tried my best to make things different. I'm sorry for everything," I confessed.

"We can always try. We cannot give up so easily. I know you are not the type of give up," he said.

"And how so?" I asked.

"My Dafina, can you not trust me?" he asked.

"Dafina? My fake name?" I had almost forgotten the peasant name I had given myself.

"It might be just a fake name to you, but to me, that little peasant girl by the name of Dafina was who I fell in love with. Not because of the wealth, or the glory, or even the royalty of Roxana. Just the personality of my dear Dafina," my dear Kiro spoke.

I felt entranced by his words. They had come from the heart. He didn't want my money or my title either. Just me and me only. Tears stung my eyes with joy over this moment. No one I had ever known had ever been so honest to me and so true to me.

Kiro's fingers touched my jaw, turning my head to his. I met his eyes briefly, searching them.The silence between us was torture until the space between our faces closed in as his lips collided with mine. The kiss was sweet and sensual, evolving slowly into more as always.

His hands slipped around my waist as his tongue delved into my mouth, past my parted lips. A moan escaped my lips and I clung to him like never before. Our bodies were instantly molded together like paradise while my fingers began to get tangled within his long locks. Our lips broke away for only but an instant to look into each other's eyes in confirmation before continuing our lustful moment.

I knew I should've stopped, yet I yearned for more. To feel more. Kiro pulled me on top of him as we both kissed in passion. I could tell he didn't want to stop either. I straddled his lap as our mouths were sculpted together. A groan erupted from his throat. Kiro pressed further against her, his body never leaving hers. We were perfect for reach other.

"Roxana, my dear!"

My father called out from outside the window. Kiro and I both froze in silence, scared for our lives. His voice was so close. Too close. I turned to Kiro and breathed a frustrated sigh. We both knew what this meant.

"Take this," he moved my dark hair to the side and placed a chain around my neck. A small pendent dangled from it, "This was my mother's. Take good care of it," he said with a sad smile. 

"It's beautiful. Thank you, Kiro,"

I planted a brief kiss on his sweet lips before fixing my bodice and smoothing back down my gown. It was time to leave to meet my doom. A tear slipped my eyes as I walked out for my departure. I didn't know if I would be back or not.

The sunlight stung my eyes and I squinted to see where my father was mounted on top of his stallion peering down at me. His horse snorted at my sight, as if he was mocking my sorrow of this day.

Behind my father was a litter containing both men and women. I tilted my head curiously and looked around father's blocking horse. Clearly, they were all Macedonians. The litter was a velvet bed with sheer curtains on all sides. Four sturdy men carried the weight of the bed and its inhabitants on their shoulders, each one of their gazing ahead as if in a trance. But within the bed did lie an older man dressed in the finest robes, the scent of wine lacing the air around him as disrobed women pampered him in between their giggling. I was repulsed at the sight.

"My dearest, this here is Toma, one of the most wealthiest men in Macedonia. He has come all this way to take your hand in marriage," Father introduced, "Toma, this here is my beloved eldest daughter, Roxana. I am to hope she is to your liking,"

The curtains were pulled back to expose Toma even more. He looked to be about Father's age, his hair streaked with silver, yet for his age he was well built and toned. The women who were with him shot daggers at me with their hardening glares and judgement in their eyes. The man, Toma, stroked his silver streaked beard as his eyes raked down my body. Once he gaze reached my eyes again, he smiled wickedly. What sickening thoughts were brewing behind those eyes. My cheeks reddened in embarrassment.

"She will do well to serve me. Tomorrow we will wed at sunset as agreed," Toma was short on his agreement, but how his lips curled into a smile at the sight of me said it all. I shuddered under his gaze.

"Excellent! I will show you to your quarters," Father said, beaming.

"Very well," Toma replied.

Toma had given me one last glance before Father motioned for me to depart. I turned away and left, still pondering on an escape.

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