Hang on to your IQ (On Hold)

By The_Used_Grrl

2.7K 111 20

Unfinished, but if you want to read it and be mad at me go ahead. Another Molsdal story. More

I'm Lonely
The Molko Effect .
You see through my disguise
Nothing Ever Goes My Way
Stepping Back In Time
Days Dawning, Skins Crawling
I'll Make it, That's All.
Crush and crumble under your defenses
I'll ask the sea for answers.
Nothing in my dream that isn't creepy crawling.
So all that I can do, is make your fears come true.
Drink You Pretty
I didn't mean it
God knows I've tried
I don't enjoy to watch you crumble

Sadness The Name of The Spike That Took Me.

176 7 0
By The_Used_Grrl

Brian woke up with shitty pointless, just completely pointless things arrived to his brain. He sighed, not seeing Stefan in the room. Welcoming him instead was one of the nurses with his meds and breakfast items that weren't at all plentiful to him. He smiled at the woman, lying about his happiness. The woman set the meal before him, mixing his meds in with his drink, which at the time was orange juice. He was bemused that she mixed them in the glass, since he could take pills. But he let it slide.

The woman gave him a the glass, he drank it down quickly, hating the taste of the juice. The nurse left him after the drink was finished, saying that she would be back later to get the food. Brian just dumped the food in the bin beside him, he didn't want any of the shitty bland stuff.

"Nothing ever, ever goes my way." He said, sighing at the now empty room. He wished he was home, lusting over Stefan Olsdal.


Quinn and Jeph arrived at the hospital, not wanting to know anything except what had exactly happened that night before Brian was found. Quinn guessed he had drank to much, all the man didn't know was that drinking was only part of the problem.

The two stopped at a car, a jet black car with a man inside. A man whom they recognized. He was lanky, in a black long coat and blue jeans. The shirt he wore seemed too small for him, Quinn wondered if that was someone else's shirt. Dyed blonde hair sat spiked at the top of his head. He was sleeping in the driver's seat, looking like he hadn't moved since the night before.

Jeph tapped on the glass, waking up the man immediately. He seemed a little angry once he had rolled down his window. His eyes were barely open, just enough to see two men standing by the window.

"The hell do you fuckers want?" The man asked, rubbing his eyes and getting rid of the died tears from his cry. The window had been rolled down slightly, so that the man could hear Quinn and Jeph.

Jeph answered for Quinn, getting all the words that wanted to fall from his mouth. "What are you doing here?"

Stefan spoke the truth. "I have been here all fucking night. I just wanted to sleep in with him, but they wouldn't let me." He wondered what time it was, saying the exact thing. "What's the time?"

"About eleven." Quinn replied, not actually sure. They had left for the hospital around ten forty-five so it was about eleven.

Stefan got out of the car. "Shit, I told Brian I'd be there as soon as he wakes up." Stef gave the two a look before starting his fast walk towards the building. "Why didn't Bert or Branden come?" He thought that the two would like to see Brian again, just to know that he was fine.

"They both said they would stop by soon." Jeph replied. He took to the front, getting to be the first inside the white halls of the hospital.

The woman sitting at a desk smiled at them, sitting up and pulling her hair back tighter. She kept her gaze on Quinn, whom looked sort of happy at the moment. "Is there anything I could help you all with?" She locked eyes with Quinn an existential amount of times.

"I think we're fine." Stefan said, noticing his friend's attached feeling to hers. Him and Jeph left while Quinn kept behind and flirted with the girl. He didn't want anything more than that.

Stefan opened the door to Brian's room. The room number was 142, which was great for him to be on the first floor. Brian noticed him, and once he did, his smile lit up and he let his feeling slide from the other day into the bin with his old food.

"I'm sorry if I'm late I-." Stefan tried to say sorry with the best explanation he could.

"Hey, at least you're here." Brian said softly, "it's all that truly matters." Stefan sat down and gave him a kiss.

"I arrived too. Remember me? I'm your mate Jepha." He really wanted them to notice his standing in the middle of the room.

"Sorry Jeph." Brian said, pulling his head around to see him. "How are you?"

"Great." He replied, sitting down in a chair beside Brian's white bed.

"I would've thought Quinn came." He said. "You guys are always together when I see you." Stefan noticed something up with Brian, he seemed a lot calmer than usual.

"Yeah. Quinn's probably snogging the girl at the desks face right now." Jeph smiled. "Oh that fucker falls in love fast."

"Yeah," Brian sat up, "I figured out when I'm coming home." He seemed excited about it too.

"When?" Stefan was enticed.

Brian smiled. "Tomorrow." He looked up at the tall teen, eyes shinning bluer than he had ever seen them. "Bring me clothes and my makeup tomorrow please."

"What are you on?" Stefan asked, he was not trying to be rude at all, but it worried him that there wasn't a 'fuck' or 'dammit' in any sentence that fell from his mouth.

"Some pill that's supposed to make me 'feel' better." He rolled his eyes at that. "I mostly just feel fucking sick. And I haven't eaten anything since of the shitty food." Now this was a Brian he knew.

"Okay, do you want me to go get something for you?" Stefan replied, hearing that he wanted something.

Brian looked pleased. "If you would like. Just go steal me something from the vending machine down the hall."

Stefan nodded. "Is there anything else you want?"

Brian shook his head. "I'd wish for an actual good drink like beer or something, but they wouldn't give me that." He looked pissed off. "Those pricks."

Stefan disregarded the last message, knowing how pissed off Brian would be when he gets home. "Alright. I'll be back." He left to go find the vending machine that Brian was talking about.


Quinn quickly slid his shirt on, looking quickly at the halls around him. He flipped his hair from his face and tried to stop himself from panting.

The dark haired woman hadn't come out from where the two just were yet. He had found out her name was Lily, he thought it was such a odd name for a person like her.

She opened to door, only letting her head poke through. "Hey, um so do you want to give me a call sometime." She smiled genuinely at him.

"Yeah, I wrote my number down on that card. It should be in your left pants pocket if I remember correctly." He thought back in his head as to where it could be.

"Okay," she smiled wider at him, letting her pristine teeth show through. "I'll see you soon."

"You too." Quinn hurried off to Brian's room. He was probably wondering where he could be right now.

Quinn stopped when he saw a tall 6'4 man whom looked familiar. He hid behind a wall to not be caught, but Stefan had already found him.

"What the hell are you doing?" He asked, he took out the bag of cookies he had gotten for Brian out of the vending machine.

Quinn stood there, unsure of what he should say. "I-I um-I."

"You shagged the woman in the front." Stefan smiled. "Great for you."

"How'd you know?" He asked, pulled his hair from his face, it was getting to long for him. He always had to move it when he had his eyes open.

Stefan smirked. "I can tell, it's really obvious when you have your shirt on backwards." Stefan turned and went back to Brian's room. Quinn looked down and noticed his problem, fixing it.

"I found Quinn." He said as he entered the room. He gave Brian his bag of cookies and sat down beside him.

Jeph wanted to know more than the blue eye man sitting beside him. "Where was he?" He asked.

Stefan grinned at Jeph. "He shagged the woman at the front. He caught me in the hall while he was coming back."

Brian sat up, "Really?" He laughed. "Wow Quinn, even I wouldn't do that. I at least see the person and know their fucking name before that happens." Brian actually liked this story, it was better than his right now.

Quinn arrived in before anyone got anything else out. He shut the door and went in cautiously. Everyone's eyes caught him. "You told them didn't you?" He asked Stefan, trying to secretive.

Brian broke out laughing. "You are such an idiot Quinn. This is funny, but you're such an idiot." He took another cookie before he could say anything worse to him. Stefan decided to take one, tasting how terrible these things were. He wondered how Brian could eat it, but the man devoured it anyway.

"I know I am, but hey I least I got something you didn't." He sat down with a smirk on his face. Brian didn't really care at all, he smiled and looked into his partner's eyes. Stefan just broke the last cookie in half and gave it to him. Brian wished Stefan had gotten him something else, but he let that feeling slide.

"So, do you know where you're coming home yet?" Quinn asked, the man hadn't gotten through that in the time he was there.

Brian smiled. "Tomorrow." He kissed Stefan lightly. "I'm so fucking exciting mate," he looked at him with eyes so precious, that Stefan wanted them, right now. "I think we should both get wasted."

Stefan wanted to tell him so badly. Hey, you're not going to do anything harmful for a while, also I'm gonna stay with you so you won't freak out. But he didn't have the guts to do it. Stef smiled and looked back with his brown eyes, trying not to say something to intrigue Brian.

"Is there something wrong?" Brian asked, he knew there was something upsetting the man. Stefan seemed like he was hiding something.

Stef shook his head, lying. He could tell Brian knew it. "We'll drink to freedom." He smiled up at Quinn and Jeph, cautious about what to do.

Brian nodded, leaving the thought stay in his mind.

All through the day, even when Bert and Branden had arrived in the afternoon, he still thought about Stefan's awkward smile. It made him feel like something was up, and he needed to know what the hell it was. It was getting to him, making him angry.


"I think I'm going to go." Stef looked up at the windows in the little hospital room, it had decided to become pitch black out in the early autumn day. The twenty-one year-old rose up from Brian's bed and got his things together, which mostly consisted of a jacket.

Brian looked up at him. "Remember my clothes tomorrow." He said politely, giving a warm embrace to Stefan. "I don't want to leave here like this."

"I know," the teen sighed, "I'll bring something nice." He kissed his forehead. "See you early."

Brian spoke up, needing to know what Stef had been thinking. "Y'know earlier when we had a chat and I said that I wanted to drink and be wasted?" Hopefully this would give him an answer.

"Yeah," The tall Swede turned around, itching the back of his head, "what about it?"

"Why did you not say anything after I mentioned that? You seemed to want to speak up, baby, you know you can tell me anything." Brian uttered the most cliché thing from his mouth.

"I didn't have anything to say," the man lied, "goodnight my friend." He shut the door before Brian could let anything spill from his soft lips.

Stefan walked the halls and to the outside world, where his car was parked. He got inside slowly and drove off, going to his home the rest the weight of his world from his shoulders.

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