Change Is Yesterday.

By horriblekid143

31.2K 279 101

There's a long history between Connie and Alex. They met when Alex lived in Essex before he 'took a fated tri... More

Chapter 1: Not Again
Chapter 2 (Part A): Run Baby Run, Don't Ever Look Back.
Chapter 2 (Part B)
Chapter 3: Past Becomes Future.
Chapter 4: No Escape.
Chapter 5: The Secret Life.
Chapter 6: Hopes.
Chapter 7: Trapped In-between.
Chapter 9: Irony's A Bitch.
Chapter 10: Where Do You Go When You've Reached Your Limit?
Chapter 11: Stay Close Don't Go.
Chapter 12: Never Stood A Chance Out There.
Chapter 13: Why Don't You Say So?
Chapter 14: Girls Make Boys Cry.
Chapter 15: Please Take Me Anywhere But Here.
Chapter 16: You've Made Your Bed, Sleep Tight My Love.
Chapter 17: She's So Close But She's So Far Away.
Chapter 18: Tearing At the Seams.
Chapter 19: Eat Your Heart Out.
Chapter 20: You're Worth Fighting For.
Chapter 21: We Could Run Away From Here.
Chapter 22: Catch My Breath.
Chapter 23: We Should Know Better, But We Won't Let Go.
Chapter 24: Love Is Just A Chemical Creation.
Chapter 25: Who Could Deny These Butterflies?
Chapter 26: If You're Afraid I'm Just A Kiss Away.
Chapter 27: He's Determined To Call Her Bluff.
Chapter 28: But Where's Your Heart?
Chapter 29 (Part One): Ready For Forever.
Chapter 29 (Part Two). THE END.

Chapter 8: No Idea.

983 8 1
By horriblekid143


She'd been a ghost this past week. Empty and devoid of any emotion. She was just drifting; not actually taking in the world around her, wrapped up in her torturing thoughts. And she'd gotten worse as time passed. I was lucky to even get a noise out of her now. Obviously I was the only one to notice this drastic change in Connie's verbal input and personality; everyone else was too busy screaming in excitement for the concert tonight. 

I did think it was weird that the time between them putting the tickets on sale and the tour actually starting was exceptionally small. And they were going to so many places that other bands never bother going to. They were covering the whole of the UK, like they wanted to see every town, every city, go to as many places as possible.

Everyone was flitting around the kitchen, considering getting some breakfast but then deciding they were too excited and they'd be sick. Chloe had been up since three o' clock, soon followed by Katie, Kristal and Sian. I'm surprised they even went to sleep at all, when it neared half past one in the morning I thought they never would.

James was still in bed which showed how much he liked All Time Low in the first place. I really don't know why Sian and him were still together, they're so ill suited for each other. He's into Slipknot, she hates them and loves All Time Low; he watched horror films, she watched chick flicks. The cliche stuff, but it all mounted up quite significantly, I was amazed they ever had anything to talk about. They do say 'opposites always attract', but these two were just too opposite.

Connie. Of course she wasn't up; I think if it was up to her she wouldn't change that status until tomorrow morning, and miss the concert completely. Ever since Katie announced she had tickets for us all, she'd said a grand total of five words in a week. I had no idea why she was acting that way, but I had to find out, not for my benefit, but because if she didn't talk soon she'd implode!


Camden Roundhouse really was a beautiful venue. I loved the gigs here more than any other place, just because it was so intimate. All Time Low had chosen quite intimate venues this tour, when I knew for a fact they could be playing to much bigger crowds. The queue was already snaking halfway down the street, and it was only lunchtime. This was going to be a very very long day. 

She wasn't even here yet. Using the excuse of a hangover to stay in bed- when I knew for a fact she'd only had one beer last night. I really hoped she came. I'd given her a stern look as I left and told her to make it in time. As soon as the words had left my mouth, I didn't believe she would. it really would be a miracle if she came.

It reached quarter to seven and the doors opened in fifteen minutes. And she still wasn't here. I was getting seriously worried now, I didn't have a clue where she was or why she wasn't here. Deciding I couldn't put it off any longer, I pulled out my phone and dialled her number. She picked up on the first ring.

"Behind you." I heard a voice from behind me.

"You made it!" I gave her a huge hug and she just hung lifeless and limp in my vice tight grip, but I didn't care, she was here and she was safe.

"Sure did! Wouldn't miss this for the world." I could tell she was making an effort to sound upbeat and excited. So I went along with it. For now. Maybe I was reading too much into the whole thing. Maybe she just didn't like All Time Low and that's why she wasn't excited. But that didn't explain her lack of communication for a whole week...

"Oh, you're here. I thought you weren't going to bother for a while there. What's wrong with you anyway? You hungover? You can't possibly not be excited? You're gonna see Alex Gaskarth! He's so hot, but he's mine so back off 'kay?" Connie stiffened next to me and I turned to see her eyes widened and her mouth open in shock.

But Katie broke her out of her frozen state with another remark about it being disrespectful to turn up now and not being a 'real' fan if she did that.

"Katie, would you just leave it okay? You had no idea Connie wasn't here in the first place so stop making such a big deal about her turning up now." She glared at me, knowing I was right and hating me for it.

But before she could say anything, tall, bandy-legged girl came bounding towards us with a huge grin on her face. "Oh hey guys! Great to see you all again, it's been too long. How are you all?"

"Hi Nat, we're good. What's new?" Natalie Bowers. She knew pretty much everything you needed to know about where bands were and what they planned on doing. She was a lovely girl, but she had a gossiping mouth which made me quite cautious of her.

"Well, the band are going to be doing a free meet and greet tonight because they've made it clear they want to get out in the town, meeting the people. Alex said he was looking for someone he could "love again", which obviously has everyone fan-girling like crazy, but pretty exciting huh?

"Oh my God, we are so going! I have to meet Alex. I just have have have to! I love him so much!" The last part came out as a singular merged word. Katie was looking at everyone, waiting for agreement. She got it, except one person - Connie. This was too weird. She started playing with her hands, clearly hugely uncomfortable with Katie's comment. I wasn't the only one who noticed this time.

"Who's this awkwa- oh." Natalie just cut herself off as her eyes widened when her gaze landed on Connie. She practically squirmed in discomfort, obviously not liking the attention she was getting. But something was weird here, it was like Natalie knew Connie. But she couldn't. Right?

"Her name is Connie and quit staring at her!" I snapped. She gave me a grateful smile, grateful to not have to deal with this socialite.

Nat's gaze snapped to mine, her jaw dropping a little more before mumbling, "I think that's my cue to leave. See you round guys." Not looking at anyone, she walked back the way she'd just come from. 

Kristal and Sian turned round to face us, "well that was weird. Do you guys know each other or something?"

"Erm...", she hesitated, deliberating something, before speaking on. "I do recognise her, but I, um, don't know where from.. um. She seems nice enough though" I took me a second to recover, she'd said more than she needed too. I stared at her bug-eyed, amazed at her willingness to speak again. 

This night looked like it could shape up to be quite good. At least that's what I wanted to think, but my gut was telling me different. Tonight had the potential to be a disaster and I had no idea why.

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