The Fighter (Ziall Horlik)AU...

Par BriannaLynnC98

410K 17.1K 6K

When there's a problem in your way, use your fists. That's all Zayn Malik has known his whole life. He was fr... Plus

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 11

10K 495 145
Par BriannaLynnC98

Zayn's POV

Three long fucking weeks had past since I had heard from Niall. Three weeks of me calling him nonstop and texting him. I even went to his flat a few times and waited for him to answer me, but it was like he wasn't even there. Those three long weeks were full of me training for the fight I'm currently waiting in my corner on the ring to begin. But, even with the nerves of the nameless man sitting in his corner looking at me like he wants to kill me, I only thought of Niall.

"Focus, Malik. This fight is a big opportunity for you. It's televised, you had a press conference before this and it's worth two thousand dollars if you win. If you can do well here, then you could have a shot at making it out of Bradford for good. You've got this, just focus." Mark told me, looking me in the eyes. I nodded to him and could only hope maybe Niall was watching me on his telly at home. I need some Irish luck.

The referee gestured for the fight to begin by me and this other guy standing in the middle of the ring just like my last fight. I put myself in that mindset that I was the fight before the bell rang. I threw one punch that was packed with all the anger I had in me from getting hurt by Niall and that knocked the guy off his feet. He stumbled back up, but I kept attacking him like he was the one that has caused me to cry more than I ever have in my entire life in just three weeks.

With each hit, there was a reason calculating it. One hit to the man's jaw was for me being stupid and having sex with Niall when our relationship was fragile. A hit to his stomach was for Niall walking out on me the next morning. The next few punches were for the fact I fucking loved that boy even if he hurt me like no one ever has.

I've never loved someone, but I hate it if this is the feeling. The feeling if someone strangling you unintentionally and you love the feeling. It's horrible that I could love someone for the first time in my life after only knowing them for a month. But Niall was different and the way I was around him was different too. I hated it, so with every punch I threw at the man that I was beating bloody I let my hate towards the feeling of love leave my body.

He threw one hit at me that caused me to stumble back into the corner where he begin or have a field day with me. I tried to block and dodge as I much as I could, but the round ended and I know I didn't do that well.

"What do you want most in life? Remember what you told me the first day I trained with you?" Mark yelled at me as I get water squirt in my mouth and blood cleaned off my face. Harry was my water boy for this match because he said he wanted to be here for my second fight. I didn't mind because his green eyes seemed to reassure me of something. That something was probably that it's okay to be gentle sometimes. Right now, my heart was being gentle towards a boy that wanted to play football with it.

"I want Niall. Only Niall." I slurred out before my mouth piece was placed back in by Harry. He squirt water over my sweaty body before round two of the fight begin. I came out swinging my fists as hard as I could until I couldn't feel anything but pure adrenaline.

Each hit was strong and weakened my opponent more and more. All it took was a strong hit to the left temple and he was on the floor of the ring. The referee and the cheering crowed counted down from ten to one, then the fight was over. I turned to look at my coach for his approval and got a head nod that I knew ment he was proud.

This time, I was given a large medal around my neck and had about ten more cameras and microphones in my face as people spat questions at me left and right. I was still breathing hard and my left eye had swollen shut so I didn't really know what exactly was going on.

"Will you keep fighting bigger matches as you win more matches?" A man asked me. I nodded and looked over to where Harry and my coach were pushing through the crowd with a small stool for me to sit on and a water bottle.

"This fight was fast and full of allot of strong hits. Was it for anyone one special out there?" A lady asked me with a light blush on her cheeks. I looked at her with my one good eye and nodded. That seemed to quiet down the hysteria in the arena as people waited for my answer.

"It's for someone special to me. I fought because I want to show you I'm good enough if that's why you left me. I miss you." I slurred out then looked at my coach to help me get out of here before I completely lost it. We all know I'm never in my right mind after a fight and these questions will never be answered the right way that would make a world of sense. All I knew was I to whom I directed that to and wanted Niall to see that in hopes he would see what I can do for him. I'll do anything for him and that's all I can hope that will bring him back to me. Even just as friends I want him back.

Mark and a few paramedics rushed me out of the boxing ring back to the locker rooms. I was helped get stripped down and under cold running water. Only then when I was left alone did I start sobbing because the one thing I fought that entire match for probably doesn't know or care.

Niall's POV

Louis and I sat in front of my telly in my living room watching as Zayn won his second boxing match. I started crying when he was getting beat up and Louis offered to change the channel but I declined it. That was the first time I'd seen him since the whole sleeping together incident and I wasn't going to waste a minute of it.

Zayn was asked a few questions from the media that was televising the whole boxing match and answered one that I knew was directed straight towards me. A tear slipped from my eyes as he mumbled out the words I miss you before he was being rushed away from me. I quickly wiped the tear and reminded myself this is for the better for us both.

"I miss you too." I whispered to the television screen, even though I knew he couldn't hear me. The reporters continued to talk excitedly about Zayn while Louis opened the box of pizza we had ordered before the fight but neither of us did well with blood or violence so we ignored it. But, now we were hungry so we weren't going to waste it. He handed me a slice of pizza that had onions and other vegetable toppings on it, but the second the onion scent hit my nose I was dropping it and running to the restroom.

I threw up everything that was in my stomach and gagged a little as I remembered the strong scent of the vegetable. I waited a few minutes just holding on to the toilet before wiping my mouth and getting up to go to the sink after flushing the toilet. After brushing my teeth for a while, I went back to where Louis was still sitting looking at me extremely worried.

"You never told me you were sick. I would have brought soup or something, not pizza. Are you feeling okay?" Louis ased me as I sat back down on the couch. He reached forward and let his hand rest on my forehead like he was checking if I had a fever. I didn't, which caused a more puzzling look to cross his face. But, before he could ask me anything else, I yawned and curled up on my couch to get more comfortable.

"You should go to a doctor." The blue eyed man suggested. I shook my head because I didn't need to first of all and also I hated doctors. They scared me and I wasn't going to go somewhere I was afraid to go to just because I threw up once.

"I'm alright, mate. If I fall asleep right here, feel free to let yourself out. I'm so tired." I giggled to my friend. He smiled at me lightly, then changed the channel to some reality show I didn't really care for. So I let my eyes get heavy and fall into a deep sleep that consisted of dreams of Zayn telling me he missed me.

I woke up the next morning still on the couch, but I was just in my flat alone. I rolled on my back, letting my shirt pop up a bit. I looked down and saw my pudgy lower stomach seemed to be a bit worse this morning. I lazily ran my hand over the skin and sighed. I was actually still really tired, but I had to go in to work. I didn't want to do anything but sleep and lay here, but my stomach growled at me to get me up and moving.

My morning got going with me eating three pieces of toast and an apple. That had me feeling content enough as I showered and got dressed. Purposely, I got dressed away from the mirror because I just couldn't stand to look at myself right now. I wasn't cute or sexy, I was getting fat. Well, it was just my tummy, but I still didn't like it. I knew I would have to start working out or something, but I didn't feel like I had the energy to do that.

Just before leaving my house, I got another piece of toast to satisfy my hunger as I walked to work. There was a small breeze in the air but it felt good against my skin. I was actually able to smile a little bit because of how good it felt. Unfortunately, that smile left my face when I saw a crowd gathering outside of Mark Jarvis' Training Center.

I knew that ment Zayn was getting back in town from his fight or people were trying to get a glimpse of the place the new boxing hero trains in. It was crazy how with everything he does, he gets more well known to everyone. Honestly, I wanted to go back to before he fought his first match and when we had just met on the streets. I wanted to go back and fix everything we had done wrong that way everything could be fine now and I wouldn't feel so lonely and sad. I miss him, but I'm still me and that means I'm stubborn and stupid.

Once I got to work, my stomach didn't seem to be agreeing with what I had eaten for breakfast. Louis greeted me as I walked in, but I ran right past him to the bathroom. I held onto the toilet and let my nauseous stomach do its thing. When I was done, I sat there and let a few tears escape because I hated getting sick. I especially hated it now that it's the second time I've done it and I don't feel ill.

"Niall, go home and rest up. I can work alone until you feel better." Louis told me through the bathroom door. I didn't need to be told twice before I was walking back home. The whole way I had my hand absent mindedly resting on my stomach.

A/N: here's another update!!! Haha tell me a story about something that embarrassed you!!!!!!!! Comment / Vote!
- Bri;)

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