The Fighter (Ziall Horlik)AU...

By BriannaLynnC98

409K 17.1K 6K

When there's a problem in your way, use your fists. That's all Zayn Malik has known his whole life. He was fr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 8

11.7K 512 231
By BriannaLynnC98

Zayn's POV

The next few days after I took Niall on that date to the pizza place were kind of tense between us. We made time to see each other every day still, but the tension was there and I hated that it's all probably because I'm a messed up piece of shit. I don't really know what it was, but I just couldn't look at him the same after seeing him with that random baby. I was feeling what he was feeling after seeing me in my boxing match. Of course, for me it was like a slap in the face at Niall was both normal and abnormal at the same time. He's not afraid of a family or a future like I am. Yet, it's not normal for a twenty-two year old man to look that happy holding some baby. In all, it made me realize that whatever thoughts I had about him changed. They changed to me thinking I'll never be what he needs and that I need to distance myself from him before I end up getting hurt. Unfortunately, both our hearts had different ideas.

My phone started ringing in my hand as I walked down the street to go to the gym. I quickly answered it, hoping that would distract me from my thoughts of Niall. I wanted anything to keep me from thinking of his beautiful face as he instinctively knew what that baby needed.

"This is Zayn Malik, right?" A deep familiar voice asked over the phone after I answered. I looked around myself before mumbling a yes and waiting to see what the one and only Harry Styles wanted from me. I was just hoping it wasn't to randomly jump me in the street for making him loose his first fight in years.

"I was just wondering if you wanted to meet up for a beer and a talk. Just, like, as friends or acquaintances. I'm in the Bradford area because I wanted to check out the gym you train at and wanted to get together." Harry asked me like I didn't nearly knock him out a week ago. To me, this was strange because I'm used to fighting with someone and never speaking to them again. Not going out to have a drink with them like nothing ever happened.

"Sure. I'm actually just now getting to my gym so if we meet there we can go to a bar or something." I replied awkwardly. He laughed and said he would see me soon. I hung up as I walked into the gym and looked around for Mark. The whole place seemed to be more full than usual like everyone got this random burst of hope to become a professional boxers.

"Zayn!" Mark yelled from across the gym. I made my way over to where he was watching two men sparing in the boxing ring. By doctors orders I wasn't allowed to train for a week and a half, but I still come in and study the sport. It helps me to visualize the fight as well as know how to fight.

"So before your next fight there's going to be a short press conference. People seem to have fallen in love with you. I think it's because you're a pretty boy and a good fighter. How's your head been feeling?" Mark asked me, not looking at me as he talked. I shrugged and leaned forward on the ropes of the ring to watch the men fighting.

"I'm confused about Niall, but my concussion seems to be gone. What does it feel like to like someone?" I asked my coach. He chuckled to me and gently slapped me upside the head before wrapping his strong arm around my shoulders.

"You talk about that kid every day. You live and breathe the next time you get to see him. I think this is beyond just liking him. Your heart is fascinated with him. I think you should just turn in your keys to freedom and marry him. Or just have him be your boyfriend, but either is fine." He told me like a father would explain to his son. I nodded and thought over the older man's words because I was tired of all the tension between me and the Irish boy. I guess I'll just have to risk getting attached to someone for the first time in my life and risk getting hurt. But knowing Niall will be the one hurting me is oddly comforting.

"So do I just, like, ask him to be my boyfriend? Then he'll say no and I'll laugh and high five him because I wouldn't want to be my boyfriend either?" I asked Mark. He laughed at me and pulled out his wallet before giving me a dollar. That's been our thing since day one. If I make him laugh, I get a dollar. It's a healthy relationship we have as a couch and trainee because we both get something out of what we do.

"You're a good kid. I think if I was about twenty years younger and played for your team, I'd go after a chance of dating you. It's not because of looks though. You have passion and passion is what makes people stay for more or feel like there's a purpose to the relationship. You're also one of those people that's almost so broken and has no self-confidence that it's beautiful. You're a strange one, but if Niall is a smart boy then he'll say yes to you in a heart beat." Mark told me softly. I smiled at him and pulled him in for a hug to thank him for just being a good person to me. It's been a while since I've had anyone in my life that encourages me and I hope he knows how much it means to me.

"Now, why is that curly bloke that you knocked out coming this way?" He asked me, making me turn to see Harry making his way toward me and Mark. My face had bruses that were now fading in the swelling was completely gone. Harry's face still had deep purple bruses and cuts that were still being held together with small bandaids. He smiled at me and held his hand out to me. I shook it and gave him an uneasy smile.

"Mate, calm down. I just wanted to see what you train with because you're a great fighter." His slow deep voice told me. I relaxed a bit before showing him around the training gym with my coach at my side. Mark and I both live in Bradford and with that, you lose your trust towards anyone. I don't trust Harry won't beat me up right now because I beat him in the match and I know Mark is thinking the same thing.

"This is very old fashioned training. I'm just going to say you're just born with it and that's why you're so good. Now tell me where a good bar is that doesn't have people that look like they want to jump me." Harry chuckled. My coach left my side to go work some drills with someone while Harry and I left the sweat filled building.

We both ended up in his very nice car driving to the upper end of Bradford. I knew there had to be places up there that had better than the only place we have down here that's the club I worked at every night. He parked outside some Irish pub, but that only made me think about Niall. Not like he ever leaves my thoughts, this just made me feel guilty for how I've been treating such a gentle person.

Once we both got a beer and setting into our barstools, Harry asked the bar tended to change the channel on the telly to the sports channel that was talking about none other than Liam Payne. He had another big fight coming up and apparently he was looking to win it again.

"I want to fight him so badly. Or I want to see you fight him one day." Harry mumbled as he took a sip of his beverage. I looked at him and wondered why in the this world he was being so free with the compliments.

"Why are you doing this? Do you want some of the money I won? I don't understand why you voluntarily came to Bradford to have a drink with me." I snapped at him, wanting to know what he wants so I can calm down and stop feeling like I have to watch my back. Harry's green eyes looked at me sincerely and I felt bad for being a dick.

"I do this with everyone I fight. I'm a guy that loves love that just so happens to be good at beating people up. After my first fight, I felt so guilty for everything. The only way I fight is to actually pretend I hate the person because if not, I'll be the marshmallow I am outside the ring. So, I always make sure to have a beer with my opponent once the fight is over so there's no bad blood or hard feelings. Most of my friends are people I've knocked out." Harry explained to me. I nodded and looked down at my light brown drink to let all that he told me sink in. It actually made me feel like I'm even more of a piece of shit than I give myself credit for. Harry's large hand pat my arm to get my attention again.

"Zayn, when you live in a world where everyone wants to hurt you, you forget that there's also a place that everyone wants to love you. I think if you fight a few more good fights and talk to a few more people in the sport that know the fighting is over when the final bell rings, then you'll learn that this is a sport. It's not the streets and we all can come together and say we have one thing we're all good at. I don't blame you for not trusting me. I kind of always assume everyone trusts me, but seeing where you grew up and where you're from; I understand you." Harry said. I pat his back in a way to say think you because I didn't trust that if I talked right now that I would make a world of sense.

"Now tell me, was that blonde at the fight someone special?" He asked me with a mischievous smirk on his face. I laughed and felt my cheeks heat up as I drank my drink.

"He's my something. I'm not sure, but he's something. I swear to God if you tell anyone I'm into guys I will repeat what I did in the ring." I told Harry seriously. He raised his hands in defense and let out a soft laugh towards me.

"I thought I was the only gay fighter, but it's good to know we share something now. I hope everything works out between you guys. Maybe if he has a friend you bring him along. It get lonely working out all day." Harry told me. I laughed and said I would see if Niall had any friends. I knew he didn't, but it was worth a try to keep a conversation with Harry. I also didn't bother correcting him in the fact in actually bisexual because things seemed to be working up hill from where we started. Plus, it doesn't matter too much.

As we talked, we both laughed about the fact he lost his first match to me. He insisted that he would have won if he would have done ten more push ups in training the day before. I kept telling him it was his defense that caused him to loose, but he was stuck in is own opinion to listen. Over all, we both had fun and after two hours of talking and laughing we considered each other friends.

As Harry drove me back to my flat, I rambled on about Niall. Harry listened with a smile on his face as I told him about the fact Niall knows the deepest things about me and as I talked about the cute curves the Irish boy has on his body. I know he tries to cover them up with baggy clothes, but I still see them and to me they're beautiful.

"Sounds like you've met your soul mate." Harry chuckled as he park out front of the building my flat is in. I sighed and shrugged because the thought of being in a relationship with someone that deserves so much more made me actually sad.

"Probably not, but he's definitely got me wrapped around his finger without even knowing it. Thanks for the ride. If you ever want to come back or anything, just give me a call." I told Harry as I climbed out of his car. But, the words I spoke to him about Niall settled in to my mind and I realized that I needed to man up a bit and maybe get Niall to become more than anyone ever has been for me. I need him to be mine because while he's not, I'm ruining something that hasn't even started.

A/N: aaawww!!!! Next chapter is going to be allot of fun!!!!! Would you rather have Niall Horan love you for one month then forget about you, or have him love you for the rest of your life but you forget about the past every morning?!?!??! Comment / Vote!
- Bri;) 

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