Blackstone - The Temple of Tr...

By TraftonCrandall

33.6K 3.2K 362

The Saga Continues... Now a Ranger of Blackstone, Eliza Grant has proven herself on numerous missions since h... More

Return to the Summerland
A Royal Dinner
A New Mission
In the Arena
The Desert Planet
A New Ally
Battling the Cold
Saving David
In the Jungle
David and Eliza
The Final Round
Harsh Terrain
Tense Negotiations
Down Time
Duty Calls
Visions and Dreams
To Rescue a Prince
Riding the Dragon
A Challenge is Given
A Sacred Rite
Mission to the Mountains
Against All Odds
A Strange Fellow
The Factory
A Powerful Force

Back in the Arena

907 100 16
By TraftonCrandall

I woke up to find myself back in the same dank cell that David and I had spent so much time in during the Temple of Trials. I don't know if it was the same one or a different one but it sure looked like the same one. The same water dripped from the ceiling and the same smell of damp earth and mold was present. I sat up and found David watching me in the corner of the cell.

"How are you feeling?" David asked.

"Terrible. Like I got run over by a truck," I said and struggled to sit up.

"Take it easy. You got hit pretty hard by that energy lance," David said.

"Looks like we're back in the same wonderful accommodations. We should really talk to our travel agent. This is terrible. I'm writing a negative review about this dump as soon as we get back," I said.

David smiled, "I like your optimism. That's if we find a way to get back. I think we're in some pretty hot water with the Church of Darwin."

"Have you heard anything? What happened after I got knocked out?"

"I don't know. They stunned me, too. I woke up about an hour ago and found ourselves here."

"At least, Nicole and Thomas got away with the Prince. The mission was a success."

"I hope they did."

We sat in silence for a while. There wasn't even any bread or water for us to eat. The pickings were pretty slim. I sat and watched the water drip from the ceiling.

"Why did you come back for me, Eliza?" David asked after what seemed like an eternity.

"I couldn't let you share this luxurious cell all by yourself. What would be the fun in that," I joked.

David sat down on the cot beside me.

"No. That's not the reason. You've risked your life for me several times. Why?"

I could feel David so close to me. He was always so warm. I wanted to reach out and touch his soft skin. To feel his arms around me. To lose myself in him.

"Look, Ross, that's what teammates do for each other. Isn't that the Blackstone way. One for all and all for one, or something like that."

"Something like that," David said and took me in his arms and kissed me.

I lost myself in his embrace. It was only times like this when I was with David that the cold presence of the Wend was far away. I put my arms around him and pulled him down on the cot. We lost ourselves in each other, and I was glad.

Suddenly, a door slammed open and the sounds of boots marching down the hallway could be heard.

David and I sprang up and adjusted our jumpsuits.

The lead guard, the one with the wicked scar, appeared at the door of our cell.

"Well there's the two young lovers. I hope we weren't interrupting anything, but you're wanted in the Arena. Father K has something special planned for you both."

Just then, a shimmering jump door opened in our cell.

"I suggest you go through that, if you want to live to see another day," the lead guard said.

"Something tells me that we're better off staying here," David said.

The lead guard motioned to his other guards who activated their energy lances. I could see and hear the deadly energy glowing at the tips of their lances.

"I suggest you stop talking and start walking, Ranger. Or you're going to get something far worse and more painful," the lead guard said.

I stepped up to the front of the cell and got right in the face of the lead guard. "You want to see something worse. I'll be happy to show you. Just keep running your mouth."

I felt the Wend rushing to the surface. It always loved to feed on cocky bad guys. I had to restrain myself and take a deep breath. Now was not the time, but I consoled myself that soon this lead guard would be Wend Food.

"No, Eliza. It's all right. We'll go. But you'll be seeing us again," David said and touched me on the shoulder.

We walked through the jump door...

And found ourselves back in the Arena. Hordes of spectators filled the stands. They jeered and shouted insults when they saw us. The mass in the stands was overwhelming. Hot lights shined in our faces and cameras swooped and buzzed around us like angry wasps.

Suddenly Father K's floating media platform jetted out from the stands and swooped down towards us. The charismatic leader was dressed in tight leather pants and a flowing cape. His makeup was even more garish than normal. His microphone staff was in one hand.

"The two young lovers have returned!" Father K shouted and swirled around us on his platform. His platform set down in the sands and he bounded towards us. Beside him were four muscular guards who looked really mean.

"Do you know what's in store for you?" Father K said to David.

"Let me guess. We're going to be released and sent back to Earth," David said.

Father K chortled. "Such a sense of humor from our young ranger. No, young Master Ross I'm afraid for your crimes against the great church of Darwin, you have been sentenced to compete in the Arena, but to make sure you have a sporting chance at success we shall give you your weapons back."

The guards handed us our Etheric Knives back. David and I took them and put them in our holsters behind our backs.

"You won't get away with this, Father K," I said, "One way or the other the Galactic Council will see that you're brought to justice. You and your whole stinking corrupt church."

Father K winked at me. "Maybe some day, Ms. Grant. But not today. Today it's time for entertainment."

Father K bounded back to his floating platform. The crowd roared. They seemed to be in a particularly bloodthirsty mood today. The noise swelled and built until it was almost deafening.

David grabbed my hand and looked at me. "No matter what happens next. Just remember that you represent Earth. If we're going to die than we go out as Rangers."

I nodded. I tried to prepare myself for death. I didn't see any way out of this mess. I was always taught by Mary that a Keeper of the Wend doesn't run from death. She embraces it. Well, I was going to be put to the test today to see if I could live up to her training.

Father K's platform rose into the air and raced off towards the stands. Trumpets blew. The crowed roared its approval and shouted insults at David and me. I thought about flipping this whole obnoxious crowd off, but I didn't want to give them the satisfaction.

"Now we present for you. A special broadcast of the Temple of Trials. Where only the strongest shall survive. Returning champions, David Ross and Eliza Grant shall battle for your entertainment pleasure. Let's wish them the very best," an obnoxious announcer said over the loudspeakers.

The crowd booed and hissed at us although some did cheer.

"And now please welcome, your favorite hunters from the Temple of Trials, everyone give a warm welcome to Tieg Nelson and Zapraxia" the announcer said.

The doors in the arena opened and the hunters from the Temple of Trials emerged. They flew out on flying skiffs. There were two of them. All of them were dressed in tight fitting battle armor and carried energy weapons. They circled the arena, swooping in and out as the cameras closed in on them for closeups.

"Tieg Nelson and Zapraxia. Sounds like a real lovable pair," I said.

"We never faced them in the Temple of Trials but they are supposed to be the best hunters in the Outlands. We must be cautious, Eliza." David said.

The Hunters circled the arena one last time and then set down in the middle of the arena. They leaped off their skiff and brandished their energy weapons at us. I could see they carried stun grenades, phase rifles, and energy lances. These were cold blooded killers who were used to winning and taking life was just another day at the beach for them.

The crowd roared with approval and cheered for them. David and I took out our Etheric Knives and activated them.

The announcer's voice came back on, "Let the games begin!"

"I'll take Nelson. You take Zapraxia," David said.

I nodded my approval, and moved to square off against Zapraxia while David moved to intercept Nelson.

Zapraxia was one tough looking customer. Standing almost six and a half feet tall, she had huge biceps and tattoos of skulls and dragons all over her body. She carried a wicked looking energy axe and had plenty of stun grenades on her black battle armor. She moved towards me with a sneer on her face.

"Are you ready to die, little girl," Zapraxia said and spat on the ground.

"You see this is what happens when you drop out of finishing school," I quipped and shot a blast of dragon fire at her.

Zapraxia ducked and with a scream of rage charged at me, swinging her battle axe.

I sheathed my etheric knife and dropped into Fast Time, ducked the battle axe swing and came up with a Fast Time upper cut to Zapraxia's chin. I slammed my fist home and it felt like I was punching concrete. Zapraxia staggered back. She looked like she was barely stunned. I circled around her looking for an opening. The crowd roared and cheered. I tried to see what David was doing. He was fighting Tieg Nelson and holding his own, but I had my own problems with Zapraxia.

"So how much is Father K paying you?" I asked as we circled each other. "How much does a mercenary make for killing innocent people that haven't done anything wrong. I don't see how you sleep at night, but I guess it must get easier after a while."

"Enough," Zapraxia said and rubbed her chin. She pulled out a stun grenade and threw it at me.

I dodged and jumped out of the way, but the blast from the stun grenade sent me off balance. I shook my head and tried to see what Zapraxia was doing, but my vision was blurry from the grenade blast. I ducked just in time to avoid a punch that would have likely taken my head clean off. I dived out of the way on the sand, did a roll and came up with a spinning leg sweep that knocked Zapraxia off her feet.

I couldn't fight this person without the Wend. It was only a matter of time until she wore me down. I was fighting her fight and not my own. Well, it was time to change that.

"This is your last chance to give up, Zapraxia," I warned.

"You're a cocky little bitch, I'll give you that," Zapraxia said and charged me.

I reached down inside myself and summoned the Wend. It rose from its slumber, excited to be in the world again. Somehow it knew that it was time to feed. I screamed with rage and ran to meet Zapraxia who looked a little off put. She seemed to sense that the situation had changed.

I did a flying side kick that went right through Zapraxia's battle armor and into her chest. Zapraxia sank to her knees. I lifted her up by her battle armor and prepared for the Wend to feed.

"Eliza, don't!" David yelled.

I turned and saw David running toward me. Tieg Nelson was on the ground knocked out cold.

I raised Zapraxia high into the air.

"Please, mercy. Have mercy. I don't want to die," Zapraxia whimpered.

"This isn't our way, Eliza. Rangers don't kill," David said by my side.

The Wend was so close to being free. I hesitated for a moment. The Wend hadn't been fed in a while. Not since the desert planet. I didn't know if I could hold it back.

Using a supreme act of will, I called off the Wend. It sank back into the depths of my being. I promised it that it would feed again soon. It was a small consolation to the Dark Power, but it obeyed my command. For now. I didn't know if I could do that again in the future. I threw Zapraxia on the ground and turned to David.

"There are you happy," I said.

"I knew you could do it," he said.

The crowed booed and hissed. Clearly, they wanted to see me use the Wend to feed on Zapraxia and I had disappointed them.

"And the winners of this round are the two young lovers. The Blackstone Rangers of Earth. Let's hear it for them," the voice of the announcer said over the loudspeakers.

Attendants came out and carted off Tieg Nelson and Zapraxia on floating stretchers, while Father K's floating platform jetted out from the stands. Father K's platform swirled around the arena while the crowd roared and cheered.

"The young lovers are triumphant!" Father K trumpeted.

"If I hear the words young lovers one more time, I swear I'm going to vomit," I said to David who sheathed his etheric knife and strode out to the center of the Arena where Father K's platform floated.

"Is that the best you can do, Father K. Come on give us a real challenge," David said.

Father K gave a mock bow and turned to the crowd. "The young ranger asks for a challenge. So let's give him one, shall we."

The crowd in the arena cheered and roared. Father K's platform rose up and circled around us.

David came back and joined me.

"I wonder what they've got cooked up for us now," I said.

"Whatever it is it can't be good," David said.

"Indeed, young ranger, it looks like you get to be reunited with one of your old friends. Now, I present to you one of the fiercest creatures in the Galaxy for our young lovers to fight. The dragon from the desert planet Zev," Father K said.

I gasped in shock as a large rumble resounded throughout the arena. The ground shook under my feet and a large hole opened up in the center of the arena. Emerging from the hole was the very same black and gold Dragon that had saved David and me on the desert planet Zev. It was tied down in chains and being prodded by several guards with electric lances. The Dragon bellowed in rage as the guards struggled to control it.

"No!" I screamed and ran towards the guards. I had to do something.

"Eliza, wait!" David grabbed me before I could get close.

I fought to control myself. The dragon was in so much pain. I could feel it's anger and outrage over the way it was being treated, but something else was in control of it. I looked around and saw one of the guards with a small remote control in his hands. He pressed a button on the remote and the Dragon roared in pain..

"Look there," David said and pointed out a large gold collar that was around the dragon's neck.

"That must be what they're using to control it," I said.

"We've got to get that collar off the dragon's neck otherwise we'll have no choice but to kill it," David said.

"If it doesn't kill us first," I said.

All around us, cameras swooped and dived. The crowd in the arena shouted and hooted. The noise was almost deafening.

"Is there any way you can communicate with it. Tell it we mean no harm," David said to me.

I reached out with my mind and tried to think calming thoughts, but a wall of anger and fear enveloped me. I shook my head.

"I can't get through to it, David. The collar keeps blocking me."

Just then the guard with the remote control pressed a button, and the chains dropped away from the dragon. It roared in triumph, stretched out its wings out and beat the air. It took to the sky and circled the arena.

The guard pressed another button on the remote and the dragon dived towards us. It roared in anger and a blast of Red and Orange dragon fire erupted from its mouth.

To Be Continued

A Message from Trafton:

Hey Guys, if you're enjoying Eliza's adventures so far then please show your support and vote. It's the little star button on the top right of your screen. Thanks a lot and have a great day!

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